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Thai PM Abhisit Still Standing After Deadly Protests

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Thai PM still standing after deadly protests - Focus

by Daniel Rook

BANGKOK (AFP) -- After weeks fighting for his political life, Thailand's prime minister has surprised many by surviving mass street protests and is likely to put off elections for as long as possible, experts said.

Few think the crisis that has driven a wedge into Thai society and left 88 people dead is over. But Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has managed to cling to power thanks to the backing of the army, which dispersed the "Red Shirts".

"I certainly felt that Abhisit wouldn't survive this crisis but he's surprised a lot of people," said Andrew Walker, a Thailand expert and senior fellow at the Australian National University.

Now the British-born, Oxford-educated premier has shelved his offer of November elections, and analysts believe he may try to fend off pressure from the opposition to go to the polls until his term expires at the end of 2011.

"Abhisit is obviously concerned that he would lose an election and he'll delay it for as long as he can," said Walker.

The Red Shirts were campaigning for immediate elections, denouncing a government they view as undemocratic because it came to power in 2008 with army backing after a court ruling threw out the previous administration.

The protesters, many of whom hail from the impoverished north, broadly support fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra and say the government is the puppet of the nation's elites in the palace, bureaucracy and military circles.

Abhisit faces questions about his administration's handling of the unrest and the crackdown by armed troops, who fired live rounds on protesters during several outbreaks of violence and an assault on their encampment on May 19.

The opposition has accused the premier of violating human rights, but he is expected to easily survive a no-confidence motion this week thanks to his ruling coalition's majority in the lower house of parliament.

While Abhisit has failed to connect with Thailand's rural masses, the photogenic 45-year-old premier has retained the support of the military and the Bangkok elite.

"It has been remarkable that he is still in office, having presided over the death toll, ultimately, of 88 lives or more," said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.

"His support is still firm. That's why he is still there. His backers and patrons do not seem to have anyone else to turn to at this time."

Army chief General Anupong Paojinda had appeared reluctant to use force to crush the protests, but the demonstrations ended within just hours of troops storming the barricades, and with fewer deaths than many had feared.

The scion of an influential family whose name means "privilege", Abhisit was born in Newcastle in northern England, where his parents studied medicine.

He entered political life in 1992 when, aged 27, he became the youngest person to win a seat in the Thai parliament.

While some observers think Abhisit's Democrats may opt for a fresh face for the next elections, others think he will try to stay in power.

"Unless the Democrat Party is dissolved by the courts ... I expect Abhisit to shoulder on as leader of the Democrat Party," said Paul Chambers, an expert on Thailand at Germany's Heidelberg University.

"He proved to other party elders that he could keep the Red Shirts at bay," Chambers said. "He has also kept the coalition together."

The Democrat Party faces possible court abolishment over allegations of illegal party donations and misuse of government money, but some analysts expect the party -- like its leader -- to battle on.

"Given the politicisation of the judicial process, it is unlikely that the Democrat Party will be dissolved because the pressure has dissipated following the suppression of the Red Shirts' protest," said Thitinan.

Yet while Abhisit appears to have survived two months of street protests, unless the government achieves the reconciliation it has long promised and tackles Thailand's economic and social divides, few think the rift is over.

"It's hard to imagine it's finished," said Walker.

"The basic political divisions and disagreements remain. Until those issues are addressed in some way, this will be an ongoing problem."


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-06-01

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Fit and able man!

The set up of this "peoples uprising" was that of a comedy,

not genuine, no real base , not grown to last, but, and that the deeply irony of this

"movement" the brain child of a very sore loser and richest man of this country, who

simply tries to utilize the "Underprivileged and Poor" for his very own gain, nothing else matters.

Did the 2500 lives matter, Tak bai,Kru Seah, Somchai.... the Journalists, the staff of iTV, did anyone or anything matter,

does anyone really believe he/his live/plight matters to this man driven by megalomania, unquenchable thirst for power and greed?

Someone with Mark's educational background must have looked through this.

Mark is so far, by far the best that ever happened to the Thai political landscape!

