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Four M-79 Grenades Fired Into A Battalion In Bangkok, Injuring 2 Soldiers


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Year on Year George ... year on year

Certain posters endless, anti-red propoganda posts? Agreed! :D

and again a series of oneliners from the UG ... You've been watching FOX far too much!

He lives in Chiang Mai; he doesn't get Fox.

But then, who needs Fox when you got ASTV and The Nation. :).

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A level headed PM ......in charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You, my friend, have no idea about Thai politics! Abhisit is as much in charge as Pinnochio was (another puppet)

... much the same as the two previous PMs ... they weren't level headed and Thaksin was in charge.

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Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

More drivel. Yes the people that this were plants. Loony bin conspiracy theorist.

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I just had a very articulate Thai women in my store who is very anti-Thaksin and has never had anything good to say about the redshirts. She feels that the protesters in Bangkok have conducted themselves so well this weekend that they are making a real case for themselves with Thais that were against them before.

Let us hope that no one has ruined all of that.

The BBC is giving mostly a one-sided pro-Red coverage of the Reds intent to overthrow the government. It is surprising what the BBC is LEAVING OUT of the events. The BBC coverage is in essence saying that the Reds are seeking a vote and implying that Thailand's present government is a dictatorship. But, then what can we expect from a country that has given safe haven to every convicted Thai criminal who flees the country?

Apologies for going OT, Mods. :)

Maybe you find Fox News more balanced but the BBC only broke the story about the GT200 'bomb detector', pulled up the UK government over their fabricated intelligence going to war and perhaps you should listen to the grillings their moderators give to politicians on Radio 4. I've lived in a few places the world over but the BBC is by far the most balanced public broadcaster out there.

Ohh, and I ain't British btw. :D

I AM British, and I agree that the BBC is pro-Taksin. But to link that stance with a supposed tendency for the UK government to provide haven (which is debatable) betrays a complete misunderstanding of the relationship between the BBC and the UK government. The BBC is completely independent of the government - in fact, one of the most regular and most bitter critics of the BBC is the UK government! So if the BBC is pro-Taksin, it's more likely the UK government would be anti-Taksin!

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the only good thing i can think of this is the baht should get weaker? financial gurus r u out there?

I am not a financial advisor or money expert. I have investigated frauds.

I have seen many incidents in Thailand that should have weaked the baht against the dollar,

but I see it has only gained against the dollar recently.

As far as to who was responsible for firing the grenade into the barracks area, it could be any

number of factions. Even muslim extremists who want to take advantage of a high tension situation and provoke or escalate an incident.

Edited by prvtdetdave
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Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

Umm. Yes, yes, we should.

Umm. NO, No, we shouldn't. Far to pat for my likeing. I can't see the red shirts doing this at this stage of their protest.

However, I can see see covert operatives spotllighting the red shirts in an unfavorable manner. Could be nothing more then

an attempt to syphon political support for the red shirts, and possibly give the green light for the military to be more agressive.. :D

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the only good thing i can think of this is the baht should get weaker? financial gurus r u out there?

I am not a financial advisor or money expert. I have investigated frauds.

I have seen many incidents in Thailand that should have weaked the baht against the dollar,

but I see it has only gained against the dollar recently.

As far as to who was responsible for firing the grenade into the barracks area, it could be any

number of factions. Even muslim extremists who want to take advantage of a high tension situation and provoke or escalate an incident.

It could be anyone but use of grenade launchers has hitherto been a trademark of the reds' lunatic fringe like Seh Daeng who are actually in the army and can easily arrange for theft of military weapons and are trained in their use, e.g. the grenades fired into Don Muang during the yellow shirt siege there seem most likely to have been fired by these crazies. The Muslim insurgents in the South seem to prefer using knives, pistols, assault rifles and roadside bombs.

The baht is a very small currency and the Bank of Thailand has ensured that the supply of baht available offshore is strictly controlled since the collapse of the baht in 1997. That makes it hard for offshore speculators to short it in size without the risk they will be wiped out in a short end squeeze, i.e. that they won't be able to buy enough baht in the market to cover their short positions in case it suddenly rebounds. That makes the baht less volatile and less driven by short term sentiment. The fundamentals are still very positive: huge international reserves, a sizeable current account surplus, a moderate budget deficit relative to Western economies, moderate public and private sector debt. Why would it underperform other Asian currencies?

