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Phuket Immigration Crackdown Announced

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An old friend of mine will be coming over and stay with us in our house for a few day. Do I have to report him to the Police?

And what kind of suspicious behavior should I report?

- Not chasing girls?

- Not drinking "lao"?

- Driving politely?

- Giving a big tip?

If he talks into his shoe and speaks in foreign tongues, that would be a clue... :D


If Thailand has problems, and Thailand wishes to address them in certain ways.

I think it is fair to let them.

All countries that I know of, is trying to keep tr :) ack of

their foreigners..


I just want to thank this guy for giving me a good chuckle. I was gonna go watch a funny movie but this website is much more hilarious and it's free. I am curious why the Thai government politicos don't shut down this website or at least hunt down all the comic contributors. How much does the Thai government pay you to act like a foreigner?? I am curious which countries that you know of (other than Thailand) keep track of their visitors's whereabouts??? I'm trying to find some long lost debtor friends of mine who I think may be living in one of those countries you speak of. Maybe I could purchase a copy of their lists. LOL

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PHUKET CITY: Phuket Immigration this morning held a press conference to announce measures aimed at improving compliance with immigration law, including the requirement that owners of all hotels, guesthouses and rental homes report foreigners on their premises to immigration within 24 hours of arrival.

Stupid. It's so stupid that I can scarcely believe the stupidity of it. With the global economic collapse, rampaging mobs, airport occupation and swine flu, is this a good time to be hassling tourists?

Maybe not.

Phuket Immigration Superintendent Chanatpol Yongbunjerd told the press that the crackdown follows the recent arrest of three ethnic Rohingyas on charges of involvement in an international human smuggling ring.

Yeah, they were probably the victims of it. Well done boys.

The three men, two of whom were arrested in Songkhla’s Haad Yai district, are also suspected of having links to terrorist groups including Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

Stretching the imagination a bit, isn't it?

The crackdown is also part of stepped-up security in the run-up to the 42nd Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting, scheduled to take place at Laguna Phuket from July 16 to 23, Col Chanatpol said.

Those ASEAN Foreign Ministers are all Foreign Bastards too. Don't let them in!

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I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

Jesus! That sounds a bit extreme. If you don’t mind me asking what country was that, I will be very careful if I ever visit there.

My home country, UK, when I returned there with my now ex Maltese wife never required me or my parents to report her visit to the authorities. With hindsight I wish they had been required to do so and that she was deported.

Anyway, a sensible question. I am here on a work permit and on my time off I stay with my Thai wife in, of course, her house. Is she required to report/register my stay with her?

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Thailand has always been and continues to be a magnet and refuge for most country's losers, criminals and pedofiles. The expats in this country aren't exactly

the creme de la creme of western society. Even if terrorism wasn't a factor, I hope they clean it up and let the scumbags move on to Cambodia or some other 3rd world cesspool. Sorry to those scumbags that I offend...LOL


AND they can't read. the OP never said reporting was starting, as about 20 Posters claimed, they said it was going to be improved. [PHUKET CITY: Phuket Immigration this morning held a press conference to announce measures aimed at improving compliance with (existing) immigration law]

supplying software for online reporting, maybe?


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If you have nothing to hide... there's nothing to fear with this kind of calls... as a matter

fact, are even good for you and your safety...

If he talks to his shoe then call him Maxwell Smart. If he talks in foreign tongues then bust a cap in his ass.

It won't be long before Thailand drives out all the foreigners. Between getting ripped off forced to jump through visa hoops, it can make you hate this place!

I for one am done here. I'm sick of the Thai way and next month will be making my way back to the states. The 6 years I've been here has had some good times but there were tons of bad times with the "Thai Way" of doing things. Most of us know why we come here and it's not for the Tom Yum. Not that I care what anyone thinks anyway, I'm just done. My company is Internet based and the lack of cable speeds here just pisses me off and Thailand does NOTHING about the Internet speeds. More and more kids are jumping on the net these days doing gaming and it just sucks that the speeds are the way they are. So, Thailand, you can keep your Tom Yum and your "Rip Off The Farang" mentality. I'm tapped!

