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Thai Forces Fire Warning Shots In Standoff With Red Shirts

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From reports I don't think there's an question the unfortunate soldier was killed by police fire. The question that remains in my miind, due to the sympathies we've seen from most police, is was the killing intentional?

I wouldn't be surprised if tonight's government/army briefing to the Thai people would claim that a red shirt stole police uniform and equipment, went behind "enemy lines" and took out a soldier, in order to blame it all on the government.

Exactly :)

Or the possibility that a Black Shirt has got a rubber bullet gun and shot off a few from well behind...

Not beyond the realm of possibility.

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Did someone say they don't have weapons?

I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

'''videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military''

lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

I'm a little sick of hearing the redshirts this and the redshirts that. This is democracy in motion. If a ruling party refuses to openly compromise then the outcome can be violent. People here are passionate about their country. I admire them for that. They are willing to give their life for what they believe in. You whiners that think your opinion matters are just adding to the problem. The Thai people have a leader they believe is illegitimate and they are acting as such.

Many years ago our countries did the same thing the Thai are doing now. GIVE THEM SOME SLACK!!! Your opinion as a farang means nothing but your trivial rhetoric may create discontent that isn't needed. We are bystanders. Pay some respect and allow the process to come to it's conclusion. It is coming soon. I believe we will have a better country that we are visiting than the one that exists now.

Well said

Did someone say they don't have weapons?

That picture is a year old by the way, and I seem to remember that the PAD had guns when the army gave them the Chinese teargas treatment. Anyone got a picture of that???

Tit/Tat/Tit/Tat/Tit/Tat/Tit/Tat :)

Did someone say they don't have weapons?

I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

'''videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military''

lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE

Not remotely possible in a country where village headmen in numerous rural regions will happily deliver 100 votes in exchange for 5000Bt and a handful of Viagra....

Did someone say they don't have weapons?

I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

'''videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military''

lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

I think he means the video from Tha Pra where a red shirt was shot and his skull was ripped open.

It's been shown on TV many times and he was shot by a "man in black" not the military.

Did someone say they don't have weapons?

I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

'''videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military''

lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

I've seen it, he was holding a flag and facing away from security forces - cowards.

Did someone say they don't have weapons?

I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

'''videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military''

lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

i have seen that video but it lacks some of the details you speak of

its even on Thai Visa somewhere but there's no military around, as it was behind red lines and there's no visible gun

lacks a little thing called proof i think.........so its just red propaganda...........


Why oh why don't they have an election where the people vote for the government, not like this present one installed via military coup ?

More blood on the Red's hands.

What an idiot, do you mean like the Chinese at Tianamen square ?

No relation. Those guys were mostly educated, NON-VIOLENT students merely PROTESTING. The reds are insurgents (many mercenary), staging an organized violent effort to overthrow a legal government.


QUOTE (Robby nz @ 2010-04-28 18:56:25)

No matter what spin anyone wants to put on this or who they try to blame, the Govt , the army, navy, air force, police, yellows, fish in the sea or whatever there is one inescapable undeniable fact.

If the reds had not made a conscious decision to go there and impede and intimidate people going about their normal business none of it would have happened, no one would be in hospital arrested or dead.

So there you have it the root of the trouble was the decision by the reds to be there everything that came after was a consequence of that decision.

Did you notice that the brave commander of the reds shot through to hide behind the granny shield at the first sign of trouble. Indeed a leader worth following.

hmmmmm...brilliant deduction - don't protest or complain and there will be no problems...!

(From the Land of the Long White Cloud,where men can be Really men,but the sheep are Really scared!!!!


You dont believe its got a little beyond a simple protest or complaint? Then I could suggest you havent been trying to look at this from an objective position.

Wont resort to childish insults.

Why oh why don't they have an election where the people vote for the government, not like this present one installed via military coup ?

You think the reds will allow a fair election? Can you imagine Abhisit campaigning in Udon?

Did someone say they don't have weapons?

