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Thai Foreign Minister Slams International Community Over Crisis

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Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

How desperate is the current Thai government?

Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

And now the genie is out of the bottle.

He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

A very good post.

Be wary of a yellow back coup now. Kasit saying this is as you say the open admission that the whole propaganda against Thaksin for 5 years now is all falling to pieces. The government is seen by the world as illegitimate and nobody backs them.

The agenda is now a yellow backed coup and the implementation of "New Politics" where the Thai people cannot vote for the majority control of the government so it is said.

Yellows want an appointed by the Elite "majority" rule it seems and I expect a full scale onslaught in the media how "politics has failed" - when it fact it was all started because Democracy was working and a coup was held to remove Democracy.

Kasit appears to be hinting a new coup is going to be attempted and that "New Politics" is going to be attempted to be forced on the Thai people. The signals are all there in his "article".

Kasit is a <deleted>. He was not suitable to be a part of this government. Shooting off his mouth like this is totally unbecoming of the nation's chief diplomat.

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Yo, Mr. Peter. Yes there was an election that saw Mr. Abhisit come to power. However, do you deny that there was a military coup prior to that which deposed the previously elected government? The deposed government did not resign. It was overthrown by the military. Had Mr. Thaksin finished his mandate and Mr. Abhisit then been elected, there would be no argument, but that was not the case. I know you cannot accept this, but Mr. Abhisit's government is not seen as legitimate by those countries that do not accept coup d'etats. The current scandal with campaign financing doesn't help matters as Mr. Abhisit's party is accused of some of the same crimes as Mr. Thaksin's.

Still in denial? The statement the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government is not attributed to a Red Shirt. :D Read the article again.

There was no military coup that deposed an elected government.

Check your facts.

In 2006 Thaksin dissolved parliament and called a new election.

Thaksin could not form government after the election, and in fact, resigned 2 days after the election.

The Constitution Court invalidated the election.

Thaksin was *appointed* care taker PM by the King.

New elections were not held in the time frame required (6 months after the previous election).

New elections were scheduled by Thaksin in October (8 months after the previous election).

The coup occurred in September.

edit: I am not excusing the coup, just pointing out some facts.

why do u want to spoil peoples re writing of history with facts

spoil sport



Godwin's Law is the one of bringing up Hitler in debates, normally online - a quick google will reveal all - and it is usually considered that the one that brings the infamous man up, has lost that debate.

I think I am right in saying that, technically speaking, Thaksin brought up Hitler first, along with the gays surrounding Abhisit. Now my impression is the world knows he is mad as bag of snakes, but that it was unimportant given that the incumbents were more than likely to be just as barking. Let's face it, world governments have eyes and ears on the ground in places like LOS, not least given its proximity to China. Such eyes and ears would have strongly advised their superiors to sit tight and see whether suggestions of insanity would out and so lo and behold, as often happens in international circles if one waits longer enough, hunches and impressions will turn out to be right and here Kasit has sure enough, confirmed all suspicions - the asylum is indeed full.

One could of course substitute corrupt for barking/mad...as borne out by the EC commission.

And as to why there has been no previous arrests, it is not just about coups and governments of legitimacy, disinterest also stems from the fact that Thailand is not really a such a big mover and shaker on the world stage, however much it would love to have that status - for example, you only have to scan the British broadsheets online and already you have to dig to find the latest on the situation here - we might live here and think it important but let me tell you, it really is not very high in the consciousness of the world and Kasit's comments confirm as to why that might be - this is a country's foreign minister, let me reiterate, at a meeting of the 46 of the biggest players, discussing the nuclear issue and he does this....Abhisit must be turning his thoughts to spring and early summer back in his old haunts, daffodils on the backs, a lovely time of year indeed if you have time on your hands and just want to kick back.

I'd much prefer to liken Kasit to an Al Qaeda terrorist. Shutting down international airports and calling it "a lot of fun" is much more like an act of terrorism. Discusting little man that he is!

Right - All Kasit is doing is digging him deeper into the hole that he has made for himself. It's up to the international community what it thinks, and making Hitler comparisons makes him look so silly.

yea what a great Foreign Minister! - Jeeze where do they get them from...? (don't answer that)

Someone is still in denial. :) And so they will hang on to the bittter end refusing to admit the truth.
Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

You may forget that there have been elections, but I think foreign governments know better.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

As much as the red shirt supporters on TV want to think this is about the poor, it is not.