Oh and one more thing before I go. To most of the moderators of this site. Over the years you all seem to have gotten too big of a head. To most of you moderators, one day you can stop hiding behind your computer and come out into the real world. You will find that being all tough and stuff won't get you anything but a fat lip. So, my advise is stop pretending your God because really, you're just losers behind an IP address and that is the lamest thing eva!

Peace my brothers and sisters. See you in the next life. Oh and I hear Panang is the next big destination...

dam_n that made no sense! No need to reply, won't be reading it.

Thank God this man calls himself 'friendlyguy01'... can you imagine if he wasn't friendly?... :)

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Stupid. It's so stupid that I can scarcely believe the stupidity of it. With the global economic collapse, rampaging mobs, airport occupation and swine flu, is this a good time to be hassling tourists?
How is it hassling tourists? It's the hotel staff that have to inform the police, not the tourists, so how on earth does it affect them?
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I woke up this morning and fired up the old laptop and as usual Thaivisa came thru with more fun and games and of course Thai Immigration, What entertainment you cannot pay any amount of money and get this much fun. All of the whiners, criers and I am leaving tomorrow crowd, you guys need to get a life and stop, get a gripp you have no control over Thai Immigration. What fun

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Those ASEAN Foreign Ministers are all Foreign Bastards too. Don't let them in!

:) good one!

Seriously though, calm down all. It's nothing new, it's not even news.

Unless you are worried about Interpol ambushing you you have no reason to be concerned.

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I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

my mother lived in Portugal and got fined for not reporting to police within 24 hours that

I was visiting her

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I understand why foreigners must be reported, due to such luminaries as America's first lady (555) coming over.

Then there's the hideous mess of Pattaya, at the last summit....quite the embarrassing screw up.

Thailand wants/needs to get this right and those pesky terrorists are still about....and it would be easy to stage an attack in this country....

But there are plenty of Thai Muslims and there are quite a few extremists here too...just see the southern provinces...all nationals...who is monitoring them? Arguably the Thai security forces aren't exactly doing a sterling job of that....I'd be more concerned about sympathisers from within, than foreigners from the outside.

Btw, the reporting crackdown is obviously occurring as it isn't regularly enforced....so to those who say it happens all the time, get real, I know it doesn't....

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What happens with all the cheap Charlies who only stay in the Bar Girl of the night's room. Do the girls have to report who is staying with them ? If so , I think the police wont bother to check hotels and guest houses , they would rather be paid by the ladies favours .

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I don't see what the hassle here is all about.

In my home country it is REQUIREMENT to declare the arrival of foreigner within 48 hours.

A few years ago, when I took my wife to visit my home country, I failed to report her to the local authorities as she had a Visa and I taught that having a Visa and an Entry stamp would be sufficient (we stayed at my brothers house).

Two days later, we had a "visit" from the local Police and they said that they had the right to deport my wife immediatly and jail my brother for not declaring that he had an undeclared foreigner in his home!!!!!

Go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that was not an "third world country".

If the Immigration crackdown is meant to make Thailand safer and follow the International standards, then they should go for it.

my mother lived in Portugal and got fined for not reporting to police within 24 hours that

I was visiting her

If I knew you were staying with your mother , I would have reported you too. lol

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The authorities are just wanting to appear proactive as in the vein of "Don't just stand there, do something!" Cracking down on guest registrations is highly visible and makes it look like they are on top of everything. The Thai government was pretty embarrassed by the recent Pattaya fiasco and they want to avoid a repeat. Expect more "crackdowns" until the ASEAN meeting is over :)

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<snip>... so Please stop calling me a guest here... unless you plan on paying for my dinner and showing me a good time!


Would a mint on your pillow, a mini-bar and a a couple of those little bottles of shampoo do the trick? :)

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Note that it is very important for officials to regularly remind the public that the Rohingya refugees are dangerous terrorists with links to JI and Al Qaeda. This plays well with the locals and provides more than ample justification for murdering unfortunate Rohingyas that land in Thailand by launching them out to sea in leaky boats with inadequate fuel, food and water, after, of course administering a sound thrashing to them on the beach.

