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These protests should be a yearly thing or timed just right when the "Free Tourist Visa waiver" is about to expire.

Cast lots: Do we have tourist fee: yes or no.

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about as stimulating as a 20 stone fat bird!

the thai tourist 'think tank' must be absolutely bereft of any and i mean any ideas!!

Now, now, I think your being a bit unfair there. I have heard that the TAT are about to unveil a fast turnaround service> for a small fee you will be escorted off the plane at BKK, whisked into king power for that special Thai shopping experience, from there to the airport police cell, a bit of light integration and off again, just enough time to stop at the ATM, draw out some tea money for the BIB, before you get the plane back home. With them words ringing in your ears "hope to see you again"

"Put into Administration a few Farangs that know better then the authorities here"...???? Please. Please look at the obscure ordered; crime ridden; rude; and plain ignorant Western World. The selfishness and envy alone is enough to put Westerners behind the eight ball in their own Country.

While I applaud the management of this forum for allowing those that need to vent a great opportunity to do so, I feel that many do not take into consideration that they ( the farangs ) are actually guests only in this wonderful Country; a Country that if you are honest about it is far more advanced in politeness; friendliness than where-ever else you originated from.

Need a whole heap of Road Rage; Holdups; abuse; car theft; etc. etc..?.. then go home and enjoy it.

Want to become a successful and contented Visitor / Guest of this Country, then try desperately to learn the rules of how it is done here; accept them and live by them.

Turning, or trying to turn these beautiful people and their rules into something akin to that of the Western world is in my humble opinion disastrous to all concerned; both them and the Farang.

This Country of Thailand is a place you have chosen to live; you want to live here because of what it is and how it is. Please don't try and introduce backward measures.

I don't agree with the person you were replying to however your post is nothing but disgusting and racist.

Also some of us live here for other reasons and not because your country is the way it is. If you don't like forangs commenting on your country on a forum specially setup for them then why do you even bother to post here?


why dont they employee some 'expensive' farangs to sort all this out. people who understand marketing and the western world. As you have stated they have wasted millions. Nip it in the bud and get some professional objective intelligent people involved. This country is so insular it is going to get left behind. Wake up Thailand before Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia sweep you away.

The reason that they don't employ Farangs to help out is that they would have to admit they can't do it themselves and thats never gonna happen.

Typical neo-sahib mentality. There are plenty of Thais with the capability and knowledge to run TAT. The problem is that old school yet modern world sakdina patronage system insures that merit is not rewarded, only connections. The inept and the corrupt always rise to the top of these institutions to milk the profits, (kin muang in Thai), for personal reward and also to pay back those who they paid to obtain the position in the first place. All regardless of the fact that there are qualified Thais to run these government programs. It is not only TAT, but include such institutions as the Police and the military. This pattern is clear for all to see: buildings abandoned after a few months once the contract had finished or my all-time favorite waste HTMS Chakri Nareubet.

The key thing to remember is not to confuse a totally corrupt system with the abilities of the Thai people.


When I was on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs just now I looked out for the announcement about the free tourist visa an found this text on www.mfa.go.th/web/2637.php:

All foreigners who apply for Tourist Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulates-General worldwide, including eligible foreigners who apply for Visa on Arrival at designated checkpoints, will be exempted from Tourist Visa fee from 25 June B.E. 2552 (2009) to 4 March B.E. 2553 (2010). Such arrangement is for Tourist Visa only.


"Put into Administration a few Farangs that know better then the authorities here"...???? Please. Please look at the obscure ordered; crime ridden; rude; and plain ignorant Western World. The selfishness and envy alone is enough to put Westerners behind the eight ball in their own Country.

While I applaud the management of this forum for allowing those that need to vent a great opportunity to do so, I feel that many do not take into consideration that they ( the farangs ) are actually guests only in this wonderful Country; a Country that if you are honest about it is far more advanced in politeness; friendliness than where-ever else you originated from.

Need a whole heap of Road Rage; Holdups; abuse; car theft; etc. etc..?.. then go home and enjoy it.

Want to become a successful and contented Visitor / Guest of this Country, then try desperately to learn the rules of how it is done here; accept them and live by them.

