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‘why I’ll Never Take The Pill Again’


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‘Why I’ll never take the Pill again’

When Holly Grigg-Spall realised her contraceptive was causing low moods and anxiety, she decided to investigate – and found she’s not the only sufferer

Since it was released 50 years ago, the Pill has become a by-word for liberation. I was on the Pill for a decade – from 16 to 26. I would not describe my experience as liberating. In a blog, Sweetening The Pill, I have detailed how this tiny tablet made me feel – trapped, silenced, suppressed, stagnant. The Pill made me feel as though I were held hostage, and later, as though I were an addict. I know I am not the only woman who had, or is still having, problems with the Pill, because I hear from women with stories similar to mine every day. I am left out of the Pill’s birthday celebrations; I can’t even thank it for turning me into a women’s health writer and activist. It wasn’t until I stopped taking this drug that I developed the needed energy, motivation and clarity of thought to write about why I had to stop.

Full story.

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Depends on the woman and the dose.

I've been on the pill since I was 17 and have had zero issues. No abnormal mood swings, no pain no nothing. While my sister cannot take the pill, she cannot take any hormonal form of contraceptive at all. Fact is, you couldn't convince me to try an IUD or any of the chemical inserts (sponge etc) and there is no way I'd go for the injection (if you have a bad reaction, too late, its there and you are stuck whereas with the pill you just stop taking it). Implants, don't see why I should bother since i have no problem with the pill and I never forget to take it.

It seems to me that like any drug, it all depends on the person taking it. You cant' come up with a one size fits all for this kind of thing.

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Good article & it is good if you challenge your current tablet 's side-effects.

There are many brands on the market & check with your pharmacist ,which may be the best for you .with least side effects.

A friend of ours had a stroke that was attributable to being on a particular brand of the Pill,she lived, but to this day has a speech impediment,difficulty with grasping with one of her hands and frequent physical pains in her left shoulder & arm.

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"I was taking the brand Yasmin, which I had requested from my doctor after reading in magazines about its amazing skin-clearing and weight-loss side effects." (from the article)

I thought a doctor is supposed to prescribe the Pill basing on blood work and the patient's medical history. Not just give what a patient wants.

I was on a pill for 5 years with zero issues, the brand was chosen by my doctor. No complaints here.

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Only now have i finally found a pill that sits well with me. I actually use it for my skin as my skin still gets oily and breaks out. My breakouts are hormonal, so the pill is a good option. Its a low dose, so side-effects are probably less..? I have tried different bcp over the years and most gave me HORRENDOUS side effects. From breast pain, to bloating, to mood swings. I tried yasmin and i thought i was going to go crazy. 3 months into taking it I was so off-key that i could cry at the drop of a hat (and crying is rare for me!), i also developed a migraine that landed me in hospital. 3 days in a darkened room and the migraine didnt abait, so my bf carted me off to the hospital, where i was given strong medication and told to get off yasmin. Further research showed its a side effect for many women (overly emotional and migraines). Im very happy to have found one that actually sits well with me now (Oilezz). ..and no, i dont want to come off it. I like the fact that it helps control my breakouts and that I also have a contraceptive means.

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i am on the pill since a couple of years and claim it's the best intervention ranking right after the wheel and before bavarian weisswurst, port wine and cuban cigars.

thank you Pfizer! :)brand_viagra.gif

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:) I am a tad PMSy today, Naam. And for some reason, your smart arse attempt at hijacking a thread for women and about women in the ladies forum, just isn't tickling my funny bone that much. I find it quite lame in fact. Usually, you are wittier than that.
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i am on the pill since a couple of years and claim it's the best intervention ranking right after the wheel and before bavarian weisswurst, port wine and cuban cigars.

thank you Pfizer! :Dbrand_viagra.gif

Amazing where people pop up. :)

Two things spring to mind :

1. I thought "If you are hung like a horse you don't need a BMW"

2. Maybe you take the pill and then sit in the plastic chairs and look at it.


Sorry ladies just a bit of fun from a different group

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Usually, you are wittier than that.

but you have to admit that i am honest.

I would have no idea if you are or not, my dear Naam.

1. I've never shagged you so couldn't even begin to say if you needed the little blue pill and 2. my partner doesn't need a little blue pill so I don't have to worry just yet about the virtues of said chemical device :)

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I wonder if an article "Why I will never take the blue pill again" could appear in a men's magazine?

"When Harold Grigg-Spall realised his little blue pill was causing headache, blurred vision and anxiety, he decided to investigate – and found he’s not the only sufferer."

"Since it was released years ago, the little Blue Pill has become a by-word for liberation. I was on the Pill for a decade – from 66 to 76. I would not describe my experience as liberating. In a blog, Sweetening The Pill, I have detailed how this tiny tablet made me feel – trapped, sexually exploited. The Pill made me feel as though I were held hostage, and later, as though I were an addict. I know I am not the only man who had, or is still having, problems with the Pill, because I hear from men with stories similar to mine every day."

"The Pill has developed into a medication for the disease of not being male enough. In place of changing society, society decided to fix men. On the anniversary of the blue Pill we should rebel and accept who we are."

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I have taken the pill and had few side effects.

What I find even more interesting is how some men just can't seem to bear it if the conversation doesn't focus and fixate on their own needs and issues. As if, somehow, that is of paramount importance.

It's not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took the pill for years and had no side effects. I did have severe medical problems when I switched to the progesterone injection, Depo-Provera, and the cure was to go on a high estrogen pill.

The pill was also the only cure for my severe PMT, and was also a high estrogen one like I took 10yrs earlier after the depo problem.

I have no children by choice - Thank you pill!!!

Now that I am older, I stopped the pill and I have gained weight and back to PMT. I hope at 46 my fertility has dropped to a level that doesn't need contraception but I have no regrets for the years I didn't fall pregnant.

BTW My husband has type 1 diabetes and needs the little blue pills for our love life. He's not ashamed to admit it. Cialis is the best!

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