Edited by Arkady
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Personaly I did not mind showing my passport when checking in a hotel when I was a tourist around here. I think it is pretty common practice worldwide.

Maybe help tracing back your steps if something hapeen to you.

The part I find more disturbing is the "monitoring residences with foreigners in domicile, especially those with suspicious behavior". I would not mind in some other countries but here it seems like the perfect nice vague reason for a cop to camp in front of your house, or moo ban or anything and wait until you break any strange new law that just came out that day.

Usually I just don't like this kind of law that just seem to be there to give "official" reason for the police to chekc on you, but here it is waorse as there is no way you can even complain about it considering the corruption and lack of competence in the police force...

Beh let's be positive, greater chances are nothing will change anyway ^^

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This is just keeping the Americans happy when Hilary Clinton visits. Secret service and all that and fears of extremist Muslims. Otherwise if they don't do this and something happens then the Thais loose face?

You have to remember that Phuket is in the south where they have that 'insurgency' problem. Basically radical Muslims from outside Thailand/those who want an independant Muslim Pattani state stirring up things between the peaceful local Muslims and Buddhists. I have a Thai friend from Hat Yai who lived in the South most of his life and he never experience the hatred being stirred up by these 'insurgents'.

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Perhaps one/some of the summit attending countries requested this for security? whether it is valid or for show remains to be seen. It is the very system in Thailand that leads to the environment so many non thai's find appealing enough to relocate and/or vacation. The system that creates 25 baht papaya salad and 5 baht sticky rice and a slew of other nice food. Now Italian food is quite pricey, who would one complain to, the Thai government or to Mr. Berlesconi?

You have obviously never had a 3000 bht SANDWICH !! :)

No need to pay anything if you play your cards right.

Honestly I appreciate witty humour

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I see you need to build your posts, but really try to use the brain not the backside prior to posting.

How did your brilliant or retarded mind arrived at conclusion that i am incapable of making a living? How does enjoying the country relate to running a business? Please enlighten me with your thoughts on the matter.

While you at it, why do not you share how well off you are, or are you retired in Thailand because you could not have any kind of life back in home country.

Because Thailand is such a wonderful place for the foreigners, so business and law friendly. So easy get things done, but i guess you also have little darling wife half your age, third your weight and of course loves you more then anything on this planet-naturally because you have a good heart.

I didn't say you were incapable of making a living. You stated that you were here because you "had" to come for business reasons. You seem to have a total disregard for the place so I wondered why you were here. If you think doing business is so hard here, why are you here? Enjoying the country has nothing to do with running a business, but why not run a business in a country that you do enjoy?

My girlfriend is one year younger than me. I am not retired. I work for myself and have done so for many years. I had a great life in the UK and have a great life here. Sorry if I do not conform to your stereotypes. You would have to ask my girlfriend why she loves me. Seeing as her family are wealthy and she is more than capable of supporting herself, I doubt it has anything to do with money though. She isn't half my weight either, as I'm not particularly fat.

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An old friend of mine will be coming over and stay with us in our house for a few day. Do I have to report him to the Police?

And what kind of suspicious behavior should I report?

- Not chasing girls?

- Not drinking "lao"?

- Driving politely?

- Giving a big tip?

If he talks into his shoe and speaks in foreign tongues, that would be a clue... :D

If he talks to his shoe then call him Maxwell Smart. If he talks in foreign tongues then bust a cap in his ass.

It won't be long before Thailand drives out all the foreigners. Between getting ripped off forced to jump through visa hoops, it can make you hate this place!

I for one am done here. I'm sick of the Thai way and next month will be making my way back to the states. The 6 years I've been here has had some good times but there were tons of bad times with the "Thai Way" of doing things. Most of us know why we come here and it's not for the Tom Yum. Not that I care what anyone thinks anyway, I'm just done. My company is Internet based and the lack of cable speeds here just pisses me off and Thailand does NOTHING about the Internet speeds. More and more kids are jumping on the net these days doing gaming and it just sucks that the speeds are the way they are. So, Thailand, you can keep your Tom Yum and your "Rip Off The Farang" mentality. I'm tapped!

