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Game Of Chicken -hi-so Style - Hilarious

Bentley 7

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Last night I witnessed some truly idiotic behaviour from two wealthier thai individuals - let me paint you the picture-

In Ratchada Soi 32 (near OTOP Exhibition Centre) there is a small but quite busy intersection about 300 metres in with lanes (really its one big lane turned into two)that are barely capable of squeezing in two small cars at about 7.30pm (peak peak hours) a green 600 series Mercedes with all those big man badges on the grill takes the left hand turn wide to avoid hitting the sides and goes head to head with another similarly large black Mercedes because of the backup of traffic there is little room to move either way.

Instead of trying to resolve this dilema, these two elderly gentleman in their late 50's stare at each other and beeping horns expecting the other to move out of the way.

After about 10 minutes of this, a young girl (girlfriend)a passenger in the green car squeezes her way out to attempt to navigate the cars past each other. An impossible task as theres about a foot either side with a concrete wall on one side and a corrugated iron fence on the other. She then approaches the driver of the Black car to speak with him, instead he waves he away rudely refusing even to acknowledge her -she runs back to the side obviously offended, this sends the other driver into a rage.

This is where things get crazy, the two men start screaming obscenities at each other and slowly start to go bumper to bumper side by side, then the driver of the green car accelerates hitting the side of the black merc - this driver feels the hit and accelerates violently -locking the two Benz's side to side with both driver doors pinned to each others bonnet.

As you can imagine quite a crowd has gathered and as the two men continue shouting at each other through open windows (they cant get out through either doors) the crowd in particular the motorcycle taxi guys who are blocked and unable to take their passengers through start to turn on the drivers.

The drivers panic close their windows and start using their phones. The drivers girlfriend is in tears and the crowd and traffic is blocked in four directions.

The police show up and then some guy in a blue safari suit on behalf of the guy in the black mercedes and aggressively tries to get the other car to move but both cars are wedged tightly together.

So about an hour later the police close of the streets and are getting cars to do u-turns freeing up the streets and eventually they manage to tear the cars apart both now with damaged and scratched side panels. The guy in the Black mercedes is whisked away by two more guys in blue safari suits in another car and the other driver is left trying to explain to the police what had happened.

It was hilarious.

The questions I pose-

Is how much bigger can the cars get and how much smaller can the streets be?

Secondly, when two Big men clash -how does one work out who is the most powerful or richest without their bank statements available?

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As Thai culture in this context is always about face---surface presentation at the the peak of showing time. So, as far as I can see, it comes down to:

Who looked better off at the time there was the biggest audience? i.e. police, bystanders, pedestrians, etc.

Was it the guy with the girl passenger ? (She was crying--could of hurt or helped him, depending on how hot she was)

Or how was the showing of the escorts that came in after faired off? Promptness and quickness of the guy with one escort who seemed to be there first is impressive. But you said the other guy had two guys at the seen eventually right?


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It was truly funny, I tried to convey the situation, but I wish I'd had my video camera there to film it-

the expressions on their faces and their arm and fist waving, the looks of anger, frustration, shame and then sheer terror - when you wind up a thai, you just never know when there due to explode

I swore I thought they were both going have heart attacks

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Idiots :D

Only in LOS

Ever hear of "Road Rage" in the u.s.? Where one party often times kills the other just for sake of being the first in line. Where it cuts across all boundries of income and ethnicity. Where they replace the badges with shotguns and baseball bats.

No never :D

Most people would move to let the other through, My comments were based on my experience on thai drivers and so-called hiso people who think they're bettere than everybody else.:D (and yanks) :D:o

Edited by davethailand
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Fine story, thanks for sharing.... and yeah.. too bad no photos.. :o

As for the poll, I place my vote on the black merc driver winning as he left the scene with blue-suited escorts... :D

He'll have his attorney concoct a suitable tale at the station whereas it's possible the green merc driver had to lower himself and go to the station himself... or did he not? Did he leave with the coppers?

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Idiots :D

Only in LOS

Off topic:

Love your new avatar, Dave! :D

Why can't I see it then :o

Wow, that must have been some holiday Dave, even your avatar changed ? Or is that the real you :D

As for the accident, apparently it is becoming common in places like California for drivers to start shooting at other drivers that p*ss them off.

Obviously these guys weren't into showing any of that famous Thai generosity. I'd sentence them both to a month in a temple, chanting and collecting alms every day.

