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Montenegro Asked To Review Thaksin's Residency

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Montenegro asked to review Thaksin's residency

By Sopaporn Kurz

The Nation


Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya has urged Montenegro to review the legal status and citizenship of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra who is wanted in Bangkok in connection with a number of charges, including terrorism.

Kasit has met for the first time with Montenegro's Foreign Minister Milan Rocen at the Community of Democracies in Krakow, Poland, to make the request about Thaksin.

Community of Democracies is an intergovernmental organisation of democracies and democratising countries which meets every two years.

Kasit said he had explained Thailand's political situation to Rocen and asked him to reconsider and review Thaksin's Montenegrin citizenship and passport.

Thaksin has said he plans to invest in Montenegro but it remains unclear how he obtained citizenship and a passport for the small Balkan country.

"It's Montenegro's sovereign power to issue anyone a passport," said Kasit. "But I have told [Rocen] how difficult it would be for me to explain to the Thai people that [the deal] was not linked to Thai politics."

"Even today the former Thai Prime Minister is still politically active - recently he hired a lobbyist to attack the Thai government. (Montenegro) should be well aware of this movement since it has implications for the Thai government."

According to Kasit, Rocen said he was aware of the situation and did not want the issue to tarnish the country's image as it was also trying to become a member of European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - NATO.

"He said he was pressured both internally and internationally. He was asked about this issue every day," Kasit said. Montenegro was willing to cooperate through Interpol to bring down fugitive Thaksin, he added.

The Montenegrin minister also wanted to strengthen bilateral ties with Thailand, particular on economic issues. Currently, Montenegro is planning to build a seaport that will help link it to Eastern Europe.

Rocen invited Kasit to visit Montenegro and the Thai minister enthusiastically accepted. Kasit plans to take along Thai business people with him.

He has also met with Swedish and Lithuania counterparts, discussing the possibility of economic cooperation with both countries, as well as learning of the Swedish experience in achieving transparency and good governance.

Kasit is in Berlin on Monday and Tuesday to meet with several key cabinet members in Germany, including the foreign minister and minister of Economic Cooperation and Development as well as the minister of Economics and Technologies.


-- The Nation 2010-07-06

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Isn't Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya also alleged to be a terrorist?

I think the case in permanently been delayed in court, until the 10 years time limit is up.

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If I read this and previous statements from this government then Thaksin is not allowed in any country in the world anymore..................Is he now permanently staying in nomans land then.



Given Kasits history of 'story telling' his conversation with Montenegro's Foreign Minister Milan Rocen could have easily amounted to asking where the restroom was. :D

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Can any Thai national apply for and get a Montenegran Passport ?

Or is it only Thais running from justice?

Do Montenegrans visiting/living in Thailand have to do border runs or are they exempt, like the Russians ?



Can any Thai national apply for and get a Montenegran Passport ?

Or is it only Thais running from justice?

Do Montenegrans visiting/living in Thailand have to do border runs or are they exempt, like the Russians ?


Any Thai with a billions dollars may apply.


Can any Thai national apply for and get a Montenegran Passport ?

Or is it only Thais running from justice?

Do Montenegrans visiting/living in Thailand have to do border runs or are they exempt, like the Russians ?


I assume only the Thais (or other nationals) who have a briefcase full of cash and promises of investment (and the financial clouth to back it up) can apply for Montenegrian citizenship...

On the "Russians": what makes you think the Russians don't have to do border runs over here? I can't believe that the Russians are treated any differenly/better than the rest of "us". Can anybody confirm this? Just out of curiosity, so to speak.


Isn't Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya also alleged to be a terrorist?

I think the case in permanently been delayed in court, until the 10 years time limit is up.

Here we go again, K. Rucharee, get your facts right before you type.

- No he hasn't been charged with terrorism

- Just two days ago the police and appropriate authoroties released a progress report in regard to the processing o charges against the PAD members. No it's not permanently delayed.

- Is the time limit 10 years? Are you sure of that? My lawyer doesn't agree with you.


Isn't Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya also alleged to be a terrorist?

I think the case in permanently been delayed in court, until the 10 years time limit is up.

Here we go again, K. Rucharee, get your facts right before you type.

- No he hasn't been charged with terrorism

- Just two days ago the police and appropriate authoroties released a progress report in regard to the processing o charges against the PAD members. No it's not permanently delayed.

- Is the time limit 10 years? Are you sure of that? My lawyer doesn't agree with you.

Can you give a link to the 'progress report'?

And i remember well that Kasit together with a couple of PAD leaders was charged with terrorism by the police. That were the headlines just one year ago in July 2009.


For sure, why not. Montenegro cooperates with Interpol.

But the question is, is there any arrest warrant by Interpol regarding Thaksin?


Can any Thai national apply for and get a Montenegran Passport ?

Or is it only Thais running from justice?

Do Montenegrans visiting/living in Thailand have to do border runs or are they exempt, like the Russians ?


