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Red Shirts Plan To Paralyse Bangkok, Topple Thai Government

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Like I said ... getting sick of it ... see post #99 ... there is also a couple of other posts explaining how the elected Democrat MPs formed a coalition with smaller parties.

Dear Anotherpeter,

I share your frustration.

But I guess the bottom line is that some people just want to add 1 plus 1 and get the answer of 3, and no matter how you explain, rationalize, share facts, they will never see the correct answer, for a very simple reason - because they don't want to.

Also frustrating for me, is the way people just see red or yellow and simply won't look at the whole big picture and won't realize (because they don't want to) that many people don't sympathize with either group.

Also frustrating for me are the posters who believe that whatever is good for them should be the law. Plus all the claims of double standards when in fact all the parties are guilty of double standards. Not good, but let's please move on.

Also frustrating for me is that so few people will recognize, as nicely put "The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration". In fact they are doing very well and have outlined a much better deal for all Thais. But I must be honest, I believe they need to be a lot more visible about what they are doing.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

absolutely agree with ya, but remember.....

"Never argue with an idiot. They will only pull you down to their level, then beat you with experience." Mark Twain

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Finally, after 20 years this song has hit Hillary Clinton during the Iran Demonstration a few months back on twitter. Lets see if this administration in this lala...land reacts.



Finally, after 20 years this song has hit Hillary Clinton during the Iran Demonstration a few months back on twitter. Lets see if this administration in this lala...land reacts.


u are on a roll. good tunes today :D

What will happen if the RED leaders ask all the protesters to dress in YELLOW to bypass the road blocks and security checks.

I will offer a factual tidbit I gleened from a Red with close inside info when it comes to planning these rallies;

This time govt prohibited the bus lines from contracting with the Reds for transportation into Bangkok. In the past, they have used as many as 60+ tour busses to get the people to the rallies from all over the country. The Reds are forced this time, to use personal vehicles to get all to Bangkok. If there is a beef with the traffic congestion for those days, blame not the Reds. It is a govt thing, probably to undermine the cause and create animosity among the Bkk locals with Reds.


SInce it is factual, and since I am almost sure I understand a little more about Thai politics than you, please......source - proof, retract or please admit you are either just making this stuff up (or are listening to red shirt leaders who are proven to make stuff up non stop) or this is hearsay. It sure ain't anything like any 'fact'.

Most bus lines are principally private organisations, commonly owned by jao pors of each province. Some have contracts to supply buses for specific routes, some are for hire.

If they wanted to use tour buses they could get them. The govt cannot stop this unless you believe that they have the ability to speak to hundreds of organisations, some of whom are probably red shirters. What you are suggesting would require coodination across probably 100s or 1,000s of organisations. More again if you factor in the thousands of private vans which are all also available for rent.

But...... a lot of business men, even the upcountry ones (which aren't always that much business, but a lot of men) don't want these guys as passengers. Nor would you, given the care with which protesters looked after the LPG truck last year, or the buses in Songkran in Bangkok. in addition, I simply don't believe the red shirts want to pay to come in an organised fashion this time. in addition, private vehicles are better for

- causing congestion

- concealing weapons (and it would take someone very naive not to look at the footage of last year or during the yellow shirt occupation and think there aren't going to be a few thugs in the red shirt group - I think this is a tiny group though, definitely like last year less than 10%)

- avoiding the cost of buses

- appearing to be a bigger group

60 buses, by the way, is a total of, assuming illegal overcrowding of Calcutta levels, maximum of 6,000 people. Please can you explain how this is going to get to 1 million at that rate.

I thought not.

It's more like the taxi situation; apparently 3 out of 4 taxis would refuse to take someone to the PAD protests, because most of them are upcountry folk from TRT loyal areas; now I'd guess it might be 2 in 4 taxis are sympathetic to Thaksin (surprisingly, given that he basically destroyed their businesses by allowing an extension of the number of years a taxi could drive, increasing the number of licenses significantly to the point there are too many taxis, and not providing any benefits or increasing the fare even though oil prices shot up through the roof in his administration years) now but suffice to say you are unlikely to get a lot of help from many of the taxi drivers in BKK if you are a yellow shirter, just as you are unlikely to get a lot of help from a lot of companies these days if you are a red shirter (the exact opposite of the TRT years, showing the degree of gap between the TRT 'success' of 2002/03 and now, in the eyes of the business community - nothing to do with politics, everything to with being knobs).

