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Troops, Armoured Vehicles Converge On Bangkok Protest Site


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Let's see if Thailand can make itself a pariah state today by taking the body count above Tiannamen Square. About 350 ought to do it.

Shameful day for Thailand and shameful to read all this vitriol.

The true statement. SantiSuk

Welcome to reality

Let's see if Thailands Red Shirts can make themselves a pariah movement today by taking the body count above Tiannamen Square. About 350 ought to do it.

Shameful day for Thailands Red Shirts, Thaksin and his robber barons partners in terrorism.

Shameful to read all this vitriol from the Red Shirt Brigade (mis leadership)

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for the hundreds of current red sympathisers inhabiting this site, those who are still here but have been re-incarnated and for those who have permanently fallen by the wayside.

especially for all of you who said that Abhisit would never have the support of the Army, Navy, Air force or the Police

here's something just for you

Has he got their support or did they decide to wait 6 weeks before acting?Could you imagine protesters setting up a barricade in New York or London and the Government allowing them to do it? You can believe what you like about Abhisit but I can't wait to see what the Thai people really think about theis man when given the chance to vote for him. I think it will be humble pie time for Abhisit supporters then. :)

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so house prices in bangkok might come down then. good time to buy?!

I imagine housing in the city center will go down, but prices elsewhere might depend on migration patterns.

Have you though of the results of all of this

There are many many Thai slums right next to rich areas

The Red shirts will do Thaskins work for him

burn down the slums

so the developers can move in

clean the lot out and put in million baht hotels

And the red shirts thought this was all about them and democracy

One thing I learn in life along time ago

No one spend millions unless they have the intention of getting back 4 times what they invested in the 1st place

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Red shirts are burning down buildings on (I think) Rama 4 now.

Fire Rages at Soi Ngamduplee

UPDATE : 19 May 2010

A fire is raging at Soi Ngamduplee off of Rama 4 Road.

It is still unclear whether the building that is on fire houses a Kasikorn Bank or that it is a building near the bank itself.


This is absolutely horrible. Please everyone be safe if you live in this area. What kind of animals set fires like this in densely populated areas? :)

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for the hundreds of current red sympathisers inhabiting this site, those who are still here but have been re-incarnated and for those who have permanently fallen by the wayside.

especially for all of you who said that Abhisit would never have the support of the Army, Navy, Air force or the Police

here's something just for you

Let's hope they don't choke on it as red shirts are blockading hospitals or forcing their evacuation. At least if they want their humble pie warmed up their beloved protesters are lighting enough fires to do the job, though don't expect any pictures of them doing this as they are stopping the press from taking pictures.

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An advisor to Thailand's prime minister called on the protesters to surrender. "The protest must end immediately and leaders must surrender and stop the violence," advisor Korbsak Sabhavasau told Channel 3 television.

Protest leader Nattawut Saikua urged supporters to fight. "But if they come, we will let it happen and fight on from here."

Soon after he spoke, protest leaders broke into songs, as people danced around the protest stage, and in a surreal sight, comedy skits were performed on the stage.


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Let's see if Thailand can make itself a pariah state today by taking the body count above Tiannamen Square. About 350 ought to do it.

Shameful day for Thailand and shameful to read all this vitriol.

That's sort of a funny example to use.

Tiananmen was an actual nonviolent protest for democracy that was put down by an overaggressive government.

This=not it.

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the democrats lead asia in rouble 1995 due to corruption and an illsuion of a creditdriven econommy,like in the west, taxsin was not bette but he abussed human rights as well , now the democrats hopefully changed,the last 18 month was smoth.many new laws pased goverment and they have to fullfill the law after reds refused the pooling for november and disulution of goverment in september , all this for some month later ..... the reds have to get new leaders, and not always cry for taxsin,,,that fight is for taxsin and not for democraty its a fight for an greedy old man

waht is taxsin.............. what here facts forgot

5000 killed in the antidrugwar 2004, with 300 ungilty death , compensation was payed

180 killed in army custody in 2005 tthe famillies was get payyyed compensation

and and and

itv deal,concessionfees,telecomact2003,ratchadasakdeal, and and and

sorry , i think get taxsin back is not the way out of crsis,,,,new voting , with new red people who are working in favour of citizens and not for their pockets.

