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Quote from meemiathai

"Actually thank God he made this world with westerners or else people wouldn't even know how to breathe! "

hmmmmmmmm........ the new world compass


________________THE EDGE____________ E___________________

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and any Eastern travellers who roamed too far would have fallen off thus proving the non-existance of Christopher Columbus and cronies

East is east and west is west, never the twain shall meet

modified to come up with decent compass, no wonder they took so long to invent it

Edited by dvk1951
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ravisher i meant your posts are interesting and to those that are reacting to the anti whatever junk.... well, dont take everything so personal.... just somehow my grammar went off some where;

golf, nice to see you posting, last post i saw u post was almost a year ago not counting the baby bassinette that is....

thanx dvk.

BTW this lang. misunderstanding thing is the major cause of more fighting argueing etc between mix marriage couples and employer employee relationships then i can count and not just thai/foreigner but anything with anything....

too bad, we finally get a non western type point of view and he loses face with us due to keyboard critical people....

golf, somewhere else in the forum we were talking about the different ways of thinking thai vx. western , would like to see your comments there if people dont get to nasty.... i think the thread was called : singleminded thais .... it sort of blendes with this one i think.... mistadorn, jepjai mai? rou puut len loey!

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My feelings exactly, well said.

I have not been here in TV all that long but am already seeing a separation of the rice from the hulls.  Some people take casual and tongue-in-cheek bantering much too seriously.  MistaDorn has a lot more balls than a lot of people I know just to take on a group like this, not to mention the fact that he is still on a very steep learning curve  in an unfamiliar language as well as in life experience.  If I have learned anything in my years in Asia, one has to give up cerebral at times when it comes to communicating with the locals.  In my line of work, I can't afford miscommunications for the sake of my own personal ego.  KISS works well for me.

Mistadorn   Salamat malim  boleh seronok, hope i said that right, Malay is not my first language but then again some days I wonder if inglish is?  :D  If you don't understand what I am saying, let me know, am happy to help anyone who makes an effort to learn.

BTW....I am American and realize that the actions of the US government will effect the way in which some perceive me.  If that is the price I have to pay for calling myself an American, so be it.  It accept the challenge of showing other countries what we as people are like, and it bears little resemblance to GWB and his antics.

Nuf said

And until now I found out that my English is so suck. I always gets nurvous when talking with farang face to face. too bad, I have no confidence for this. I wish I could speak English better than this. sorry for all the mistakes I made here. and also sorry for topic deeply.

This, is quite simply Troll Bait! :o

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The Americans who are <deleted> are <deleted>.

The Thais who are <deleted> are <deleted>.

The Soapies who are <deleted> are <deleted>.

That leaves the rest of us to weather the storm of contempt generated by these few. Personally I don't let it bother me. I can usually tell within a few sentences in which category you fall.

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Quote from meemiathai

"Actually thank God he made this world with westerners or else people wouldn't even know how to breathe! "

hmmmmmmmm........ the new world compass


________________THE EDGE____________ E___________________

_____________________________ S________________________


and any Eastern travellers who roamed too far would have fallen off thus proving the non-existance of Christopher Columbus and cronies

East is east and west is west, never the twain shall meet 

modified to come up with decent compass, no wonder they took so long to invent it

If somehow the word westerners was the reason for you not to understand the idea of my entire post, then what can I say?

Or are you being a westerner yourself too embarassed to go into details to discuss straight to the matter I pointed out?

By the way, could you tell us more about where the rest of the world would be if it wasn't for westerners, Mrs Merlin?

In the early 60's, my brother was in the Navy and he and his friends did R&R in SEA and Thailand welcomed with open arms and spread legs and hands out for their money...

And how the thais spread their legs to welcome the westerners?

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Thanks anyway, Mrs Merlin for being so honest. Alot of people on the other hand usually do not have the guts to be so direct, so they say their words more skillfully.

By the way, do you have any Thai friends? Are you that honest to them as you are here? No?

Am I being oversensitive here? :o

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Get it right!!

