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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Back to square one. Puppet master Thaksin is calling the shots now. Openly and clearly. Cat is out of the bag, reds. This is ALL about Thaksin.

Strangely enough, Thaksin seems to be the sole voice of common sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the only one saying that the fighting should stop and lets get back to the negotiation table.

Abhisit is just as bad as the bloodthirsty westerners on this forum who are openly supporting and salivating over a violent crackdown.

I once thought Abhisit was a decent human being but I cant believe he has made such stupid decisions, this guy will go down in history

as one of the most idiodic thai PMs ever.

Thaksin's "common sense" message to Abhisit is SURRENDER everything to me.

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Strangely enough, Thaksin seems to be the sole voice of common sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just when I thought I had seen it all :D:)


What's the title of this dam_n thread?

People want to find out what's the fu_ck is going on.

You guys that want to prove how smart you are by debating the why this is going is, would you go please start your own topic under the "I think too much" forum.

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Will you get over the guest crap.

We live in Thailand. We support Thai families. We have Thai friends. We pay Thai taxes. We work with Thais. We employ Thais.

We are not guests.

100% agree, I have spent more than half my life in Thailand and have family here wife and children, many investments & employ quite a few Thai people. I feel it affects many in the same situation as me..

Indeed, but however strongly you feel about Thailand and Thai people, you're still a guest.

And see it on the positive side, you have the possibility to leave Thailand, with your family, if Thailand goes the way of some countries in the region.

And being in the same situation as yours, I hope they won't.

But it does not make me blind...

guest guest guest repeat ad infinitum in my ignore user list...bye bye :)

Back to square one. Puppet master Thaksin is calling the shots now. Openly and clearly. Cat is out of the bag, reds. This is ALL about Thaksin.

Strangely enough, Thaksin seems to be the sole voice of common sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the only one saying that the fighting should stop and lets get back to the negotiation table.

Abhisit is just as bad as the bloodthirsty westerners on this forum who are openly supporting and salivating over a violent crackdown.

I once thought Abhisit was a decent human being but I cant believe he has made such stupid decisions, this guy will go down in history

as one of the most idiodic thai PMs ever.

Thaksin's "common sense" message to Abhisit is SURRENDER everything to me.

The only message has been dissolve parliament, hold elections. I can't ever recall Thaksin telling Abhisit to surrender power to him. You're in incredibly bad twister.

Nope as there are reports that village heads have ways of monitoring compliance with the vote payments, with extremely negative consequences for those not conforming.

Do not tell me you believe that BS? :)

Thais don't impress me as a people who pay money not expecting to get what they pay for.

Jingthing is quite a fan of conspiracy movies. Reality doesn't have a place in his visions.

Maybe we can have a poll about it.

I am appalled!!!, all you BS Red Apologist that want to talk about your bullsh*t peaceful Reds, I just watched on Thai TV a group of these peaceful people pull a young army boy from a army truck. The soldier was hands up gesturing for them to take the truck. Then one of the peaceful asses hit hit then another shot him. He WAS unarmed and only driving a truck.

One of the old sayings from when I was in Viet Nam, was kill them all and let god sort them out. After seeing just how inhuman these mop, criminals are It was the first thing that came in my head. They deserve NOTHING. :)

They shot him!! The reds who have no frickin weapons and only their bare hands?

Reds are innocent protesters my ass.

Thanks for that update cougar52.

I once thought Abhisit was a decent human being

I can only ever recall posts from you trashing the man, as you pedal along on the big red bicycle :)

Come on rusty, get real.


People dies because red leaders are afraid of goin in jail:

However, another red-shirt core member Chinawat Haboonpad, said the UDD leadership was still in unity but some leaders had a different view.

"At first, we [the red-shirt leaders] agreed to end the rally but people have died during the political clashes. We then could not come into terms because none of us want to be in prison without receiving a fair treatment," Mr Chinawat said. "If the emergency decree is revoked the police could detain us further for 84 days."

From BP

You are not a very respectful guest here. You obviously would like to tell the Thais how to run their country. That's pretty arrogant of you. Why not go home? Maybe no one their respects you?

Will you get over the guest crap.

We live in Thailand. We support Thai families. We have Thai friends. We pay Thai taxes. We work with Thais. We employ Thais.

We are not guests.

100% agree, I have spent more than half my life in Thailand and have family here wife and children, many investments & employ quite a few Thai people. I feel it affects many in the same situation as me.. I can't comment on political views of the Thai's but i can have an opinion on the situation.

All be it i am neither pro Red or anti Red.

I just want the loss of life to end, this madness cannot continue or it will be a very bad downward spiral for everyone here Thai and Farang.

I wholeheartedly agree.

guest guest guest repeat ad infinitum in my ignore user list...bye bye :)

why do you feel to tell the world about your "ignore list" on this thread

nobody cares

Omg!!! I'm going to put EVERYONE on my ignore list too. And then I'll make one post for every username in this forum that I put on my ignore list. That'll teach them!

Back to square one. Puppet master Thaksin is calling the shots now. Openly and clearly. Cat is out of the bag, reds. This is ALL about Thaksin.

Strangely enough, Thaksin seems to be the sole voice of common sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the only one saying that the fighting should stop and lets get back to the negotiation table.

Abhisit is just as bad as the bloodthirsty westerners on this forum who are openly supporting and salivating over a violent crackdown.