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Thaskin is definatly the cause and the financial organizer of this protest

Panic and chaos will allow him to return

But the question is

Is Thaskin the head of all of this

or just a puppet himself

There are many of my business friends who say he is but a puppet of The New World Order

and Thailand is a test site for bigger things to come

First it was your missus telling you what to say, and now your 'business friends' :)

You're right about Thaksin though. Contrary to what a lot of people might claim, he is simply a catalyst and not the root cause, which is public dissatisfaction with the system. When Thaksin goes, somone else will take his place.

Would it not be nice if the person who takes his place is intelligent and works peacefully from within the system to promote better economic balance and opportunity through education, lasting infrastructure and financial assistance?

Yes, I agree that it would be be so nice if that happened.

The dissatisfaction that the people have with the system is that the system has left its people dirt poor for years on end, and they are losing patience with it.

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So where is nuttawut, arisman and weng?

Still in their container demanding elections now?

Weng was last seen wearing a bullet-proof vest --- makes you wonder if he has provided them to the children they encouraged parents to bring to the rally?

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For what its worth and its here say

the red protestors (mums/dads/kids) have had their ID cards taken by the "officials" in the camps. In return they were paid some money, food, water etc. and the promise of more after the reds win.

Assume the red protestors cannot leave as they cant get their ID cards back.

The reds were expecting a million people to turn out and they are approx 5000 at present

this represents 0.5%

of this its possible that approx 300 motor cycle taxi drivers / taxi drivers / disturbed idealistic youths are causing billions of baht in damages.

go figure!!!

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For you people who have chosen sides, you don't seem to understand that regardless of how it ends, the country will still be run by corrupt wealthy politicians. There will be NO winners.

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about time it is finished. the reds shirts had many many opportunities to leave if they didn't want to get shot. They sure didn't care that thousands of innocent Thais are suffering because of this, no job, no food etc. I dont want to see anybody die but if you keep asking for it someone will step up to the plate. som nom na

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So where is nuttawut, arisman and weng?

Still in their container demanding elections now?

Weng is hiding behind the stage wearing a bulletproof vest, I trust he has handed similar to the women and children human shields.

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for the hundreds of current red sympathisers inhabiting this site, those who are still here but have been re-incarnated and for those who have permanently fallen by the wayside.

especially for all of you who said that Abhisit would never have the support of the Army, Navy, Air force or the Police

here's something just for you

Let's hope they don't choke on it as red shirts are blockading hospitals or forcing their evacuation. At least if they want their humble pie warmed up their beloved protesters are lighting enough fires to do the job, though don't expect any pictures of them doing this as they are stopping the press from taking pictures.

Is that also the reason why all those closed circuit cameras were destroyed in the protest zone?............................Ooops that were the summer camp boys who did that

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So when is the next election ? Not too far away and I wonder what will be the outcome should anything but yellow be voted in ???

I think it's safe to say it wont be this year. I'm thinking late 2011. How can they possibly have elections this year? That was offered to the terrorists, and the turned it down. I think the Yellow's would have lost for sure. After burning Bangkok, not so sure.

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Let's see if Thailand can make itself a pariah state today by taking the body count above Tiannamen Square. About 350 ought to do it.

Shameful day for Thailand and shameful to read all this vitriol.

Shameful to read that people still support this armed rebellion.

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So where is nuttawut, arisman and weng?

Still in their container demanding elections now?

as per earlier post, Nuttawut was leading the comedy sketches on stage... the others...

Jatuporn and Arisman Have Fled after Soldiers Reclaim Ratchaprasong

UPDATE : 19 May 2010

ASTV and several other media are reporting that key red-shirt core leaders including Jatuporn Promphan, Arisman Pongruengrong, and Suporn Attawong have fled the Ratchaprasong protest site after soldiers were able to reclaim the Sarasin intersection.


Edited by KMUTT
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Its not going to be good Today - looks like the Army will wipe out the camp this Morning, Thailand needs to resolve this I suppose, I hope they realize the World is watching

The press in the US is giving this minimal coverage. All of my family/friends say nothing has been on the news of what's going on over here. :)

Most Americans don't even know where Bangkok is.