Most Thai women are married to Farangs are not Thai men's taste anyway.

They have dark skin the darker the better for farang it seems. :D

They tend to be low educated, so farangs can control them as most farangs here in Thailand are loosers at ther own home unable to find their own women. WHY???

They don't like women who can challange them......so TRUE!!

The girls just want your money but Thai men know the trick - let stupid farangs pay for them. :D

Thai men are not jealous of farangs marrying Thai women at all. :D

I must thank you guys here who are kindly enough to stupidly marry them. :o

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Get it right!!

Most Thai women are married to Farangs are not Thai men's taste anyway.

They have dark skin the darker the better for farang it seems. :D

They tend to be low educated, so farangs can control them as most farangs here in Thailand are loosers at ther own home unable to find their own women. WHY???

They don't like women who can challange them......so TRUE!!

The girls just want your money but Thai men know the trick - let stupid farangs pay for them. :D

Thai men are not jealous of farangs marrying Thai women at all. :D

I must thank you guys here who are kindly enough to stupidly marry them. :o

sooner or later I knew this thread would attract one of these type of posts,get a life troll :D

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Khun Golf,

I was wondering if you plan on returning to Thailand (if you are not there already)?. My partner who is in your position has alot to offer the continuing development of Thailand yet the decision to return is a hard one given how much she has changed and how little her family and society have changed with her.


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(2). Everytime when farang walking with Thai woman "in Thai people opinion" they will think this woman is prostitude" i believe around 70% are thinking like this.


You have stated that 70% of the Thai people think the woman is a prostitute and they dislike the farangs. What you don't say is what this 70% thinks about the woman doing this, do they dislike her too? Are they thinking that it is the farangs fault that the girl does this kind of work.

Just curious

โอโฮตอบเยอะชมัดเลย 555 คงต้องอธิบายกันสนั่นเมืองแล้วเนี่ย Ok. I said that when thai woman and farang walking together krub. then most of thai people always decided their mind to said that this woman is prostitute or used to be prostitude, the word used to be prostitude is because some have kids. Thai people will don't like the woman for living with farang, some are agree because they are likes farang. Farang not fault. most goes to woman. Woman fault to choose to live with farang. Thai people will look another way for Farang. As I told you. Farang come to Thailand for sex "in Thai mind". friend of mine "Jodie" from U.K said that in England everybody will look down to each other when they are coming back from thailand or going to thailand as they may think also that farang come to thailand for thai woman. Thai woman has a low education and don't have a good job. Then they have to find money to survive, to pay for their parent, or some thai woman already had a kid with other thai man, and they are divorced. The woman choose to be prostitude to find money for supporting life. but for this "This point Thai people know very well why are they doing this, but they do not like to do this". some Thai woman really fall in love to farang because the farang man can support their life. Farang always had a money for them, The honest of Thai Woman when someone supporting her, that woman will desire their life to farang and love him much. Thai people are gentle heart. when farang do something good to them. whoa, in whole life that person will take care of you as long as they can. But when farang leave the woman, The woman becoming crazy and try to do anything to get him back. I tried to answer your question shortly. but it goes so long. anyway, do you understand what i meant? Farang likes Thai skins and heart, Thai woman love farang because of they are cute and can support her life "money". so both when you combine it's gonna be "Love"? :o:D. I saw some post here that farang also really love their wife. I am so appriciated for this. specially when he said he punched that person" I believe he is doing the right thing that showing a true love and protect her from the enemy. he hurt when he hear that guy saying "ga-ree". So the way he punch thai person, I agreed.

Mistadorn -

I was sent to Thailand to work. I'd never heard of the place before that - Thailand wasn't so famous then.

I now have a Thai wife & guess what - she likes me because we have similar personalities & we have fun together. We started dating mostly just because we could share jokes together - at first she didn't want to take it further, I persevered & eventually persuaded her to marry me. Now we have children.

All couples, all over the world get together for different reasons.