I once thought Abhisit was a decent human being but I cant believe he has made such stupid decisions, this guy will go down in history

as one of the most idiodic thai PMs ever.

Actions speak louder than words and anyone with an ounce of sense knows Thaksin speaks untruths.

Thaksin is a convicted thief and has been shown over and over again to be dishonest.

He is also lower than a coward as he runs away from Thailand over a 2-year jail sentence that surely would have been suspended had he not become a fugitive. But worse he has encouraged his followers to give their lives for his financial gain, his ego and need for absolute power.

It baffles the mind anybody who would believe what comes out of this guy's mouth let alone hold him up as somebody who cares the least about Thailand and its people unless he is getting something out of it.

Back to square one. Puppet master Thaksin is calling the shots now. Openly and clearly. Cat is out of the bag, reds. This is ALL about Thaksin.

Strangely enough, Thaksin seems to be the sole voice of common sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is the only one saying that the fighting should stop and lets get back to the negotiation table.

Abhisit is just as bad as the bloodthirsty westerners on this forum who are openly supporting and salivating over a violent crackdown.

I once thought Abhisit was a decent human being but I cant believe he has made such stupid decisions, this guy will go down in history

as one of the most idiodic thai PMs ever.

Thaksin's "common sense" message to Abhisit is SURRENDER everything to me.

The only message has been dissolve parliament, hold elections. I can't ever recall Thaksin telling Abhisit to surrender power to him. You're in incredibly bad twister.

Total misinformation there. Try again.

What worries me is that serious civil strife now looks almost inevitable. It seems an age ago that some of us on the forum said that rural people wouldn't stand by passively if their votes were disregarded. Those who sided with the PAD retorted that people whose votes were bought had no political commitment and would do what they were told. They said the coup would solve the problem, and then pinned their hopes on the judicial coup. Now the same people say that lethal violence is the answer. I really hope to see compromise on both sides.

Jingthing is quite a fan of conspiracy movies. Reality doesn't have a place in his visions.

Do you ever have any other contribution besides personal attacks and your idea that "guests" can't give their opinion about Thailand on a farang forum site about Thailand?


I am concerned about the children there....The women are presumably adults and capable of making up their own minds to stay or go. I am more worried though about what will happen if they are just allowed to leave after having participatedin this revolt. I think if there are no consequences they and others may be manipulated againand later more trouble erupt.

I think all leaving the site should be charged and if convicted only be released to go to their village with a probation condition prohibiting futher revolutionary activities for a period. Any breach should result in jail.


100% agree, I have spent more than half my life in Thailand and have family here wife and children, many investments & employ quite a few Thai people. I feel it affects many in the same situation as me..

Indeed, but however strongly you feel about Thailand and Thai people, you're still a guest.

And see it on the positive side, you have the possibility to leave Thailand, with your family, if Thailand goes the way of some countries in the region.

And being in the same situation as yours, I hope they won't.

But it does not make me blind...

guest guest guest repeat ad infinitum in my ignore user list...bye bye :)

Never once did i say i was not a guest, All i said is i feel strongly about the situation as do we all, and i want the loss of life to end now..

MCOT: Army mobilises armoured vehicles to Sala Daeng intersection for operation to retake area, a burst of gunshots heard continuously

Can we assume they've been retro-fitted with locking gas-tanks since this morning? :)

What worries me is that serious civil strife now looks almost inevitable. It seems an age ago that some of us on the forum said that rural people wouldn't stand by passively if their votes were disregarded. Those who sided with the PAD retorted that people whose votes were bought had no political commitment and would do what they were told. They said the coup would solve the problem, and then pinned their hopes on the judicial coup. Now the same people say that lethal violence is the answer. I really hope to see compromise on both sides.

Its too late. The reds will only capitulate if they are defeated militarily. They have made that crystal clear by their actions.

TNN: I'm hearing gunshots in the background of a live report from Rama 4 near Satorn.

It looks like a lot of action in that area.

The Nation: At Sathorn... Reds' fire have become a big bonfire jus outside Shell and Oz embassy.... thick smoke ...

I'm sure the Aussies will be thrilled with that.

guest guest guest repeat ad infinitum in my ignore user list...bye bye :D

:D ouch, i can almost feel the pain. Man, you have the power :)


Thaksin's "common sense" message to Abhisit is SURRENDER everything to me.

The only message has been dissolve parliament, hold elections. I can't ever recall Thaksin telling Abhisit to surrender power to him. You're in incredibly bad twister.

which is exactly what was offered to and accepted by the moderate red shirt leaders. Unfortunately, the dates dont work for the transfer of military power, ensuring that this megalomaniac will not come to power again, so of course he gave the order to keep the charade up. Maybe he now realizes that he will be the one seen as responsible for every death that happens in Ratchaprasong. Then again, he probably doesn't care.

Sorry but in between all the debating, did I read a post about a sniper trying to take out jutaporn on stage???

Apparently so.

say report of explosion at rachaprasong ... did not hear it was sniper attack

guest guest guest repeat ad infinitum in my ignore user list...bye bye :D

So you probably see mostly a blank forum, since most of us are guests.

Must be pretty entertaining.... :):D

TNN: I'm hearing gunshots in the background of a live report from Rama 4 near Satorn.

It looks like a lot of action in that area.

The Nation: At Sathorn... Reds' fire have become a big bonfire jus outside Shell and Oz embassy.... thick smoke ...

I'm sure the Aussies will be thrilled with that.

Not happy jan! :)

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