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Why Are People So Obsessed With Thai Chinese Girls?


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This is of course only my personal experience and should not be interpreted to be a universal truth.

Dark skinned ladies are usually farmers, right?

Light skinned girls are usually not farmers, still with me?

Farm ladies are close to the earth. I think they may rightly be called earthy.

On three separate occasions I visited different agricultural regions of Thailand with a Thai lady native to that region. The women in question did not know the extent of my Thai vocabulary. So I was able to listen as a fly on the wall as they chatted about food and relatives and the normal things country women talk about.

The ladies living in the rural communities had little or no exposure to foreign people. They were quite curious about the foreign male.

They asked questions that were similar to the questions one would ask when buying a stud horse. In fact identical to questions I have heard on stud farms in Kentucky. I was slightly surprised they didn't ask about manners, or wealth or my political leanings. They never mentioned if I liked craft projects or put the lid down on the toilet (of course they don't have toilet lids so perhaps this is a superfluous point). They didn't ask if I liked cats or children. They just kept talking about those horse questions and slapping their legs and laughing loudly. Saying, "jing law.(really)" over and over again.

I have also met light skinned women and have visited their homes in suburban areas or their shops and/or businesses. The women also gathered to talk about food and family but I never heard the horse questions mentioned.

I have come to the conclusion that men who have a problem being evaluated like livestock would prefer to be with a light skinned Thai/Chinese woman.

And that men who are used to being referred to as a horse like the darker skinned women.

Mark, so how good is your Thai?

Is it possible you got confused with the words and they were talking about elephant or buffalo? :D

Actually ive heard the monkey referance made more than a few times :D



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Is it snobbery ? Perhaps the same people who are attracted to the Thai Chinese ladies are more attracted to their level of education, presentation and the the fact that they can see beyond their next som-tam.

In exactly the same manner in which the same people would not find a shell-suited, chain smoking uneducated woman back home attractive.

Speaking for my friends and those I know - their choice is not specifically Thai Chinese, its specifically someone who they can be with on a level of equality and mutual respect... for many people I guess this criteria varies, but for the most part I'd assume that social economic equality helps and it just so happens that most of the socio-economic equals that my friends living over here have ended up meeting, dating and marrying are from a Thai Chinese background.

Also, I guess people don't see Thai Chinese ladies in gogo bars, so many are avoiding that stereotype too.

Yep agree. I didn't know that my wife was Chinese-Thai until she brought it up that her fathers grandparents were Chinese and the story of so many Chinese that came on a small boat with nothing, work hard and save and the next generation keeps it going and so on. Chinese have a great work ethic and that's passed down. I personally find lighter skin attractive I don't think it makes me a racist. And I don't think there is anything wrong with Thais that acknowledge their ancestry. I'm English-Canadian not French Canadian or Aboriginal Canadian so what's the difference with someone saying they are Chinese Thai?

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In terms of numbers, there is far more Isaan girls, North Thailand, or South Thailand girls than Bangkok Thai Chinese girls getting a degree these days.

They're actually the middle-class... :)

actually in almost all countries, in terms of numbers, the bulk of the population is in the lower class so Issan girls would fit there based on that.

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actually in almost all countries, in terms of numbers, the bulk of the population is in the lower class so Issan girls would fit there based on that.

Indeed this why the growing middle-class comes from the countryside, not from Bangkok.

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Someone I know married a half Thai half Chinese and has regretted it ever since. So there not all perfect.

Strangely enough a person I know quite well married a Thai Chinese. Chinese grandfather. Thai grandmother. The marriage lasted a whole month. Not sure if that says a lot for him or for her and her family. Yet I do know who got the most money out of it and it was not him :)

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For marriage purposes, I would not base my decision on where my wife is coming from.

Or her race.

Or the colour of her skin.


It's critical for me, for marriage anyway; but also doubly important is level of education. I lived with an Issan girl for 3 years and the thought of marrying her never crossed my mind but that was purely due to her lack of education. Thai chinese were never girls I could even live with let alone marry

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The reason I started it... :)

Bit of a Thai Supremacist, are we? White hoods and burning som tam?

Most places I've been have been inhabited by the most racist, nationalist, prejudiced people on earth. I reckon humnan beings must be amongst the most bigoted races around


Nothing like a nice white pointed hat ''herre they come masser yussim they dun burn de church yussim !!!

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Is it snobbery ? Perhaps the same people who are attracted to the Thai Chinese ladies are more attracted to their level of education, presentation and the the fact that they can see beyond their next som-tam.

In exactly the same manner in which the same people would not find a shell-suited, chain smoking uneducated woman back home attractive.

Speaking for my friends and those I know - their choice is not specifically Thai Chinese, its specifically someone who they can be with on a level of equality and mutual respect... for many people I guess this criteria varies, but for the most part I'd assume that social economic equality helps and it just so happens that most of the socio-economic equals that my friends living over here have ended up meeting, dating and marrying are from a Thai Chinese background.

