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Fact is, many (ex) b/gs get really very, very much from their farang partners on a regular basis. And they certainly are not shy to tell everyone about that...

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Fact is, many (ex) b/gs get really very, very much from their farang partners on a regular basis. And they certainly are not shy to tell everyone about that...

Why you know?

haven't people got better things to do on a sat night than to read this s**t

No because their Thai partners have spent all the baht and they have to stay home due to no more baht being available. You know it is true!

Oops it is Saturday night and I am reading this too. I will go away now and wonder what happened to all the money. lol

Oh <deleted> I am out of whisky, will have to wait until my teerak has a win at the new casino so I can drink again.

Got to go now as my ISP is due to cut me off as I have not paid my last two bills. Oh please Teerak please win tonight!

Fact is, many (ex) b/gs get really very, very much from their farang partners on a regular basis. And they certainly are not shy to tell everyone about that...

Why you know?

Because I live here many years, know many people from all walks of life and believe me, mahtin, that's really the case...I am not involved in that and I am REALLY not interested, but I unfortunately know unbelievable things...

So you have employed a maid with benefits...

Ass, gas or grass......nobody rides for free :D

Every man, everywhere in the world, pays for it.......one way or the other :D

:) ....and with this post you have dispelled another myth...My friends have always told me, Canadians dont have a sense of humour... :D

They must have a sense of humour, guess who the country next to them is? If the actions of that government and their people dont make you laugh nothing will lol

BTW this post is in jest. I do not want to be hunted down and have my emails and phones tapped- again!


If a woman is demanding 30,000 B per month because that's what she could make as a prostitute that's probably a sign to get out of there.


TG is simply a step up from BG - the day job feeds the nite job, ya get to do more guys per nite and make more.

I would stop being a wimp and step up to the plate and give her at least 60k per month, pay the rent & utilities,

then buy her a real neato BMW or Porsche Boxster - used is good - you can save the new one for when you build

the big house for her mom & pop also.

Then you will be too tired for boomsing, working 6 jobs, and your buddies who come to visit for free, can do her.


Why dont you trolls pick a decent, exciting topic?? Its always the same junk


One thing I would say in defense of this girl is that she would probably ask the same of any Thai guy. At the end of the day, a fair proportion of Thai girls believe that they should receive recompense from their boyfriend (they dont usually use the or else I might as well be a hooker argument.)

But they do fundamentally believe that if they are not being well looked after then they are better off looking elsewhere.

One thing I would say in defense of this girl is that she would probably ask the same of any Thai guy. At the end of the day, a fair proportion of Thai girls believe that they should receive recompense from their boyfriend (they dont usually use the or else I might as well be a hooker argument.)

But they do fundamentally believe that if they are not being well looked after then they are better off looking elsewhere.

No, she would not, in relation of Thai guys to Farang guys. Meaning: She would only ask the Thai guy, if she would know that he can afford that easily. But she would ask almost every farang, because she assumes now, after some other Thais told her, that almost every farangs can afford that easily...

One thing I would say in defense of this girl is that she would probably ask the same of any Thai guy. At the end of the day, a fair proportion of Thai girls believe that they should receive recompense from their boyfriend (they dont usually use the or else I might as well be a hooker argument.)

But they do fundamentally believe that if they are not being well looked after then they are better off looking elsewhere.

No, she would not, in relation of Thai guys to Farang guys. Meaning: She would only ask the Thai guy, if she would know that he can afford that easily. But she would ask almost every farang, because she assumes now, after some other Thais told her, that almost every farangs can afford that easily...

I dont really see the difference. It is merely a case of her thinking that if the farang is not wealthy enough to make this investment then she should look for someone who is.

In my experience, my Thai friends spend much more money supporting their mia nois and even girlfriends than the average farang. Often the girl who asks for nothing is trying to make a bigger play on substantially more.


To the OP I'm not 100% sure you are getting the right advise here!

Sounds like your case may not be the typical bar girl scenario many TV members are used to.