I have no problem with people like that being shot anyone with a gun being shot but I have also seen videos of unarmed innocent reds shot in the head by the military

theres no doubt some are armed but when you meet violence with violence you get blood

The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election

"The right way is to take away there ammunition and that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE everyone goes home and the rightful leaders will win the election"

Oh my, oh dear are you in for some shocks in life. That said, I like the world you're living in. It's not this one though. :)

that is easy just hold an free and fair election JOB DONE

Not remotely possible in a country where village headmen in numerous rural regions will happily deliver 100 votes in exchange for 5000Bt and a handful of Viagra....

You know, it doesn't surprise me very much when I hear Thai people incorrectly describe democracy and the institutions that support it. I am always shocked however by the ignorance of foreigners who come from countries with a long history of democratic government. They seem to think counting votes (however gathered) is the single fundamental aspect of a democratic society.


Trying to come up with lame excuse to blame the protest. Comparing to peaceful mobs in other countries is just stupid.

Looking back at each of every of your country. What would your leader do when there are sooo many people go against Gov.

None of your leader will never ever refuse a fair election. Abhisit's Gov lacks of legitimacy is the root problem.

Using force to suppress Reds violently is apparently what dictators do.

Lots of farangs here do support this idea not because any democratic shit.

Because all they want is a peace atmoshere for stock market. .. for their own sake of investment .. not for Thais.

More blood on the Red's hands.

Nice to know someone on this site has divine knowledge of all things...most of the stupid overseas news who had reporters on the scene say he was killed by friendly fire, but you know better without even being there, and you are, of course, completely unbiased and totally truthful...

It must be great never having to read anything because you know everything already...it must be truly marvelous to be you...congratulations, keep up the good work of exposing the lies of the on the spot reporters from the BBC, CNN etc...

One favor, please tell me who is going to win the European Champions League this year, I'd like to place a bet that I can't lose because I got the information from the fount of all the world's knowledge....


The sight of the purportedly arrested red shirt leader having a happy meal @ MickyDs,

shows the credibility of the Thai security forces.

See page 4 post 80 of today's [Wednesday 28/04] Sitrep, on this site.

Consistently, throughout this recent crisis the Red Shirt leadership has been leagues ahead of those in Brown or Green.

The Reds have shown a determination, resolve & leadership that has run rings around the government.

Evicting the Reds from the streets with a well-trained loyal & determined military would be difficult enough,

whilst keeping casualties & damage to property to a minimum.

I don't think these guys have either the heart or the capability to do it without it becoming an almighty clusterf*ck.

Rouge Out

Trying to come up with lame excuse to blame the protest. Comparing to peaceful mobs in other countries is just stupid.

Looking back at each of every of your country. What would your leader do when there are sooo many people go against Gov.

None of your leader will never ever refuse a fair election. Abhisit's Gov lacks of legitimacy is the root problem.

Using force to suppress Reds violently is apparently what dictators do.

Lots of farangs here do support this idea not because any democratic shit.

Because all they want is a peace atmoshere for stock market. .. for their own sake of investment .. not for Thais.

I seem to remember the las 2 American presidents having approval ratings in the 20 percentile range. Everyone knew when the next election would be held and that's when they made their voices heard.


I am amazed at the level of inuendo and total opinion! Many want to take a point. One even referred to soldiers wanting maintain their <deleted>! How male and how limited in scope to tie this to masculinity and totally off-point.

Just admit, up front, "THIS IS MY OPINION AND IT IS NOT AT ALL TRUE!" then say your peace. I love Thailand and, of course, I hope to make it my home until my death. People are, in general, good and worthy of the opportunity to be able to express themselves as well as they can. Overall, I sense that some of you are afraid or scared about the outcome of all of this This is, in essence, a brief point in time that will, only too shortly, pass. Then, later, you will come here to see your ignorance, fear, intolerance and OPINION for waht it is: so much blather.

Keep blowing smoke for it amounts to nothing in the short as well as the long run.

Common sense should prevail at such times and people need to think about this. I would be afraid to have a number of you in charge of any group in a crises. Only level heads will prevail!


lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

I've seen it, he was holding a flag and facing away from security forces - cowards.

I think you have got it wrong, he was facing a building (or turning slowly) when he was shot at close range...it couldn't have been the military as they were at least 200yards away...he fell towards the military..must have been a boomerang bullet? :)

I thought that rubber bullets were fired from M79 grenade launchers, you know, 40mm diameter and about 300mm long, they're bounced along the road so that they hit the protesters in the legs???