The red shirts have ALREADY gone on record as stating they plan to have a procession into the city using all vehicles possible including ee-tarns; the rice trucks that are not designed for the city, and not supposed to come into Bangkok because they root the roads and drive at 30km an hour. The entire purpose of the process of the protest is meant to make a peaceful statement (well, a statement anyhow) of how they can grind a city to a halt - exactly the same as last year when they blocked the express ways, tried to block main roads, the alleged bombs, the attempt to occupy the area in front of BBL a few days ago.

To suggest they are not responsible is to suggest that because I flinched slightly when some tough guy, let's for argument's sake, call my protagonist 'Maitee' punches me in the face say, that in fact I am responsible, as my miniscule flinch added a tiny bit of velocity to his already fast moving fist coming at my face.

I trust anyhow, that while the Shinwatra family are flying abroad to avoid the storm they've created, that their dedicated followers who are principally lesser educated folk with their paid for red shirt clothing and memorabilia will at least enjoy a nice trip to the capital. I wonder whether some of them would be quite so happy if a few thousand people not from their area came into their area where they live, creating a huge mess of trash, roaming the streets pitching fights and blocking their roads to deliberately ruin our weekend for us....just to make a political statement (this was what we experienced last year in the area I live).

I might have to try that some time.....I am sure it will be worth it. 'For democracy'. Only what I will do is rob your village first. After I get caught with the stolen property, I will run overseas and avoid the trial, then claim that the court was biased. Then I will protest in your village asking for amnesty. 'For democracy'. Don't worry, it is going to be fun; I'll have my signs written in english though, so the foreign press (who are the jew run media, and don't provide fair coverage to me, and also I kind of once used this really dumb tick and cross hand signs idea in a press con that really make me look dumb) will report my story.

I am sure that since I will have 1 hundred people, and your village has like 65 hundred people, that I can claim I am the majority and I reflect what the majority wants.

Of course....after I arrange it, I'll be sure to fly to Germany.

Mua wun hen tur tee Yeeroman

Mua gorn cheu ee-nah liam

Tae torn nee chau mister 500 baht

Which village you want me to start my democracy movement in....as a red shirter I am expecting.....yours? :):D

It's not going to work as planned.

Ok, maybe a bunch of people will show up, but the existing government will be fine after the dust settles. Have there been reports of payments for attending?

The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration. It's another last-ditch and desperate means for an extremely selfish man to try and put his hands back on big money and absolute power.

I see the OP photo of Thaksin with the words "Thailand needs change" He's trying to copy Obama's success with that line. Yes, Thailand needs change, it needs to get good people in leadership roles, and get away from the ugly patterns of having people like Thaksin in the driver's seat. Thailand needs to change being so tolerable to treasonous people like Thaksin. It needs to change being so forgiving to Thaksin's puppets, like Sae Daeng, who toss explosives here and there.

The sooner Thailand changes from being harassed from Thaksin and his followers, the sooner Thailand can get moving forward to improving quality of life and cleaning up the environment and doing the many other things that have been put off because of the incessant hassling from Thaksin and his paid intimidators.

Let me ask you one qestion. How long have you been here in Thailand?


I remain neutral based on the garbage being served up on a daily basis by both sides.

I think both sides need their heads banging together and then hopefully an adult will come into the equation who has qualities such as accountability, bravery and responsiblity.

There are far too many cowards making big statements and hiding behind others. I see far better behaviour from primary school kids on a daily basis.

Hopefully any violence will bring the cretinous filth on both sides of the political divide, who lead their brainwashed followers by very poor example, to their knees and a new dawn will bring in people who truly believe in taking the country, rather than themselves, forward. The chances of this occurring remain very distant.

why do non thai posters seem to be negative about the supporters of thaksin, like him or not these are ordinary people for whom the previous regime was of benefit so they like and support him and his policy.

i really dont know if he was good or bad when compared to others but i do know that those wearing yellow shirts are anti democracy as they have stated so the question is, if the choice is to have a vote or not to have a vote, who would you vote for?


if u really do not know which color stands for what....

perhaps, u could stay tuned to the broadcast during the next few days.... and find out....

then u could decide for yourself.... which group stands for peace and democracy.... and

which group tries to stir up trouble and confusion and

more importantly.... to create violence in the name of peace and democracy....

pls come back and let's know what some of your reactions are.... ok?