Duno you will have to judge for yourself on that.

But it is normal in middle class Asian families for a housewifes to get a fixed monthly salary.

She may consider herself middle class now she knows you. Granted 30k seems a bit steep depend on what she earns now 10-15k is more normal.

Did you ask your girl friend to stop work? Does she have to take much time off work to take care of you?

Do you treat her as a housewife? i.e. she cooks, cleans, fetches bears etc. etc

Also is your GF 100% Thai i.e. no Japanese, Chinese or Korean blood?

By the way in my experience Thais do not like giving detailed answers, probably the simple answer to your car issue is

that you can not have a car registered in Thailand under your name, unless you of course you lives here.

Good luck

One thing I would say in defense of this girl is that she would probably ask the same of any Thai guy. At the end of the day, a fair proportion of Thai girls believe that they should receive recompense from their boyfriend (they dont usually use the or else I might as well be a hooker argument.)

But they do fundamentally believe that if they are not being well looked after then they are better off looking elsewhere.

No, she would not, in relation of Thai guys to Farang guys. Meaning: She would only ask the Thai guy, if she would know that he can afford that easily. But she would ask almost every farang, because she assumes now, after some other Thais told her, that almost every farangs can afford that easily...

So do you believe that there are Thai ladies/girls who genuinely think that amounts such as 50-100k baht are small change for a farang....thus will cause no distress whatsoever if farangs are asked, and agree to part with this sort of sum?........thus not being greedy just having an unrealistic level of expectation in some cases.

haven't people got better things to do on a sat night than to read this s**t

No, the football is on Sunday :)


Jeeze, why don't we just write 'whore' on her forehead and send her into Nana Plaza...better still, why not burn her at the stake.

Misogynistic (and damaged?) farangs reaping their rightful vengeance. Thank god a few tried to say something on her behalf. Lets review the scenario....

Did the poster not say he has been seeing her for 'years' and all he has contributed is the rent (baht 2,000)for half of her studio, some bill money and he pays for meals.

So that would mean a Thai girl with a respectable job who has likely subjected herself to neighbours/friends/associates telling her she is being strung along for several years by some farang guy who is taking advantage of her? As for making comparisons with a western girlfriend...wouldn't they also after a few years be wondering where the relationsdhip was going?

She is employed as a tour guide (apparently now categorically defined as prostitution)

She earns herself baht 150,000 per annum.

However, the poster, who has been receiving lodging and sex through these years on his visits, admits he doesn't love her, doesn't think he'll miss her.

Okay, baht 30,000 a month is silly and asking for the car in her name mercenary also.

However, might this not be a knee-jerk, nervous reaction to the fact that she has sussed this relationship is going nowhere. She will have been 'whoring' herself quite literally in the eyes of many of her Thai aquaintances and has nothing to show for it as Rethaired casually kicks her to the curb and exits stage left, at the gentleman's convenience.


Maybe she is mercenary. However, she could just as easily be a really nice, loyal girlfriend who realises she's in a dead-end relationship after all these years and is now patently acting from a deperate position.


Jeeze, why don't we just write 'whore' on her forehead and send her into Nana Plaza...better still, why not burn her at the stake.

Misogynistic (and damaged?) farangs reaping their rightful vengeance. Thank god a few tried to say something on her behalf. Lets review the scenario....

Did the poster not say he has been seeing her for 'years' and all he has contributed is the rent (baht 2,000)for half of her studio, some bill money and he pays for meals.

So that would mean a Thai girl with a respectable job who has likely subjected herself to neighbours/friends/associates telling her she is being strung along for several years by some farang guy who is taking advantage of her? As for making comparisons with a western girlfriend...wouldn't they also after a few years be wondering where the relationsdhip was going?

She is employed as a tour guide (apparently now categorically defined as prostitution)

She earns herself baht 150,000 per annum.

However, the poster, who has been receiving lodging and sex through these years on his visits, admits he doesn't love her, doesn't think he'll miss her.

