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How Badly Don't You Want To Move Back To Your Home Country?


How badly don't you want to move back to your home country?  

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I want that my son can go to a free school in a country with almost equal opportunities. Here i would need to pay a fortune that i do not have for semi-decent schooling, and would have to bear that he will get politicized (and that also in a direction that i do not support) from an early age on.

I do like it here, and i do like it in the west.

But this here is not a place to bring a child up, and prepare him for a good future.

My sentiments as well, I just went home for a holiday and my thoughts on moving back went from moderately against to mildly against.

If I have kids I would probably move back. I feel it would be a better environment for them. More "liberty, equality, fratinity". I could always send them to international schools here but fear they would end up being arrogant, status conscious lil b'stards with an overly develop sense of entitlement.

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I am excited to go back to the USA. I miss clean air and water, quality control. The landscape, temperate weather and lots of job opportunities for me in spite of the economic downturn. I miss restaurants, history and architecture. Though I do see the appeal of Thailand but if I am honest with myself the #1 thing is the women and the other pluses fade out very quickly without them. Hopefully my lady will be happy with me in the USA where we are going in a few months. If not then I may end up back here and the pluses I mentioned about the USA might take a back seat. I guess it's all about what you value but really most places have strengths and weaknesses.

Edited by wasabi
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The survey seems unfairly weighted

Many may not want to go back but may have to for financial reasons

I considered your point and I find it total BS with a cherry on top, you whinger.

If you HAVE to go back because you're skint, you would vote one of the DON'T WANT TO GO BACK choices. Even if you ARE going to back, you can still not want to go back.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not every westerner is from the UK or the states. Farangland does consist of many varied nations and cultures. We also have a plethora of different languages, not just "speak-farang". :o

Sorry, as you took the name "tosser" I assumed you were UK.

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Thanks mahtin,

thanks God that my husband is retiring soon, can't imagine if I married a young gentleman and had to live here anothere 20 years!

Wish you Chok Dee and all the best for the same as me and my Thai wife.

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Never want to return. Ever. If only for financial or family reasons, but for any other reason never. My lifestyle is 10x better than back home. I eat out daily, have all the ladies in the world, and live well on small money. Back in the US, I'd never live like this unless I had a really really good job. Healthcare doesn't bankrupt me here(no $1,500 hospital stays), I don't need a car to get around(saves $$$), and a million other reasons.

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The survey seems unfairly weighted

Many may not want to go back but may have to for financial reasons

I considered your point and I find it total BS with a cherry on top, you whinger.

If you HAVE to go back because you're skint, you would vote one of the DON'T WANT TO GO BACK choices. Even if you ARE going to back, you can still not want to go back.

whats your problem with caf .he just said he might have to return home because of financial situation..wheres the harm in saying that..he might not want to go back but if his money runs dry in thailand he might have to go back to work...there might be many in that situation

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I extremely don't want to move back to the UK, its miserable, cold and expensive. I don't want to go back to live there but visit my family twice a year. I hate the place, it is ok for 2 weeks, then i am straight back.

My sentiments exactly PG

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I extremely don't want to move back to the UK, its miserable, cold and expensive. I don't want to go back to live there but visit my family twice a year. I hate the place, it is ok for 2 weeks, then i am straight back.

My sentiments exactly PG

Why do you all hate your country so much?

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I extremely don't want to move back to the UK, its miserable, cold and expensive. I don't want to go back to live there but visit my family twice a year. I hate the place, it is ok for 2 weeks, then i am straight back.

My sentiments exactly PG

Why do you all hate your country so much?

It seems to be the depressing weather, the violent types and all the grumps. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I am an expat. I have lived in the UK only 6 years from 1970 to date. That's 6 years in the past 39 years. I am now retired. My reasons for leaving the UK to work overseas some 39 years ago are still as relevant today as they were then. My pet hates are the UK weather, closely followed by high taxation, high cost of living and high cost of housing. I live well in my 'adopted' country of Thailand on a fraction of what I used to earn. I will never return to the UK to live - not in a thousand years!

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The survey seems unfairly weighted

Many may not want to go back but may have to for financial reasons

I considered your point and I find it total BS with a cherry on top, you whinger.