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For you people who have chosen sides, you don't seem to understand that regardless of how it ends, the country will still be run by corrupt wealthy politicians. There will be NO winners.

While corruption IS rife in Thailand, many of us believe that under leaders like Abhisit and Korn that this will be reduced dramatically. A dem gets caught they resign .... a Thaksin guy gets caught (Samak) he becomes PM.

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what i'm concerned about now is that what's going to happen after the reds get cleared - and if the parliament doesn't dissolve as requested. some of those 'extreme' reds might actually commit random guerilla-style attacks on innocent people, blowing up a shopping mall or a tourist hot spot to get their messages across. now THAT's what i'm worried about - the unpredictability of it all. thank GOD i'm leaving this country next month. probably i won't come back for a while... THAT's for SURE.

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I thought the reds were a huge majority in Thailand.

Now the army is moving in around Ratchaprasong, there are a couple of small groups of reds protesting.

Where are the thousands on the streets? Where is the uprising?

Not surprised if you had slingshots as weapons.

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So where is nuttawut, arisman and weng?

Still in their container demanding elections now?

Weng is hiding behind the stage wearing a bulletproof vest, I trust he has handed similar to the women and children human shields.

RT @tulsathit: Rumours now of red leaders fleeing Rajprasong. (Arisman, Suporn, Jatuporn)

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Sadly for all, the government and army are bowing to the inevitable.

Some times ones fate and best intentions are overtaken and crushed by circumstances.

You can only hit a sleeping dog with a stick for so long before it bites you badly.

But conversely you can only fence in a rabid dog for so long before it breaks out

and starts attacking mindlessly. Usually both get put down, through no fault of their own.

Once it was seen that the Rajaprasong audience violently rejected

their own leaders calls for stopping the violence and backing down,

the game was up for a peaceful resolution.

I am sure the red leaders, who cynically injected neo-post-communist styled indoctrination

into the minds of 10s of thousands for years on end, and 24/7 for 2 months straight

into this crowd of simple up country folk, are now shocked to find out how well it worked.

Those poor people have been brainwashed to believe ANY speech against their internalized

'Party line' is evil and compromised, and or bought by the evil government. So rejected without thought.

Now when their own leaders want to throw in the towel, for their followers safety,

the followers think the same about their change of mind; Evil product of the evil government.

Yes, send in the tanks if needed, but no need to use their cannons or heavy machine guns,

they can just be used to break down barricades, same as the APCs are being used.

But create greater fear through their unused potential. Heavy and armored means protection for the drivers.

There is no chance for further mediation, if the senate couldn't do it last night,

because the Red leaders have lost control of their people, that seals the end game.

I would guess the hidden snipers will now start aiming at the army as they come in,

rather than primarily their own side Red side pawns as propaganda fodder.

One interesting aspect from yesterday was that some in the rally didn't surrender because

they were told that the army outside were foreign mercenaries hired because they hate Thais,

so no compunctions to shoot them. That would fit with the reds propaganda that

90% of the country is 'with the reds', and Thais don't shoot at Thais, even though reds are,

and that if you dare leave you will be beaten, or killed, by the mercenary militarists.

I really feel sorry for these brainwashed folks, left to watch in horror as

the alleged 'foreign' force comes up the street to get them. Blame their leaders of course.

Now they will know the terror they have inflicted on others in Bangkok for weeks on end.

Lets hope a channel to the Wat is left open for those wishing to escape/surrender without weapons,

UNlike the 'shooting fish in a barrel' that was used on PAD oct 7.....

This was coming, sad to say, but inevitable consequences of the red's master's plan.

Sadly th 'Puyai of Paris' still goes for this ending long after that nature of the plan is well and truly exposed

to the Thai people and the world. The financial trail that will be vigorously pursued will likely decimate

the PTP/TRT ranks that spawned it. I suspect red Leaders will be captured if possible, to aid in this

financial post-mortem of an attempted revolution.

Chockdee Thailand and all the Thai people,

including the indoctrinated victims of Red misanthropy.

Edited by animatic
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