You keep using comments like "all Thais do this", "all Farang do that". This is the root of racism, you simply cannot judge anyone by their skin/country - we are all individuals.

You say stuff like '70% of Thais think...' - there's 60 million Thais, right ? Did you ask all of them ?

You simply cannot say that 'all' Thai women are with their men for money. I know farang guys that have married wealthy Thai women - what do you make of that ?

Perhaps you know that another 'generalisation' is that Thai men treat their women badly & farang don't. Farang don't generally have Mia Noi. Obviously these are generalisations and shouldn't be taken seriously, right ?

You are a young guy - if it pisses you off to see me walking with my wife because you think I have 'stolen' another Thai girl - then go & take a look in my country. There are mixed race couples everywhere & only the narrow minded idiots have a problem with it.

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Hello once again,

95% of the Thai people I've met have treated me and my Thai girlfriend with courtesy and respect. I could care less about the other 5%.

this is a good post, this is what i wanted you to post. they are treating you good, but inside they did not show up what they feel. remember that people have a mind thinking that they will now shown up. for some people that they don't really like, they will show up or make a face like disagree. and the "LOOK" of both of you maybe are higher or look a like a person who have a $$$?

How the <deleted> do you know that ? You a mind reader ???

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Well I wasn't sure about that guy. I wasn't commited to believing he was Thai. It sounded like he had just returned to Thailand. He also doesn't look like your typical Thai if he's Thai he could be from the south. He said he never studied English. It's mandatory in Thai schools. He said he couldn't understand one post becuase it's too 'professional' but then he understands mbkudu post about 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' Finally he never gave a response to Golf. I still am unsure about him. Maybe I am totally wrong about him.

I think the thrilling thing about his posts was that they at least appeared to be coming from a real Thai. This board would be so much different if average Thais posted on it.

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eek leaw. Dear all dude here:

สวัสดีครับ Thank you for PM me, I woke up this morning and found lot of PM sending to me. THank you.I'll be rite here then, anyway, I will check up here later on. I'm going to buy new Mountain Bike at Central Chidlom, hope it is still there, been look for it for sometimes after that going to have lunch at Emporium, and back home and preparing to going to Swim at rachaprarop at 4 pm as possible. Eu estarei de volta ao anoitece ไว้เจอกันคราวหลัง


วชิรวิน โรจน์วิถี

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what which guy? me rue Malenonsense?

i just post and willing to reply your message. I am thai. My mother born here, my grand mom born here. my last name is very popular here in Thailand "Smuthkochorn" most thai people know my last name. you can try ask you gf? this last name is been given by King Rama 4, The king of Thailand. my great grand father travelling from India to Thailand across the ocean and work with the King. Later on The King Rama 4 gave my great grand father to be Thai Nationality and Last name "Smuthkochorn" which is mean Travel from the Ocean" "Smuth" is a short word from "mahasmuth" mean Ocean, and "Kochorn" mean .. I don't know what's in English, it should be "travel". He came by boat. anyway. the he married with my great grand mom which she's french indian born in Thailand. and they've got 14 kids including my grand mom which she's no. 3 of 14. and My Grand mom married to my grand father which he is French-India again with 8 childrens. My grand mom "Smuthkochorn" changed the last name after married with my Grand mom "S.K. Marican" but after my Grand fater passed away. my Uncle. the eldest brother of 8 children decided to change the last name back to Smuthkochorn. But then he said he wanted a new last name. so it is created new last name to my family called "Rojvithee" My mother is the fifth of 8. she's married to Indonesian-Italian which is my father. and I'm the second of 4. I born in Rome, Italia "Vatican" because my parent are Ambassador of Indonesia there in Italy. I've got Italian Nationality but My dad changed my nationality to Indonesian and schooling in INdonesian school. I grew up, I came here to Thailand for 4 years and moved to Malaysia. when my parent devorce. Mom took all his children here to Bangkok. and changed my last name back to Rojvithee. and I studied my thai languages hardly. OH god, i have to go now. I'll post more later. bye bye



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Get it right!!