Hope he will make it all the way through this term and (hope fully) into the next and put his mark to the Thai political landscape!

he won't make the social rift disappear in one and not in two terms, he hasn't created it either, but he has already started to move things in a good direction!

let's see...

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

and if he doesn't...?

I like him, but it will take a lot more than blind faith to get him into even a full term voted in by the people of Thailand.


Abhisit Vejjajiva is the only hope for Thailand to get through the economic and social problems that presently exist.

He presents an eloquent and erudite figure to the world, something Mr Thaksin can only envy.

The alternative is a man called Chalerm Yubamrung, a reasonably passionate speaker in Parliament, but he has a lot of baggage to carry with his wayward family.

There is no chance Thaksin will ever be Prime Minister of this country again, after what he has done to it in his selfish struggle to regain power.

The Red Shirts, and by extension the PTP, were offered elections in November and vetoed that offer.

Good luck Mr Abhisit, you will need it.

Fit and able man!

The set up of this "peoples uprising" was that of a comedy,

not genuine, no real base , not grown to last, but, and that the deeply irony of this

"movement" the brain child of a very sore loser and richest man of this country, who

simply tries to utilize the "Underprivileged and Poor" for his very own gain, nothing else matters.

Did the 2500 lives matter, Tak bai,Kru Seah, Somchai.... the Journalists, the staff of iTV, did anyone or anything matter,

does anyone really believe he/his live/plight matters to this man driven by megalomania, unquenchable thirst for power and greed?

Someone with Mark's educational background must have looked through this.

Mark is so far, by far the best that ever happened to the Thai political landscape!

Hope he will make it all the way through this term and (hope fully) into the next and put his mark to the Thai political landscape!

he won't make the social rift disappear in one and not in two terms, he hasn't created it either, but he has already started to move things in a good direction!

let's see...

Agree totally with Samuian; a very good summary and I also agree that PM Abhisit is the man (along with his right hand man Khun Korn) to take Thailand into a new era, reduce the gap, much better quality of life and opportunity for all Thais.

And I would further emphahsise Samuian's following points:

- PM abhisit did not create this current mess, it's been building for decades.

- Not well publicized is the fact that PM Abhisit very soon after he became PM started to develop and install overriding policies and actions which are intended to ensure that all future development is aimed at reducing the gap, providing better opportunity for all Thais and more. In other words a sustainable better quality of life for all rather than opportuinistic handouts.

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

The followers of another PM said that. :)

"Abhisit is obviously concerned that he would lose an election and he'll delay it for as long as he can," said Walker.

Everybody knows that, not actually news.

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

I hope so, I think he is one of the best and most ethical politicians in Thailand. I believe that Abhisit is not a politician for personal power and aggrandizement but for Thailand...


Abhisit is frequently underestimated by all including us. Whatever people think of his polticvis few would disagree he is very very talented at playing the poltical game. When Abhisit came to power Chalerm said it was impossible for him to last 3 months.

The next election will be interesting and will largely decided on how coalition allies do rather than Democrats as it is the coalition allies who can eat into the PTP base. BJT will be aiming at Isaan and there is some specualtion that certain parts of PTP will defect to CTP. Needless to say a lot of money will be bunged around at sitting MPs to reatin or poach them


I must say that his patience impressed on me, also his ability to take abuse. Perhaps Thaksin should spend some of that wealth he has and take a course.

Thinking is good behind that facade. He has been the first of the prime ministers I have followed that has showed real interest in long term solutions and the future of Thailand (and I started with Sujinda).

His leadership skills don't impress though, don’t be shy Abhisit, you’re actually doing pretty OK :)


Another one aimed at the middle ground rather than the true believers is the calm manner in which government spokepersons have responded and not risen to an orchestrated campaign of insults which to be honets is about the totality of a lot of the PTP speakers statements.

Chalerm should be fun though. He is a good speaker unlike anyone else the PTP has and may if he has better goods on corruption than he had before redress the balance a little from the big win in political terms the government is looking at today.

"Abhisit is obviously concerned that he would lose an election and he'll delay it for as long as he can," said Walker.

Everybody knows that, not actually news.

