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Police Bust Swinging Party, Arrest 13 Foreigners


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Is it illegal to have a strap-on penis in my private residence and other sex toys?


I think we need pics of you and the specific device to make a clear-cut legal interpretation.

Okay, now obviously these people had to pay for the party and it happened in a hotel room which is not private property.

So I am curious to know if it is illegal if I invite 13 male Thai friends between the age of 20 and 36 who all have office jobs or work as surgeons in hospitals to my private home, get all naked and have hot nasty dirty sex with each other, using condoms and viagra. If the police knocks on the door because the neighbours complain about loud music i.e. and they encounter 13 naked boys and one girl, would I get arrested?

Is it illegal to have a strap-on penis in my private residence and other sex toys?


You missed the point!

The charges were made because the couple were apparently doing this on a commerical basis and advertising extensively. This we know is illegal. They have hosted over 100 parties in 3 years.

The participants were only fined 1000 baht and released.

Me missing the point? I never miss the point. That is why I manage to get 13 dancing naked boys in my palacial mansion without paying for it. Regarding the strap-on penis, it is 7 inches long, made in Korea, and it fits into Thai boys very well.

To my husband: honey, I am not coming home. I am already at home! You were on your so called business trip when I had the 13 hot nasty sexy dancing boys coming to our house for free. But I did manage to buy some milk.

Pictures are needed now more than ever.

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Whatever your morality may be and regardless of your attitude to this sort of behaviour ... I don't see that this undertaking is of any relevance to anyone other than those who have chosen to be part of it... ie consensual sex between people of legal age.... therefore why are the police involved at all?

Try reading the article for your answer.

" ... charged with procurement and commercial sex advertisements, which could land him 10 years jail term or a fine of up to 20,000 baht," Archayon told AFP."

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23 ppl entered one room in very "Thai" hotel, so what they expect to happen? I believe the staff suspected a drug party and send the cops upstairs. Get a private house next time...:-)

That is an ongoing event for many years, taking place every two weeks at the same hotel from what I heard. I cannot see anything wrong in that either, the organizers do not even take sizable profits out of it, just cover their expenses for hotel, food and drinks. I wonder what the charges will be.

going equipt with a deadly weapon :o

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As far as Thais ripping off foreigners, scroll down this page and se how tourists are being treated.


Post #105: A British guy and his girlfriend walking along the beach at 2 am set up by some "cops". This is not really a case of tourists being treated badly, it's just a case of tourists doing stupid things and paying the price.

YEA! They deserve to be ripped off by the Police.

Walking down a beach at a major tourist destination....how stupid....

I'm sorry, I should have used the word "ignorant", not stupid.

There are plenty of tourist destinations around the world where beaches are unsafe at 2 am. Why should people assume that Thailand is any different? Does Thailand have a specific obligation to make its beaches safe at 2 am?

What would you say to a 2 am stroll in Central Park in NYC, or along the beach in Rio? Both major tourist destinations, right?

They're lucky they were only scammed by police.

Edited by tropo
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Police bust swinging party, arrest 13 foreign men

BANGKOK: -- Police raided a swinging party in a Bangkok hotel late Wednesday night and arrested 13 foreign men, seven Thai women and three foreign women.

The raid took place at 0:15 am Thursday at the Elizabeth Hotel on Praditpat Road in Samsen district.

Police also arrested a couple - Christian Richards and his Thai wife, for allegedly organising the swinging sex tour.

When police raided the room No 1101 on the 11th floor of the hotel, police found several couples were having sex in the same room while others were drinking and dancing.

Police found used condoms, lubricant gel, porno books and CDs and 30 pills of Viagra.

-- The Nation 2009-02-05

can someone please update me on this as I am leaving soon

fellow humans- we cannot sit by and allow this to happen

it is wrong

this is blatant police abuse

we must help people like this

they were consenting adults minding their own business

please, I appeal to you all- help this beautiful land of grow up and improve,, I am partly thai and feel great shame when I see this

help stop these stupid acts

help these poor people

and ensure they are not bullied by this farce

please join me in protesting this abuse by contacting all relevant departments,police, embassy's, human rights, etc

I would also like to proposals a mass petition which I will see gets sent to His Majesty The King

this is simply not right

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Guest Bellini
Taking a glance of the photo on the nation website of the accused, me thinks this was an exclusive club only open to senior citizens - gives new meaning to the Thailand Long-Stay Programme no?

What age limit would you impose?

I would not use an age limit, but waist-hip ratio (WHR) for men not greater than 0.95, for women not greater than 0.8

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Ever heard of condoms breaking?

-Ever heard of cars?

-Ever heard of cars crashing?

Ever heard of accidents? Even your wife can transmit that virus to you when the condom breaks. Accident.