Also, I guess people don't see Thai Chinese ladies in gogo bars, so many are avoiding that stereotype too.

Don't see Thai Chinese WOMEN in gogo bars, you're kiddin' right. The Thai Chinese ones are the cold, collective ones, who will play a punter for years to bleed him dry.

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I recall a report in the Economist a couple of years ago that clearly showed that the highest average IQ by far was held by Polish people. Personally, I dont have a clue... :)

mate polih that dumb they think eggs benadict is an italioan gangster i was with a pole for 11 months like living with a retard lights are on but there is nobody home the 1Q thing nar nar had to be a send up or a missprint !!!! -----------only race in the world that in wartime charged tanks with horses !!!

tanks won you know real smart - its a bit like stealing tractor wheels to put on your car ! makes sence nup !

an economist in soviet countries = basicaly same as a check out chick that we employ at our supermarkets this is fact ! she can count to 100 --------but she's buggered at 101!

she's as sharp as a bowling ball !~!

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I recall a report in the Economist a couple of years ago that clearly showed that the highest average IQ by far was held by Polish people. Personally, I dont have a clue... :)

mate polih that dumb they think eggs benadict is an italioan gangster i was with a pole for 11 months like living with a retard lights are on but there is nobody home the 1Q thing nar nar had to be a send up or a missprint !!!! -----------only race in the world that in wartime charged tanks with horses !!!

tanks won you know real smart - its a bit like stealing tractor wheels to put on your car ! makes sence nup !

an economist in soviet countries = basicaly same as a check out chick that we employ at our supermarkets this is fact ! she can count to 100 --------but she's buggered at 101!

she's as sharp as a bowling ball !~!

Maybe this FA semi-finalist could be moved to the "I drink too much" sub-forum where it would be treated with more care and indulgence...


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On the last cycle round this topic I asked if Thai Chinese was the same as half Thai, half Chinese, but I never got an answer.

The lady in question did not look like a Thai Chinese, but maybe she was a different Chinese from them...

I suppose in English, we should refer to them as Chinese Thais, in fact, since they are Thais, and the Chinese is the adjective; and probably also without capitals, since they are not half Chinese half Thai but rather the chinese is an adjective applied to the Thai lady. Or mabe Thai chinese-ladies.


I like pushing the frontiers of linguistics...

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On the last cycle round this topic I asked if Thai Chinese was the same as half Thai, half Chinese, but I never got an answer.

The lady in question did not look like a Thai Chinese, but maybe she was a different Chinese from them...

I suppose in English, we should refer to them as Chinese Thais, in fact, since they are Thais, and the Chinese is the adjective; and probably also without capitals, since they are not half Chinese half Thai but rather the chinese is an adjective applied to the Thai lady. Or mabe Thai chinese-ladies.


I like pushing the frontiers of linguistics...

On a related note - can the Thai members / Thai langiuage experts please advise us if the Thai language / slang dialects do have specific words for Thai-Chinese or Thai-Muslim, or Thai-Sikh. I have heard for example the work "Jek" (not sure of the spelling, of course) but I believe this to be not polite.

Having these terms available in the language would suggest that Thai society does indeed make distinctons based on heritage, not just skin tone. In this case it is not just a farang "obsession" but part of Thai social makeup.

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I have heard for example the work "Jek" (not sure of the spelling, of course) but I believe this to be not polite.

Having these terms available in the language would suggest that Thai society does indeed make distinctons based on heritage, not just skin tone. In this case it is not just a farang "obsession" but part of Thai social makeup.

It can be offensive but a-jek has all the racist authority as someone in the west being called a "whiteboy" it's said more in jest than anything else. Call an upper middle class thai that and he'll just laugh at you while he slams the door to his bmw M class in your face.

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I REJECT absolutely that there are IQ tests that do not reflect the language, culture, and "education" of its creators to the degree that results are meaningless in foreign applications.

--- that can possibly be translated into languages and cultures of people who have been differently educated.

---- that Wiki can be used as a reliable source - at least without great care.

I OBSERVE that someone remarked that the results are "pretty much what you would expect." This indicates cultural bias - in the TEST!

--- that even Wiki almost put barbed wire around the figures in the books, stating repeatedly that the results are denied; NOT by those who figure it is unfashionable due to Hitler's thinking, but the studies are lousy as social "science."

ANYWAY, someone remarked upon "wit" and all of us have known people who are supposed to be not very bright but are quicker and more "bright" than anyone in the room, when on a conversationally level playing field.

AND - most of us confuse education or verbal ability with intelligence. Tests once away from home almost certainly do, and thus will not work.

intelligence has nothing to do with CHARACTER any more than does skin coloring



Which, this last, is probably of most interest to this forum: Skin color and a woman's interest in, = sorry, lads, no correlation.

As an aside, it makes me very sad to see "whitening" products advertised, on the shelves, and moving out of the stores.

