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Annoying Things Farangs Do Around Town

DJ Pat

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I like the rot thomadah. 5 baht or sometimes less to get across town is a great value. But you have to put up with crowded conditions, heat and smog. Depends on my mood. Sometimes, I like to just catch the first thing smoking and see where it take me. If that thing's a bus, so be it.

Anyway, I had an experience the other night out eating with a bunch of friends. It was a situation where two or three of us were going out to eat and the numbers swelled to eight. We were stomping into a decent Italian place, disrupting others meals. One nice chap slid his table over to give us some more space.

Still, one twit - a mild acquaintence - made an annoyance of himself. First he asks for "a jug of water". A "jug" of water? This is a nice Italian place, not the noodle stand. Then he changes his mind. I'll have one of those, he says, practically sticking his finger inside the glass of orange juice in front of a woman at another table. How embarrassing.

Farangs shouldn't be allowed to gather in numbers of more than three in one place. Anymore, and they start behaving like jerks.

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All of this anti Westerner sentiment here from a bunch of Westerners is a bit precious!

If you want to see Westerners really making <deleted> out of themselvesthen try Bali for Aussies, Ibiza for Brits, Majorca for Germans, Cancun for Americans...............

I must admit,when out boozin' with fellow brits in Spain in my younger days I too made a <deleted> of myself ..I would like to apologise here for my behaviour.

I have also on many occasions travelled on the cheapest of public transport throughout most of SEA however for this I do not apologise.

Furthermore I did try to grow a gottie once ,but ended up looking like a <deleted>-once again apologies for those offended by my silly facial hair.


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All of this anti Westerner sentiment here from a bunch of Westerners is a bit precious!

If you want to see Westerners really making <deleted> out of themselvesthen try Bali for Aussies, Ibiza for Brits, Majorca for Germans, Cancun for Americans...............

I must admit,when out boozin' with fellow brits in Spain in my younger days I too made a <deleted> of myself ..I would like to apologise here for my behaviour.

I have also on many occasions travelled on the cheapest of public transport throughout most of SEA however for this I do not apologise.

Furthermore I did try to grow a gottie once ,but ended up looking like a <deleted>-once again apologies for those offended by my silly facial hair.


Apology accepted.

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The farang on the small nonaircon green bus...get a f**king life will you

Hey ... that might-a-been me!

Ditto sad straight losers above who strut around with their dog-faced ex-bargirls in tow

If they're happy, then what is the problem?


Seriously though DJPat, life is too short for me to worry about what bugs me or gets on my nerves. I have a full time job focusing on what I like, rather than getting upset about what I may not like.

Let's not forget another thing also, which is that even though you may not particularly like these things, many of them support local economies and put food on the table and money in the pockets of people who may not otherwise have it. Surely it is not a perfect world. But would you rather survive in an imperfect world or starve in a perfect world?

Live and let live. Am I right?

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Cancun for Americans...............

Nah, Cancun is just LA with a few more Mexicans...

....and LA is Tiajuana with a few Americans? :o They'll take it back, hook or by crook; babies, babies, babies :D !

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Cancun for Americans...............

Nah, Cancun is just LA with a few more Mexicans...

....and LA is Tiajuana with a few Americans? :o They'll take it back, hook or by crook; babies, babies, babies :D !

It's not that bad yet...

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Cancun for Americans...............

Nah, Cancun is just LA with a few more Mexicans...

....and LA is Tiajuana with a few Americans? :o They'll take it back, hook or by crook; babies, babies, babies :D !

It's not that bad yet...

Yet. And 'bad' is not an adjective I would use. Hot Latin ladies and good food; can't go wrong Poncho.

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Live and let live. Am I right?

well yes, ...... and no.

tourists and expats should have some consideration for the feelings of their hosts and the public behaviour of some westerners here is pretty selfish and gross.

the thais dont generally openly criticize because its not in their nature , they do believe in "live and let live" , but these days i am hearing much more criticism of foriegners from thais , some of it quite vicious criticism , of what they see as an invasion of their country by badly behaved and disrespectful foriegners , who show no interest in "fitting in" ,and only succeed in "standing out" in the worst possible way.

sure , the income is nice , but at what cost. i heard a youngish thai woman, running a 7/11 type shop in chaweng, tell a customer to "shut the fcking door" after he came into the shop . she certainly didnt pick up that language at school.

its very easy for people with bad attitudes to take advantage of those who maintain a "live and let live " attitude. eventually there will be a backlash from everyday thai people who are sick and tired of the aggressive and disrespectful behaviour shown by a loud and noticeable minority of visitors.

this has nothing to do with riding the green buses , wearing silly beards or trying and failing to speak thai , those are personal choices that the more cynical amongst us can have a laugh about.

but there is a certain type of falang that really should be kept caged up at home , because they have neither the decency nor the manners to be let out. :o

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Cancun for Americans...............

Nah, Cancun is just LA with a few more Mexicans...

....and LA is Tiajuana with a few Americans? :D They'll take it back, hook or by crook; babies, babies, babies :D !

It's not that bad yet...

Yet. And 'bad' is not an adjective I would use. Hot Latin ladies and good food; can't go wrong Poncho.

I wasn't using "bad" in the negative sense either. Grew up just south of LA and a lot of my family still lives there. I just can't handle the taxes and cost of living! :o

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the Spanish and Greeks have been making a mint out of them for decades now, why not the Thais

why not ? because if that type of behaviour is not stopped or controlled but accepted it eventually becomes the norm. the thais have to ask themselves do they want to condone it (for the money) or take a moral stance and say "no more".

but it is a fine line between "enjoying yourself " and "making an inconsiderate arse of yourself"

how they are dealing with it and how they will deal with it in the future tells us a lot about the thais as well.

although thaksin would like to "improve " the quality of visitors here , he is up against those who are making a fortune from the lower end of the market , and when i say lower i am not referring to spending power.

as with most things in life , people usually end up with what they deserve.