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Year on Year George ... year on year

Certain posters endless, anti-red propoganda posts? Agreed! :D

and again a series of oneliners from the UG ... You've been watching FOX far too much!

He lives in Chiang Mai; he doesn't get Fox.

But then, who needs Fox when you got ASTV and The Nation. :) .

Channel 34 on WETV = Fox ---- in Chiang Mai

Channel 33 = ASTV

Channel 32 = People TV

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army shooting on same army and blaming someone else"

This would have to be the most mindless statement of all time. Anybody that believes 9/11 was faked/set-up/US conspiracy has to have a mental defect.

LOL, wake up mate there is enough proof all over the net in the meantime. Or my be you will explain WTC 7 and why it came down like the both other towers even when it was never hit by a plane :)

the massmedia plays the music, nobody else!

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Year on Year George ... year on year

Certain posters endless, anti-red propoganda posts? Agreed! :D

and again a series of oneliners from the UG ... You've been watching FOX far too much!

I assume that George is not actually asserting that numbers didn't drop of radically after the red's riots last Songkran (compared to other Songkrans). He just needs to try and save some face for Thaksin.

I'd take UG's one liners every day over some of the other crap being spewed upon this forum by the same one way thinkers, day in day out :):D:D

could not agree more --- the amount of one sided crap that i have read here today by all the so call political experts - nuff said keep them coming UG

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I assume that George is not actually asserting that numbers didn't drop of radically after the red's riots last Songkran (compared to other Songkrans).

A drop in the bucket compared to closing down the airport. How could you even pretend to compare the two?

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Hmmm crazy move

Totally insane. It doesn't fit in with anything that has happened this weekend, now does it? unsure.gif

They are losing. They didn't turn out. They are humiliated. They are FRUSTRATED and their face is badly damaged. This isn't crazy given the crowd we are dealing with (remember BLACK SONGKRAN), it is totally PREDICTABLE.

Also predictable, the pitiful red spin that is wasn't the reds who did this.

after all this scare mongering, rhetoric how evil the reds are, that they are paid, that they are zombies, that the are uneducated, that they don't know no shift-key and have no clue about democracy and importance of capital letters to win an argument and that they the will for sure destroy the city and so on, the list is long - now something must finally happen like predicted.

you win. everything you type in the internet become true (for you) you are a golden boy.

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I assume that George is not actually asserting that numbers didn't drop of radically after the red's riots last Songkran (compared to other Songkrans).

A drop in the bucket compared to closing down the airport. How could you even pretend to compare the two?

Check the numbers and then get back to me :) Don't just assume you know the answer .. look for it and let us know. If I told you you'd deny it ... but if you look for yourself .... (well... knowing how you protect Thaksin and by extension the Reds .. you may still deny it!)

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The BBC and Economist magazine both have a recent history of ignoring some of the realities and interpreting the long running issues surrounding Taksin as a simplePoor vs Elites.

The BBC is giving mostly a one-sided pro-Red coverage of the Reds intent to overthrow the government. It is surprising what the BBC is LEAVING OUT of the events. The BBC coverage is in essence saying that the Reds are seeking a vote and implying that Thailand's present government is a dictatorship. But, then what can we expect from a country that has given safe haven to every convicted Thai criminal who flees the country?

This is not true. I have just read the report on the BBCs website and it put both sides point of view accross and is factually completely correct. I wish the Thaksin hating posters on this site would recognize reality when they see it. The BBC is not the Nation newspaper and instead has a great history of impartiality and honest reporting. Sorry they didn't print the usual Thaksin red shirt hatred that the Nation has been spouting out for weeks.

At last someone with an ounce of intellegence! I've worked for the BBC on many occassions and it's very rare they get it wrong and always report from both sides of the fence so liable cases against them are very few and far between. Anyone who's bothered to read past BBC coverage of Thai politics over the years will see that the BBC reports it as it is and I haven't seen any pro Taksin coverage on the BBC in past few days unless stating why the protesters are digruntled and the fact there's a pretty large turnout is biast?

The BBC didn't even mention the fact that 4 grenades had exploded in an army barracks until they got official feedback from army spokesmen. Once the facts were clarified it got valid coverage unlike this thread which was built on hearsay and personal prejudice by posters.

Anyone thinking the BBC is a puppet expressing the views of the UK government is mistaken. It embodies the freedom of the press and is unparalleled by any news network in any country. Being funded by the tax payer enables good journalism and free discussion unlike private news networks with a financial agenda to please their sponsors.