If you HAVE to go back because you're skint, you would vote one of the DON'T WANT TO GO BACK choices. Even if you ARE going to back, you can still not want to go back.

whats your problem with caf .he just said he might have to return home because of financial situation..wheres the harm in saying that..he might not want to go back but if his money runs dry in thailand he might have to go back to work...there might be many in that situation

The problem was his comment on the poll was not based on logic. There are plenty of voting options for him and people like him. The focus of the poll is about FEELINGS about moving back, not about REASONS for moving back. You can't do ANY poll without attracting terminally negative whingers like this. No poll is perfect but it is annoying when the nit pickers are picking at nits that don't exist. I have also noticed that people like him never start their own polls to focus on the issues that interest them, that wouldn't be nearly as much fun as tearing down other efforts.

Edited by Jingthing
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I feel very lucky to be an Australian citizen.

I was living in Dubai recently and late last year the financial slowdown really started to kick into the expat population. The Brits where absolutely terrified of the thought of having to go back to pommy land. I was really suprised at how scared they were!

When I am living in another country and it's time to go home I think about what the worst can happen. Like...

Live back on the Gold Coast

Go surfing and fishing everyday

Go on the dole for a while untill I got a job (with a wife and kid it's more than enough to live a comfortable life) :wai:

Perfect weather, wide open spaces....

The Brits on the other hand. :o

I would bet a pound to a penny that everyone of them that voted "extremely would'nt go back" or "I'd rather die than go back" are English.

Poor buggers, they even feel a shack in the back of Issan is better than where they come from. :D

Yep...it's good to be Aussie. :D

Great Post livinginexile. Australia is pretty hard to beat, its not perfect BUT its alot better than many of the places I have seen, theres no doubt about that. As for Thailand, its not the be all and end all & it amazes me that some people don't see it for what it really is......I would hate to be stuck in Thailand :D .

Go to the home land OFTEN :D !

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I feel very lucky to be an Australian citizen.

I was living in Dubai recently and late last year the financial slowdown really started to kick into the expat population. The Brits where absolutely terrified of the thought of having to go back to pommy land. I was really suprised at how scared they were!

When I am living in another country and it's time to go home I think about what the worst can happen. Like...

Live back on the Gold Coast

Go surfing and fishing everyday

Go on the dole for a while untill I got a job (with a wife and kid it's more than enough to live a comfortable life) :P

Perfect weather, wide open spaces....

The Brits on the other hand. :o

I would bet a pound to a penny that everyone of them that voted "extremely would'nt go back" or "I'd rather die than go back" are English.

Poor buggers, they even feel a shack in the back of Issan is better than where they come from. :D

Yep...it's good to be Aussie. :D

Great Post livinginexile. Australia is pretty hard to beat, its not perfect BUT its alot better than many of the places I have seen, theres no doubt about that. As for Thailand, its not the be all and end all & it amazes me that some people don't see it for what it really is......I would hate to be stuck in Thailand :D .

Go to the home land OFTEN :wai: !

Noticed that almost all are from the west or down under...... A different perspective from someone who works and live in Thailand but is from another South-East Asia country.... I'm from S'pore.

I don't really fancy going back to S'pore although S'pore is not that different from Thailand in terms of climate especially. In S'pore, its a tiny tiny country and only resource are human resources.... we were brought up to be competitive and efficent.... study hard, get a great job, make lots of money and chase the 5Cs, Cash, Credit Card (although this is more a liability), Cash, Condominium and Car.... S'pore standard of living is very high, highest in SE-Asia although its definitely higher in UK and we are either constantly caught up in the rat race or financially strapped cause we are paying loans to our house, car etc.... after moving here, i have learned to take things alot easier, not consistenly chasing after material stuff and have more time for loved ones, and also making S'pore dollrs and spending in baht is not too bad a situation :D in short a better quality of life..... But of course we will never know how life will turn out and if the shit hits the fan here, then it might not be a bad idea to go back to your comfort zone where you have family, friends and an environment that you are comfortable and familiar with....

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Personally it is not important to me. I believe overall, I would be equally happy in my home country or here in Thailand. Some things I like more in my home country, other things I prefer in Thailand.