Oh and one more thing before I go. To most of the moderators of this site. Over the years you all seem to have gotten too big of a head. To most of you moderators, one day you can stop hiding behind your computer and come out into the real world. You will find that being all tough and stuff won't get you anything but a fat lip. So, my advise is stop pretending your God because really, you're just losers behind an IP address and that is the lamest thing eva!

Peace my brothers and sisters. See you in the next life. Oh and I hear Panang is the next big destination...

dam_n that made no sense! No need to reply, won't be reading it.

Sorry that your Time's been rough

and that of LOS you've had enough...

But bear in mind those memories, Mate,

of Fun and Love, not Whines or Hate..

Human, yes....Robotic, no.

It's real folks who Mod this show.

Walk safe and smiling, enjoy your stay,

Cool and 'cushty' (?) in the good ole USA.

Coz right or wrong, Thai/Farang fault or not,

the sad truth is, that you'll soon be forgot.

Brewsta :))

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As I have said many times in the past, visa runs should be terminated, all those applying to stay in Thailand long term should be imposed to use the non Immigrant visa process with a requirement that each applicant has a police letter from their home country confirming what is and what is not on file about them.

Those who are contravening the laws in Thailand create the tightening up of visa regulations for those of us who are legitimately living here long term.

I think all foreigners here should have all their money taken from them , their cars, motorbikes , houses and land and then be kicked out of Thailand , OH , thats whats happening now , I forgot .

DONT WORRY, never mind , its OK , stop panicing , keep your hair on , :) , Do what I have done, get yourself a wench as your girlfriend from the immigration office. I dont go anywhere , I just give her my passport and hey presto a long stay stamp logged on computer and it only costs me my time inbed with her , LUCKY ME :D:D

your telling me that you have to rump the old woman for a visa? absolutely disgusting! good job im not in your position, my visa would have been cancelled a long time ago. this forum never ceases to amaze. men having sex with there wives....AAAAArrrrgh, whatever disgusting things will they come up with next

Not really, sure beats doing many of the beer bar "wrenches" adding insult to injury by paying for it, when you can have a literate wrench, a visa, and a happy ending to boot(no pun intended), on the house.

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It is only relevant to those who come into Thailand without using a passport. Or for those who live here without one . Simple as that .

The day to day running of hotels etc is none of our business , it doesnt concern us , we are here to holiday , the hotles etc are here to follow the legal requirements.

come to Thailand without a passport you say? I guess that would mean the American soldiers doing some R&R from Iraq, they don't need passports, their owned by the government. Let's see, the US is going to help with the immigration thing, regulations and all, probably weaken Thailand. Strategically a good place to form a military base or two. (revenue) I think Thailand's playing the fool. Any business with the American government is in the best interests of the American military complex.

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My girlfriend is one year younger than me. I am not retired. I work for myself and have done so for many years. I had a great life in the UK and have a great life here. Sorry if I do not conform to your stereotypes. You would have to ask my girlfriend why she loves me. Seeing as her family are wealthy and she is more than capable of supporting herself, I doubt it has anything to do with money though. She isn't half my weight either, as I'm not particularly fat.

Kuffki,sorry,but you asked for it!

This is the new brand of TV members,young,fit,successful in their business,,with a Chinese-Thai GF,a rich one,of course,

can't win with them.Thai internet forum:easy. :)

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US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to attend the meeting, during which the ministers are expected to try and hammer out a unified approach to the nuclear ambitions of pariah state North Korea – which successfully carried out a nuclear test in May.

I'm sure Bill won't miss out on this trip. He'll probably wait for her in Bangkok around Soi 8.

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Just a quick word "off topic" here.

I really wish people would quit talking about us foreigners as being "guests". I am not a guest. I have gone through all the proper procedures etc to obtain a one year extension. I am a "legitimate RESIDENT" of this country. Ok???

Having spent over thirty years of my life in many countries all over the world, I can say that I have had to show my passport in the hotels of most of them. In the States I have to show my drivers license. Big deal.

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