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Bangkok: 10+ Dead, Hundreds Hurt In Bangkok Clashes

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The truth is that Abhisit lost face yesterday and had to regain it somehow today. His "strong response" and attempts to take back the rally sites have resulted in the deaths of Thai people :)

Or an alternate view:

The reds had a win yesterday and tried to push too hard today. Their continuous confrontation with the army has resulted in the deaths of Thai people.

i like that view better

thank you peter

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One disturbing thing I just noticed. The AP report in the Washington Post mentions the closure of BTS, but does not mention the REASON for the total closure, the terrorist threat on live tv by a major red leader Jatuporn, a member of parliament. Why is the western press showing this pro red bias?

Like a puppet on a string... western media are under no obligation to support a j u n t a

just because Americans have invented 'regime change' as an extension of 'democracy' doesnt make it a good thing.

Name the last American president who wasn't backed by a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires... lasers in the jungle.


With the Reuters Japanese killed, the Japanese Investors will think 3 times before investing one more yen in Thailand. The SET will go down Monday.... already a group of Academics and Business Men call for negotiation and put the responsability of the stalemate on both sides. (Source B.P.)

It is time to think how to end this mess...and one point is not to continue endlessy to throw to each other arguments which are repeated since one month....

this is increasing the pressure, on contrary we should decrease the pressure. tonight there is too much excitation, it is not a good adviser and the risk of Civil War is not nil (However we are still far from this extremity, God bless us).

So, we have to start the dialog without throwing at the head of the other useless argument...

Anyone still claiming that protesters are there because of money should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

oh yeah? so what they are there for?

singing songs about thaksin, shouting thaksin's name, waving thaksin't placard, etc... well, they have to because they are getting paid and brainwashed.

seriously, if they have accepted the 9 months house dissolution, which they didn't because the money will stop flowing, nothing like this would have happened but they chose to stay on the street for 500 baht per day... mmm...

Anyone still claiming that protesters are there because of money should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

Probably waiting for their ID card back now :)

the ones that were on 500 baht had a big wake up call today and will be gone tomorrow

have a great songkran and goodbye

you won't be missed

The truth is that Abhisit lost face yesterday and had to regain it somehow today. His "strong response" and attempts to take back the rally sites have resulted in the deaths of Thai people :)

Or an alternate view:

The reds had a win yesterday and tried to push too hard today. Their continuous confrontation with the army has resulted in the deaths of Thai people.

i like that view better

thank you peter

If at any time the Red protesters had obeyed the law and dispersed peacefully there would have been a different outcome.


they knew what they were here for

they got it.

you keep poking a tiger, he will eventually wake up and bite you

So what do you suggest ? Accept an illegitimate governement

that has robbed you of your vote and go home ?

Abhisit went on to put off the air the red TV station in spite

of advice not to do that by his colleagues ex PM .

It all started there .

They are just cannon fodder for him.
And he won't even care. By the way, why doesn't he use his famous 30-Baht-Sheme (?sp) to get treated in a hospital in Thailand?

second that.

Wrong. Democracy has been stolen in Thailand. Here are the key recent events:

Sep 2006: Coup removes Thaksin (because he had established himself as a dictator, no othyer legal or democratic way to remove him)

Dec 2007: People Power (allied to Thaksin) wins elections (because, like TRT before, the committed electoral fraud and paid for votes)

Sep 2008: Constitutional Court removes Samak (because he had an illegal second job and took a salary for it, then lied about that before the court and presented faked "evidence")

Dec 2008: Constitutional Court forces out Somchai as PM (wrong - court disbanded entire PPP party for electoral fraud, see above)

Dec 2008: Abhistit becomes premier, with no election (wrong - he was elected just like Samak and Somchai were, in fact from the very same people in the parliament)

My own comments are in brackets.

This sad result of today's crackdown increases Thaksin's body count. Just HOW far will this megalomaniac go for his god-dam_n Billions of Baht that he obtained illegally in first place and that he now wants back, come hel_l or high water???

When will the red-shirted people finally wake up and see that they have been lied to all along, the neither Thaksin nor their so-called "leaders" give a hoot about democracy or the well-being of farmers but that this entire show is for Thaksin and nothing but Thaksin??