Turning, or trying to turn these beautiful people and their rules into something akin to that of the Western world is in my humble opinion disastrous to all concerned; both them and the Farang.

This Country of Thailand is a place you have chosen to live; you want to live here because of what it is and how it is. Please don't try and introduce backward measures.

Surely you are having a laugh

Thai and politeness do not belong on the same sentence!!

Never once has a Thai person said Thank you when I hold the door open for them

Never once have I seen a Thai give up their seat for an elderly

How about the food concession stand worker standing with their

finger up their nose as they take your order?

We do not want to change Thai people into farang ... seems Thai's want to do

that all on their own ... How many skin whitening products are now on the market

in Thailand?

No road rage in Thailand? guess there is no drink driving either.

How many times have you seen a car knock over a moped and then speed away?

If I counted these times on my fingers, I would need many more hands.

Before you comment on other countries, get your own house in order.

Pom Rak Thailand

Just me or is this the worst timed announcement ever?

They would be better of marketing it as an opportunity to witness violent protests up close from the comfort of your hotel.

Gas masks are available from the concierge at extra cost.


:)Thailand continues to amaze me.. is this 1950 or 2010?


While I applaud the management of this forum for allowing those that need to vent a great opportunity to do so, I feel that many do not take into consideration that they ( the farangs ) are actually guests only in this wonderful Country; a Country that if you are honest about it is far more advanced in politeness; friendliness than where-ever else you originated from.


Surely you are having a laugh

Thai and politeness do not belong on the same sentence!!

Never once has a Thai person said Thank you when I hold the door open for them

Never once have I seen a Thai give up their seat for an elderly

How about the food concession stand worker standing with their

finger up their nose as they take your order?

We do not want to change Thai people into farang ... seems Thai's want to do

that all on their own ... How many skin whitening products are now on the market

in Thailand?

No road rage in Thailand? guess there is no drink driving either.

How many times have you seen a car knock over a moped and then speed away?

If I counted these times on my fingers, I would need many more hands.

Before you comment on other countries, get your own house in order.

Pom Rak Thailand

Absolute nonsense about being a guest for short time visitors. They are customers and Thailand has to adapt to them as any business would do. Otherwise there are many other destinations.

Thailand is still relatively cheap and this together with the adult entertainment sector are the main attraction points.

Good post LuckyLew. regarding holding open doors you should never do this here, just slam them in the face of the following (Thai), so you will behave like a local.

Thais will always stand up for children (not for elderly), their apish love for children is unique (and leads these children to behave as they do once adults). And here we are at the road rage which translates into frightening accidents.

Thais are not well positioned indeed to give us lessons dear Suranaree!


BEWARE: They didn't tell the embassy in Berlin for instance - I forked out €25 for a 60 day visa on 8th April even though they said a few weeks back the measure would be extended beyond April 1st.

They also had a few requirements hanging on the wall inside that weren't on their website like proof of flight (was never a requirement in the past, here at least).

Suppose it pays to phone ahead. TIT.

But between volcanic ash and threatened ATC strikes here, who knows if I'll even get airborn.

Happy Songkran to you all  :)

about as stimulating as a 20 stone fat bird!

the thai tourist 'think tank' must be absolutely bereft of any and i mean any ideas!!

the state enterprise body known as TAT ''the tourism authority of thailand' would have to be one of the most inefficient missmanaged organizations in the country and their major claim to fame is that they can spend huge amounts of money of overseas road shows and attending tourism and travel fairs which cost a fortune to set up and are staffed with people who have no idea about marketing or anything related to tourism for that fact -staff are even sent off overseas to attend seminars about -wait for it women in transport - TAT has never been the same since Khun Serie Wangpaiget was the governor - since then there have been some really terrible ones and one who is now facing charges in the US related to corruption concening the bkk flim festival - another one closed down the most effecient tourism college that TAT operated in Bangsaen - HTTI - which produced well trained students for the hospitality industry - hotel would be asking for students from here even before Ithey had graduated as they knew of the quality of training - i speak from experience after spending 5 years working for TAT and i cant write here what i have seen and observed - and the brilliant idea of the gold card etc - well we all know how that ended up = its gonna take a whole lot more than throwing dollars at marketing to attract tourists here now - and one more thing - you have to ask why the lovely calendars that TAT give out were for a long period of time - printed in the US = take a trip also down to Bangsaen and see the school complex sitting empty and dle and just after a lot of new equipment for the school had been ordered and supplied under a funding program from the Japanese govt know as the SIP PROJECT a- the new building there was only finished 18 months before the school was closed - and then drive up to the mountain - and see all the lovely building their with the wonderful views all over the area and seas and also sitting empty -just the odd security guard and monkeys - millions and millions of baht just wasted --- and the list goes one - i could write a book about it -- and perhap will one day - haaa