If you don't like what you hear then follow the demonstration on fox news, (if they even cover it?), or read the Thai press!

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I really don't see that the Government or the Army have anything to gain by starting violence. Quite the opposite in fact. I suspect that the grenade was fired by an extremist, probably Red.

by putting the" good" guys under attack from the "bad"guys you get necessary public support and an open credit card to buy and do what might be on your agenda. it may mot have anything to do with the obvious.

just consider someone operating for the govt,puts on a red shirt...fires a non lethal weapon, just enough to mame,.......................now you have a nice tidy little reason to covertly escalate, etc,etc,etc.

follow the money. i repeat. SINGAPORE GAS. :):D:D

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i am not surprised by Thaks desperation and brutal tactics but am amazed by Ab's patience tine to up the ante fir Thak arrest the entire family next time

in any western country these protestors would be gunned down

i am not saying to do this at all but put things in perspective

these are protests supplemented by paid thugs

for all we know weapons may be from Cambodia as well as some protestors

Thak probably has a deal with Cambodia help overthrow the gov and you will be rewarded monetarily and in face (remember the disputed temple)

sent from iphone

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I really don't see that the Government or the Army have anything to gain by starting violence. Quite the opposite in fact. I suspect that the grenade was fired by an extremist, probably Red.

by putting the" good" guys under attack from the "bad"guys you get necessary public support and an open credit card to buy and do what might be on your agenda. it may mot have anything to do with the obvious.

just consider someone operating for the govt,puts on a red shirt...fires a non lethal weapon, just enough to mame,.......................now you have a nice tidy little reason to covertly escalate, etc,etc,etc.

follow the money. i repeat. SINGAPORE GAS. :):D:D

It's driving me mad! Ignorant ferrang are still pointing the finger at the Reds when the Thai army and government aren't. Thailand's military have been faced with terrorism/seperatism on several borders long before us ferrang arrived so I have more faith in their assesment of the situation than a few expats corrupted by bar talk!

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i am not surprised by Thaks desperation and brutal tactics but am amazed by Ab's patience tine to up the ante fir Thak arrest the entire family next time

in any western country these protestors would be gunned down

i am not saying to do this at all but put things in perspective

these are protests supplemented by paid thugs

for all we know weapons may be from Cambodia as well as some protestors

Thak probably has a deal with Cambodia help overthrow the gov and you will be rewarded monetarily and in face (remember the disputed temple)

sent from iphone

I would suggest immediate hospital treatment for the delusions that you are suffering .

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army shooting on same army and blaming someone else"

This would have to be the most mindless statement of all time. Anybody that believes 9/11 was faked/set-up/US conspiracy has to have a mental defect.

LOL, wake up mate there is enough proof all over the net in the meantime. Or my be you will explain WTC 7 and why it came down like the both other towers even when it was never hit by a plane :)

the massmedia plays the music, nobody else!

Proof all over the net? What like all the factual information on this thread? Don't be silly 9/11 was real as is Bin Ladin and his band of merry men! If it was a conspiracy the attack on the Pentagon or one tower would have been enough to go to war and a staged failed attempt on Bush's life would also have done the job! Not sure what planet your on but obviously not the same planet as the 5000 victims and their surviving families. Your not even funny! LOL

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i am not surprised by Thaks desperation and brutal tactics but am amazed by Ab's patience tine to up the ante fir Thak arrest the entire family next time

in any western country these protestors would be gunned down

i am not saying to do this at all but put things in perspective

these are protests supplemented by paid thugs

for all we know weapons may be from Cambodia as well as some protestors

Thak probably has a deal with Cambodia help overthrow the gov and you will be rewarded monetarily and in face (remember the disputed temple)

sent from iphone

I would suggest immediate hospital treatment for the delusions that you are suffering .

Yes you need treatment! Cambodians can't just walk into Thailand in their tens let alone tens of thousands. "in any western country these protesters would be gunned down?" Not in any of the 4 western countries I've lived in. You need help!

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Proof all over the net? What like all the factual information on this thread? Don't be silly 9/11 was real as is Bin Ladin and his band of merry men! If it was a conspiracy the attack on the Pentagon or one tower would have been enough to go to war and a staged failed attempt on Bush's life would also have done the job! Not sure what planet your on but obviously not the same planet as the 5000 victims and their surviving families. Your not even funny! LOL

Regardless of the above it triggered an invasion of Iraq, 1,000,000 civilian deaths, an Invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen?, Iran?, Missiles pointed at Moscow, Beijing, etc etc.. Seems to be a pattern here... hmm.. Anyway. Sorry for the O.T.

