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Video: Organizers Hand Out Cash To Red-shirt People


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Interesting! And this is how votes are bought and sold during elections. Democracy? :)

My wife was paid to vote by 3 parties at the last regionals. She got 1000Bx2 and a bottle of Red Label then voted for the party she wanted. If they want to throw their money around so be it as when your in that election booth you tick the candidate you want and no ones any the wiser. As a previous poster noted it cost 2500B+ in gasoline to take a pickup from Udonthani to BKK and back so it's not like the peasants of the north east will be lying on a bed of cash after this protest and most likely some will be lying on concrete floors in prison cells. Without their gas money they couldn't afford to go so lets call it "expenses" rather than "bribery!"

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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

Especially the ones who'll be missing work. We all have bills to pay and it's not like the UK where you can just take a sicky and go on a march/rally for 3-7 days. Here no work no pay! If they do get 1 million on the march it still makes 4 million queen quids at 2000B a pop. Pennies for Mr. T! It's much easier for us westerners to stand up for what we believe in as even if we get fired due to taking a week off we still have welfare. As I recall the yellow shirts were paying 500B a day?

Yea, we have it so easy in the UK. We were just given welfare and sick pay. No one in the past protested for these things.

Can you see the irony in your post now?

Protesting is much like running a business. It can start off slow, maybe you'll lose money. But if it's a good idea, people will like it and then you'll see your business do well.

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Will say again! Taskin goes to Cambodia (he is advisor to the Cambodian Government), his red shirts are protesting in Bangkok hoping to topple government! .......... ok you with me so far?

Cambodia recently did a rocket demonstration near the border. It will only be used if there borders are crossed! Don't they lay claim to some land that the Thais lay claim to as well?

North and North East Thailand , the majority of people support Taskin, (So I read anyways)...... so ok how many of you have now fallen off the train of thought here?

By all means I hope my train of thought is totally wrong and this does not get ugly and this does not end up with a neighbouring country coming to visit!

I would like to see a stable Thailand and things to be done democratically, so maybe the Thai Government will back down and go to the polls and have a proper ellection!

So make me wise because now you lost me, what are proper elections? Who pays more wins? 200-500 per head? This is your definition of democracy?

NOPE, never said it was MY idea of democracy, All I was saying is that a proper election should be held. Let the people decide, I do not believe in BUYING votes, votes should be done on the individuals choice, and not who hands out the biggest wad of money!

All I want is proper election and peace to reign, instead of unrest and threat of bloodshed!

Perfect agreement! The same way I think about demonstrations, what about you? Should money be handed over to go to protest? Or proper demonstrations are those in which people protest for free without being paid? We need consistency. Would you agree?

Edited by macwalen
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Well, if you go to page 1 of this thread, you'll see that the money was handed out in Nakhon Panom. So my guess is that they got the money in Nakhon Panom, then filled up their pickup truck and drove to Bangkok. Does that make sense to you? If not, get a map.

No point getting sensitive, rainman; I wouldn't like to be stuck defending this video either.

Everybody is receiving the cash. One person, one pick-up truck? They can fit a few more people in them.

From what I've read, they are hoping for 10 per pickup, which would indicate they aren't being paid all that much per person. Maybe it will be in their lunch boxes when they get to Bangkok.

Up north in at least some areas they are liberating people from their ID card.

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The YouTube Link above is not surprisingly giving 'an error has occurred, please try later' BS statement as of 9:40pm.

However, you will no doubt be pleased to find the original video at this link http://www.nationmultimedia.com/specials/nationvdo/showvdo.php?id=2757&cateid=13

These guys are handing out Big Money by any standards in Thailand - I wonder if the chrome pole palaces of Pattaya will be empty over the weekend as the dancing lovelies high-tail it up to Bangkok to pocket a quick couple of grand?

Seriously, I nearly lost all my staff last year for a day during the cash handouts during the Pattaya riots... :)

Edited by SteveB2
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this is not an election so nothing wrong about it. Expenses need to be covered. Give them double of what they get now would be much better.

Lets look at election before Thaksin's time. Vote buying was so rampant and organised that the canvassers got killed if they didn't bring the results for the money they got. Ask the older people, even the younger know about it.

It was always OK with the yellows back then. But since Thaksin's TEAM has put an end to it, the feudal way and circle has been interrupted for good. Hence that the last 7 or 8 coups were orchestrated by always the same people (now called PAD), so to keep their pockets full. You could even meet army generals that had from nothing suddenly 1 billion Baht available.

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These guys are handing out Big Money by any standards in Thailand - I wonder if the chrome pole palaces of Pattaya will be empty over the weekend as the dancing lovelies high-tail it up to Bangkok to pocket a quick couple of grand?