It is a corrupt billionaire (that is using the poor) against anyone that is against him (corrupt or not).

Yo, Mr. Peter. Yes there was an election that saw Mr. Abhisit come to power. However, do you deny that there was a military coup prior to that which deposed the previously elected government? The deposed government did not resign. It was overthrown by the military. Had Mr. Thaksin finished his mandate and Mr. Abhisit then been elected, there would be no argument, but that was not the case. I know you cannot accept this, but Mr. Abhisit's government is not seen as legitimate by those countries that do not accept coup d'etats. The current scandal with campaign financing doesn't help matters as Mr. Abhisit's party is accused of some of the same crimes as Mr. Thaksin's.

Still in denial? The statement the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government is not attributed to a Red Shirt. :D Read the article again.

you see this is the whole point that the three wise yellows on here don't get - people will not accept Abhisit because of the process - have an elecxtion - if he wins he wins (unlikely) - no ponit in shouting it's legal - so was Hitler, Stalin and so is Mugabe - legal is NOT the benchmark of democracy that JD, Animatic and Jingthing seems to think it is. Anyway with a Foreign Minister ranting like this it doesn't help his boss for sure - let's blame the international community now - Jeeze... and throw in Al Queda for 'balance'


Personally, I would like to see the word terrorist used less. Some of the valid points made are overshadowed by the somewhat inflammatory and emotive use of the word.

But let me reiterate, this is a personal thought.

Personally, I would like to see the word terrorist used less. Some of the valid points made are overshadowed by the somewhat inflammatory and emotive use of the word.

But let me reiterate, this is a personal thought.

I agee 100% whit you.

No, there was an election which saw PPP come to power and Abhisit left as the opposition.

The courts then dissolved the PPP.

There was a parliamentary coup then backed by the Elite and Abhisit was thrust forward as the new PM, in a move against the wishes of the majority of the people (based on election results).

Military coup - failed.

Parliamentary coup - failed.

So it looks like its going to be another attempted Military coup. The last thing any of the yellows want now is an election, so its likely all out to push a coup to happen before an election, just like last time (elections due Oct and coup in Sept).

If you look at the history of events over the last couple of years:

Thaksin changing laws while PM to suit his company. Thaksin putting his relatives and his people in positions of power putting him in control of the checks and balances. Thaksin trying to change the laws after the failed 2006 election so that he could become PM.

A coup to remove Thaksin (junta leaders:"we performed the coup because there was no other way to get rid of him" or words to that effect).

An election, with the PPP gaining the most seats (not "winning") and forming a coalition government with the smaller parties, and a majority of MPs elect Samak as PM.

Samak gets removed for effectively having two jobs. One, the PM, the other, a cooking show host (or political show, depending on how you look at it).

A majority of MPs now vote Somchai as PM.

The PPP start to try to make changes to the constitution to stop charges against Thaksin.

The courts then disband the PPP for electoral fraud and ban a couple of PPP MPs. The rest of the PPP MPs move to the PTP and at this point could still form a coalition government with the smaller parties.

The smaller parties change their support to the Democrats (which is how they campaigned anyway), probably with encouragement from others. The Democrats form a coalition government electing Abhisit as PM.

Basically, when Thaksin made a move for absolute power or whenever one of his puppets made a move to allow him to come back, "someone else" put a stop to it.

Thaksin didn't do anything to help the poor in the long term. He handed out money to get their support while he gained control of the country. He was stopped when he tried to get control of the army.

This isn't about the poor. This is between Thaksin and "someone else".

edit: and look at when these protests "for the poor" started. Straight after Thaksin's billions were confiscated.


Let me see if I understand this..

1. The millitary rob the country of its democracy by staging a coup. To free the country from cronyism and bring about a real democracy.

2. The red side, who has been in power for the most, looses power when it's coalition partners switch side.

3. The country's political system goes thru partial corruption cleansing and almost all parties are dissolved and it's politicians are banned.