If "everybody" knows that, then why don't the PTP resign in protest and restand in by-elections? What's the bet they wouldn't regain every seat? I'd be willing to put money on it.


This so called "uprising" this "conflict" has brought the very core of the mechanics of thai politics

and the patrons playing the countries fate on a roulette table to the surface as well!

As columnist Atiya Achakulwisut writes in a known Publishing, which can't be quoted here, that it is wrong from the red shirts to claim as if they would be "able to lead the poor out of poverty, once this (particular) government stands down!

Ah; well so THIS government is the menace - this is very, very interesting!

As if those who scrambled like the ones who gave their votes in return of favors,

would be interested in any sort of equality, they are very, very cheap "rat catcher" slogans!

Once those get where they want to be, it's back to square one - pocket it!

Or did anyone, at any single moment believe that those who went out on stage to yell all these

blind accusation, which have been cooked up, to make this government look bad as if they are -

as a revenge to what the PAD did to "his" government and the "installations" he had reigning in

his name.... he said itoften enough, he didn't even try to hidehis true intentions about him being

the CEO of Thailand Inc. - wel yes, till now he dared to call Thailand yet Siam Corp or worse...

but i'll keep that revelation till a later date too!

It's really not funny at all that someone who managed to "bypass" a big, big bundle money around

the Revenue Departments coffers, straight into his very own - claims to be the savior of the disadvantaged, which he with his tax evasion disadvantaged DIRECTLY even more!

And at the same time having the face to, play this role and tell the rural people, the disadvantaged and the "poor" -

to go to Bangkok and fight the "Elite" which he represent as well.... what a contradiction!

So what made him so sure that no one may detect this gigantic and frivolous lie?

Was it that he took simple advantage of the educational level of the rural "poor",

was it this, that he was so sure that hey would listen to HIM?

Well, yes he threw plenty of bait out into the rough seas... one million for each village,

the rice scheme promise ... well seems all impressive but this was the next trickery, the


and reality did bite even harder, now the competition has won over the high paddy price, sinking quality,

flooded markets.....

It would be too easy to say they got what they deserved,

cause last not least the priests, the monks,

their very base should have told them that this is a "rat catchers" melody....

Result of a law that doesn't need enforcement, no books, no courts, no judges -

it's preached and taught in every temple across the country - it's called KAMMA!

There is no trough of with universal riches and immeasurable wealth that only needs to be discovered, levered

open and all will prosper... there is no Aladin and the wonder lamp, no Jenny in the bottle, there is no instant fix to these troubles and problems!

But cheap promises and luring stories - who would fall against his very own country?

Who would allow someone to wash ones brains and turn against ones very own Nation?

And what for, if there was (supposedly) no problem BEFORE all this, could it really be that new elections, the dissolution of the present Government even (assumed) that it is "illegal" change all like with a touch of the magic wand or is it all aimed at installing those who have been not allowed back to the table, cause they have been playing with illegal means and certainly NOT for the good and welfare of this country and it's citizens as the hymns of promise they sing - claim?

Is it this why EDUCATION-INFORMATION should be the highest priority of ANY Government - if not - people should become highly suspicious!

There is nothing wrong with standing up and move against any power and air ones grievances - conceived wrong doing - but there is a huge difference of being lead and being mislead... by people who have a hidden agenda and play their very own game to gain something they believe in wild dreams belongs to them!

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

saaa toooo

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

The followers of another PM said that. :)

better, the devil you know .

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

Well said - he also has many Farang votes (if we could) as he understands both West and East and a lot in between. Right now despite the PT stupidity of more wasted time and energy, he is strong and showing he is a survivor. He has many well wishers and a lot of support. :)

This so called "uprising" this "conflict" has brought the very core of the mechanics of thai politics

and the patrons playing the countries fate on a roulette table to the surface as well!

As columnist Atiya Achakulwisut writes in a known Publishing, which can't be quoted here, that it is wrong from the red shirts to claim as if they would be "able to lead the poor out of poverty, once this (particular) government stands down!

Ah; well so THIS government is the menace - this is very, very interesting!