The main reason for staying here is my wife. She is Thai and she is much happier living in Thailand than she would be living in my home country. For me it is easy to live in Thailand and there really isn't anything I need to go without (food, entertainment, English conversation). The same could not be said for here if we lived in my home country.

So if she prefers to live here and I am ambivilant, its really not worth the trouble of moving...

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I feel very lucky to be an Australian citizen.

I was living in Dubai recently and late last year the financial slowdown really started to kick into the expat population. The Brits where absolutely terrified of the thought of having to go back to pommy land. I was really suprised at how scared they were!

When I am living in another country and it's time to go home I think about what the worst can happen. Like...

Live back on the Gold Coast

Go surfing and fishing everyday

Go on the dole for a while untill I got a job (with a wife and kid it's more than enough to live a comfortable life) :D

Perfect weather, wide open spaces....

The Brits on the other hand. :o

I would bet a pound to a penny that everyone of them that voted "extremely would'nt go back" or "I'd rather die than go back" are English.

Poor buggers, they even feel a shack in the back of Issan is better than where they come from. :D

Yep...it's good to be Aussie. :D

your having a laugh mate !!!!

Given a choice , i bet if you asked any other nationality , would you rather you came from Australia or the UK , the UK would win hands down .....Everybody ,at some point in life secretly wished they came the UK .

Live back on the Gold Coast = which in your case maybe close to your home ...... but for many Aussie its f*king miles and away , at least the English coast line is within an hours drive for everybody!! Oh ...and we do have beaches and surfing !!

Go surfing and fishing everyday = the uk and Ireland have the best fishing the world , full stop!!

Go on the dole for a while untill I got a job (with a wife and kid it's more than enough to live a comfortable life) = I cannot believe that Australia has a better welfare (dole) system than the UK

Perfect weather, = yea its hot , hot and hot .... very diverse weather you guys have ....and because its hot , all you guys can do to get away from it is....... go to the pub and get pissed , while your house burns down !!

wide open spaces....= flat boring baron featureless landscape with a couple of big rocks!! Yea really beautiful .....i think the English countryside has a lot more to offer !!!

And best of all the women ..... English women may not be everybody’s cup of tea ..... but they beat Aussie women on all fronts .... f*k me your women are so bad , it explains why you guys are in the pub all the time, camping it up .

The reason why most brit /expat would rather stay here then go home is simple ..... most of them will be over the age of 50+ and life for a single elderly man in the UK is not much fun , same in Australia ?

Yep...it's good to be Aussie. = lol..... its never been good to be an Aussie , ( descendants of ....???lets not go there )

A few fats English blokes in dubia who don’t want to go home , doesn't make England a bad place .

Its good to be English .... always has been !!!

( i did’t vote ,I'm not an Expat )

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I moved to Thailand in 1991. During the economic crash of 1996-1997, I was totally burned out and remember sitting on the runway of Don Muang thinking that I would NEVER come back to Thailand. Within two weeks of living in Kalifornia, the PC idiots and a depressing encounter with a woman's libber, I immediately started thinking of ways that I could get back to Thailand.

Whenever something here irritates me, I just think of Kalifornia and I quickly get over the minor irritation.

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I consider my self lucky, after returning from working overseas to a short interlude running the family business in UK , I couldnt settle down to the flat cap and whippet routine and reet rainy lancashire weather. To be offered a job in sunny Australia, which is now our home , kids have flown the coop so we spend our time traveling, have absolutely no intention of returning to uk!! but purely because of the poor weather,doesnt matter where you come from , most countries are going down the pan, unemployment is high everywhere, so whats new :D the people who want to work will work !! and the lazy buggers stay lazy, as far as high taxes go in germany I paid 29% in UK 31% and as a pensioner here in Paradise I pay 49% soon to be raised to 62%, whats the use of whingeing, we changed our plans of moving to thailand ,and justspend 4 to 6 months a year there when we feel like it, we have also found that we get looked after quite well in malaysia so there are lots of options open , for me home is where I lay my head, if it looks abit rosier or more peaceful in some far of land well we will have a look there too!! but UK is not home anymore but neither is germany or Australia, I,m Home where ever I am residing at a given time, No looking back :o

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I have nothing to move back to. US friends and relatives that I was close to, mostly dead. Bridges burned. No house, no car, trashed investment accounts, no pot to piss in. The US economy is in shambles and my skills are staler than a Pattaya beach road hooker. But even then I only voted that I extremely don't want to go back. Sorry to hear so many people would rather die than go back, that isn't good, because many people will have to go back due to circumstances.