Seriously, I nearly lost all my staff last year for a day during the cash handouts during the Pattaya riots... :)

Did you have to go pole dancing yourself during that time? :D

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A friend's girlfriend owns a couple of stalls in one of the clothing malls in Bangkok. She's not sure she'll be able to keep her shops open this weekend as her workers have been offered 500 baht a day to go protest. Like many other small business people in Bangkok she's just as pissed off at the Reds as she was at the Yellows last year. :)

Er, last year it was the reds too.

What I think the poster is trying to say is that they're both at it, which we all know.

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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

1st fact:

my toyota run 220km with 500baht gasohol91

with 2000 i could ride for little more than 440+440km...

how far is Nakhon Panom from bkk?

google map said

Driving directions to Bangkok, Thailand

695 km


2nd fact: they know there's a videocamera focus on the operation (then zoom an ID card), means is nothing illegal nor suspect....

in my opinion, with this video someone is trying to strumentalize the act ...

...succeded (by reading the comments :) )

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These guys are handing out Big Money by any standards in Thailand - I wonder if the chrome pole palaces of Pattaya will be empty over the weekend as the dancing lovelies high-tail it up to Bangkok to pocket a quick couple of grand?

Seriously, I nearly lost all my staff last year for a day during the cash handouts during the Pattaya riots... :)

Did you have to go pole dancing yourself during that time? :D

was thinking in the same line. :D

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Just a thought, but what about sleeping arrangements? It is late already, are there any tent fields allocated? Those who came already need to stay here till at least Sunday I understand, it can be sweaty like that for 3 days. Some that will come only for one day will be fine I guess but good care should be taken of the ones who came already and showed their support. I hope protest organizers will take care of their own.

Also toilets I would think would be an issue too. I only hear about demonstrations but there has to be some care taken of the protesters too. Hope this has not been overlooked!

Edited by macwalen
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Big deal! A lot of those people need to cover their expenses at home even if they get a free ride to Bangkok and a few free meals while they are there.

Especially the ones who'll be missing work. We all have bills to pay and it's not like the UK where you can just take a sicky and go on a march/rally for 3-7 days. Here no work no pay! If they do get 1 million on the march it still makes 4 million queen quids at 2000B a pop. Pennies for Mr. T! It's much easier for us westerners to stand up for what we believe in as even if we get fired due to taking a week off we still have welfare. As I recall the yellow shirts were paying 500B a day?

Yea, we have it so easy in the UK. We were just given welfare and sick pay. No one in the past protested for these things.

Can you see the irony in your post now?

Protesting is much like running a business. It can start off slow, maybe you'll lose money. But if it's a good idea, people will like it and then you'll see your business do well.

No irony at all! And what chapter or century in UK history are you talking about as I was refering to long after the creation of the welfare state not the era of the suffrajets nor the age of slavery. I was on all the poll tax rallies in London which turned nasty and stood vigil outside the South African Embassy for 5 hours a week over 3 years after work during aparthied because I had a good job and could afford the time. Most Thai protesters don't have the financial security we have to spend days on a protest so where's the irony?

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The point is not how much he has outside of Thailand, but what can be put into cash inside of Thailand and then paid out. For these amounts, the BOT will be looking at incoming transfers very closely (they are). Of course, he can pay someone offshore who already has the money onshore, but who would that be?

Or he can bring it in through Cambodia or Laos. I've been across the river to both countries before without even stamping a visa or showing my passport. Just hand 20 Baht to the guard boats on the river.

Of course you have, how else would you slip over and see your little mate, thaksin. By the way rainy, how much is he paying you to haunt the pages of TV?

Enough to comfortably retire once this is all over. :)

Don't bank on it........you do understand this man is only in it for himself, don't you?

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Or he can bring it in through Cambodia or Laos. I've been across the river to both countries before without even stamping a visa or showing my passport. Just hand 20 Baht to the guard boats on the river.

Just what river did you cross to enter Cambodia? It may be a small point, but I'm calling you a liar.

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A short video showing some people with a list handing out some cash to people on the list. Wow...that is pretty clandestine stuff....and allowing someone to record the whole thing a close range.... absolute proof that reds only protest for cash.... :) Now if this was the other side....they would never do anything this stupid....the money would be wire transferred to an offshore bank account... dam_n it if you are going to do corruption....do it right for gawds sake......

Exactly my doubt here and I wonder why would the crowd let the video man live to post the vid. It sorta make me wonders if this is real, the reds are indeed really not smart, and if this is not real, then it is counter intelligence at work.

Most strikes and protests in the west are money motivated anyway. Okay you don't get a handful of cash to attend but protests are usually due to poor wages, lay offs, high taxes or the introduction of new taxes so the incentive to attend is still financial.