This topic's moving quite fast ! And where the heck is the video for goodness' sake?!?

Uh,i don't know who you married,but my wife?NO CHANCE.Not all expats are here for the sleaze... :oYou would be amazed how many decent farangs live here. :D

I second that !!!

from reading most of the posts here - there are a large number of posters who are taking this whole thing far too seriously -- just a smile nite out for a group of people - happens all the time - and just their bad luck to get busted - so what about the guys who are picking up bar girls over nite all over the country - and in some cases not just one girl at a time - and what happens to the ladies who rip off the drunk farang who was too pissed to see his walletl, phone and what ever else could be carried off by some sweet innocent thai lady -- i am married to an intelligent well educated thai lady = from a very well off family i might had - but there is the other dark seedy side of thai life - and i would add as in any other country = just the fact that the sex - and what ever is a lot cheaper here = hence the attraction - so hey guys - ease up - dont take this whole thing too serious -- happens all the time and some of you might get too uptight thinking about this -- hhaa and yes - most of us are decent - having lived here for over 10 years - i am wondering if my own standards are starting to slip

Agree with you mate, having been here for about the same time. These people really do need to lighten up! It was just a f####n party for goodness sake. Not my thing either. Where is the harm?

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All major Thai laws follow American laws.

Just as the Thai rules of the road mirror British rules of the road, so too do Thai laws on drugs and sex and deviant behavior follow Uncle Sam's dictates.

Take a look at Thailand's rules regarding illegal drugs (ganga, cocaine, opium, speed, you name it) - they're note for note the same as U.S.'s rules.

Same for laws re; sexual mores. So, America's puritanical laws re; so-called sexual deviation are adopted by Thailand, though their implementation in Thailand has a particularly Thai spin, such as.......

>>>> more pay-off options channeled to arresting cops and/or cops on the particular beat where the alleged offenses are perpetrated.

>>>> Thai VIP's and big shots are immune to getting busted, whereas foreigners are prime targets.

Thailand's legal system appears to have little or no originality when it comes to writing laws.

If Thais weren't so heavily influenced by Uncle Sam, and could write laws that fit better with their culture and traditions, ganga and opium would be legal and so would prostitution.

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History has proven that a private residence is the best place for such parties. Least likely to attract attention of the authorities or jealous crazy religious people with boring lives trying to cause problems for people who have interesting lives.

See where this hotel is situated and the type of people frequenting the neighbourhood.

Guess maybe the police want to show that they still are able to do good work!

After the fire, I mean.

Besides the organisers organised these parties on a regular basis, and that, beloved readers, as we all know, makes some authorities very interested in the proceedings, in all ways.

Even in Holland, where there are clubs where these parties are held on a daily bases, organising a party like this in a hotel is frowned upon.

In private houses, without financial "things", guess it is a different thing.

As I read now, only the organisers are in trouble, all the other have to pay a fine and go and enjoy!

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10 years jail term or a fine of up to 20,000 baht

Wonder if he gets to choose... :o

oh dear,looks like Mr Policeman has upset Ingrid and her organisation.

I hope the people arrested are afforded their human rights or I think the press will see photo's and evidence of a new kind. No doubt causing quite a stir.

There are many police here who partake of both underage female and even male sex 'party's.

I have taken part in male (legal age )sex romps and see nothing wrong with this.Some of them members were thai male active serving police/navy/army ( sweet boys too)

Lets hope the right thing is done for a change.

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The whole thing looks like SANTIKA multiplied by -1.

Whereas in Santika the police was bribed and the local chief even got shares of the club, so they were left alone and do their business until 66 people got killed, here the police did not get anything, no chief was invited for a fee tour, so the police raided the place.

If what this Thai/Brit couple did is illegal, namely asking a financial contribution for renting a hotel room in which people have sex, then maybe every single hotel in this country must be shut down. Every hotel asks for money from people renting rooms and some even have sex in these rooms. So every hotel makes money from such unspeakable things two people do in their rooms. :o

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I didn't know it was against the law to have sex behind closed doors.

From some news source (I believe it was the english news at Nation TV) they had charged a fee for organizing their orgy, renting rooms or whatever.

That is organized prostitution and pimping. Both illegal in Thailand as far as I know.

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The report you linked claims the swinging party was at a POSH hotel.

Was it posh hotel, or a 2 star 1200 baht dive as reported elsewhere?

When I read that news article over breakfast I thought it was at the Oriental or some other super deluxe hotel, quickly logged into ThaiVisa and discovered it was a hotel I had never heard of before today.

Thinking about it it dawned on me that like so many other things in life, “posh” is relative. To many of the readers of that tabloid, 1,200 Baht a night for a hotel room in Bangkok may indeed be expensive and make them feel they are in a posh hotel. More likely, though, it is a conscious exaggeration on the part of the journalist, expecting that nobody will realise it. Such practice is not unknown for this type of publication.