why dont they employee some 'expensive' farangs to sort all this out. people who understand marketing and the western world. As you have stated they have wasted millions. Nip it in the bud and get some professional objective intelligent people involved. This country is so insular it is going to get left behind. Wake up Thailand before Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia sweep you away.

Wake up !! - too late ............. along time ago,,,

true oxymoron = Thailand + marketing Skills

to hire a "farang" tourism expert, would be admitting that the "thai" tourism experts don't know what they are doing and thus will never happen. how many times have you talked to a Thai person who says they understand good english, then when you ask them a question, they stand there in a fog? It happens to me daily.. Thai's just don't understand the what farangs want or don't seem to care. Their way is, "here's what we have, take it or leave it".. then they wonder why the farang left it. :)

Why are these people so ignorant?

very, very good question. Does any one out there have a reasonable answer?

"Put into Administration a few Farangs that know better then the authorities here"...???? Please. Please look at the obscure ordered; crime ridden; rude; and plain ignorant Western World. The selfishness and envy alone is enough to put Westerners behind the eight ball in their own Country.

While I applaud the management of this forum for allowing those that need to vent a great opportunity to do so, I feel that many do not take into consideration that they ( the farangs ) are actually guests only in this wonderful Country; a Country that if you are honest about it is far more advanced in politeness; friendliness than where-ever else you originated from.

Need a whole heap of Road Rage; Holdups; abuse; car theft; etc. etc..?.. then go home and enjoy it.

Want to become a successful and contented Visitor / Guest of this Country, then try desperately to learn the rules of how it is done here; accept them and live by them.

Turning, or trying to turn these beautiful people and their rules into something akin to that of the Western world is in my humble opinion disastrous to all concerned; both them and the Farang.

This Country of Thailand is a place you have chosen to live; you want to live here because of what it is and how it is. Please don't try and introduce backward measures.

What a load of cobblers! Tell you what, you lot all toddle off to Europe and the States and we'll all come here. We aren't in Thailand because it's the land of smiles, the only time they smile is when they're taking our money. We're here because of the warm climate and the cheap sex. There are plenty of cheaper, stable places to go where they aren't all money grabbers; the roads are safe; the political situation is stable; people don't litter the place; the entry price for attractions is the same for foreigners as for locals; the police aren't corrupt etc etc. Get with it pal and bin your rose-coloured specs.


is this free visa offer just for tourist visas or also includes non-immigrant "O" too?

Tourist Visa only.

Non Immigrant Visa were never considered to be free.

coming to thailand in may.

does this count for double entry tourist visas too? :)

A few thoughts on replys posted to this announcement. Not 'rediculous' at all- free visas work fine for me. On the comment about Savannakhet-I would bet big bucks that your comment that they are uninformed about the free visa extension is pure speculation. Tune in a football game and go back to slurping your beers.


Hmmm, how come you guys are so stupid here? Its quite simple, go to the main Immigration Headquarters where this free tourist visa originated from and get an official letter from the Immigrations bureau signed and stamped with their orders etc. and MAKE SURE ITS ADDRESSED TO THE THAI CONSULATES.

Then you can go to Laos, or to the border across to the Thai Embassies and shove that official paper to them. They are not going to take your word but an official Immigration letter order from the Foreign Ministry Hdqtrs, that deal with Immigrations then they will believe. Make sure you keep that original, and give them the copy of that original. Once they see that, no argument and they have to comply.

Then you can get your free tourist visa for 1 year up to March 2011.