why do non thai posters seem to be negative about the supporters of thaksin, like him or not these are ordinary people for whom the previous regime was of benefit so they like and support him and his policy.

i really dont know if he was good or bad when compared to others but i do know that those wearing yellow shirts are anti democracy as they have stated so the question is, if the choice is to have a vote or not to have a vote, who would you vote for?


if u really do not know which color stands for what....

perhaps, u could stay tuned to the broadcast during the next few days.... and find out....

then u could decide for yourself.... which group stands for peace and democracy.... and

which group tries to stir up trouble and confusion and

more importantly.... to create violence in the name of peace and democracy....

pls come back and let's know what some of your reactions are.... ok?

whether by calculation or chance, both sides have now become masters in sending out misinformation. Expect both sides to completely confuse themselves in the coming days with conflicting reports from the same ranks. If you thought the Iraqi Minister of Silly Statements Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf (Baghdad Bob) was good for a laugh, then wait until you hear the one-liners served up by the government and the UDD over the weekend.

"Bangkok is completely surrounded"

"There are no red shirts in Bangkok"

"The Prime Minister has fled to Laos"

"The Prime Minister is having dinner at Sizzler tonight"

"The Cambodian invasion of Thailand has begun"

"Thailand has invaded Cambodia"

"Central Ladprao is burning down"

"Central Ladprao has a midnight sale tonight"

why do non thai posters seem to be negative about the supporters of thaksin, like him or not these are ordinary people for whom the previous regime was of benefit so they like and support him and his policy.

i really dont know if he was good or bad when compared to others but i do know that those wearing yellow shirts are anti democracy as they have stated so the question is, if the choice is to have a vote or not to have a vote, who would you vote for?


if u really do not know which color stands for what....

perhaps, u could stay tuned to the broadcast during the next few days.... and find out....

then u could decide for yourself.... which group stands for peace and democracy.... and

which group tries to stir up trouble and confusion and

more importantly.... to create violence in the name of peace and democracy....

pls come back and let's know what some of your reactions are.... ok?

whether by calculation or chance, both sides have now become masters in sending out misinformation. Expect both sides to completely confuse themselves in the coming days with conflicting reports from the same ranks. If you thought the Iraqi Minister of Silly Statements Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf (Baghdad Bob) was good for a laugh, then wait until you hear the one-liners served up by the government and the UDD over the weekend.

"Bangkok is completely surrounded"

"There are no red shirts in Bangkok"

"The Prime Minister has fled to Laos"

"The Prime Minister is having dinner at Sizzler tonight"

"The Cambodian invasion of Thailand has begun"

"Thailand has invaded Cambodia"

"Central Ladprao is burning down"

"Central Ladprao has a midnight sale tonight"

"Central Ladprao has a midnight sale tonight". However the RED are too poor to shop.

why do non thai posters seem to be negative about the supporters of thaksin, like him or not these are ordinary people for whom the previous regime was of benefit so they like and support him and his policy.

i really dont know if he was good or bad when compared to others but i do know that those wearing yellow shirts are anti democracy as they have stated so the question is, if the choice is to have a vote or not to have a vote, who would you vote for?


if u really do not know which color stands for what....

perhaps, u could stay tuned to the broadcast during the next few days.... and find out....

then u could decide for yourself.... which group stands for peace and democracy.... and

which group tries to stir up trouble and confusion and

more importantly.... to create violence in the name of peace and democracy....

pls come back and let's know what some of your reactions are.... ok?

whether by calculation or chance, both sides have now become masters in sending out misinformation. Expect both sides to completely confuse themselves in the coming days with conflicting reports from the same ranks. If you thought the Iraqi Minister of Silly Statements Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf (Baghdad Bob) was good for a laugh, then wait until you hear the one-liners served up by the government and the UDD over the weekend.

"Bangkok is completely surrounded"

"There are no red shirts in Bangkok"

"The Prime Minister has fled to Laos"

"The Prime Minister is having dinner at Sizzler tonight"

"The Cambodian invasion of Thailand has begun"

"Thailand has invaded Cambodia"

"Central Ladprao is burning down"

"Central Ladprao has a midnight sale tonight"

"Central Ladprao has a midnight sale tonight". However the RED are too poor to shop.