Okay, baht 30,000 a month is silly and asking for the car in her name mercenary also.

However, might this not be a knee-jerk, nervous reaction to the fact that she has sussed this relationship is going nowhere. She will have been 'whoring' herself quite literally in the eyes of many of her Thai aquaintances and has nothing to show for it as Rethaired casually kicks her to the curb and exits stage left, at the gentleman's convenience.


Maybe she is mercenary. However, she could just as easily be a really nice, loyal girlfriend who realises she's in a dead-end relationship after all these years and is now patently acting from a deperate position.

So do you believe that there are Thai ladies/girls who genuinely think that amounts such as 50-100k baht are small change for a farang....thus will cause no distress whatsoever if farangs are asked, and agree to part with this sort of sum?........thus not being greedy just having an unrealistic level of expectation in some cases.

Actually I do think this to a certain degree. It is amazing the number of farangs who come to Thailand, say they are 10 years younger than they are, that they earn twice as much, that they are not married but are looking and are about to be awarded a knighthood. How this equates to their tattoos and penchant for through Singha beer bottles around the pool I am not so sure.


That's right Abrak and how many over the years have got married and gone to live overseas only to find out that their Mr Millionaire husband ain't such a big shot after all. It is almost impossible to change their minds unless they have been strung along then gone to live in farang land only to find out that her Donald Trump is really nothing more then a two bob schmuck, living in a council flat without a pot to piss in.

That's right Abrak and how many over the years have got married and gone to live overseas only to find out that their Mr Millionaire husband ain't such a big shot after all. It is almost impossible to change their minds unless they have been strung along then gone to live in farang land only to find out that her Donald Trump is really nothing more then a two bob schmuck, living in a council flat without a pot to piss in.

Well I am sure that happens but what gets me is that the guy who calls hookers lying scum bags is the same 50 year old who has told the girl he is 35 and Mick Jagger's manager within 5 minutes of meeting her. It is hardly surprising that he would treat him as a disillusioned fool and take him for all he is worth.

To the OP I'm not 100% sure you are getting the right advise here!

Sounds like your case may not be the typical bar girl scenario many TV members are used to.

Duno you will have to judge for yourself on that.

But it is normal in middle class Asian families for a housewifes to get a fixed monthly salary.

She may consider herself middle class now she knows you. Granted 30k seems a bit steep depend on what she earns now 10-15k is more normal.

Did you ask your girl friend to stop work? Does she have to take much time off work to take care of you?

Do you treat her as a housewife? i.e. she cooks, cleans, fetches bears etc. etc

Also is your GF 100% Thai i.e. no Japanese, Chinese or Korean blood?

By the way in my experience Thais do not like giving detailed answers, probably the simple answer to your car issue is

that you can not have a car registered in Thailand under your name, unless you of course you lives here.

Good luck

monkfish re read the thread. In her own words she said b/G"s get 30k. nuff said

That's right Abrak and how many over the years have got married and gone to live overseas only to find out that their Mr Millionaire husband ain't such a big shot after all. It is almost impossible to change their minds unless they have been strung along then gone to live in farang land only to find out that her Donald Trump is really nothing more then a two bob schmuck, living in a council flat without a pot to piss in.

Well I am sure that happens but what gets me is that the guy who calls hookers lying scum bags is the same 50 year old who has told the girl he is 35 and Mick Jagger's manager within 5 minutes of meeting her. It is hardly surprising that he would treat him as a disillusioned fool and take him for all he is worth.

There was a mention by a Thai lady(on another thread) about the Girls now finding more farangs are full of crap (forget the exact wording).........word soon gets around.........so how do you find out?......well I guess one way is to ask him to stump up 50 - 100k.......if he cannot move on........

so....... money grabbing?....... or a test?...... due to the economic standard/and declining values of farang visitors.......


If I was cynical, I would say pay the salary as a salary. Do the math and demand return for your money: 30K per month @ 40 hours per week equates to 24/7 at your beck and call, serving you hand and foot, for every whim during the times that you are with her.