4. The reds rob the country of its democracy by staging a peoples coup. To bring about a real democracy.


1. Thailand experiences a severe financial crisis (1997).

2. The Democrats take some hard decisions and because of these loose popularity.

3. Thaksin uses that dissent and comes to power just as the economy recovers.

4. Thaksin is ousted and the Democrats come to power during the next financial crisis (2009).

5. Thaksin returns (maybe) to power when the economy is on the rebound and can claim that success belongs to him because of his wisdom.

Whoever it is writing these scripts is a marvelous entertainer. :)

No, there was an election which saw PPP come to power and Abhisit left as the opposition.

The courts then dissolved the PPP.

There was a parliamentary coup then backed by the Elite and Abhisit was thrust forward as the new PM, in a move against the wishes of the majority of the people (based on election results).

Military coup - failed.

Parliamentary coup - failed.

So it looks like its going to be another attempted Military coup. The last thing any of the yellows want now is an election, so its likely all out to push a coup to happen before an election, just like last time (elections due Oct and coup in Sept).

If you look at the history of events over the last couple of years:

Thaksin changing laws while PM to suit his company. Thaksin putting his relatives and his people in positions of power putting him in control of the checks and balances. Thaksin trying to change the laws after the failed 2006 election so that he could become PM.

A coup to remove Thaksin (junta leaders:"we performed the coup because there was no other way to get rid of him" or words to that effect).

An election, with the PPP gaining the most seats (not "winning") and forming a coalition government with the smaller parties, and a majority of MPs elect Samak as PM.

Samak gets removed for effectively having two jobs. One, the PM, the other, a cooking show host (or political show, depending on how you look at it).

A majority of MPs now vote Somchai as PM.

The PPP start to try to make changes to the constitution to stop charges against Thaksin.

The courts then disband the PPP for electoral fraud and ban a couple of PPP MPs. The rest of the PPP MPs move to the PTP and at this point could still form a coalition government with the smaller parties.

The smaller parties change their support to the Democrats (which is how they campaigned anyway), probably with encouragement from others. The Democrats form a coalition government electing Abhisit as PM.

Basically, when Thaksin made a move for absolute power or whenever one of his puppets made a move to allow him to come back, "someone else" put a stop to it.

Thaksin didn't do anything to help the poor in the long term. He handed out money to get their support while he gained control of the country. He was stopped when he tried to get control of the army.

This isn't about the poor. This is between Thaksin and "someone else".

edit: and look at when these protests "for the poor" started. Straight after Thaksin's billions were confiscated.

'someone else'?

I notice no response to this very well written and thought out piece......The anti-red, hysterical anti-Thaksin zealots seem to have gone very quiet just recently.

Where is Jinjthing et al.......making up new flash cards with revised answers?... :)

I notice that the pro-Thaksin zealots do a lot of selective reading.

Jingthing is alive and well .. and posting in DIY forums now it seems.

Actually I think it's wrong to target him as the archetypal anti-Red. I at least found his postings had some intellectual capacity in them and avoided some of the excruciating invective-only postings that have littered these threads for the last four days (replicated by a number of Thai expats I have bumped into here in Bangkok on my soujourn from the boondocks - all invective and no analysis).

I still hope Abhisit can somehow negotiate his way to some sort of democratic solution involving an election later this year. Now is the time for any splinter red leaders who do not ally to Thaksin or the 'ends justify the means' clique to come out of the woodwork.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

How desperate is the current Thai government?

Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

And now the genie is out of the bottle.

He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

I notice no response to this very well written and thought out piece......The anti-red, hysterical anti-Thaksin zealots seem to have gone very quiet just recently.

Where is Jinjthing et al.......making up new flash cards with revised answers?... :)

They see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil...

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

How desperate is the current Thai government?

Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

And now the genie is out of the bottle.

He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

I notice no response to this very well written and thought out piece......The anti-red, hysterical anti-Thaksin zealots seem to have gone very quiet just recently.