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History has proven that a private residence is the best place for such parties. Least likely to attract attention of the authorities or jealous crazy religious people with boring lives trying to cause problems for people who have interesting lives.

See where this hotel is situated and the type of people frequenting the neighbourhood.

Guess maybe the police want to show that they still are able to do good work!

After the fire, I mean.

Besides the organisers organised these parties on a regular basis, and that, beloved readers, as we all know, makes some authorities very interested in the proceedings, in all ways.

Even in Holland, where there are clubs where these parties are held on a daily bases, organising a party like this in a hotel is frowned upon.

In private houses, without financial "things", guess it is a different thing.

As I read now, only the organisers are in trouble, all the other have to pay a fine and go and enjoy!

I would be interested to know what offence the 'participants were fined (I believe it was 100Baht) for. Seems like a "we dont know what to charge you with so we are just gonna ask for a little bit" type of deal.



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Well lets face it, they did advertise it on the net c/w Business card pic and all for 3 years and even posted the 3000 baht admission fee. Adults having consensual sex is ok and legal but selling sex in Thailand is ilegal (believe it or not). So if your gonna advertise it then som nam na. They made over 300,000 THB in 3 years and didnt donate any to the police or any other figures that might have been useful. There were 13 faranga busted in this one party so at 3000b per person 2 times per week for three years? Well run and get your calculator. I'm in the wrong business. It was not an angry woman or expat or someone who was thrown out of these parties that got them arrested, It was they were under investigation for over a year. Now why would that be?

This is just an ongoing trail of farangs comming to Thailand for cheap sex and making the rest of us look bad.

If some Muslim came to my home country and started a consensual sex with my farm animals party and charged 100 dollars for each party, I would be a little miffed too. And to be let out of jail with a 200 baht fine????? $6.....hmmm I can't even buy a pack of smokes for that back home.

ANYWAYS......On the contrary, when I had to call the police after my girlfriend had taken a knife to me and I was bleeding all over my driveway, the police arrived and asked who's name this house is rented in? When she told them it was in her name thay told me to leave and maybe I should find a room for the night. Nice of them to offer to call an ambulance or take me to the hospital but hey......it was ME who stood in front of tha dam_n knife. Things that make you go hmmmmmm

Just remember everyone that selling sex is ilegal and the Police ARE watching the net

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Well lets face it, they did advertise it on the net c/w Business card pic and all for 3 years and even posted the 3000 baht admission fee. Adults having consensual sex is ok and legal but selling sex in Thailand is ilegal (believe it or not). So if your gonna advertise it then som nam na. They made over 300,000 THB in 3 years and didnt donate any to the police or any other figures that might have been useful. There were 13 faranga busted in this one party so at 3000b per person 2 times per week for three years? Well run and get your calculator. I'm in the wrong business. It was not an angry woman or expat or someone who was thrown out of these parties that got them arrested, It was they were under investigation for over a year. Now why would that be?

This is just an ongoing trail of farangs comming to Thailand for cheap sex and making the rest of us look bad.

If some Muslim came to my home country and started a consensual sex with my farm animals party and charged 100 dollars for each party, I would be a little miffed too. And to be let out of jail with a 200 baht fine????? $6.....hmmm I can't even buy a pack of smokes for that back home.

ANYWAYS......On the contrary, when I had to call the police after my girlfriend had taken a knife to me and I was bleeding all over my driveway, the police arrived and asked who's name this house is rented in? When she told them it was in her name thay told me to leave and maybe I should find a room for the night. Nice of them to offer to call an ambulance or take me to the hospital but hey......it was ME who stood in front of tha dam_n knife. Things that make you go hmmmmmm

Just remember everyone that selling sex is ilegal and the Police ARE watching the net


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Thanks for that Baan Kiki (J).

After reading some of the crap from certain posters,they should get a life and STOP making wild and STUPID assertions on a subject that you know NOTHING about, GET the facts before opening your GOBS.

1 There were three rooms on this occasion and normally three bathrooms.

2 All were tested and searched for drugs and as is the norm, ALL NEGATIVE RESULTS.

3 The ladies in question are NOT prostitutes, they don't get money for enjoying sex and a cuddle,

they enjoy more than anything, to be respected and treated like a lady should be treat,they enjoy affection from a caring partner.

4 There are always piles of condoms around for the obvious purpose of use.

5 The place is always cleaned up totally by the girls before checking out.

6 The youngest girl that I've ever seen there was and still is Twenty (20) years of age.

So now , you have the basic facts, I'm very interested to hear what you have to say to this KNARLEY OLD FARANG ???????




I'm guessing it was from this craigslist ad. I have been wondering how long it would last......