QUOTE (Robby nz @ 2010-04-28 18:56:25)

No matter what spin anyone wants to put on this or who they try to blame, the Govt , the army, navy, air force, police, yellows, fish in the sea or whatever there is one inescapable undeniable fact.

If the reds had not made a conscious decision to go there and impede and intimidate people going about their normal business none of it would have happened, no one would be in hospital arrested or dead.

So there you have it the root of the trouble was the decision by the reds to be there everything that came after was a consequence of that decision.

Did you notice that the brave commander of the reds shot through to hide behind the granny shield at the first sign of trouble. Indeed a leader worth following.

The problem is: most people don't want to be inconvenienced and that is what you are saying. "I understand you plight but please don't inconvenience me." Yes, people wanting a better life make problems for other people but inevitably improve the quality of life for all

Well Mark its probably a little more than inconvenience try asking the family of the dead soldier how inconvienienced they are.

HO HUM, another "opinion." Gee, will anyone ever learn?


So lets see, the GOVERNMENT send military with LIVE AMMUNTION against mostly unarmed protesters, and by unarmed its completly unarmed compared to what european riot police face on regular basis, a soldier is shot by his own, and well, thats supposed to be the protesters fault? Sorry, if the government actually followed "international practice", and by that not chinese or iranian standards but european standards, there would be no LIVE AMMUNITION among the military in the first place and as a result you could avoid one dead soldier and at least half the injured civilians. Is that really so hard to understand?

This government is running into their own double standards compared to their criticizing the 2008 crackdown.

I am amazed at the level of inuendo and total opinion! Many want to take a point. One even referred to soldiers wanting maintain their <deleted>! How male and how limited in scope to tie this to masculinity and totally off-point.

Just admit, up front, "THIS IS MY OPINION AND IT IS NOT AT ALL TRUE!" then say your peace. I love Thailand and, of course, I hope to make it my home until my death. People are, in general, good and worthy of the opportunity to be able to express themselves as well as they can. Overall, I sense that some of you are afraid or scared about the outcome of all of this This is, in essence, a brief point in time that will, only too shortly, pass. Then, later, you will come here to see your ignorance, fear, intolerance and OPINION for waht it is: so much blather.

Keep blowing smoke for it amounts to nothing in the short as well as the long run.

Common sense should prevail at such times and people need to think about this. I would be afraid to have a number of you in charge of any group in a crises. Only level heads will prevail!

You scared the hel_l out of me there! At first I thought you said LevelHead would prevail :)

Trying to come up with lame excuse to blame the protest. Comparing to peaceful mobs in other countries is just stupid.

Looking back at each of every of your country. What would your leader do when there are sooo many people go against Gov.

None of your leader will never ever refuse a fair election. Abhisit's Gov lacks of legitimacy is the root problem.

Using force to suppress Reds violently is apparently what dictators do.

Lots of farangs here do support this idea not because any democratic shit.

Because all they want is a peace atmoshere for stock market. .. for their own sake of investment .. not for Thais.

A few thousand people out of millions is not "sooo many people" that the government should be dissolved.

In any western country, a similar "protest" would have been crushed long ago.

So far, there has been little force used against the reds, less than against the yellows, and they caused less disruption.

There is an election scheduled for 9 months, why can't they wait a while? Perhaps they want violence.


I think that using force by Abhisit is absolutely the wrong thing to do.

It may disperse the crowd but it will NOT kill off the movement, peopel will still bear grudges and hold grievances and the movement will go underground.

Underground movements tend to resort to violent tactics....we see this already in the southern provinces here in Thailand...and we have seen it before in Northern Ireland, the Basque country, Palestine etc

The only hope for a peaceful outcome is negotiation

I think you have got it wrong, he was facing a building (or turning slowly) when he was shot at close range...it couldn't have been the military as they were at least 200yards away...he fell towards the military..must have been a boomerang bullet? :)

I thought that rubber bullets were fired from M79 grenade launchers, you know, 40mm diameter and about 300mm long, they're bounced along the road so that they hit the protesters in the legs???

How do you know he was shot at close range? Why do you think the direction he fell indicates the direction he was shot from?

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