Where is Jinjthing et al.......making up new flash cards with revised answers?... :)

Not at all. I am glad to hear the gloves coming off to spank the global community. The reds cheer the dem party resolution over a funding charge. They fail to admit that their Thaksin puppet parties were/are totally funded by Thaksin money and were politically controlled Thaksin (a convicted criminal fugitive) when they had power. That isn't something that happens in a normal democracy, and yet they continue to claim they are a pro democracy movement, a bald faced lie as long as they are funded by Thaksin. They are happy with court decisions ONLY when it favors them; when it is does not, the courts are evil and inspire them towards violent revolution (again funded by Thaksin). The dem case was a money case, Where is the red's comment about the years of Thaksin fueled dirty business in Thai politics when by rights he should either serve his legal jail sentence or TRULY go into exile and quit politics.

I think for many foreign gov'ts, it's difficult to figure out what Thailand is all about. They basically allowed Thaksin to leave the country when they shouldn't (I mean, attending the Olympics is not really a good reason for leaving). They underestimated him and he has caused problems they didn't anticipate. He was supposed to go away quietly. They have been unable to track him well, nor come up with an international reason for arrest which will stick.

For most gov'ts, I am sure this is about much fun as getting into the middle of a messy divorce.

Had Thaksin returned and gone to jail, I doubt that the outcome would be different. The protests would be in front of a prison and he would probably be getting more sympathy than now.

And by the way, Bin Laden, has probably had an equal amount of protection from various countries. I might also add that Thailand doesn't have a stellar reputation when it comes to apprehending criminals.

First post in this thread that gets near to the nub of the matter. Thailand's foreign minister's rant will not win him in any Brownie points, after Thailand became a laughing stock for letting Thaksin go to the Olympics (with a diplomatic passport, no less, I believe) in the first place, given the number of serious charges against him. The agreement must have been, as with past high-level offenders - go quickly, quietly, richly and with the blessings of the govt, but in return Thaksin, you must accept your lot and give up playing politics, nevermind any pretensions of returning to lead the country..................

But Thaksin, being Thaksin, refused to do this and has been causing one long headache for the govt ever since........so now, Pirom being another prima donna, wants to deflect blame on others rather than reflect on the possibility that the Foreign Ministry screwed up badly by not cancelling his passport/s long before he left for Beijing. They have also consistently screwed up since, by not capturing him and returning him to Thailand to answer the many charges against him, nevermind serve his sentence, such as when he calmly walked into the Thai Embassy in Hong kong to divorce Pokemon. Another chance missed was when he actually requested permission to fly over Thai airspace to Cambodia, but got refused. the list goes on about missed chances to bring back this criminal to do his porridge.

So, Pirom's message will mostly fall on cynical ears I'm afraid, wondering why the Thai govt is so incompetent in getting its own house in order before casting blame elsewhere. :)

I'd much prefer to liken Kasit to an Al Qaeda terrorist. Shutting down international airports and calling it "a lot of fun" is much more like an act of terrorism. Discusting little man that he is!

He won't be an MP for much longer and when he gets out of the place he's going to be sent to I don't think that he will say. "Good food and good music."


'Diplomacy for Dummies'

this is the guy that called the elected head of a neighbouring country a terrorist, why do people expect any diplomacy from him? he and his party have ridden roughshod over the Thai people, doing and saying whatever they want, it seems in this instance the silly fool forgot he was outside of Thailand.

Does he think foreign countries get their information from the thai government? of course they don't, they get their information from their own diplomats, that way they are furnished with facts rather than the usual nonsense from the thao government propaganda mouthpiece The Nation. It was a mistake to let this fool anywhere near power but the dems had to repay the PAD by making this clown foreign minister.

Lock the door on your way out abhisit, an educated man but promoted beyond his ability in a scandalous decision.

I'd much prefer to liken Kasit to an Al Qaeda terrorist. Shutting down international airports and calling it "a lot of fun" is much more like an act of terrorism. Discusting little man that he is!

He won't be an MP for much longer and when he gets out of the place he's going to be sent to I don't think that he will say. "Good food and good music."

I don't think he is an MP, he is in the cabinet but not an elected politician.


It all comes down to corruption and double standards.

The house of cards is built on a foundation of lies and corruption.

It is simply being occupied by different colors or groups at different times. It really doesn't seem to matter who is in charge from one govt to the next

when the foundation is still wobbling on corruption.

The only way out is to look for a long term solution. One that is fair and eliminates corruption as the means for holding up the house.