I assume only the Thais (or other nationals) who have a briefcase full of cash and promises of investment (and the financial clouth to back it up) can apply for Montenegrian citizenship...

On the "Russians": what makes you think the Russians don't have to do border runs over here? I can't believe that the Russians are treated any differenly/better than the rest of "us". Can anybody confirm this? Just out of curiosity, so to speak.

I have traveled with hundreds of Russians coming to Thailand. They all appear to go to "Visa on Arrival'" They are handed paperwork on the plane and they have to pay for a 15 day visa.

I have made about 7 visa runs and never once did I see a Russian national on the mini bus or coach I traveled on or any other vehicle at the border crossing.

I did meet a man from Liverpool who told me he had lived in Pattaya for years and he had NEVER done a visa run - Because - he had a Russian friend. He gave 1,000 baht to his friend and his passport and he "got" the visa extension done with the "batch" of Russian ones that were all processed "somewhere"?

I have also "heard" the Russian Govt. paid off the Thai Govt "allegedly" to basically not have to bother their nationals with this "ripoff/waste of time" that the rest have to suffer.

I could be completely wrong and imagined all this.......but since this is basically a "VISA" website - some one might know the real story.....:ph34r:

or have I opened a can of worms on this and started a new thread.....oh god.........:blink:

p.s. I have never seen an Indian national (suit salesman) on a visa run.......


All you have done is to bring to peoples attention, a device (illegal) used in Thailand for the past 2 decades, at least, to eliminate physical departure/return by individuals. It can come back to bite them in the arse, as has happened quite frequently.


Can any Thai national apply for and get a Montenegran Passport ?

Or is it only Thais running from justice?

Do Montenegrans visiting/living in Thailand have to do border runs or are they exempt, like the Russians ?


If you have enough assets, there are many countries in the world that will gladly supply you with a passport, a Nationality, a changed name, valid driving licenses, running bank accounts, credit cards, the lot.

Not really a problem.

For example, € 50,000 can buy you a nationality in a certain European country valid for 10 years.

Yearly premiums are € 2500 to keep it valid.

Guess this amount of cash would not be a problem for a very rich man?


All you have done is to bring to peoples attention, a device (illegal) used in Thailand for the past 2 decades, at least, to eliminate physical departure/return by individuals. It can come back to bite them in the arse, as has happened quite frequently.

As indicated, over the years there have been numerous similar services in operation:

- Carry your pasport and completed p[aperwork across the border, get the visa and hand it all back the next day, passport owner has never left Pattaya or wherever.

- Fake stamps inserted in passport in the backrrom of a shophouse somwhere in Pattaya, neither passport or owner ever left Pattaya.

Many such operations have been closed down, but no doubt someone will start them again at some point in time. This country, like al countries has locals and visitors who can't help themselves in terms of inventing / getting involved scams and such.

Also, many people have been caught with fake stamps in their passport and paid the penalty.

Your claims about the Russian govt., paying off the Thai govt., are about as silly as a wheel on a walking stick.

Any more silly fantasies / inventions to share?


Your claims about the Russian govt., paying off the Thai govt., are about as silly as a wheel on a walking stick.

Any more silly fantasies / inventions to share?

Never shoot the messenger...But if you read all the news reports on this website....any thing is possible...!!!

I was only passing on what I have heard or over heard. ....Pattaya / Thailand is a country full of Buffalos....there is bound to be a lot of B.S. as well.

But still no one has backed up my allegation or refuted it, that Russians do not seem to do border runs ??? Are they all law abiding citizens who return to Mother Russia every 15 days and fly back again......


Your claims about the Russian govt., paying off the Thai govt., are about as silly as a wheel on a walking stick.

Any more silly fantasies / inventions to share?

Never shoot the messenger...But if you read all the news reports on this website....any thing is possible...!!!

I was only passing on what I have heard or over heard. ....Pattaya / Thailand is a country full of Buffalos....there is bound to be a lot of B.S. as well.

But still no one has backed up my allegation or refuted it, that Russians do not seem to do border runs ??? Are they all law abiding citizens who return to Mother Russia every 15 days and fly back again......

1) this thread isn't about Russians or their visas ... all you have done is make an allegation with no facts

2) This thread is also not about "suit salesmen" who most likely are Thai citizens.

This thread IS about Thaksin and Montenegro and even Kasit. I am currently unaware of an official request by the Thai government for an arrest warrant to be issued by Interpol. I am also fairly certain that Montenegro does not extradite Montenegrans to be tried outside of their country (it is in their constitution) so any request to Interpol would be useless unless they revoke Thaksin's citizenship (Montenegro) other than restricting his travel outside of Montenegro in the West.


I'm fed up with people who can't be bothered to refer to people by proper names and refer to them by nicknames that they make up. I've given up and now will just delete such posts.


Isn't Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya also alleged to be a terrorist?