I have been among those red shirts, i have talked to several of them, but i know how crowd excitement and peer pressure work, and particularly a combination of the two.... it would sadden me deepest to know that people that i have talked to are now dead or injured because of that Billionaire who is too scared to come back to his home country to at least LEAD HIS OWN dam_n FIGHT!

Sorry for becoming hot tempered but i KNOW that the broad masses of the red shirts are neither terrorists nor violent thugs, they are a bunch of people who hope for a better life and who are being betrayed and lied to by their leaders and, above all, one Thaksin Shinawatara - whom i wish a slow and painful death!




Abhisit made a negotiation offer to the reds on tv. They weren't playing ball. They walked away. Which side was seeking peace, do you reckon? Thaksin ordered this, there can be no doubt.

Is this really how to deal with what was essentially a sit in?

it was going fine

the reds were little more than an irritation until they decided to stand up and illegally invade the EC commission, Parliament building and Thaicom

when asked to sit back down they declined

then they needed 'dealing with'.........


From a Red Shirt protester:

when i was in the rally this evening, the mood was overwhemling excited,joy,crowed,lots of noice, lots of people but when we hear that the red shirts have lose their lives everything changed. the picture of those people who loose the life were shown in the projecter. i was sitting beside one lady. the leader started to... play the martydom songs, although i didn't understand the song but i feel the song & i feel the changed environement. slowly my tears started to fall down after seeing those pictuers frm phan pha. i can't control myself. it's said that if you are man you shouldn't cry but this quote was wrong today. i expreance it. i look around me , & got the same result. woman with tears & emotionally shocked
i'm really sorry for those who lost their life. these people are the real hero., a true martyer. these people name should be written in the history book fighting for democracy. these people deserve it. i'll pray for god may be their soul be peace in heaven. a deeply condolence to their family too.

this will be a moment ...i'll never forget in my life. wherever i go, i'll always carry these memories. these people who lost their life are my real hero.



I ask that everyone takes some time out and calm down a bit

emotions are high, and I can understand that

but calling each other names and attacking each other for the different political views will not get you anywhere

we already see where that leads on the streets with the yellows, reds or pinks.

lets calm down a bit shall we?

we are all sad and upset over the violence...but any of us sitting here arguing and throwing insults at each other is not going to change that or wind back the clock and bring back people from the dead. what we should do is honour and respect them by being civil to each other - in my opinion.

cheers everyone. I hope we can wake up to a calmer Thailand, and may those that lost rest in peace

One disturbing thing I just noticed. The AP report in the Washington Post mentions the closure of BTS, but does not mention the REASON for the total closure, the terrorist threat on live tv by a major red leader Jatuporn, a member of parliament. Why is the western press showing this pro red bias?

Like a puppet on a string... western media are under no obligation to support a j u n t a

Whatever. They are reporters. They left out an IMPORTANT fact. The reason for the BTS closure. The terrorist threat from the red leader. That is a FACT. Journalists are supposed to be objective and they failed their role there.
The truth is that Abhisit lost face yesterday and had to regain it somehow today. His "strong response" and attempts to take back the rally sites have resulted in the deaths of Thai people :)

Or an alternate view:

The reds had a win yesterday and tried to push too hard today. Their continuous confrontation with the army has resulted in the deaths of Thai people.

i like that view better

thank you peter

If at any time the Red protesters had obeyed the law and dispersed peacefully there would have been a different outcome.

Exactly, how many times can you issue a warning before steps have to be taken.

The brainwashing which has gone on is unbelievable. Although TIT

get the leaders first and give a free shuttle

to e-saan and it's over ... i come over next week and it's not finish - i do it


Also sad day for lung for posting.....that.

can't follow u ...

but it must come like this.still wait for something in the news (here) not that much the last weeks in tv.

for me enough to come in sonkran (much water)

not need paid crazy red's to



Neither can anyone else 'follow me' as you haven't quoted my whole post! Just wondered how you would 'do it'? There were too many deaths after the first victim of this 'event' which has not ended yet.

Also...come any time, not just Songkran, there is much water in 7/11! :D

One disturbing thing I just noticed. The AP report in the Washington Post mentions the closure of BTS, but does not mention the REASON for the total closure, the terrorist threat on live tv by a major red leader Jatuporn, a member of parliament. Why is the western press showing this pro red bias?