If the house is being eaten by termites, then it really doesn't matter who is living in the house. The house will eventually fall. Small attempts at extermination won't work because the house is infested with termites and it is too late to save this house. So, knock down the entire house and start over.

Eliminating one leader or another won't end this crisis. Blaming foreign governments certainly won't help at all. Taking a closer look in the mirror and

being willing to make the painful changes is the only way out.

Good luck.

I'd much prefer to liken Kasit to an Al Qaeda terrorist. Shutting down international airports and calling it "a lot of fun" is much more like an act of terrorism. Discusting little man that he is!

He won't be an MP for much longer and when he gets out of the place he's going to be sent to I don't think that he will say. "Good food and good music."

I don't think he is an MP, he is in the cabinet but not an elected politician.

My self I would like to see What countries look at the present Thai Government as being legal and which ones do not

This is not just a Thai political game

But one of world politics

If you asked all the embassies in Bkk to please make an official statement on this subject

Don't wait around for an answer

Commitment is not a good thing in poitics

Its all politics


What an utter hypocrite.

As usual blaming westeners for for the probems Thais bring on themselves.

What a rediculous comparison of Toxin and Hitler etc. Even though I am no fan of Toxin, the comprison is stupid and naieve in the extreme.

They had a chance to stop Toxin before he escaped from Thailand and let him go, and now blame the the white man.

Oh and don't forget what he and his mates did last year at the airport etc.

I'm am more than confident that the powers that be in the west consider this fool for what he is; a fool who typically hates westeners, but knows they're good to gain money and prestige from.

You have to understand Journalism in Australia and the biased, sensationalist, grandiose reporting they enjoy. This was not a story about the situation in Thailand, it was about Eric Campbell.

The ABC channel is held in very low regard by the Australian public because of it poor quality, biased journalism.

Have you seen the report yet? I don't think it has even been shown yet. I think your bias is showing.

The commercial channels in Aus are certainly known for their "biased, sensationalist, grandiose reporting", and the ABC is often anti-government, but their international reporting, particularly their investigative reporting, is often some of the best in the world.

The general public will not see it until tonight. ABC reporting amongst the best in world? Who are you trying to kid.

ABC reporting is generally of a high standard, the only negative thing i can say is that a fair few of the stories are slanted for dramatic effect.

A lot of it is world class and thats what I am expecting in 7 hours time.

Good luck!

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

How desperate is the current Thai government?

Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

And now the genie is out of the bottle.

He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

A very good post.

Be wary of a yellow back coup now. Kasit saying this is as you say the open admission that the whole propaganda against Thaksin for 5 years now is all falling to pieces. The government is seen by the world as illegitimate and nobody backs them.

The agenda is now a yellow backed coup and the implementation of "New Politics" where the Thai people cannot vote for the majority control of the government so it is said.

Yellows want an appointed by the Elite "majority" rule it seems and I expect a full scale onslaught in the media how "politics has failed" - when it fact it was all started because Democracy was working and a coup was held to remove Democracy.

Kasit appears to be hinting a new coup is going to be attempted and that "New Politics" is going to be attempted to be forced on the Thai people. The signals are all there in his "article".

I fail to see why anyone who calls the current people in the government Elites without including Mt T. He has more money than all the current people in the government put together and is living like a king abroad. He is the Elite of the Elites! Not to mention his former maid and driver.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

How desperate is the current Thai government?

Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

And now the genie is out of the bottle.

He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

A very good post.

Be wary of a yellow back coup now. Kasit saying this is as you say the open admission that the whole propaganda against Thaksin for 5 years now is all falling to pieces. The government is seen by the world as illegitimate and nobody backs them.

The agenda is now a yellow backed coup and the implementation of "New Politics" where the Thai people cannot vote for the majority control of the government so it is said.

Yellows want an appointed by the Elite "majority" rule it seems and I expect a full scale onslaught in the media how "politics has failed" - when it fact it was all started because Democracy was working and a coup was held to remove Democracy.

Kasit appears to be hinting a new coup is going to be attempted and that "New Politics" is going to be attempted to be forced on the Thai people. The signals are all there in his "article".

