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The farmers are happy to get any rain at the moment. It has been raining in Doi Saket since 2 PM and as I post still coming down. The problem is as been reported Thailand is in a sever drought and has been since 2006. Reservoirs are setting at 4% to 20% capacity. The amount of rain for Chiang Mai YTD 262.4 mm. Should be at 489 mm. We are 226.7 mm behind normal. August and September are our two wettest months then the amount of rain drops drastically. In the Chiang Mai area SOME farmers may get this rice corp in but the winter corp all depends on the this rain that the reservoirs may have in storage for the winter corp in January. www.tmd.go.th/en

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering since it has been raining fairly regularly these last 2 weeks, although not always heavily, has the rain made a dent in the current drought?

Just go down to the Mae Ping and see how low the water level is. Or for an even bigger shock go check out the Mae Ngat Dam. It is many meters below normal.

Edited by elektrified
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I was wondering since it has been raining fairly regularly these last 2 weeks, although not always heavily, has the rain made a dent in the current drought?

Just go down to the Mae Ping and see how low the water level is. Or for an even bigger shock go check out the Mae Ngat Dam. It is many meters below normal.

I am aware of the information that has already been written on TV. I didn't think the amount of rain we have had so far this season would return us to anything near "normal". Eyeballing the Mae Ping or the dam would not tell me very much either.

I just was hoping someone with some facts would satisfy my curiosity that a certain amount of rain would raise the water level by xxx millimeters, or xxx centimeters.

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The facts are it has made a serious dent in the current drought. In my village the reservoir that was less than 1/2 full 2 weeks ago (with farmers wondering should they plant or not ) is now 90% full, even as rice farmers drain it everyday to start their crop. I stayed at Mae Ngat last week for one night and it came up 1/2 meter overnight. It still looked 10 meters below the spill gates, but I'll bet it is much less than that now. It's been a dry couple of years but this has been a very good month for rain. Let's hope the El Nino/La Nina cycle is over and things get back to normal.

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Amazing amount of rain last night! This morning we awoke with appx half a metre flood in parts of Haiya Muang, just outside the moat on Suriyawong / Kampangdin Rds. Our swimming pool overflowed but apart from that we're lucky the flood had stopped about 10 meteres away from our land. Many of our neighbors were not nearly so lucky. :(

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Yes we received a serious amount of rain in Doi Saket over the night but according to

www.tmd.go.th.en YTD as of this morning stand at 524.3 mm and should have 619.8 mm. We are still 95.5 mm behind. From 10PM last night to the present Chiang Mai received 117.4 mm of rain.

Edited by gotlost
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Yes we received a serious amount of rain in Doi Saket over the night but according to

www.tmd.go.th.en YTD as of this morning stand at 524.3 mm and should have 619.8 mm. We are still 95.5 mm behind. From 10PM last night to the present Chiang Mai received 117.4 mm of rain.

4 inches short of normal is not bad at all, if you are talking about rain that is.

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Yes we received a serious amount of rain in Doi Saket over the night but according to

www.tmd.go.th.en YTD as of this morning stand at 524.3 mm and should have 619.8 mm. We are still 95.5 mm behind. From 10PM last night to the present Chiang Mai received 117.4 mm of rain.

4 inches short of normal is not bad at all, if you are talking about rain that is.


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Yes we received a serious amount of rain in Doi Saket over the night but according to

www.tmd.go.th.en YTD as of this morning stand at 524.3 mm and should have 619.8 mm. We are still 95.5 mm behind. From 10PM last night to the present Chiang Mai received 117.4 mm of rain.

So what you're saying above is that year-to-date, we're just one good rain shower (rain night) below normal. Doesn't sound so bad, given that we have the whole of Setptember to look forward to, and that recent October months have also been quite wet.

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Yes we received a serious amount of rain in Doi Saket over the night but according to

www.tmd.go.th.en YTD as of this morning stand at 524.3 mm and should have 619.8 mm. We are still 95.5 mm behind. From 10PM last night to the present Chiang Mai received 117.4 mm of rain.