What's so hard about doing something like this? Just make sure you have plenty of time left on your stay when doing this and don't get caught on a overstay. hehehehehehehehehe.


Savanakhet used to always give me double entry visas when I went there a couple of years ago. They would request a bank book or two, so that they knew I had enough money to stay for a while, but that was it.

They were very easy, and I did pay for the visas. I am sure this was all before the free visa anouncements came out.

I handed in my passort to the Thai embassy in PP on the 5th of this month and paid &70 for a double entry.

You're lucky you got in there before this new fee free period starts. I'll place bets you won't get a double enty tourist visa in PP while they're free.

to hire a "farang" tourism expert, would be admitting that the "thai" tourism experts don't know what they are doing and thus will never happen. how many times have you talked to a Thai person who says they understand good english, then when you ask them a question, they stand there in a fog? It happens to me daily.. Thai's just don't understand the what farangs want or don't seem to care. Their way is, "here's what we have, take it or leave it".. then they wonder why the farang left it. :)

I have met a few Thai's who di understand what farangs want :D

oops ... I mean I have heard of a few Thai's that understand

what those farangs want :D

about as stimulating as a 20 stone fat bird!

the thai tourist 'think tank' must be absolutely bereft of any and i mean any ideas!!

the state enterprise body known as TAT ''the tourism authority of thailand' would have to be one of the most inefficient missmanaged organizations in the country and their major claim to fame is that they can spend huge amounts of money of overseas road shows and attending tourism and travel fairs which cost a fortune to set up and are staffed with people who have no idea about marketing or anything related to tourism for that fact -staff are even sent off overseas to attend seminars about -wait for it women in transport - TAT has never been the same since Khun Serie Wangpaiget was the governor - since then there have been some really terrible ones and one who is now facing charges in the US related to corruption concening the bkk flim festival - another one closed down the most effecient tourism college that TAT operated in Bangsaen - HTTI - which produced well trained students for the hospitality industry - hotel would be asking for students from here even before Ithey had graduated as they knew of the quality of training - i speak from experience after spending 5 years working for TAT and i cant write here what i have seen and observed - and the brilliant idea of the gold card etc - well we all know how that ended up = its gonna take a whole lot more than throwing dollars at marketing to attract tourists here now - and one more thing - you have to ask why the lovely calendars that TAT give out were for a long period of time - printed in the US = take a trip also down to Bangsaen and see the school complex sitting empty and dle and just after a lot of new equipment for the school had been ordered and supplied under a funding program from the Japanese govt know as the SIP PROJECT a- the new building there was only finished 18 months before the school was closed - and then drive up to the mountain - and see all the lovely building their with the wonderful views all over the area and seas and also sitting empty -just the odd security guard and monkeys - millions and millions of baht just wasted --- and the list goes one - i could write a book about it -- and perhap will one day - haaa

why dont they employee some 'expensive' farangs to sort all this out. people who understand marketing and the western world. As you have stated they have wasted millions. Nip it in the bud and get some professional objective intelligent people involved. This country is so insular it is going to get left behind.

Wake up Thailand before Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia sweep you away.

Sorry , But Cambodia will not sweep you away. We are still learning how to sweep up rubbish,

A few thoughts on replys posted to this announcement. Not 'rediculous' at all- free visas work fine for me. On the comment about Savannakhet-I would bet big bucks that your comment that they are uninformed about the free visa extension is pure speculation. Tune in a football game and go back to slurping your beers.


Hmmm, how come you guys are so stupid here? Its quite simple, go to the main Immigration Headquarters where this free tourist visa originated from and get an official letter from the Immigrations bureau signed and stamped with their orders etc. and MAKE SURE ITS ADDRESSED TO THE THAI CONSULATES.

Then you can go to Laos, or to the border across to the Thai Embassies and shove that official paper to them. They are not going to take your word but an official Immigration letter order from the Foreign Ministry Hdqtrs, that deal with Immigrations then they will believe. Make sure you keep that original, and give them the copy of that original. Once they see that, no argument and they have to comply.

Then you can get your free tourist visa for 1 year up to March 2011.

What's so hard about doing something like this? Just make sure you have plenty of time left on your stay when doing this and don't get caught on a overstay. hehehehehehehehehe.