But, I am not so cynical.

I actually have the feeling that the more moderate posters here are closer to the truth, that she's probably a decent enough girl.

It's possible that she feels that you don't love her and thus understandably wants to convert the relationship to get some advantage out of it since no wedding bells in the future. She feels that she has invested in this relationship with her time (and probably tolerance for some of your farang foibles!)and she knows you could very well just never come back. Alot of women just want security. It could work out......except you don't love her! She's possibly quite right.

They must have a sense of humour, guess who the country next to them is? If the actions of that government and their people dont make you laugh nothing will lol

BTW this post is in jest. I do not want to be hunted down and have my emails and phones tapped- again!

BTW the neighbor to the south has gotten all their good comedians from us anyway:

Dan Aykroyd

John Candy

Jim Carrey

Phil Hartman

Ron James

Eugene Levy

Rich Little

Howie Mandel

Mike Myers

Leslie Nielson

Martin Short.......etc, etc

You could also cut to the chase right now....buy her the house in her name, the car and give her your ATM card as well

Don't forget to cut your nads off and have your spine removed too...

Easy for you to say, but let's see if he can get a lady here WITHOUT paying her money. Almost every Farang I have met in LOS, married or not, pay their ladies money. I only know a handfull who do not. If these women don't get what they want, they will just move on to someone who will pay and there are plenty of accomidating gents arriving here everyday.

One thing I would say in defense of this girl is that she would probably ask the same of any Thai guy. At the end of the day, a fair proportion of Thai girls believe that they should receive recompense from their boyfriend (they dont usually use the or else I might as well be a hooker argument.)

But they do fundamentally believe that if they are not being well looked after then they are better off looking elsewhere.

Thai men pay the same?? That all depends on age mostly. Older Thai men may also pay for a young & beautiful lady, but with pairings of similar age I would say that generally the Thai man pays nothing.

She is not a BG, but works in the tourism industry (and I know that for a fact since she has a licence. I cannot know if she was a BG before. She has never told me! Joking! Let's be honest! No man alive can know for sure what was the dark-side of a woman IF she does not want you to know! She might tell you, but will you know for sure it is not another story! :) In her line of work, she sometimes frequents BGs.

She does not come from Isaan, but she is a farmer's daughter. She is 30. I am 47.

I am splitting the B 4000 rent as she used to pay 2000 B for 12 m2 apartment and I would have to pay minimum about B 4000 myself. So this seemed a win-win situation for both of us. I usually pay for food and give her sometimes other gifts when people do.

I am in the process of buying a car, but she wants me to put it on her name and, when I tell her, I want to put it in on my name, she does not want the car anymore. This makes me VERY suspicious, especially considering she does not have a downpayment. She asks me to trust her, but then when I ask her to trust me to put the name of the car on my name (so that she can theoretically be absolved of all the financial responsibilities and allow her to save some to have a downpayment for land/house and such, which is a good compromise since foreigners cannot own land anyway), she is not interested, saying that she is not able to save money! :D

Slap yourself twice and give your head a serious shake. Then vote with your feet. 30k is one thing but putting the car in her name spells setup. When will the falang learn? Its no wonder many girls think they have won the lottery.

They must have a sense of humour, guess who the country next to them is? If the actions of that government and their people dont make you laugh nothing will lol

BTW this post is in jest. I do not want to be hunted down and have my emails and phones tapped- again!

BTW the neighbor to the south has gotten all their good comedians from us anyway:

Dan Aykroyd

John Candy

Jim Carrey

Phil Hartman

Ron James

Eugene Levy

Rich Little

Howie Mandel

Mike Myers

Leslie Nielson

Martin Short.......etc, etc

I'd take a few of those out if you are using the word "good".


I am a bit surprised you are not at least picking up the measly 4000 baht per month rent. Her actions are not right but you are probably being "cheap Charlie" to her. She only makes 25K per month.


I know an Isaan girl that are happy with 8000 Baht from farang each month.

Maybe you should try her instead to save some money....

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