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[He'll have his attorney concoct a suitable tale at the station whereas it's possible the green merc driver had to lower himself and go to the station himself... or did he not? Did he leave with the coppers?

I was in my car and had to move on, didn't see him get taken away

However, I do think you guys are right that the guy in the black merc with the blue safari suited guys was probably someone important, though it didn't seem at the the time - he was acting like a spoilt 2 year old refusing to give up a toy.

This incident wasn't about road rage it was more about one guy believing he had more rights than the other to pass. You see it all the time on the roads - the bigger the car, the more expensive the car, the more badges and club stickers has more right to the road than anybody else and can park anywhere and do as they please

Edited by Bentley 7
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Bentley 7, I believe your question pinpoints the root cause for that.

These two drivers, opposing each other, obviously both believed they are higher in the social status, and that the other one should move. If one of them "knew" he is socially inferior, this could not have happened.

I think the guy who sent his gf out lost in terms of "status" - he took some action to solve the situation whereas the other guy made it clear he intends to have his way. He is the winner - and the more idiotic one as well.

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Who are these mysterious blue safari suited guys?

Thailand's version of Men In Black?

What are these fancy looking badges that you put on your grill and were can I get some?

Maybe Thai Visa could issue us a fancy looking farang Badge for our grills. LOL

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Who are these mysterious blue safari suited guys?

Thailand's version of Men In Black?

What are these fancy looking badges that you put on your grill and were can I get some?

Maybe Thai Visa could issue us a fancy looking farang Badge for our grills. LOL

the badges are military, police and the like... It gets a lot of salutes, but means nothing if you didnt earn them... I know a few guys down here withe them on the front of their Mercs - all for show/face..

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What are these fancy looking badges that you put on your grill and were can I get some?

Many places hand them out to members, from Royal Bangkok Sports Club to RAC, or AA(asking to be breathalised :o )

My car has got one of the above, but I ain't a member.

As for the two hi-so guys in their cars, probably Chinese nouveau riche.

They can't have been that hi-so, or all it would take would be a phone call to there buddy the head of police or govt. minister would send their boys out in a few minutes to sort it out.

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Safari suits are what most people have their oompa lumpas (drivers, messengers, hitmen, etc.) wear.

The guy who gets to go home immediately and take care of the incident with one call to the Phaholyothin Police station (right around the corner)... or more likely whatever general is connected to that station and probably at the Par 3 Driving Range (also nearby) and one call to Viriyah Insurance, is the winner and higher in the social order (at least in this particular one to one engagement).


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Actually.... it is an Asian phenomenon. (I know I may get flamed)

I say the above because I have seen it many time in Taiwan. Truthfully you don't want to anger an Asian, they don't let things go, when they hit the the boiling point. This is why I have always said... I don't care what country you are, you don't want to mess with China.

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Actually....  it is an Asian phenomenon.  (I know I may get flamed)

I say the above because I have seen it many time in Taiwan.  Truthfully you don't want to anger an Asian, they don't let things go, when they hit the the boiling point.  This is why I have always said...  I don't care what country you are, you don't want to mess with China.

So you’ve also seen this in taiwan and thus conclude it’s an asian thing? Are you supporting this bias with the argument that this is all about badges and the prestige of hi-so? Maybe I’m just socially (or plainly) ignorant but to me it’s just two guys jockeying for position… a contest that heated up into violence that can be observed in any traffic congested part of the world. My take is that it’s not hi-so asians but low-IQ, hi-testosterone, and mostly males, with a penchant for fast cars and fast girls.

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Why can't I see it then :o

I wasn't getting it either until I loaded http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/uploads/av-7760.jpg in a seperate window and then hit the refresh button twice. (clearing your cache would have the same effect)

Got it now :D

Got it...?

Yeah but no, but yeah, but no, but yeah.....

totster :D

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"could of"...where did you guys learn english?

England maybe ??? :D

It makes perfect sense to me...although maybe it's " more proper " to say

" could have "

could of been better... could have been better.. same same no ?? :D:o

Edited by johng
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It was hilarious.

The questions I pose-

Is how much bigger can the cars get and how much smaller can the streets be?

Secondly, when two Big men clash -how does one work out who is the most powerful or richest without their bank statements available?

How much bigger can the ego`s get and how much smaller the Brain?? :o

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