Sorry, even with a neutral point of view, I am going to have to jump on that point and let you know that not all those in the red corner are poor or from upcountry. It may surprise some people (those that can take off their blinkers for a second) to know that there are some (maybe not a huge number) business people who do still back Thaksin. I can give you at least one example of someone who owns 3 schools, a restaurant and a sizeable amount of real estate in the Rachada area. That person was and still is a Thaksin fan. I am sure there will be others, although they are probably a silent minority at present. All is not as it seems.

Equally there will be some people who could be conceived as being 'poor' who are fully behind the yellow movement as they believe it is more closely linked to the monarchy.

It is easy drawing straight lines between rich and poor, north and south, and so on. However, there are plenty of examples of people who go against the grain. This is one more contributing factor which makes guessing the outcome in the coming days far from easy.


Don't shoot the messenger.

Taken from Thai forum and translated into English on another forum that I am not allowed to provide a link to. If you want to search look at the news section of a forum that uses the name of the famous ruins in Cambodia, or imagine you are going 2 a forum in Bangkok.

Anyway, it lists locations of places that someone believes the UDD hardcore factions are going to plant bombs, launch or throw grenades at. Also mentions snipers around skytrain and subway stations, in addition to the 33 listed spots.

Apologies to anyone who feels upset at me posting this or believes it is scare-mongering. As I said, I am just passing on what I have read in another forum. These places may be the same as the 30-40 places the government's intelligence service has mentioned. I really don't know.

1 Supreme Court

2 Criminal Court in Ratchadaphisek ring

3 Bangkok Bank HQ at Silom

4 Bangkok Bank - Nana Branch

5 Kasikorn Thai Bank - Nana Branch

6 Siam Commercial Bank - Ratchayothin HQ and Phetburi HQ

7 Grand Place

8 Siriraj Hospital

9 Major Ratchayothin

10 Big C Rat Boorana - Southern terminal of Chao Phraya express

11 Central World - Main target for looting

12 Central Lad Phrao - Main target for looting

13 Phrannok Market

14 Minburi Market

15 Dao Khanong Market

16 Patthmawikorn Intersection

17 Arun Amarin Intersection

18 Rom Klao intrersection - clowed to Motorway and SUvannabhum

19 Kaset - Nawamin

20 Kaset - Nawamin - Crossing Lad Pla Khao

21 Kaset - Nawamin - Crossing Pradit Manootham road.

22 Nawamin Intesection

23 Sathon Intersection (Narathiwat crossing Siom) - Chong Nonsee

24 Saladaeng Intersection to storm Chulalongkorn Hospital

25 Saphan Kwai Intersection

26 Klong Toei Intersection

27 Ram Khamhaeng road - form Lam Salee to Suwinthawongse

28 Minburi Intersection (Ram Indra Road crossing Suwinthawongse)

29 BMA Office at Giant Swing and Dindaeng

30 Lumphini Park

31 Pathumwan Princess Hotel - MBK

32 Pathumwan Vocation School - MBK

33 Uthenthawai Vocation school & possibly Chulalongkorn U.

Even if these are the places that exist on the list the government has and the UDD did have any intention of sabotage, it is highly unlikely they would be able to successfully storm or launch an attack on more than a few of these places. To successfully attack all 33 places would require an incredibly coherent strategy, a police force in retreat (possible!) and a far greater number of protesters.

Anyway, keep your eyes open and stay safe. Could yet be something or nothing.


Why don't some of you try to find out more of what's real and stop blaming where blame isn't needed. If you can spaek Thai then get a Thai person of each side and find out the truth befoere judging one person. I'm all for red as Thaksin is a business man before prime minister. He there fore knows how tohelp his country by using his buiness KNOW HOW... Taksin got Thai;land out of debt and what did this new guy do... Go and borrow lots of dosh and put Thailand back indebt...So what if he gets richer at least this country is benefitting by this aswell. After all said and done it's all the jealousy going on that's caused all the trouble...

Ok, maybe a bunch of people will show up, but the existing government will be fine after the dust settles. Have there been reports of payments for attending?

The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration. It's another last-ditch and desperate means for an extremely selfish man to try and put his hands back on big money and absolute power.

I see the OP photo of Thaksin with the words "Thailand needs change" He's trying to copy Obama's success with that line. Yes, Thailand needs change, it needs to get good people in leadership roles, and get away from the ugly patterns of having people like Thaksin in the driver's seat. Thailand needs to change being so tolerable to treasonous people like Thaksin. It needs to change being so forgiving to Thaksin's puppets, like Sae Daeng, who toss explosives here and there.