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Cancun for Americans...............

Nah, Cancun is just LA with a few more Mexicans...

....and LA is Tiajuana with a few Americans? :D They'll take it back, hook or by crook; babies, babies, babies :D !

It's not that bad yet...

Yet. And 'bad' is not an adjective I would use. Hot Latin ladies and good food; can't go wrong Poncho.

I wasn't using "bad" in the negative sense either. Grew up just south of LA and a lot of my family still lives there. I just can't handle the taxes and cost of living! :o

I hear you on the taxes, especially property; it's absurd. I keep whittling down the time I spend in the States vs. my time in Thailand. After I moved back here (US), it was two months in Thailand (one month twice a year). Now it's 4 months per year. Next it will be 11 there and 1 here.

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the Spanish and Greeks have been making a mint out of them for decades now, why not the Thais

why not ? because if that type of behaviour is not stopped or controlled but accepted it eventually becomes the norm. the thais have to ask themselves do they want to condone it (for the money) or take a moral stance and say "no more".

but it is a fine line between "enjoying yourself " and "making an inconsiderate arse of yourself"

how they are dealing with it and how they will deal with it in the future tells us a lot about the thais as well.

although thaksin would like to "improve " the quality of visitors here , he is up against those who are making a fortune from the lower end of the market , and when i say lower i am not referring to spending power.

as with most things in life , people usually end up with what they deserve.

Unfortunately many of the yobs you speak of are the very free spending upmarket tourists that Taksin and the TAT are attracting to Thailand. They just can't win I guess.

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The only people that annoy me are the ones thinking that they are better than others.And there are a lot of them in Thailand


And yes, "only" means a lot here.

Reality check guys and nothing personal.But some people are better than others -whether more generous, kind, goodlooking,charming,public spirited,athletic,intelligent,artistic,thoughtful etc etc.One has to be a little naive to believe all men are equal.

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The only people that annoy me are the ones thinking that they are better than others.And there are a lot of them in Thailand


And yes, "only" means a lot here.

Reality check guys and nothing personal.But some people are better than others -whether more generous, kind, goodlooking,charming,public spirited,athletic,intelligent,artistic,thoughtful etc etc.One has to be a little naive to believe all men are equal.

Good 'ol Boris to the rescue! Never going to win any popularity contests being that non-PC my man! :o

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Every word as right as it coult be!

But then, have you ever lived in a european country? spend time at holiday resorts? Any difference, other than the prices?

And what about the nice things in Thailand? - for me, too many to listen them up!

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I would agree that most of the things metioned annoy me as well when I see them. Most of the said behaviour has a catalsyt though and a much as some of you may not want to hear it, you know what it is. Alcohol.

Just reference DaveThailands reponse about some of the actions he has witnessed in his bar due to drunk individuals. Had they not been drinking, most of their ridiculous actions probably would have been avoided. I can only imagine some of Dave's horror stories. Alcohol has a way of turning nice situations into terrible ones.

I am not by any means telling people to stop drinking, but you know i'm right.

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I would agree that most of the things metioned annoy me as well when I see them.  Most of the said behaviour has a catalsyt though and a much as some of you may not want to hear it, you know what it is.  Alcohol.

Just reference DaveThailands reponse about some of the actions he has witnessed in his bar due to drunk individuals.  Had they not been drinking, most of their ridiculous actions probably would have been avoided.  I can only imagine some of Dave's horror stories.  Alcohol has a way of turning nice situations into terrible ones. 

I am not by any means telling people to stop drinking, but you know i'm right.

I agree with you 100% Tripxcore, but starting threads about foreigners who wear the wrong shades and shoes at the Emporium, ride green buses, have girlfriends who don't look like models, look like English teachers, speak pigeon and just don't fit someone's ideal image, gets old really quick. :o

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I would agree that most of the things metioned annoy me as well when I see them.  Most of the said behaviour has a catalsyt though and a much as some of you may not want to hear it, you know what it is.  Alcohol.

Just reference DaveThailands reponse about some of the actions he has witnessed in his bar due to drunk individuals.  Had they not been drinking, most of their ridiculous actions probably would have been avoided.  I can only imagine some of Dave's horror stories.  Alcohol has a way of turning nice situations into terrible ones. 

I am not by any means telling people to stop drinking, but you know i'm right.

I agree with you 100% Tripxcore, but starting threads about foreigners who wear the wrong shades and shoes at the Emporium, ride green buses, have girlfriends who don't look like models, look like English teachers, speak pigeon and just don't fit someone's ideal image, gets old really quick. :o

Just another variation on the old BG bashing threads... :D

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I would agree that most of the things metioned annoy me as well when I see them.  Most of the said behaviour has a catalsyt though and a much as some of you may not want to hear it, you know what it is.  Alcohol.

Just reference DaveThailands reponse about some of the actions he has witnessed in his bar due to drunk individuals.  Had they not been drinking, most of their ridiculous actions probably would have been avoided.  I can only imagine some of Dave's horror stories.  Alcohol has a way of turning nice situations into terrible ones. 

I am not by any means telling people to stop drinking, but you know i'm right.

I agree with you 100% Tripxcore, but starting threads about foreigners who wear the wrong shades and shoes at the Emporium, ride green buses, have girlfriends who don't look like models, look like English teachers, speak pigeon and just don't fit someone's ideal image, gets old really quick. :D

Just another variation on the old BG bashing threads... :D

Fair enough; I'll let it go where I am. Enough said. :o

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