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Does Thai Visa Ever Have Any Positive Stories?


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I've been reading various postings on this site for about a week now and I'm quite frankly amazed at the number of posts about any negative news in LOS,why not just rename it "Whingers Corner" and have done?

Does anyone actually enjoy living here? :)

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Welcome to "Whingers Corner"!

How would you characterize your post?

So go ahead and tell us your happy stories instead of dropping your generalization bomb, why don't you?

BTW, yeah I enjoy living here very much, but it is a place on earth, and not paradise, so all kinds of things happen here, good, bad, and indifferent.

For example, I was recently pickpocketed on a baht bus and subject to unwelcome indecent exposure, do you expect me to DANCE A JIG about that?

Perhaps different for tourists who are more prone to ignore the darker realities that do exist here in spades.

Edited by Jingthing
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Welcome to "Whingers Corner"!

How would you characterize your post?

So go ahead and tell us your happy stories instead of dropping your generalization bomb, why don't you?

BTW, yeah I enjoy living here very much, but it is a place on earth, and not paradise, so all kinds of things happen here, good, bad, and indifferent.

For example, I was recently pickpocketed on a baht bus and subject to unwelcome indecent exposure, do you expect me to DANCE A JIG about that?

Perhaps different for tourists who are more prone to ignore the darker realities that do exist here in spades.

I lived in Barcelona for 5 years before I moved over here,first to China and now to LOS,the chances of being pickpocketed here compared to Barcelona are miniscule.

I just think a lot of people here need to take a reality check and decide why it is they moved out here and what they realistically expected,that's all!

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Normal well adjusted people don't use internet forums (much)

I used this forum to find employment in Bangkok and I'm at work now! :)

What could be more positive than that?

You might want to get off this forum and do some work with your computer though :D

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Yes there are many Positive Stories here, read them all the time you just haven't been around very long, stay tune Please. One example is the smooth and quick excellent service a member received during a trip to the Immigration Office in Chaing Mai for his one year Visa. Keep reading, seek and ye shall fine. :D:):D

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I have a positive story!

I got laid last night :)

That makes two of us. Let's create a club of 'content fellas that get laid when they want to'. Sounds positive.

Now, anyone else wanna join?

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I'm quite frankly amazed at the number of posts whinging about whingers :D

Personally,I don't like to whinge but I think you mean "whingeing",don't you? :)

:D I'm not whingeing, honest :D And on a positive note, we are both right, whingeing or whinging - it can be spelt either way :D

Should that be spelt or spelled? :D

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Most people who enjoy life here are busy doing just that. Many others who are bored in their jobs and have too much time and too little to do spend time whining on thaivisa. Anyway, even though the topics are the same over and over you can find still a bit of entertainment here.

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Here's a positive story.

The drinking water truck that sells the large white jugs came round today.

He usually charges me 12 baht for a large 10-gallon jug.

My wife was home this afternoon, and he only charged us 10 baht each -- the actual price.

Ain't that great!?

Edited by Texpat
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Some Expats in Thailand can be right whiny big girls blouses and a self-centred pain in the arse. This dominant keyboard contingent just need a narcissistic co-existent medium to self-multiply and to feel fortified by the reciprocal whinge/love spat out...

Hands down, Thailand remains the best locale to reside in Asia but for some whiners, wherever they go on the globe, the dull, repetitive song remains the same. Ie;wherever YOU go, THERE you are yet AGAIN, warts, whinge and all - Chok dee on making say Cambodia or the Phils work out better (the inherent theme likely follows the disgruntled Expat host like attached decaying fungus)

If I recounted every Thai who showed me courtesy, respect, or simple acts of kindness, it would fill a book.

Cheers all :)

(the brick throwing may now re-commence, as is 'standard', apparently)

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I've been reading various postings on this site for about a week now and I'm quite frankly amazed at the number of posts about any negative news in LOS,why not just rename it "Whingers Corner" and have done?

Does anyone actually enjoy living here? :)

A week? <deleted>, that is not long enough.

Such a whingeing, negative post :D

We enjoy moaning about living here, same as back home. Makes us feel comfortable. OK? So stop moaning about it :D

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When things are good you're not seeking advice or venting on an online message board, you're out enjoying it. When things are bad you're looking for a sympathetic ear from folks who might know what you're talking about (e.g. expat message board)

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I've been reading various postings on this site for about a week now and I'm quite frankly amazed at the number of posts about any negative news in LOS,why not just rename it "Whingers Corner" and have done?

Does anyone actually enjoy living here? :)

I am English and it`s my right to whing.

Ask any Australian about the whingin pom.

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