As if those who scrambled like the ones who gave their votes in return of favors,

would be interested in any sort of equality, they are very, very cheap "rat catcher" slogans!

Once those get where they want to be, it's back to square one - pocket it!

Or did anyone, at any single moment believe that those who went out on stage to yell all these

blind accusation, which have been cooked up, to make this government look bad as if they are -

as a revenge to what the PAD did to "his" government and the "installations" he had reigning in

his name.... he said itoften enough, he didn't even try to hidehis true intentions about him being

the CEO of Thailand Inc. - wel yes, till now he dared to call Thailand yet Siam Corp or worse...

but i'll keep that revelation till a later date too!

It's really not funny at all that someone who managed to "bypass" a big, big bundle money around

the Revenue Departments coffers, straight into his very own - claims to be the savior of the disadvantaged, which he with his tax evasion disadvantaged DIRECTLY even more!

And at the same time having the face to, play this role and tell the rural people, the disadvantaged and the "poor" -

to go to Bangkok and fight the "Elite" which he represent as well.... what a contradiction!

So what made him so sure that no one may detect this gigantic and frivolous lie?

Was it that he took simple advantage of the educational level of the rural "poor",

was it this, that he was so sure that hey would listen to HIM?

Well, yes he threw plenty of bait out into the rough seas... one million for each village,

the rice scheme promise ... well seems all impressive but this was the next trickery, the


and reality did bite even harder, now the competition has won over the high paddy price, sinking quality,

flooded markets.....

It would be too easy to say they got what they deserved,

cause last not least the priests, the monks,

their very base should have told them that this is a "rat catchers" melody....

Result of a law that doesn't need enforcement, no books, no courts, no judges -

it's preached and taught in every temple across the country - it's called KAMMA!

There is no trough of with universal riches and immeasurable wealth that only needs to be discovered, levered

open and all will prosper... there is no Aladin and the wonder lamp, no Jenny in the bottle, there is no instant fix to these troubles and problems!

But cheap promises and luring stories - who would fall against his very own country?

Who would allow someone to wash ones brains and turn against ones very own Nation?

And what for, if there was (supposedly) no problem BEFORE all this, could it really be that new elections, the dissolution of the present Government even (assumed) that it is "illegal" change all like with a touch of the magic wand or is it all aimed at installing those who have been not allowed back to the table, cause they have been playing with illegal means and certainly NOT for the good and welfare of this country and it's citizens as the hymns of promise they sing - claim?

Is it this why EDUCATION-INFORMATION should be the highest priority of ANY Government - if not - people should become highly suspicious!

There is nothing wrong with standing up and move against any power and air ones grievances - conceived wrong doing - but there is a huge difference of being lead and being mislead... by people who have a hidden agenda and play their very own game to gain something they believe in wild dreams belongs to them!

A decent summary to be sure apart from the spelling LOL Well done.

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

Didn't they put a limitation on that in the constitution for fear that Thaksin would try to do exactly that?

He will stand forever, and will win the next, and next, and next election.

He will be our PM until the day he dies.

Didn't they put a limitation on that in the constitution for fear that Thaksin would try to do exactly that?

No, you are thinking of the "Contagion Clause" To keep him from spreading like a germ.

Abhisit is frequently underestimated by all including us. Whatever people think of his polticvis few would disagree he is very very talented at playing the poltical game. When Abhisit came to power Chalerm said it was impossible for him to last 3 months.

The next election will be interesting and will largely decided on how coalition allies do rather than Democrats as it is the coalition allies who can eat into the PTP base. BJT will be aiming at Isaan and there is some specualtion that certain parts of PTP will defect to CTP. Needless to say a lot of money will be bunged around at sitting MPs to reatin or poach them

From what I see in the upper Northeast, BJT will struggle to pick up seats, as Thaksin's popularity is still riding high, for better or worse, and PTP are likely to capitalise on this. As you note though, there will no doubt be plenty of poaching and horse trading going on beforehand and some unlikely coalitions may be formed.

Was surprised to see that the New Politics Party now have an office in Khon Kaen, which is a bold and brave move on their part, given the often hostile atmosphere in this part of the world to things yellow.....