I fail to see why anyone who calls the current people in the government Elites without including Mt T. He has more money than all the current people in the government put together and is living like a king abroad. He is the Elite of the Elites! Not to mention his former maid and driver.

No, I seriously doubt Thaksin has more money than "all the current people in the government put together". You're forgetting one very, very important family at the very top of Thai government.



Gee wiz mister foreign minister thank you so much for explaining everything to us ,,, we didn't know it was that easy.

So you mean if Taksin is arrested and brought back to Thailand ,, all of the deep divisions ,, political and socio-economic between the Thai people will just go away. WOW

And thank you for now adding to your list of labels the word " terrorist " to describe anyone who goes out and demonstrates against the government ,, so let me see ,, so now the labels are as follows if you are a red shirt:

@ against the monarchy

@ an ignorant peasant not worthy of the right to vote

@ paid by Taksin to come to BKK

@ a rampaging mob

@ and now of all things a TERRORIST

Hey mister foreign minister I got news for you ,, the reason you and your prime minister are soon going to be out of a job is because of your SMUG ARROGANCE ,, which is what you are perpetrating once again.

When are you going to understand ,, this is bigger than Taksin ,, the people want you out and they want change not the status quo which you and the BKK elites try so desparately to hold on .

You cannot continue to try and stop the tide of a politically awakened and aware mass of people who outnumber you, ( unless of course you do it with tanks , guns and the army which you just tried and was a miserable failure )

Hence look ,, stop trying to make excuses and no matter how much you WISH it to be so Thailand is never going to be the same.

The non elites who outnumber you have spoken and its time to listen.

Give it up before more people die.

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the beginning of the end. Thailand's government has now publicly acknowledged that other governments have NO respect for it. Civilised nations are not partial to governments that come to power by way of military coups. Sorry, but that's how it is.

Foreign Minister Kasit has provided some startling honest insight that should be a jolt of hardpolitik for the Thaksin hating/red bashing legion of arrogant TV members. Kasit has basically shown Thailand's government to be weak and with wavering unreliable support. How can Thailand expect cooperation from foreign governments now? Does Kasit have a short memory? While he apparently cheered on the airport seizure, foreign governments were asking for Thai assistance to protect their nationals and for order during the PAD events. When the well respected German Ambassador to Thailand was publicly insulted by the Phuket governor what did Kasit do? Nothing. When the Russian Ambassador asked for help on the assaults of its citizens, what was Kasit's ministry response? What has Thailand's response been to the pleadings from multiple foreign ambassadors? Inaction.

This must be very painful for some of Thai Visa's red bashers to read. I have repeatedly pointed out that Thaksin was being allowed to circulate because no one had any use for the current government. How salient then the lament of Kasit that Thailand was "not getting any international cooperation at all" over Thaksin's case, saying even Interpol "just simply refused to work with us." Gee. How come some of us could see this, but the Thaksin obsessives could not?

When I made the point in February that general Anapong had been summoned to the USA and warned, some scoffed but now we see a further vindication as Kasit has asked the Obama administration for help. I wonder why?

How desperate is the current Thai government?

Thailand deputy premier Trirong Suwannakiri, who was also at the forum, warned that if the current crisis raged out of control, the military could stage a coup to restore order.

Great way to win the support of the governments that have so far failed to support you by "warning" of another coup.

And now the genie is out of the bottle.

He said any resolution to the turmoil might see the role of the revered monarchy revamped with greater involvement in the political process of the impoverished rural poor, who are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

This is called opening Pandora's box. As soon as any discussion of the monarchy's role in the political process is started, a process will be started that may have some very unintended consequences.

I also direct the Red Shirt bashers to the part of the statement that acknowledges what the conflict is about; the impoverished rural poor, are up in arms against the nation's military-backed government.

All in all this article should cause some of the more obnoxious members of TV to reconsider their positions and to perhaps undertake some serious reconsideration of their previous statements and positions. Those people are pwnage.

A very good post.

Be wary of a yellow back coup now. Kasit saying this is as you say the open admission that the whole propaganda against Thaksin for 5 years now is all falling to pieces. The government is seen by the world as illegitimate and nobody backs them.

