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Has The Time Come For Abhisit To Crack Down On The Lawless Red Protesters?


Time to crack down? If not now, when?  

208 members have voted

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Lets be clear. The red shirt LEADERS have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words. You don't need an editorial interpretation, they said it. (And they should be arrested for it.) It is that easy. In that sense, this poll is written to reflect what the red leaders have said. If that makes them look bad, blame them, not me.

"have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words."

Source please.

Do you just come on here cos you got nowt else to do? dont be lazy you can read what their intentions are in the nation newspaper, the bangkok post or even on the news (if you can understand Thai). we are not making it up. its well documented!

Just because something is well documented doesnt make it fact.

I do not read those fine uncensored bastions of free speech and truth you mention.

They are merely expressing an opinion, same as the news channels.

A poster makes a comment and fails to provide a source.

I will ask again the poster to provide a link in Thai will do (yes i can read Thai) that comes directly from a red shirt leader stating their violent intentions.

Something the poster has read himself, rather than regurgitate his own paranoia.

Quote "Simply read their words."

Can you please inform me where I can read their words, straight from the horses mouth, and not some journo or hacks interpreatation of what may or may not have been said.

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And all these bombs going off around the capital and elsewere are very thoughtful and restrained.....NOT !

I wonder if you would hold the same views if it were you or your loved ones who were injured or killed ?

this madness must come to an end and it must end now.

Well if you know the perpetrators please come forward and identify.......I'm sure everybody would wish to have them arrested

Please do not post your proof here, it may affect the result of the trial.

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Lets be clear. The red shirt LEADERS have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words. You don't need an editorial interpretation, they said it. (And they should be arrested for it.) It is that easy. In that sense, this poll is written to reflect what the red leaders have said. If that makes them look bad, blame them, not me.

"have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words."

Source please.

Find it yourself. It is all over this site. I am not your google. Anyone who has been reading the news knows this has happened.

This is just red propaganda to scare the people. Red mass protest is a hoax. The reds want us to think they are strong. Don't panic!

Are you in Thailand or read only this forum? Here is on television nearly nothing about the reds, just the normal program. The red rally got very few minutes in the news, a couple of grannies in front of Gaysorn. Thats all.

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I voted "Army and police should adopt same tactics as they used for lawless yellow protestors previously - just let them walk into whatever government/public buildings they wish, shrug shoulders and say "Whoops! Nothing we can do."

Edited by Tedhead
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Lets be clear. The red shirt LEADERS have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words. You don't need an editorial interpretation, they said it. (And they should be arrested for it.) It is that easy. In that sense, this poll is written to reflect what the red leaders have said. If that makes them look bad, blame them, not me.

"have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words."

Source please.

Do you just come on here cos you got nowt else to do? dont be lazy you can read what their intentions are in the nation newspaper, the bangkok post or even on the news (if you can understand Thai). we are not making it up. its well documented!

Just because something is well documented doesnt make it fact.

I do not read those fine uncensored bastions of free speech and truth you mention.

They are merely expressing an opinion, same as the news channels.

A poster makes a comment and fails to provide a source.

I will ask again the poster to provide a link in Thai will do (yes i can read Thai) that comes directly from a red shirt leader stating their violent intentions.

Something the poster has read himself, rather than regurgitate his own paranoia.

Quote "Simply read their words."

Can you please inform me where I can read their words, straight from the horses mouth, and not some journo or hacks interpreatation of what may or may not have been said.

So how do you know what the reds are protesting for?? you didnt read it anywhere so you must have got it from the horses mouth?

It was on tnn news channel, they cover most of the speaches (live) from the reds stage. You wanna come back now and say the tapes are doctored???

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I voted "Army and police should adopt same tactics as they used for lawless yellow protestors previously - just let them walk into whatever government/public buildings they wish, shrug shoulders and say "Whoops! Nothing we can do."

This is what you will have and thank the yellows for pointing out how to make it happen. :)

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They have had their protest which has been dealt with by the Government far more leniently than any other Government in the world would have tolerated.

The Demonstraters have been bought by the Puppetmaster Thaksin (who wants to see value for his money) by bringing down this Government for his own Treasonous ends.

The time for action is now! perceived Government weakness will only lead to further use and abuse of demonstration rights by these Anarchists.

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they will bring the economy down just like thaksin wishes to, so crack them down before the economy melts.

bring the water cannons and slightly water them like a delicated sativa so not to hurt them, some of them may catch colds but that would be a good reason to go home.

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So how do you know what the reds are protesting for?? you didnt read it anywhere so you must have got it from the horses mouth?

It was on tnn news channel, they cover most of the speaches (live) from the reds stage. You wanna come back now and say the tapes are doctored???

What the Reds may or not be protesting for is an irrelevance.

JT's own words, quote,

"have openly stated their violent intentions. Simply read their words."

Having read some though not all of the literature produced by or in the name of the Red shirts cause, I could find no reference to their violent intetions.

Also read the Thai Rath newspaper on a regular basis and again can find no claims for violent intentions.

Yes I watch the same news channels you do and again have never repeat never heard of any of the leaders

or the guest speakers who also appear on stage call for violence.

A quick google search again offered no insight, neither did any of the pro Red websites.

So for the third time can JT please provide his source, and the name of the Red shirt speaker/leader who stated his or the Red shirts violent intentions, and the date, time and place of such claims being made.

Google may or may not be his friend in his search.

As to whether tapes are doctored or not, I can offer no comment, but I will say, I dont watch Fox news if I want an American insight.