Abhisit is frequently underestimated by all including us. Whatever people think of his polticvis few would disagree he is very very talented at playing the poltical game. When Abhisit came to power Chalerm said it was impossible for him to last 3 months.

The next election will be interesting and will largely decided on how coalition allies do rather than Democrats as it is the coalition allies who can eat into the PTP base. BJT will be aiming at Isaan and there is some specualtion that certain parts of PTP will defect to CTP. Needless to say a lot of money will be bunged around at sitting MPs to reatin or poach them

From what I see in the upper Northeast, BJT will struggle to pick up seats, as Thaksin's popularity is still riding high, for better or worse, and PTP are likely to capitalise on this. As you note though, there will no doubt be plenty of poaching and horse trading going on beforehand and some unlikely coalitions may be formed.

Was surprised to see that the New Politics Party now have an office in Khon Kaen, which is a bold and brave move on their part, given the often hostile atmosphere in this part of the world to things yellow.....

It should be interesting, because from a number of people that I have spoken to from Red Shirt heartlands Khon Kaen / Udon Thnai / Nakhon Ratchisima have become quite disgusted by the actions of The Red shirts in Bangkok, and these were people who were previously very much supportive of Thaksin et al. I think the PTP may be complacent if they believe that people are just going to continue to accept the BS that they have been fed.

Abhisit is frequently underestimated by all including us. Whatever people think of his polticvis few would disagree he is very very talented at playing the poltical game. When Abhisit came to power Chalerm said it was impossible for him to last 3 months.

The next election will be interesting and will largely decided on how coalition allies do rather than Democrats as it is the coalition allies who can eat into the PTP base. BJT will be aiming at Isaan and there is some specualtion that certain parts of PTP will defect to CTP. Needless to say a lot of money will be bunged around at sitting MPs to reatin or poach them

From what I see in the upper Northeast, BJT will struggle to pick up seats, as Thaksin's popularity is still riding high, for better or worse, and PTP are likely to capitalise on this. As you note though, there will no doubt be plenty of poaching and horse trading going on beforehand and some unlikely coalitions may be formed.

Was surprised to see that the New Politics Party now have an office in Khon Kaen, which is a bold and brave move on their part, given the often hostile atmosphere in this part of the world to things yellow.....

It should be interesting, because from a number of people that I have spoken to from Red Shirt heartlands Khon Kaen / Udon Thnai / Nakhon Ratchisima have become quite disgusted by the actions of The Red shirts in Bangkok, and these were people who were previously very much supportive of Thaksin et al. I think the PTP may be complacent if they believe that people are just going to continue to accept the BS that they have been fed.

- Thaksin and his cronies will spend hundreds of millions to ensure they win, and the total population of the NE and N is a very big percentage of the total population

- And the villlage heads etc., still have a lot of power and control of the local people, and PT still has a lot of control over the village heads (intimidation would be an apporpriate word).

- And they probably won't worry to much about covering up massive their vote buying, because as soon as they are elected they will instantly railroad items through the parliament to pardon thaksin and change election laws (revert to the old constitution), and intimidate the Election Commission to prevent them from investigation vote buying etc.

Plus Chalerm, jatuporn, veera, sudarat etc., running the country. Not a pretty or desireable scenario.

- Thaksin and his cronies will spend hundreds of millions to ensure they win, and the total population of the NE and N is a very big percentage of the total population

- And the villlage heads etc., still have a lot of power and control of the local people, and PT still has a lot of control over the village heads (intinidation would be an apporpriate word).

- And they probably won't worry to much about covering up massive their vote buying, because as soon as they are elected they will instantly railroad items through the parliament to pardon thaksin and change election laws (revert to the old constitution), and intimidate the Election Commission to prevent them from investigation vote buying etc.

Plus Chalerm, jatuporn, veera, sudarat etc., running the country. Not a pretty or desireable scenario.

In 2007, the reds were strong in about a third of the country. In many areas they got less than 50% of the vote. That isn't enough to get them into power at the next election. They certainly won't gain any support after the efforts of the last couple of months.

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