The sooner Thailand changes from being harassed from Thaksin and his followers, the sooner Thailand can get moving forward to improving quality of life and cleaning up the environment and doing the many other things that have been put off because of the incessant hassling from Thaksin and his paid intimidators.

Yes, there was another thread here yesterday or so showing what the payments were. Something like 300B per person and a decent amount for the truck driver. No way they would get a large crowd if there was no money involved.

It's becoming a true circus...almost fun to read now. Except I need to visit Bangkok Saturday! May have to cancel that trip....


Pollyjoy you are sadly grossly misinformed about most of your information.

You clearly have heard much propaganda foisted off as actual truth,

and sorry to say it really is not in tune with realities.

I could do a long laundry list of inaccuracies in your post,

but really don't have the strength to do this yet again this evening.


LOOTING Central Department stores is part of their grand plan? OMG, they really are going for the international public relations, aren't they? What an idealistic democratically motivated bunch these red shirt hooligans are indeed. I suppose that's what happens to a movement led by someone as totally corrupt as Thaksin. It really is a shame as Thailand really does need change. I don't think you will find many foreigners with an opinion about Thai politics that doesn't see that. However, clearly, the Thaksin reds would be a change in a totally disastrous direction.

LOOTING Central Department stores is part of their grand plan? OMG, they really are going for the international public relations, aren't they? What an idealistic democratically motivated bunch these red shirt hooligans are indeed. I suppose that's what happens to a movement led by someone as totally corrupt as Thaksin. It really is a shame as Thailand really does need change. I don't think you will find many foreigners with an opinion about Thai politics that doesn't see that. However, clearly, the Thaksin reds would be a change in a totally disastrous direction.

Can I lend you a pinch of salt

Pollyjoy you are sadly grossly misinformed about most of your information.

You clearly have heard much propaganda foisted off as actual truth,

and sorry to say it really is not in tune with realities.

I could do a long laundry list of inaccuracies in your post,

but really don't have the strength to do this yet again this evening.

I couldn't make out what belonged to pollyjoy and what was supposed to be a quote. The first section made me think it was someone that didn't have access to a television and I was wondering how polly had managed to find internet!


If that list of threats is really for real, for example SNIPERS, I wouldn't blame the government for calling martial law right now, stopping the protest in its tracks before it even begins, and only allow this violent revolutionary anti-democratic radical group to protest in a controlled environment far from Bangkok, such as at a sports stadium in Udon. They might be acting too tolerant by even allowing this madness to even start. Their stated goal is to create total chaos. Why not take them at their word?


I am an actor and run a modelling agency. 2 TV commercials that were going to shoot here cancelled and went to another country. They cannot get insurance for Thailand. 10-20 TV Commercials from outside of Thailand are being shot here week in week out in high season (which is now till June). 1000's of people depend on it directly and 10.000's indirectly depend on this industry. 4 movies will come to shoot in Thailand in April each bringing approx 10 million Euro and many jobs.

All of this is on the line. Because of one megalomaniac in Dubai. I had to call my Thai main character in one of the cancelled commercials this evening to see he will not earn 40.000 baht. Because of this idiot Shinawatra.

Last year the Thai movie and TVC business came close to collapsing. But work came back just in time. If all people are afraid to come here again .... there are over a 100 production companies here. Many will not make it. Many modelling agencies will not make it. Post production companies will go down.

Thailand has a huge industry in this area. But if they cannot get insurance for their productions because of unrest they will go elsewhere .... .

This is just one industry that is severely affected by this idiocy. With companies loosing 100's of millions of baht.

Think about that before you cheer Thaksin.

If that list of threats is really for real, for example SNIPERS, I wouldn't blame the government for calling martial law right now, stopping the protest in its tracks before it even begins, and only allow this violent revolutionary anti-democratic radical group to protest in a controlled environment far from Bangkok, such as at a sports stadium in Udon. They might be acting too tolerant by even allowing this madness to even start. Their stated goal is to create total chaos. Why not take them at their word?

If you read the original message it says:

Taken from Thai forum and translated into English on another forum that I am not allowed to provide a link to. If you want to search look at the news section of a forum that uses the name of the famous ruins in Cambodia, or imagine you are going 2 a forum in Bangkok.

Anyway, it lists locations of places that someone believes the UDD hardcore factions are going to plant bombs, launch or throw grenades at. Also mentions snipers around skytrain and subway stations, in addition to the 33 listed spots.