Edited by CMX
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NOT by those who figure it is unfashionable due to Hitler's thinking, but the studies are lousy.

A first year college student could tell you the data is crap. The sampling is comically bad. The idea that you can sample pre-teens, teens, adults together split between coutnries in some nebulous grouping is ridiculous.

There's a hefty dose of confirmation bias involved.

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On a related note - can the Thai members / Thai langiuage experts please advise us if the Thai language / slang dialects do have specific words for Thai-Chinese or Thai-Muslim, or Thai-Sikh. I have heard for example the work "Jek" (not sure of the spelling, of course) but I believe this to be not polite.

Having these terms available in the language would suggest that Thai society does indeed make distinctons based on heritage, not just skin tone. In this case it is not just a farang "obsession" but part of Thai social makeup.

I was talking to my wife about this. Her paternal grandparents are Chinese immigrants. Now, I know why she doesn't seem to be on good term with her maternal relatives up country. She said they used to refer to her and her sis as Luk Jek. She used to live in the country with her mother and she said they were looked down upon by their Thai neighbours because she's half Chinese. Another group that's pretty much labeled is Khak. This encompasses Indians of all types and middle easterners. The category is subdivided further into Khak Kao or white Indians and Khad Dum or black Indians.

Best regards,


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The fact that Hitler made the idea unpopular...

Like anything it is important to keep a reasonable amount of perspective, but you can't keep suppressing science forever. All people are not created equal despite what we would like to believe.

unpopular? :) a masterful understatement if ever i saw one!

are you trying to resurrect the eugenics theories that Hitler adopted from the USA?

It's true that people are not equal in terms of their intelligence but the jump from that statement to the suggestion that intelligence is somehow distributed along racial or socio-economic grounds is a leap of blind ignorance back into discredited theories from the 1920's and/or wishful thinking on your part.

Any other unpopular theories from the past you think we should keep a reasonable amount of perspective about?

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On a related note - can the Thai members / Thai langiuage experts please advise us if the Thai language / slang dialects do have specific words for Thai-Chinese or Thai-Muslim, or Thai-Sikh. I have heard for example the work "Jek" (not sure of the spelling, of course) but I believe this to be not polite.

Having these terms available in the language would suggest that Thai society does indeed make distinctons based on heritage, not just skin tone. In this case it is not just a farang "obsession" but part of Thai social makeup.

I was talking to my wife about this. Her paternal grandparents are Chinese immigrants. Now, I know why she doesn't seem to be on good term with her maternal relatives up country. She said they used to refer to her and her sis as Luk Jek. She used to live in the country with her mother and she said they were looked down upon by their Thai neighbours because she's half Chinese. Another group that's pretty much labeled is Khak. This encompasses Indians of all types and middle easterners. The category is subdivided further into Khak Kao or white Indians and Khad Dum or black Indians.

Best regards,


Looked down upon because they had Chinese blood? I doubt it, unless they were poor or bad mannered or dirty. That's when Thai look down on someone usually. "Jek" is another blunt description, but the offspring of Chinese immigrants are usually deemed more attractive than Thais and are deemed to have more earning potential. Unfortunately it's more of the things that happen...people are respected here more for their money/looks than they should be. It's another of those inequalities that people just keep supporting.

I've got Chinese Thai and Chinese Filipino friends who are proud of their Chinese ancestry when it suits them: when they feel competitive with ethnic countrymen over a verbal disagreement or lack of respect. However, they look down on ethnic Chinese and China much more and consider themselves completely Thai/Filipino in culture (apart from following a few Chinese traditions annually only because their parents make them). They're more confident in the first place only because the natives bigged them up.

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The fact that Hitler made the idea unpopular...

Like anything it is important to keep a reasonable amount of perspective, but you can't keep suppressing science forever. All people are not created equal despite what we would like to believe.

unpopular? :) a masterful understatement if ever i saw one!

are you trying to resurrect the eugenics theories that Hitler adopted from the USA?

It's true that people are not equal in terms of their intelligence but the jump from that statement to the suggestion that intelligence is somehow distributed along racial or socio-economic grounds is a leap of blind ignorance back into discredited theories from the 1920's and/or wishful thinking on your part.

Any other unpopular theories from the past you think we should keep a reasonable amount of perspective about?

Are some races taller or shorter than others?

Do some races have different skin colour from others?

Do some races have different propensity for colour blindness, short-sightedness, diabetes etc.

Could it also be the case that some races are prone to a higher IQ than others?

Or is that the parameter that does not vary?

The fact that a theory is unpopular, and believed by villians and lunatics does not make it wrong. I expect that Hitler also believed in Newton's theory of gravitation.

We should probably try to restrain some of the wild excesses of our prejudice against lunatics and bigots


My apologies - slightly off-topic. Still waiting in hope for the illustrated Eugencist's Guide to Racial Classification of Thai Girls.

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