Edited by Jingthing
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I feel very lucky to be an Australian citizen.

I was living in Dubai recently and late last year the financial slowdown really started to kick into the expat population. The Brits where absolutely terrified of the thought of having to go back to pommy land. I was really suprised at how scared they were!

When I am living in another country and it's time to go home I think about what the worst can happen. Like...

Live back on the Gold Coast

Go surfing and fishing everyday

Go on the dole for a while untill I got a job (with a wife and kid it's more than enough to live a comfortable life) :D

Perfect weather, wide open spaces....

The Brits on the other hand. :o

I would bet a pound to a penny that everyone of them that voted "extremely would'nt go back" or "I'd rather die than go back" are English.

Poor buggers, they even feel a shack in the back of Issan is better than where they come from. :D

Yep...it's good to be Aussie. :D

your having a laugh mate !!!!

Given a choice , i bet if you asked any other nationality , would you rather you came from Australia or the UK , the UK would win hands down .....Everybody ,at some point in life secretly wished they came the UK .

Live back on the Gold Coast = which in your case maybe close to your home ...... but for many Aussie its f*king miles and away , at least the English coast line is within an hours drive for everybody!! Oh ...and we do have beaches and surfing !!

Go surfing and fishing everyday = the uk and Ireland have the best fishing the world , full stop!!

Go on the dole for a while untill I got a job (with a wife and kid it's more than enough to live a comfortable life) = I cannot believe that Australia has a better welfare (dole) system than the UK

Perfect weather, = yea its hot , hot and hot .... very diverse weather you guys have ....and because its hot , all you guys can do to get away from it is....... go to the pub and get pissed , while your house burns down !!

wide open spaces....= flat boring baron featureless landscape with a couple of big rocks!! Yea really beautiful .....i think the English countryside has a lot more to offer !!!

And best of all the women ..... English women may not be everybody's cup of tea ..... but they beat Aussie women on all fronts .... f*k me your women are so bad , it explains why you guys are in the pub all the time, camping it up .

The reason why most brit /expat would rather stay here then go home is simple ..... most of them will be over the age of 50+ and life for a single elderly man in the UK is not much fun , same in Australia ?

Yep...it's good to be Aussie. = lol..... its never been good to be an Aussie , ( descendants of ....???lets not go there )

A few fats English blokes in dubia who don't want to go home , doesn't make England a bad place .

Its good to be English .... always has been !!!

( i did't vote ,I'm not an Expat )

You have absolutly no idea about Australia, if you did, you couldnt of possibly posted such rubbish. You are not seriously suggesting that the UK has a larger coastline are you? Well it doesnt, Australias coastline is more than double the size of that of the United Kingdom. Are you aware that recent stats suggest that 85% of Australians live near the coast?

Have you even been to Australia? Yes I have spent some time in the UK, yes there is some very beautiful countryside there....secretly wished I was from there: YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING - Thanks but no thanks.

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I have nothing to move back to. US friends and relatives that I was close to, mostly dead. Bridges burned. No house, no car, trashed investment accounts, no pot to piss in. The US economy is in shambles and my skills are staler than a Pattaya beach road hooker. But even then I only voted that I extremely don't want to go back. Sorry to hear so many people would rather die than go back, that isn't good, because many people will have to go back due to circumstances.

Sounds like you got a bit of the karma you had coming :o Sucked in!

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Really don't know which way to vote. I have been out of the UK for more than half my life and am no longer in contact with any old mates. Only people I know to speak to are my father and sister. I just no longer consider UK as home. Do I want to go back and live in the UK? No, but for the simple reason is that I would be a foreigner in the country of my birth. It would be like starting from scratch again and I just can't be bothered.

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