Like a puppet on a string... western media are under no obligation to support a j u n t a

Whatever. They are reporters. They left out an IMPORTANT fact. The reason for the BTS closure. The terrorist threat from the red leader. That is a FACT. Journalists are supposed to be objective and they failed their role there.

Please quote his exact words in THAI

I am amazed that it has remained so peaceful until now..................

i am not i predicted this. after they start to get tired and fustrated i knew this will happen. the reds can't fight for ever. the army know this. like a boxing match it will come down to stamina. the army are proffessionals they can sleep eat take shifts the red will run out of gas at some point. then it is game over.


they knew what they were here for

they got it.

you keep poking a tiger, he will eventually wake up and bite you

So what do you suggest ? Accept an illegitimate governement

that has robbed you of your vote and go home ?

Abhisit went on to put off the air the red TV station in spite

of advice not to do that by his colleagues ex PM .

It all started there .

Even if you can convince yourself the government is illegitimate it is not a dictatorship. There will be elections again, maybe in 9 months maybe a year. There will be an opportunity to use your vote, or sell it at that time. Even if you call an election today you won't go to the polls for at least 2 months. So how many dead Thais is it worth to speed up elections that will come anyway?

He's responsible for the deaths of several protesters and soldiers. AND a Reuters journalist. Plus the overall attempt didn't even work, it's essentially a failed operation.

Probably the reason for the smirk on Abhisit's face. Got one farang and 9 farmers killed. :)

another sick bastard who thinks Abhisit was smirking whilst protesters police and soldiers may be fighting for their lives in bangkok hospitals right now

i think thats more a reflection of your sentiments than Abhisit

You are a man on a mission Eh??

This is a quote from another thread

Why did you cut my quote out?

yes my mission, promoting the truth amongst liars

i did not mean to cut out your quote

the system would not let me respond as it was

they said i had too many quotes & something had to go.

it was you

report me if you feel you must

it was not intended to be a malicious cut

as to the quote from another thread, yes it was mine, i cut and pasted it into yours

it seemed appropriate to both of you

now go look for your friends ......


Democracy has been stolen in this country several times since 2006. The reds have a good point...

Utter crap - the Isanies are the once that sold their votes to Taksin and are the main cause why democracy does not work here. The coup happened because Taksin was planting his supporters in key positions to make sure he would sray in power - this government we have has shown an awful lot of restrained and its the "peaceful" red shirts that are using life ammo - most if not all of the dead red shirts have probably been killed by their own either by accident or on purpose as propaganda meterial - anyone still supporting the red shirts is either totally insane or has no clue of reality

Wrong. Democracy has been stolen in Thailand. Here are the key recent events:

Sep 2006: Coup removes Thaksin

Dec 2007: People Power (allied to Thaksin) wins elections

Sep 2008: Constitutional Court removes Samak

Dec 2008: Constitutional Court forces out Somchai as PM

Dec 2008: Abhistit becomes premier, with no election

I make that 4 thefts of democracy. No wonder the reds and other non-privileged people in Thailand are angry. It seems it's only the wealthy Thais and the (relatively) rich farangs here who support these 4 years of theft of democracy.

I say the reds have a good argument - maybe they're being a bit crude about it (and Thaksin is surely no model leader) but democracy has always been won through resistance and compromise. People also struggled and died in UK, France, USA, etc, to win our rights. Unfortunate but true.

good point and cryptic too - minus most of the other mumbo-jumbos here....... :)

Abhisit should stop this lunacy. Step down and call an election now

then what would happen somone from his party would become new PM then it would start agin or someone from the red side then it will start again.

biggest problem is that the farmers in Isaan have no rain. no rain means no farm means no work means no money. so they will stay in bangkok.


In many way this reminds me of my father's recollections of Cuba before Castro.

Many Thais are glued to the red shirt TV.

There is talk of revolution in the air.

The next weeks will be very interesting.

Abhisit should stop this lunacy. Step down and call an election now

those people will have died in vain if he did that

if you reds had accepted his reasonable offer of an early election in 9 months none of us would be in mourning tonight

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