So, along with WMD in Iraq, it is at the moment complete and utter hearsay. Even the truly unbiased Nation hasn't got anything about it at all on their webpages. I would suggest that everyone sit tight and not get too excited just yet. The sky isn't falling just yet.

Christ they have the ISA in effect, what more does anyone want? This is all getting a little bit like Minority Report.


What do you expect? A group that was responsible for Black Songkran threatens to overthrow a legitimate government? They have that track record. To expect a tea party this week is crazy.

revolution is not a tea party
Chairman Mao (grand poobah of red shirts)

Anyone notice 7 and 8? Either the reds have lost it totally or the list is a damning bit of anti-red PR produced by one of their enemies. You pays yer money and takes yer choice. Wonder how widely circulated this is.


I see some here still trying to change the story to what others have done,

and not about what your side is ABOUT TO DO.

Hypocrisy for sure.


To bench mark this.

If Tom Jones calls off his concert its bad.

If Tom Jones does do his concert and is wearing a red or yellow jump suit it's very bad Karma.

Just like cows lying down before a storm lets see which way the great Tom goes with this.

Still trying to change the story to what others have done,

and not about what your side is ABOUT TO DO.

Hypocrisy for sure.

Agreed. Discussions now about the yellows is simply noise and diversionary tactics.

Anyone notice 7 and 8? Either the reds have lost it totally or the list is a damning bit of anti-red PR produced by one of their enemies. You pays yer money and takes yer choice. Wonder how widely circulated this is.

Either way, on the basis that Suthep seems to possess a crystal ball for exactly where and when everything is going to happen to the sq m and minute, by the time everyone has printed where they think the next dastardly act is going to happen, the only place left to sit will be my balcony.

I think the psy-ops department is working over time on both sides. Someone should dig up some act (Thailand seems to have a lot) from somewhere and tell the papers, and probably the blogs to make sure that people don't incite panic in the populous. I mean if they can throw the book at people for spreading stories to move the stockmarket, surely this is the same.

Or maybe the government started the story? On the basis that no one in the government has said that spreading panic is bad, I presume that the government wants panic to spread in the population.

Who knows, maybe the reds won't bother to come at all. Psyche!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone notice 7 and 8? Either the reds have lost it totally or the list is a damning bit of anti-red PR produced by one of their enemies. You pays yer money and takes yer choice. Wonder how widely circulated this is.

Indeed that would lead to total mayhem.

I doubt it is going to happen, such threats posted on Thai forums in recent weeks, there is a credible threat that the authorities can't afford to ignore. Thai news reported that no signings of best wishes for HRM would be allowed at the hospital during the period of the ISA.

Anyone notice 7 and 8? Either the reds have lost it totally or the list is a damning bit of anti-red PR produced by one of their enemies. You pays yer money and takes yer choice. Wonder how widely circulated this is.

Indeed that would lead to total mayhem.

I doubt it is going to happen, such threats posted on Thai forums in recent weeks, there is a credible threat that the authorities can't afford to ignore. Thai news reported that no signings of best wishes for HRM would be allowed at the hospital during the period of the ISA.

I believe it was Chalerm who only yesterday was accusing "someone" currently in London of having government supporters dressing as red shirts, and creating unrest at Siriraj Hospital. In short, blaming the reds. I have a strong suspicion that Siriraj Hospital will be heavily guarded even without the ever accusing Chalerm or the list provided by Sunderland.


"If you tell a lie long enough

loud enough

and often enough

people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler

Who was freely occupying whatever they wanted and squeaking for months the same over and over again?


The press is not the issue to day.

PAD is not the issue today.

Redshirts attempting to bring down the government vie street demonstrations is the issue today.

Thaksin trying to get revenge or control of Thailand is the issue today.

The poor people likely to be killed, injured or displaced,this week is the issue today.

What PAD did is not the point.

Nor does it CHANGE the point.

Anything else is just distraction from the point.


There is no need of a "plot to turn the public against the reds."

They have been doing a fine job of that with their own mouths

and the press letting them say whatever they wish anytime.

Add to that their actions, proving their equivocations to be lies,

and they are walking on stumps, having shoot their collective feet right away.

Jatuporn in particular has proven he is the worlds stupidest

and most obnoxious elected official on the planet.

There is no need of a PLOT to discredit them at all.

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