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Phukets Furture: Is It Looking Good?

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With the ever increasing births of mixed Thai & farang babies in Phuket, I would say that farang-Thais will have a bigger say in the decisions of Phukets future. Thai-farange births are at an all time high in Phuket. Local private hospital staff have already predicated that Phuket mixed born babies will dominate Phukets future, just as the Chinese have done in the past.

Never say never. America is a fine example of global mixed-race changes. I know that alot of Thais as well as farangs read this forum, and I would be interested to know what you think about this?

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Interesting observation Syl. I see more kids from mixed marriages in Phuket then in entire Kuala Lumpur for example.

Are they going to affect Phuket future in positive manner is hard to say. With xenophobic goverment officials on power things don't look promissing unless some of these kids become politicians in 30 years or so and bring new ideas (providing they still live on the island).


Unlikely ... in my life time. Maybe never.

Anyway ... why would you worry as you wrote this in another topic ..

"I would say that my real concerns regarding my families safety is the ignorance of other people. This is why my family is in the UK nice and safe. I plan to sale up in Phuket when the market is right.


Unlikely ... in my life time. Maybe never.

Anyway ... why would you worry as you wrote this in another topic ..

"I would say that my real concerns regarding my families safety is the ignorance of other people. This is why my family is in the UK nice and safe. I plan to sale up in Phuket when the market is right.


Thats right.... But when my kids are older and can think for themselves and Know the dangers.

Then I plane on settling back in Phuket. with a good pension! :o


Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

Why should I?

Look in the Thai news papers for that answer.



Thailand, of which Phuket is a part, is still pretty much run feudaly. It's pretty much a network of old-money, and old families. It would be hard to see how the still small percentage of thai-foreign kids could substantially affect that network.

It's may be possible within 2 generations though that's a mighty long time, and Thai xenophobia would have to subside more than a little during that time.

It's got no chance of happening in your lifetime Syl.

Phuket is sewn up and locked up by influential families, and they aint gonna let it go easily.

If you have a look back on European history, say 500 years ago, intermarriage between noble families took place to secure land/business/rights and other deals. It's pretty much the same here. The rich and influential businessmen here and now are the same as noblemen of years gone by. A commoner (usually us dirty farangs) stand little chance of being able to marry into one of these families.

As for how Phuket is going to be in the future. I think the sand will be sandy, the water wet, and the sun hot. As long as there is beer in the taps, nothing much else will matter. It will still be here for you to retire to.

Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

Okay point taken. I will never post new topics or replies to topics again.

I will read with interest on future topics that makes this forum so good.

Bye bye all.

All the best for the future.


Thailand, of which Phuket is a part, is still pretty much run feudaly. It's pretty much a network of old-money, and old families. It would be hard to see how the still small percentage of thai-foreign kids could substantially affect that network.

You might be underestimating the power of education and money to influence business ability.. half half kids are going to get the benefit of good schooling, more global mindset, experiences outside Thailand, more push for independent thought and cause and effect logic processes that seems less encouraged in asian society and thinking. So I think that given those factors, and given the additional finances available for business startups and ventures, its highly likely that these kids will have a significant effect in thier time.

However your talking 20+ years out.. I am wondering if I want to handle the way the island is moving in 20 months time !!

Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

I think you are correct ! when it gets to complicated for Syl drops the post :o

Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

Okay point taken. I will never post new topics or replies to topics again.

I will read with interest on future topics that makes this forum so good.

Bye bye all.

All the best for the future.


Thank you! we will try to do without you :o

Unlikely ... in my life time. Maybe never.

Anyway ... why would you worry as you wrote this in another topic ..

"I would say that my real concerns regarding my families safety is the ignorance of other people. This is why my family is in the UK nice and safe. I plan to sale up in Phuket when the market is right.


You hope the UK is nice and safe.


I have a Thai wife and 3 year old hah sip/ hah sip son.

At this age, he really likes anything related to the Army.

But my wife tells me that to join the Army and Police in Thailand, you must be 100% Thai, meaning father and mother must both be Thai.

I didn't know this and don't really have a problem with it as i'm hoping my son has better ambitions when he gets older.

But, i wonder what other occupations are restricted here.


I don't normally like to hijack a thread but it appears the OP has left us.


Intersting question ,

I too have a baby son , have never thought about him joining the army or police force ( hes only 2 ! )

But none the less , he IS a Thai citizen , so is true that as his father is not Thai although he is a Thai citizen he may defend or serve HIS country ?

Surely not , but then then again TIT.

...you must be 100% Thai...

Your son IS 100% Thai, just as those Thai kids with Chinese father and Thai 'mia Noi' are also 100% Thai.

Your son will be required to take part in the army lottery, just like all other Thai males, (unless you pay off the right people).

Sometimes Thai people seem to know less about Thailand rules and regulations than us farang :o



its a suggestion that is often raised but generally glosses over the type of farangs and type of thais that end up having kids on phuket

a massive stereotyping leap in my logic but so to in the original suggestion that somehow farang luk kreungs are / will form a 'group' that will exert influence together

the forbearers of hi-so chinese / thais were not an educated moneyed 'elite'


i think not, those with good genes aka intelligent parents will GTFO the country before they get picked for this barbaric procedure that is the forced army service.

It's not like the kids of teachers and sexpats are gonna change anything for the most part.

And the kids from multimillionaires daddy are just gonna spend their life like all the hiso "winners".. sitting around drinking and driving cars into poor people.


There is a common rumor around Bangkok that in 20 years there won't be a military service requirement. Male citizens of age can simply volunteer for two years sewing the yellow uniforms that will be mandated to be worn by all Thais by the DPSF (Democrat Party Security Forces).

i think not, those with good genes aka intelligent parents will GTFO the country before they get picked for this barbaric procedure that is the forced army service.

It's not like the kids of teachers and sexpats are gonna change anything for the most part.

And the kids from multimillionaires daddy are just gonna spend their life like all the hiso "winners".. sitting around drinking and driving cars into poor people.

I suppose it was just a matter of time.

I'm sure Canadianmonkey won't be missed by many on Thaivisa . :o

Do you have any proof of your fear on this subject or is this an assumption/guestemate.WAG?

I'm beginning to think that member Syl is just a mischief maker on this forum. So don't expect a sensible response to your question...

My money's on PWOD : Posting while whacked out ..

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