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Tesco-lotus Over-pricing

Thanyaburi Mac

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I just sent this note to the Klong 7 branch, now to see how they respond.


I went to this store today, Thursday 1 October. Amongst other items, I was going to buy a few packages of FINELINE Fabric Softener in the 700 ML package.

I noted the pricing:

-- one pack is baht 15.

-- three packs bundled together is baht 47.50!

-- So I bought three (3) single packages for baht 45.

In many stores that I've been to if you buy a "bulk pack" there is a discount. Not so at LOTUS I guess.

In the future I will be extra careful at TESCO-LOTUS to check the bulk pricing versus individual packs.


Klong 10

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Yeh gotta watch those 2 baht ripoffs :)

Think I would end up paying the 2 baht just so I don't need to reach to the shelf 3 times when it could be done once :D

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Yeh gotta watch those 2 baht ripoffs :)

Think I would end up paying the 2 baht just so I don't need to reach to the shelf 3 times when it could be done once :D

Nah, it's the "principle" of the thing, or it's probably more likely to just be that the folks at Klong 7 slept through the multiplication class in 4th grade. Or, is this pricing on this particular item across the board in other branches?? Hmmm, might check the Klong 3 branch tomorrow.

Besides, that baht 2 mounts up after a bit of dirty laundry, soon approaches the cost of a small bottle of Singha.


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I wish just once somebody would be honest and tell it like it is. It is nothing to do with the principle of the thing it is all to do with the money. BE HONEST!!! 2.5 baht isn't worth the time and effort taken to type out the "Complaint " :)

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classic example of store ripoff ( lotus)

we bought a 5 piece bed set ( sheets and pillow cases) as the package said

we got home, found 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases.

complained the next time we were there, their story, the piece of cardboard packing was the 5th item in the package

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It's not Tesco, it's not Thailand, it's worldwide. You drop into Kroger in Cincinatti or Longos in Toronto, or Le Grande Marche In St. Maarten you can see examples of the same thing. The price per unit is listed in our grocery stores. You can compare and quite often the larger containers are costier per unit (ounce,lb. whatever) than the same item different size. Thats why you need to be an educated consumer or don't give a rats butt what it costs just grab it off the shelf and take it home.

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Maybe when they first throw 3 together for a certain price the cost of the single unit was higher, that would explain the buy 3 for a lower price deal.

So then the buy 3 for a certain price does not work, the product is still not selling, so they lower the price of the single units to sell, the 3 packs are already parcelled up at the old price, and unpacking them is not worth the bother, they are not ripping you off, in fact you are now getting a better deal, because before prices were higher, and to get a lower price you had to buy 3, now you can buy an individual purchase cheaper :).

Eventually the 3 packs will not sell and they will be split into single units and priced accordingly, at the lower price, all good for the customer.

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It's not Tesco, it's not Thailand,

I remember seeing on the Blackpool (UK) seafront a stall selling sticks of Blackpool rock - 9p each or 10 for £1. Most people bought the '10 for £1' pack!

Edited by mr_hippo
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I'm sorry, but I think this is a dumb thread.

The OP acts as if there is some rule that buying in quantity is supposed to be cheaper.

There is no such rule. It's the way some stores get you to buy more, but it's just a sales technique.

Thank you at least for not saying it was a scam or rip-off.

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Used to be the same with Chang beer in Carrefour. Before the latest price increases for tax I remember a 24 bottle crate selling for 480 Baht while individual bottles sold at 19 Baht. I guess you were paying 1 Baht/bottle for the convenience of having the box!!

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I have been a few times, it's a chain store like "Walmart". I clearly pointed this out to the wife the first time we went (regarding bulk pricing, price comparison when shopping, etc), you get what you pay for [specially in the case of Tecso, Big C or a Walmart] it's is all very poor quality.

Really do not see how anyone can have a complaint when it is priced; As you did make an assumption (Most of us have made the same mistake in the past when making a purchase of some sort, on some product. Live , and learn.

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As you correctly say it's not just the Tesco/Lotus over here that have increased their prices but it's Supermarkets all over Thailand and all over the world in general. They put the prices on the items that we require, and we have to pay that asking price, if not then don't even consider purchasing it. It's called Price on demand.

It's as simple as that in a nut-shell.