Hmm.. thought others would refute the mis-information included in this post. So now I must do it.

1).. There is NO such thing as a 1 Year Tourist Visa.

2).. Any attempt to demand an "official letter" from Thai immigration would result in them laughing in your face and showing you the door.. If they don't revoke your existing visa first.

3).. Thai embassy's answer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not the Department of Immigration, and Consulates are contracted establishments, also from the Ministry... Neither would take kindly to some lunatic making demands... They would eject you immediately and probably call the local police as well.


Considering that the vast majority of Tourists to Thailand get a FREE Visa on arrival, and that even if they had to pay an approximately $20 Visa fee, none of this nonsense would make Any impact at all in the amount of Tourists that come to Thailand, or how much they would spend once they arrived here.

Does it take more than 1/2 a Brain for someone to realize this?


exactly! foreigners have no clue or care about external visa regulations etc. if on my first visit someone told me to pay 1000 baht i would of done! and not given a <deleted> about it!! if you r going to spend 3/4k$ on a holiday 20/30$ is a piss in the ocean.

Agree ... when a tourist enters thailand by air they are given a visa exempt 30 day stamp which is free.

How could a free Tourist Visa benefit the government and increase tourist numbers .

Its the most stupidest thing I have ever heard of. If they want to increase tourism then start by cleaning up political situation first , then make airlines offer cheap flights , then have 50% discount on all hotels ... then run promotions on top of that in Japan , Australia , Europe .... run a tourism commercial with a buy 2 get 1 free for accomodation , car hire & flights .. These are the things that people look at !!

But sadly , Thailand just don't get it ... I truly believe it's almost finished as a choice for a holiday destination for the average family and I expect counties like Vietnam , Malaysia & China will surpass thailand as the place to go for a vacation.

IMO. :)

Hmmm, how come you guys are so stupid here? Its quite simple, go to the main Immigration Headquarters where this free tourist visa originated from and get an official letter from the Immigrations bureau signed and stamped with their orders etc. and MAKE SURE ITS ADDRESSED TO THE THAI CONSULATES.

Then you can go to Laos, or to the border across to the Thai Embassies and shove that official paper to them. They are not going to take your word but an official Immigration letter order from the Foreign Ministry Hdqtrs, that deal with Immigrations then they will believe. Make sure you keep that original, and give them the copy of that original. Once they see that, no argument and they have to comply.

Hmmmmmm. How come you are so stupid here to think that a) The Imm HQ would actually do that and :) That the Consulates (often a law to themselves) would comply?


Not true,, i applied for a tourist visa via Hull consulate this morning,,asKed the qestion are the visa's for free,,, a definate no,i said i had read on internet that the free tourist via exemption had been extended to 2011,,, the lady asked 'did i read this on thaivisa.com?,,, i said yes,,, she replied,,,'someone needs to tell them its NOT TRUE,,, i had to pay £28 60 days

i wonder if this will help the new regime? right intention, again the doing as little as possible. :)

Just curious what means"free tourist visa"thought tourist from most countrys get a free visa on arrival,guess it would be smarter to cut fares of Thai Air by 50%

Not true,, i applied for a tourist visa via Hull consulate this morning,,asKed the qestion are the visa's for free,,, a definate no,i said i had read on internet that the free tourist via exemption had been extended to 2011,,, the lady asked 'did i read this on thaivisa.com?,,, i said yes,,, she replied,,,'someone needs to tell them its NOT TRUE,,, i had to pay £28 60 days

I got the same denial yesterday (16/4/2010)at the Los Angeles Consulate. Slow paperwork or bogus?


The Foreign ministry web site says that the Free tourist visas are available from Thai EMBASSIES and CONSULATES GENERAL (Like Hong Kong) They are not available from Thai consulates like Savanakhet or Hull (2 very similar cities in my view) They are also for SINGLE ENTRY not multiple.

So if you are coming here for 60 days without any side trips, and you apply at an embassy, you'll be about 20 quid to the good!!

If like 95% of most tourists you don't fall into that category. The move is of no help to you.

If they really wanted to help boost tourism using the visa route, they should go back to allowing 4 30 day visa runs.

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