I have seen that posting for a while and sometimes it includes photos of some knarley old skinny falang in a hot tub with his face blotted out. I kinda wondered how long it would last before they got busted.

The bib always have a camera at the ready so I suspect it will not be long before photos appear somewhere.

I know that Knarley old skinny falang and out of friendship and FEAR I would not call him that to his face. :D

That said, reportedly, the police were quite friendly and were looking for drugs which the did not find.

Knowing my pal, they were herbal viagra, these old crocks have to watch their hearts. :o


I just read this, it's surprising no-one else has picked up on it.......... Could you fill us in on more details of what went on!!!!!

You wouldn't be "the Knarly old farang" by any chance?

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All major Thai laws follow American laws.

Just as the Thai rules of the road mirror British rules of the road, so too do Thai laws on drugs and sex and deviant behavior follow Uncle Sam's dictates.

Take a look at Thailand's rules regarding illegal drugs (ganga, cocaine, opium, speed, you name it) - they're note for note the same as U.S.'s rules.

Same for laws re; sexual mores. So, America's puritanical laws re; so-called sexual deviation are adopted by Thailand, though their implementation in Thailand has a particularly Thai spin, such as.......

>>>> more pay-off options channeled to arresting cops and/or cops on the particular beat where the alleged offenses are perpetrated.

>>>> Thai VIP's and big shots are immune to getting busted, whereas foreigners are prime targets.

Thailand's legal system appears to have little or no originality when it comes to writing laws.

If Thais weren't so heavily influenced by Uncle Sam, and could write laws that fit better with their culture and traditions, ganga and opium would be legal and so would prostitution.

Use this incident to bash the US, if you want, but you need to be a little more accurate.  This type of party is prefectly legal in the US.

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Well lets face it, they did advertise it on the net c/w Business card pic and all for 3 years and even posted the 3000 baht admission fee. Adults having consensual sex is ok and legal but selling sex in Thailand is ilegal (believe it or not). So if your gonna advertise it then som nam na. They made over 300,000 THB in 3 years and didnt donate any to the police or any other figures that might have been useful. There were 13 faranga busted in this one party so at 3000b per person 2 times per week for three years? Well run and get your calculator. I'm in the wrong business. It was not an angry woman or expat or someone who was thrown out of these parties that got them arrested, It was they were under investigation for over a year. Now why would that be?

This is just an ongoing trail of farangs comming to Thailand for cheap sex and making the rest of us look bad.

If some Muslim came to my home country and started a consensual sex with my farm animals party and charged 100 dollars for each party, I would be a little miffed too. And to be let out of jail with a 200 baht fine????? $6.....hmmm I can't even buy a pack of smokes for that back home.

ANYWAYS......On the contrary, when I had to call the police after my girlfriend had taken a knife to me and I was bleeding all over my driveway, the police arrived and asked who's name this house is rented in? When she told them it was in her name thay told me to leave and maybe I should find a room for the night. Nice of them to offer to call an ambulance or take me to the hospital but hey......it was ME who stood in front of tha dam_n knife. Things that make you go hmmmmmm

Just remember everyone that selling sex is ilegal and the Police ARE watching the net

And just how did this turn into a Muslim-bashing thread?

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Probably just a face saving thing.

The cops were probably called because the hotel suspected a drug party. The cops were probably suprised at the room full of buck naked partiers and decided to bust them and spin some public relations press releases "Foreigners disrespect Thai culture" blah blah blah... (Super police work by the way, nabbing these evil doers. This should help to keep the streets safe for bag/gold snatchers and other "good" citizens to ply their trade.)

Hanky panky existed in Thailand long before the first "farang" stepped foot here and if all the foreigners were expelled tomorrow, I think (naughty) sanook would not skip a heart beat.

Just my two satang :o

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Probably just a face saving thing.

The cops were probably called because the hotel suspected a drug party. The cops were probably suprised at the room full of buck naked partiers and decided to bust them and spin some public relations press releases "Foreigners disrespect Thai culture" blah blah blah... (Super police work by the way, nabbing these evil doers. This should help to keep the streets safe for bag/gold snatchers and other "good" citizens to ply their trade.)

Hanky panky existed in Thailand long before the first "farang" stepped foot here and if all the foreigners were expelled tomorrow, I think (naughty) sanook would not skip a heart beat.

Just my two satang :o

From what I have gathered here and in some Thai sources, the police have known about these parties and have sent undercover police to them before, so I think they knew what was going down (no pun intended) before they raided it. And other posters have alluded to the fact that the hotel was fully knowledgable on what was going in the room.

I think all of this is a general crackdown as a political statement.  There is another thread where three young women were arrested on a hi5 sting as well.

Well, I, for one, and sure feel real safe now that the police have taken three young hoodlums and this nefarious group of party-goers off the streets! 

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