Edited by Pitbullman1
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Yeh gotta watch those 2 baht ripoffs :)

Think I would end up paying the 2 baht just so I don't need to reach to the shelf 3 times when it could be done once :D

Nah, it's the "principle" of the thing, or it's probably more likely to just be that the folks at Klong 7 slept through the multiplication class in 4th grade. Or, is this pricing on this particular item across the board in other branches?? Hmmm, might check the Klong 3 branch tomorrow.

Besides, that baht 2 mounts up after a bit of dirty laundry, soon approaches the cost of a small bottle of Singha.


I learnt years ago any company with PLC attached was void of principle, and yet again, you could say they've got principles in this case ie. helping the small guy!!!!!!!!!

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What a load of nonsense in this thread. Of course it was a rip off. Of course you should pay less per item when you buy in bulk. The excuse of "the price has changed" merely highlights the stores inability/laziness/unwillingness to re-price their stock. Call it "mai pen rai" if you like.

Fortunately, I can do mental arithmetic so when I see something stupid like this:


...I buy two of the smaller items and save 16 baht.

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I'm sorry, but I think this is a dumb thread.

The OP acts as if there is some rule that buying in quantity is supposed to be cheaper.

There is no such rule. It's the way some stores get you to buy more, but it's just a sales technique.

Thank you at least for not saying it was a scam or rip-off.

Well I see that is may be a screw up in the way the teller priced them in / the way the software handled it. For example, instead of running each one at a time passed the scanner, she probably scanned one then keyed in x 3.

I doubt it was intentional by the retailer, more likely a problem with the way it was entered vis-a-vis the internal pricing system not set up to handle the sale prices.

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The same thing happens in wholesalers. Just walk along the shelves and you see it all the time. Refill soft plastic packs sitting next to the cheaper same size item in spray bottles. So called promotion products with not so free “free gift” priced higher than the non promotion item. The list goes on.

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Nah, it's the "principle" of the thing, or it's probably more likely to just be that the folks at Klong 7 slept through the multiplication class in 4th grade.

Probably true. If you buy things at a minimart (for example), more often than not you will experience that the folks there need a calculator to add up your shopping. 'How much is 25 and 10 again..?' --> Unbelievable! :)

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classic example of store ripoff ( lotus)

we bought a 5 piece bed set ( sheets and pillow cases) as the package said

we got home, found 2 sheets, 2 pillow cases.

complained the next time we were there, their story, the piece of cardboard packing was the 5th item in the package

Where else but Thailand? I bet they were serious too?

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I just sent this note to the Klong 7 branch, now to see how they respond.


I went to this store today, Thursday 1 October. Amongst other items, I was going to buy a few packages of FINELINE Fabric Softener in the 700 ML package.

I noted the pricing:

-- one pack is baht 15.

-- three packs bundled together is baht 47.50!

-- So I bought three (3) single packages for baht 45.

In many stores that I've been to if you buy a "bulk pack" there is a discount. Not so at LOTUS I guess.

In the future I will be extra careful at TESCO-LOTUS to check the bulk pricing versus individual packs.


Klong 10

Same thing in all their branches, if you buy a two pack of orange juice it costs 4 baht more than buying them single, (no logic)

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Its not only Thailand. Go to Europe, USA or Canada. You will find that too.

Specially in the so called "first world countries" and there even on a greater scale.

Standard practice in Australian supermarkets - Woolworths, Coles etc. - they all do it. No, not a Thai thing - imported by the major supermarket chains. :)

This has been happening for years - surprised that so many people here are unaware.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Its not only Thailand. Go to Europe, USA or Canada. You will find that too.

Specially in the so called "first world countries" and there even on a greater scale.

Total Rubbish!

It is against the law in Britain to price goods and attempt to sell them in this way. I think you will find the same goes for the USA.

The big Supermarket names in Britain have all been heavily clobbered in the past couple of years just for making mistakes on pricing!

The big names know that they will get away with breaking or bending any rules in developing countries; that is if there are any rules to start with.

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Pricing is a big mess here, I usually go to Carrefour where at least you get the product free if the cashregister charges more then the mentioned price.

I solved this by taking a CDwriter and note the mentioned prices on a corner of the package, so when checking out easy to check.

About 1 ouf 20 items has a different price in the computer, usually higher. If lower I keep my mouth shut.


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