Most Thai women are married to Farangs are not Thai men's taste anyway.

They have dark skin the darker the better for farang it seems. :D

They tend to be low educated, so farangs can control them as most farangs here in Thailand are loosers at ther own home unable to find their own women. WHY???

They don't like women who can challange them......so TRUE!!

The girls just want your money but Thai men know the trick - let stupid farangs pay for them. :D

Thai men are not jealous of farangs marrying Thai women at all. :D

I must thank you guys here who are kindly enough to stupidly marry them. :o

sounds like someone got burned in a bad marriage. My condolescences....

but please curtail your anger towards your own personal bad experience.

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If somehow the word westerners was the reason for you not to understand the idea of my entire post, then what can I say? 

Or are you being a westerner yourself too embarassed to go into details to discuss straight to the matter I pointed out?

Dear meemiathai,

I quote your original post:

"Nice attitude! I like that!

How do you like Thailand?

Actually thank God he made this world with westerners or else people wouldn't even know how to breathe! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Are you a representative of the farang race?"

of which I had assumed was a tongue-in-cheek humorous post considering the smilies and the manner in which you phrased the post. As such, my post was meant in the same vane of off-center humor. Perhaps this is just another case of the beast of cultural differences rearing its ugly head again (making the assumption that you are of the Asian persuasion). But unfortunately, I have no way of knowing what your intentions were since I forgot to make my monthly payment on my crystal ball and am currently limited to seeing into local minds only and not the minds of Hong Kong residents.

So if the "idea' of your post was not humor, then yes I did miss your point.

In response to your earlier question, "Are you a representative of the farang race?"; yes, I am a 'westerner' so I guess by default I represent them. To your question in your latter post, No I am not "to embarrassed to go into details to discuss straight to the matter" if there is a 'matter' to discuss. But failing to be able to decipher any 'matter' in your post other than the perceived humor, I fail to see any earth shaking issues that should elicit any other kind of response except the (apparently failed) humorous response which I did. "then what can I say" you state in your most recent post, well how about being more specific as to exactly what the 'real matter' was in your original post.

Perhaps, my friend you are taking life a bit too seriously. As I stated earlier ijs this just another culture clash or are you so insecure with yourself and feel your culture so threatened with the western influence that is too much to handle. Why is it that the east seems to have such a problem with 'western influence' while the west IMHO seems to accept and incorporate eastern influence into their culture with much more ease. I have been to a heck of a lot more 'chinatowns' in many western countries than 'American or British or Aussie towns' in eastern countries. The west seems willing to allow other cultures into there social structure while still allowing these cultures to maintain their cultural identities. Can the same be said for the east?

The world is getting smaller every day and globalization ( another one of those cliches) is unavoidable. Throughout history, cultures have interfaced and influenced each other and sorry to say but I don't see and end to that soon. Each of us has to sift through this melting pot as a person and as a culture and decide what WE choose to accept and what we choose to reject. There a lot of very good qualities in every culture and I for one strive to understand those attributes and to use them in my life to better myself.

Bottom line, lighten up and :o , think you will enjoy life more :D

Another case of (hu)man (nat)ure??????????????????????

This is a response to your comments to me, as to any response to Mrs. Merlin, I would leave that "matter" with her to respond.

Mr. D

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Well I wasn't sure about that guy. I wasn't commited to believing he was Thai. It sounded like he had just returned to Thailand. He also doesn't look like your typical Thai if he's Thai he could be from the south. He said he never studied English. It's mandatory in Thai schools. He said he couldn't understand one post becuase it's too 'professional' but then he understands mbkudu post about 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman'  Finally he never gave a response to Golf. I still am unsure about him. Maybe I am totally wrong about him.

I think the thrilling thing about his posts was that they at least appeared to be coming from a real Thai. This board would be so much different if average Thais posted on it.

I think the jury is still out on this one and agree 100% that the boards are different when we have Thia's involved as illustrated in this thread. Now if we can just make some sense of it, but isn't that one of the challenges that makes it so different?

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