Partly why im scared by Thailand, will the military ruled west (what else can it be called? - Obama has increased the military budget!) allow Thailand to join its ranks ignoring civil rights for the global war against the big bad boogey men of the Islamic persuasion?

Edited by whiterussian
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after all this scare mongering, rhetoric how evil the reds are, that they are paid, that they are zombies, that the are uneducated, that they don't know no shift-key and have no clue about democracy and importance of capital letters to win an argument and that they the will for sure destroy the city and so on, the list is long - now something must finally happen like predicted.

you win. everything you type in the internet become true (for you) you are a golden boy.

Thanks for noticing, boychik ...
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Proof all over the net? What like all the factual information on this thread? Don't be silly 9/11 was real as is Bin Ladin and his band of merry men! If it was a conspiracy the attack on the Pentagon or one tower would have been enough to go to war and a staged failed attempt on Bush's life would also have done the job! Not sure what planet your on but obviously not the same planet as the 5000 victims and their surviving families. Your not even funny! LOL

Regardless of the above it triggered an invasion of Iraq, 1,000,000 civilian deaths, an Invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen?, Iran?, Missiles pointed at Moscow, Beijing, etc etc.. Seems to be a pattern here... hmm.. Anyway. Sorry for the O.T.

Partly why im scared by Thailand, will the military ruled west (what else can it be called? - Obama has increased the military budget!) allow Thailand to join its ranks ignoring civil rights for the global war against the big bad boogey men of the Islamic persuasion?

Bombs pointed at China and Russia is new? Conspiracy theories are also relevent to this thread as there's been too many unfounded ones made today all aimed at the reds with their granade launchers in hand.

The invasion of Iraq was inevitable without all that conspiracy cr_p it was all go 9/11 or not but might have taken a bit longer and got the UN onboard. Not sure 1 million civillian deaths can be pinned to either side as most civillian deaths now are insurgent/terror/freedom fighter related.

The Taliban need to be defeated and the big bad Islamic boogy man doesn't even come into it. Try demonstrating in a Taliban run state! You better be good at dodging bullets as there'd definately be one with your name on it. Thank god Thailand has a relatively decent level of freedom and human rights albeit not perfect!

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Proof all over the net? What like all the factual information on this thread? Don't be silly 9/11 was real as is Bin Ladin and his band of merry men! If it was a conspiracy the attack on the Pentagon or one tower would have been enough to go to war and a staged failed attempt on Bush's life would also have done the job! Not sure what planet your on but obviously not the same planet as the 5000 victims and their surviving families. Your not even funny! LOL

Regardless of the above it triggered an invasion of Iraq, 1,000,000 civilian deaths, an Invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen?, Iran?, Missiles pointed at Moscow, Beijing, etc etc.. Seems to be a pattern here... hmm.. Anyway. Sorry for the O.T.

Partly why im scared by Thailand, will the military ruled west (what else can it be called? - Obama has increased the military budget!) allow Thailand to join its ranks ignoring civil rights for the global war against the big bad boogey men of the Islamic persuasion?

Then there are the newly arrogant fascists in Beijing who left Pres Obama with the stark awareness and realization after O's weeklong visit there that the Han Chinese have disrespect and a superior attitude towards humans of dark skin.

This racism in the People's Republic of China is a matter of record in history, and is well known to Westerns in the PRC. It's acutely clear to O that he was treated in Beijing in racist ways and that because of Beijing's racism, look only for matters between the PRC and the US to deteriorate sharply and extensively from the time of O's visit to the racist PRC forward. This is not good news, but only reality and its implications.

Concomitantly, the Han Chinese don't like or respect (sun-bronzed) SE Asians to include Thais, who aren't any more likely to accept such contemptable attitudes and behaviours than is Obama.

Stay safe everyone.

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Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

That's probably why they were targeted. We shouldn't immediately assume this was the work of Red Shirts.

so did Hello Kitty or Mickey Mouse do it? Dude....c'mon

if it: looks, sounds, smells, and tastes red....betcha it is

So funny. not.

I agree with the first poster. He is staying open minded.

The moon looks like a crescent but it's a sphere.

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Don't these idiots realize that most of the soldiers are just poor kids from the sticks? :)

Which idiots are you talking about? According to various reports the authorities find no red shirt links, so please could you explain your comment.

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