The agenda is now a yellow backed coup and the implementation of "New Politics" where the Thai people cannot vote for the majority control of the government so it is said.

Yellows want an appointed by the Elite "majority" rule it seems and I expect a full scale onslaught in the media how "politics has failed" - when it fact it was all started because Democracy was working and a coup was held to remove Democracy.

Kasit appears to be hinting a new coup is going to be attempted and that "New Politics" is going to be attempted to be forced on the Thai people. The signals are all there in his "article".

I fail to see why anyone who calls the current people in the government Elites without including Mt T. He has more money than all the current people in the government put together and is living like a king abroad. He is the Elite of the Elites! Not to mention his former maid and driver.

No, I seriously doubt Thaksin has more money than "all the current people in the government put together". You're forgetting one very, very important family at the very top of Thai government.

OK I will give you that. But I still stand by my statement that Mr. T is the Elite of elites or at least one of the top five in Thailand.

Yes, the coup was illegal. Yes, Kasit's an idiot and probably not much better than Thaksin. Yes, there is plenty of corruption in Thailand.

But Thaksin was charged with laws based on the 1997 constitution and there were no changes by the coup junta to the judiciary that convicted him. He was as guilty as hel_l, and you can't deny that.

Thaksin is one corrupt SOB who stole money off the country. He fooled many in the N/NE with his cash handouts to buy their support, but he did very little that helped them in the longer term.

By supporting Thaksin, you are simply supporting corruption.

By supporting Thaksin, you are just supporting every other corrupt politician and business man in Thailand.

If I support free democratic choice and if the Thai electorate freely chooses to support Thaksin, does that mean that I support Thaksin? I answer that question in the negative but your post suggests that you would disagree with me.

He likened Thaksin to an Al-Qaeda terrorist and past "elected" leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini.

"Hitler was elected, Mussolini was elected, even Stalin could say that he was elected also but what did they do to their very society? This is the question," the top Thai diplomat said at a meeting with a small group of reporters and think tank heads.

Kasit, in Washington attending a landmark nuclear summit called by President Barack Obama, accused Thaksin of orchestrating demonstrations by his so-called Red Shirt supporters last week that led to 21 deaths in the bloodiest political unrest in 18 years.


Wow, this guy is a little upset it seems.

I often used to post how it is no government will arrest him when the crying about hime would appear here.The Ambassadore says that Thaksin travels and no one will arrest him.

You know why Mr. Ambassador?

Yes you do.

Because no government recognizes the charges from the current Thai government or in fact the current Thai government itself as being legitimate.

Maybe the over 20 coups have something to do with that.

Lets face it the military been running this country for many many years, every prime minister is a puppet and can be removed at anytime.

The only reason they have one at all is so they can call them selves a Democracy and can collect the foreign aid from the West.

He likened Thaksin to an Al-Qaeda terrorist and past "elected" leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini.

"Hitler was elected, Mussolini was elected, even Stalin could say that he was elected also but what did they do to their very society? This is the question," the top Thai diplomat said at a meeting with a small group of reporters and think tank heads.

Kasit, in Washington attending a landmark nuclear summit called by President Barack Obama, accused Thaksin of orchestrating demonstrations by his so-called Red Shirt supporters last week that led to 21 deaths in the bloodiest political unrest in 18 years.


Wow, this guy is a little upset it seems.

I often used to post how it is no government will arrest him when the crying about hime would appear here.The Ambassadore says that Thaksin travels and no one will arrest him.

You know why Mr. Ambassador?

Yes you do.

Because no government recognizes the charges from the current Thai government or in fact the current Thai government itself as being legitimate.

Maybe the over 20 coups have something to do with that.

Lets face it the military been running this country for many many years, every prime minister is a puppet and can be removed at anytime.

The only reason they have one at all is so they can call them selves a Democracy and can collect the foreign aid from the West.

I agree with the first statement of your post. A PM can be removed at any time by the military which is unfortunate. I also agree with the statement "Kasit, in Washington attending a landmark nuclear summit called by President Barack Obama, accused Thaksin of orchestrating demonstrations by his so-called Red Shirt supporters last week that led to 21 deaths in the bloodiest political unrest in 18 years." Everyone know this whether they will admit it or not.

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