Neither a Red or Yellow shirt, just a mere purple shirt with pink polka dots curious observer.

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According to a red-shirt spokesman on ABC news tonight, the redshirts tomorrow ,intend marching through areas they have been banned from entering.

Seems like they are getting desperate to get some sort of reaction from the powers that be.

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Storming a govt building isnt violence then? dont have to read about it, their actions have already proved it.

Entering a government building with a group a bit larger than would be appreciated is not violence, unless you use physical force and injure innocent people....I have seen no reports of violence.

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Storming a govt building isnt violence then? dont have to read about it, their actions have already proved it.

Entering a government building with a group a bit larger than would be appreciated is not violence, unless you use physical force and injure innocent people....I have seen no reports of violence.

Let me know where you live. I will come round and 'peacefully' break into your house and you wont be annoyed!!

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

Personally, I used to be supportive of the yellows.

The airport fiasco started to sway my opinion though and now I think that I dislike them more than I do the reds.

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

A private dwelling? Like harassing Abhisit at his HOUSE? Like the almost successful attempts on Abhisit's life during Black Songkran. You, sir, sound like someone who is really completely out of touch with what the reds have done, and are doing right now. You make it sound so innocent. They are violent thugs attempting a violent revolution. They will stop at NOTHING. So the question is, how will they be stopped?

Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Comparisons have been made of this mindless mob of violent peasants to the Maoist cultural revolution. Read up on that. Do you want that for Thailand?

Edited by Jingthing
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Did I say that harassing Abhisit at his house was right? No, I didn't. What I said was a large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Would you care to answer the question I asked, and will here repeat:-

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

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We are talking about the red protests. I will not fall into the red shirt propaganda tricks of bringing up historic yellow actions, ad nauseum. Being anti-red/anti-Thaksin does NOT equal being pro yellow. I won't play your predictable game. Deal with the here and now. You act like you are objective, but you are not. You are just another typical Thaksin apologist. There is no excuse for Thaksin, a man intent on destroying this great country. I guess they wanted to balance out the mods here, but you aren't fooling anyone with your posing as objective.

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Comparisons have been made of this mindless mob of violent peasants to the Maoist cultural revolution. Read up on that. Do you want that for Thailand?

Comparisons made by whom? Do you have a link? In what way is this similar?

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We are talking about the red protests. I will not fall into the red shirt propaganda tricks of bringing up historic yellow actions, ad nauseum. Being anti-red/anti-Thaksin does NOT equal being pro yellow. I won't play your predictable game. Deal with the here and now. You act like you are objective, but you are not. You are just another typical Thaksin apologist. There is no excuse for Thaksin, a man intent on destroying this great country.

Ah, no answer, just insults (did you not read the post where I said I was neutral?) and feeble excuses for avoiding the question.

If the past is irrelevant, why do you keep referring to what Thaksin did in the past?

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A large group of protesters entering a government building is totally different to breaking and entering into a private dwelling.

Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

A private dwelling? Like harassing Abhisit at his HOUSE? Like the almost successful attempts on Abhisit's life during Black Songkran. You, sir, sound like someone who is really completely out of touch with what the reds have done, and are doing right now. You make it sound so innocent. They are violent thugs attempting a violent revolution. They will stop at NOTHING. So the question is, how will they be stopped?

Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

Comparisons have been made of this mindless mob of violent peasants to the Maoist cultural revolution. Read up on that. Do you want that for Thailand?

But they have stopped well short of the actions many predicted.........They have protested relatively peacefully, not behaved like the thugs you attempt to portray, and their actions appear to have thwarted the 'wait for the violence' gang so much they are resorting to advocating a destabilising confrontational conclusion instigated by the government, to move on a few people hanging out on a street corner!!

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Tell me, as you are so against these demonstrations and want the authorities to use force to break them up; what was your attitude when the yellows were doing similar, occupying and closing the airport for example? Were you calling for the tear gas and water cannons then?

If I could give my answer:-

I was equally against the civil disobedience by PAD in December 2008. Occupying the airport/s or occupying the commercial centre of Bangkok are pretty much similar offences in my view. Certainly, the intent to cause disruption was on par.

Violences breeds a violent response, ongoing corruption only encourages greed and deceipt, vote buying only serves to maintain the status quo.

Somehow, for Thailand to progress it has to break the current vicious circle.

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Personally I think he should have had Taxsin "Addressed" earlier on. But seeing as he obviously did not and Taxsin is still around to incite terrorism like Bin Ladin over videos and live TV feeds, he must take another approach.

He should allow red shirts to protest in specially designated areas that do not disrupt the lives of Thai Citizens and guests of the Kingdom. And he should bring the Military out to forcefully move the protesters from the heart of Krung Thep. The protesters should be forewarned that they will be fired upon with live ammunition if they do not break it up, given every opportunity too break it up, but those that insist on terrorizing the capital should be laid low.

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(did you not read the post where I said I was neutral?)

Lets get this clear. Produce ONE POST from you where you are not trying to challenge anti-red posters and you are challenging pro Thaksin posters. Then I might start to believe you are somewhat objective. I don't like dishonesty. I am out front. I detest Thaksin and think he is destroying this country. You on the other hand are obviously playing games by posing as neutral. So many other Thaksinistas play that same game, but conveniently never say a bad word about the reds or Thaksin.

Edited by Jingthing
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OK as tomorrow is Shakri day, is a fair assumption that any government action will wait until Wednesday?

Depends if and how the government attempt to stop the intended march into the 'no go' streets tomorrow (as reported)

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