Not most!

Anti war, anti shark fishing, anti whale fishing, anti green house effect, anti G8 G20, Anti nuclear power, Anti Japanese premier in front of Japanese embassy, Anti US force presence in Okinawa, Anti this and that, and anti all you can name it. Many protests are not financially concerned. Strike, however, I agree. Seeing this handling of cash to protesters really blew my mind.

Especially the ones who'll be missing work. We all have bills to pay and it's not like the UK where you can just take a sicky and go on a march/rally for 3-7 days. Here no work no pay! If they do get 1 million on the march it still makes 4 million queen quids at 2000B a pop. Pennies for Mr. T! It's much easier for us westerners to stand up for what we believe in as even if we get fired due to taking a week off we still have welfare. As I recall the yellow shirts were paying 500B a day?

Taksin's in a situation worst than I thought. At 500 baht per head a day, 1 million troops strong would cost 500 million baht a day. That's just salary for the low level hired protesters. In Thailand it takes 1 to manage 10 persons, and management level would be paid differently, so factor this in you get another increase in budget. If it is 1k to 2k baht a day, this cost grows to a humongous amount of 1-2 billion baht a day, plus 10-15% for the logistics nightmare. Mathematically, this war is lost before it begins. The government in power only need to play with the reds 7-10 days until the reds throw in the towel. Of course, if the troop is only 1 tenth of the 1 million planned, this trouble can last a long.... time.

The difference is that the majority of yellow shirts were middle- and upper-class Bangkok citizens, while the majority of the red shirts are poor Thais from the North and North East. That's also the reason why many of the yellow shirts could afford to sit around for months and occupy the government house and the airport for over a week, while the red shirts need to go home after a few days because they can't afford to lose their income. Sure, the yellow shirts had "shifts" when some came and others went home, but you can't sit around for months during the day and work at night, or sit around and night and work during the day.

Very nicely analyzed :D I remembered that 2 business contacts (friends), in their mid 30's, took turn to join the rally. I had nothing to say because politics is as personal a choice as religion. Anyways that's how the yellow persevere through the months long event. Initially I was anxious about the arrival of red group, but the more I read, the more I feel it is a lost war with a bluff more than real punch. No leader(s) like Limtongkul willing to stand up and shout for the cause, various branches with differing opinions casually working together for a later mutual benefit, long march from all over the country fighting someone else's war at someone else's front yard. So far things are feeling hunky dory for the reds in the red group, but once any taped evidences of law breaking act starts to circulate, the Abhisit's government will declare martial law. Then, tanks, troops, tear gas, rubber bullets, water canon, flash grenade descend from sky, with extremist yellows firing actual bullets, real grenades into red crowd in confusion. I can already feel the pain the Isan people have to go through.

Thais really do not have to go against each other and shed innocent blood!

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PM Abhisit Vejjajiva has called off a scheduled news conference at 8pm Friday and will sleep at the 11th Infantry Regiment tonight.

If that's true he must be sweating! Not really a display of confidence but not sure I can blame him. Wonder if he'll be sleeping on the bed, under it or in the closet? :)

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PM Abhisit Vejjajiva has called off a scheduled news conference at 8pm Friday and will sleep at the 11th Infantry Regiment tonight.

If that's true he must be sweating! Not really a display of confidence but not sure I can blame him. Wonder if he'll be sleeping on the bed, under it or in the closet? :)

Why? With all the talk of a coup coming up, he's making a big statement by sleeping in a barracks.

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There are some reds who will pay to go to a rally or will donate money (especially when the Pu Yai pressures them!). There are some reds who will go to a rally if someone pays their expenses. And there are some reds who will be red only if someone pays them to be red. :)

I don't know which of the above groups is the biggest and which is the smallest. Quite frankly, I doubt if anyone really knows, even the red leaders. However, it does seem that after the fairly low turnouts at the recent BKK protests, the red leaders are trying to maximize the turnout this time.

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There are some reds who will pay to go to a rally or will donate money (especially when the Pu Yai pressures them!). There are some reds who will go to a rally if someone pays their expenses. And there are some reds who will be red only if someone pays them to be red. :)

I don't know which of the above groups is the biggest and which is the smallest. Quite frankly, I doubt if anyone really knows, even the red leaders. However, it does seem that after the fairly low turnouts at the recent BKK protests, the red leaders are trying to maximize the turnout this time.

Based on what we've heard the going price was in previous demonstrations, I don't think the Reds are being paid much this time at all. Not with THB 2,000 per pickup load. While we don't know how much they will be paid per day in Bangkok, besides food, it doesn't sound from the initial payments that they are being paid much this time around. It will be interesting to see if it affects the numbers.

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