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How Much Taxes Do I Pay When I Get A Work Permit In Simple Term

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i am from singapore and is turning 44 soon , recently my son had been going to thailand alot

and i am considering moving to thailand , as i had myself travel there and like chiangmai alot .

- my son is married to a Thai , and he told me that his wife can hire me . if i want .

since i am only 44 i do not fall in the retirment group .

my son is only 23 ..

to cut thing short ,

i am kinda confuse with taxes .

it said that i got to declare 45,000 per month for singaporean .

let said i do not do any deduction or i am not sure how it work ..

how much taxes in simple lay man term do i need to pay per month ..

or per year.

i seen some of the taxes info pages , i am totlaly lost .

someone who had a workpermit and is paying taxes kindly give me some figure , Thanks


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There are otherways to stay in Thailand, like studying. If you study for example Thai or English at a language school for an average of 4 hours a week you can get an ED visa and stay in Thailand for about 5 year and then choose another study, till your 50 and qualify fro retirement.

A course Thai will cost around 29,000 a year, plus 1,900 every month for an extension of stay. Look for more information on top of the page an click the banner for one of the language schools.

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There are otherways to stay in Thailand, like studying. If you study for example Thai or English at a language school for an average of 4 hours a week you can get an ED visa and stay in Thailand for about 5 year and then choose another study, till your 50 and qualify fro retirement.

A course Thai will cost around 29,000 a year, plus 1,900 every month for an extension of stay. Look for more information on top of the page an click the banner for one of the language schools.

Every 3 months ?

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There are otherways to stay in Thailand, like studying. If you study for example Thai or English at a language school for an average of 4 hours a week you can get an ED visa and stay in Thailand for about 5 year and then choose another study, till your 50 and qualify fro retirement.

A course Thai will cost around 29,000 a year, plus 1,900 every month for an extension of stay. Look for more information on top of the page an click the banner for one of the language schools.

Every 3 months ?

Oops, no cofee yet. Only Oventine.

Studying at language schools etc. requires a new extension of stay every 90 days.

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If your son is on an extension of stay another option would be a multiple entry non immigrant O visa to visit him. It would require a border run every 90 days but from Chiang Mai that is not very far. You should contact the Thai embassy in Singapore about getting this visa they might do it since it is your home country.

For tax info see this web page. http://www.rd.go.th/publish/6045.0.html

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To answer the initial question about income tax in Thailand:

It's 10% after a number of deductions:

a. 150,000.00 baht deduction for everyone (recently raised from 100,000)

b. 40% dedution with maximum of 60,000.00 baht deduction for "expenses"

c. another deduction of about 30,000.00 baht

At 45,000 per month x 12 = 540,000 income

Deductions a + b + c = 240,000

Taxable income = 540,000 - 240,000 = 300,000

Tax = 10% of taxable income = 30,000 (per calendar year, tax form and payment due at end of March of the following year)

Hope this helps.

Edited by heretostay
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For the avoidance of doubt, the income tax rate in Thailand is not 10%. It is a progressive tax:

First 150k 0%

Next 350k 10%

Next 500k 20%

Next 3M at 30%

Over 4M at 37%

But, based on the information given, and allowances mentioned above, 30k tax for the year is correct. You may also be able to include an allowance for life assurance premiuns.

Edited by thaiphoon
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Thansk you so much for the much needed info ,

i would like to work . cos i do not want to depend on my Son alone , i am a cook , so i may open a small food store or some kinda baking business,


to make it simple .

i am look at about 3000b per month to own a work permit ,

workpermit - 3000/ mth ( base on 45k income after deduction )

what other fee ?

i head apply for work permit cost about 3000b also ..so if we break down to 12 month is about 250b per month .

is it safe to say is about 3250b per month to have a work permit .

any others Spending ?

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The are other things you need to consider in you plan.

You will need the correct visa. I suggest you try getting the multiple entry O visa I mentioned earlier or at least a single entry. You can get a work permit with either of these visas. If you come in with a tourist visa you will have to leave and get B visa before your your work permit can be issued.

Unless the company your sons wife has now has been in business for 2 years you will not get an extension of stay at immigration. So you will still be making border runs. If you start your company/business it will be the same.

You don't have to have the salary of 45K to get a work permit. That is only needed when you apply for an extension of stay based upon employment at immigration. So if the company does not meet the requirements for an extension your salary can be a lot less than 45K and then be increased when you can get the extension.

If you decide to start your own company you will have expenses other than just taxes. For example there will be accounting and auditing fees. You will need employees in order to get your work permit. A work permit is only good for one place of employment so the one you get using you daughter in laws company will not be any good when you start your business.

Edited by ubonjoe
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A work permit is only good for one place of employment so the one you get using you daughter in laws company will not be any good when you start your business.

Your daughter in laws company can open a sub-branch where you can work.

I have made that, just added another address to company papers.

I also made addition to what the company works with, now it's restaurant / It consultant. :)

I have 30.000 baht in salary and pay 1000 baht/month in personal income tax.

Edited by PoorSucker
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Where are you from ?

you mean you are allow to put 30,000 instead of the 45,000b there set ?

my Daugther in law do not really own a company , but run a small food store .

this is abit confusing for me .

i was thinking maybe i can bake some food or be a cook . , my motive is not about visa . but to work and not relay on my Son .


the Sub branch idea sound good to me but i am not sure if i fall into that group . and am i allow to delcare 30k ?

i am from singapore

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As I wrote in my last post there is no minimum salary requirement to get a work permit.

If you apply for an extension of stay at immigration is when the minimum salary of 45K is required.

You can get a multiple entry visa with a lower salary than 45K and make border runs every 90 days.

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Extensions of stay cost 1,900 baht - if you are on a one year extension of stay then you need a re-entry permit to travel out of Thailand and keep the extension of stay alive. That will cost 1,000 baht single entry or 3,800 baht multi entry.

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To get a work permit, you must work for a Thai company.

The set-up of company and accounting, auditing will cost you some money.

Contact a lawyer in your sons town for an estimate.

He has already stated that his intension is to work for his daughter in laws business. Whether it will meet all the requirements to get a work permit is another issue.

Of course he will never get an extension of stay working for a business but it is not far from Chiang Mai to the border.

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To get a work permit, you must work for a Thai company.

The set-up of company and accounting, auditing will cost you some money.

Contact a lawyer in your sons town for an estimate.

He has already stated that his intension is to work for his daughter in laws business. Whether it will meet all the requirements to get a work permit is another issue.

Of course he will never get an extension of stay working for a business but it is not far from Chiang Mai to the border.

The OP stated "my Daugther in law do not really own a company , but run a small food store . "

So for WP he must be employed by a company.

Only spouse can work for a sole proprietor.

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