So what you're saying above is that year-to-date, we're just one good rain shower (rain night) below normal. Doesn't sound so bad, given that we have the whole of Setptember to look forward to, and that recent October months have also been quite wet.

Its still bad. The problem is that 120 mm of rain we got last night has caused some small secondary flooding. I just returned from a drive about and numerous secondary irrigation canals have jump their banks and are flooding planted rice fields. Also I just returned from the Mae Kuang Dam just outside Doi Saket and yes the water is up somewhat but the level is not where it should be and does not look as if it will get there. I know it is hard for people to believe that we are still in a drought withe the kind of rain we just had but the kind of rain we had last night does us no good if it does not go and stay in a reservoir and the ground.

Edited by gotlost
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Yes we received a serious amount of rain in Doi Saket over the night but according to

www.tmd.go.th.en YTD as of this morning stand at 524.3 mm and should have 619.8 mm. We are still 95.5 mm behind. From 10PM last night to the present Chiang Mai received 117.4 mm of rain.

So what you're saying above is that year-to-date, we're just one good rain shower (rain night) below normal. Doesn't sound so bad, given that we have the whole of Setptember to look forward to, and that recent October months have also been quite wet.

A very late start to the rainy season, which costs some farmers their crops, followed by flooding late in the rainy season is far from ideal.

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Coming down pretty good out in Doi Saket. Are we in for another 120 mm tonight.?

I need a boat to get out of my Moo Baan

Is it into your house yet--or have you been issued with 'moo bahn' sandbags? [Joke-eh?] It's about 20 metres from my gate and the dark clouds look like we're in for an interesting night--oh for a two storey house!

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The Nation n The Post both have snippets about flooding in CM, including some pix in the Post around Chotana area daytime today, I believe. Sadly there's not really any warning news posted by the tmd website right now. For my freshest take on things,I always look to see what the kids know... and they're thinking floods are a-comin'. I don't necessarily doubt it either... things are looking like this weekend's gonna get alot more interesting, and probably tonight. http://www.cm108.com/bbb/33222.html - don't forget to give Google translate a go and you can make some fairly good sense out of this.

One caveat and one cool thing about the CM108 site; Google translate won't help in many cases 'cause the kids are speaking in Kam Meuang, but you can pick up some cool vocab this way if you're up to snuff.

This is highly user generated reporting and alot of the kids (university age)are into their blogging and photography so you get alot of reporting that the news agencies just can't replicate. I'm a fan of the youth's efforts !

Edited by realthaideal
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The Nation n The Post both have snippets about flooding in CM, including some pix in the Post around Chotana area daytime today, I believe. Sadly there's not really any warning news posted by the tmd website right now. For my freshest take on things,I always look to see what the kids know... and they're thinking floods are a-comin'. I don't necessarily doubt it either... things are looking like this weekend's gonna get alot more interesting, and probably tonight. http://www.cm108.com/bbb/33222.html - don't forget to give Google translate a go and you can make some fairly good sense out of this.

One caveat and one cool thing about the CM108 site; Google translate won't help in many cases 'cause the kids are speaking in Kam Meuang, but you can pick up some cool vocab this way if you're up to snuff.

This is highly user generated reporting and alot of the kids (university age)are into their blogging and photography so you get alot of reporting that the news agencies just can't replicate. I'm a fan of the youth's efforts !

CM108 is a great site.:D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stopped raining here now. My fishpond has gone in a month from never been that low to never been that high since I'm here. The fish love it!

Still many m3's to go before full though. :)

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Stopped raining here now. My fishpond has gone in a month from never been that low to never been that high since I'm here. The fish love it!

Still many m3's to go before full though. :)

Likewise here, lake Huay Jo near home here in the hills near Mae Jo has gone from near empty to almost full now. I cycle and hike there, it's green and beautiful.

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