I think the case in permanently been delayed in court, until the 10 years time limit is up.

Here we go again, K. Rucharee, get your facts right before you type.

- No he hasn't been charged with terrorism

- Just two days ago the police and appropriate authoroties released a progress report in regard to the processing o charges against the PAD members. No it's not permanently delayed.

- Is the time limit 10 years? Are you sure of that? My lawyer doesn't agree with you.

Can you give a link to the 'progress report'?

And i remember well that Kasit together with a couple of PAD leaders was charged with terrorism by the police. That were the headlines just one year ago in July 2009.

Scorecard, I have to agree with Kissdani.


In addition to Montenegro:

12 May 2009

In response to news that Thaksin had obtained a Montenegrin passport, managing director of the Network for Affirmation of the Non-governmental Sector, Vanja Calovic, contacted the Transparency International Organization to protest against the move.

European NGOs have demanded that Montenegro’s interior ministry reveal the details of the issuance of the passport as well as Thaksin’s qualifications for receiving it. They claim he is not eligible for a Montenegrin passport because he does not have Montenegrin citizenship.

TAN Network


AND Nicaragua:

22 April 2009

The Nicaraguan opposition party warns its president that issuing a diplomatic passport to Thai fugitive former PM, Thaksin Shinawatra, may be against the country's laws. Meanwhile, the vice president of Nicaragua denies any prior knowledge of the issue.

TAN Network


We can now add Uganda to the ever-growing lists of countries that he causes turmoil in:

07 July 2010

The Independent / Kampala, Uganda

Internal Affairs pressed to explain Thaksin Passport

Parliament has directed the Ministry of Internal Affairs to explain the procedure followed by government in issuing diplomatic passports.

The directive was issued by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Stephen Kagoda on Wednesday morning. Kagoda and a team of technocrats were appearing before the committee to answer queries raised by the Auditor General in reports for the financial years 2007/08 and 2008/09.

Calls for an explanation followed the failure by officials of the Ministry to explain the circumstances under which a Ugandan woman, Anne Birungi Bisaso, alias Gillian Kiconco, who was arrested at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya with narcotics worth Shs.2.2 billion shillings, obtained two passports.

Kagoda explained that the ministry has not yet instituted biometric technology in the passport office. This, he said, would have helped avert possible allocation of two passports to the same person.

Kagoda however could not explain how the former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, a diplomatic passport in the names of Takki Shinegra.

Allegations about Shinawatra’s passport were first made by Thailand’s foreign Affairs Minister, Panich Vikitsreth in December last year. Government promptly denied the allegations then, but not on this occasion.

“We still need a mechanism to ensure that certain people don’t access certain facilities” he said.




You know it could be a walk on a thin ice of you come up with the arguments of all these anti-government activists in foreign countries. Better stick to the mantra a government cannot do wrong. :whistling:

Btw. These passports in the name of "Takki Shinegra", is that an establised and proven fact or just a rumor? In case of the latter it is indeed difficult to explain for the foreign authorities how it comes to something what probably don't exist at all. And it is also not a surprise that such ridiculous claim get ignored with no comment. For diplomatic reasons, any other reply would have to state that the Thai FM is gaga. B)


I'm fed up with people who can't be bothered to refer to people by proper names and refer to them by nicknames that they make up. I've given up and now will just delete such posts.

It should be somehow clarified how the TVF member should handle a statement by the Thai Vice foreign minister Panich Vikitsreth.

According to Panich, Thaksin holds a montenegin passport in the name of Takki Shinegra.

So in a discussion about a citizen of Montenegro, who was once a Thai PM, the use the name 'Takki' is not something that the TVF members make up, but a sign that they attentively follow the news.


Thaksin's new name : Takki Shinegra

Runaway ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra has used new name in his passports issued by some African countries, Thai Vice foreign minister Panich Vikitsreth said Wednesday.

Thaksin's name in passports issued by Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro has been changed to "Takki Shinegra," he said.

The Thai government has revoked Thaksin's diplomatic passport issued during his premiership. He was believed to have an ordinary Thai passport. Some African countries have issued him a special passport to facilitate his travels and his visit to the countries.

Panich said Thaksin's new name may cause problem for Thailand's attempt to bring him back to face two-year jail term on charge of corruption.

"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


Nicaragua and Montenegro are not African countries, something what a Vice foreign minister should know, but this part probably have gone wrong during translation.


MPs query how Thai leader got passport

Posted Thursday, July 8 2010 at 13:17

Daily Monitor / Uganda

A parliamentary watchdog committee is investigating circumstances under which Uganda allegedly issued a diplomatic passport to fugitive former Thailand Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who is wanted over corruption charges in his country.

To conceal his identity, the lawmakers on the Public Account Committee heard from a whistleblower that Mr Thaksin Shinawatra changed his name to Takki Shinegra.

The revelation came as PAC grilled the Internal Affairs Permanent Secretary, Dr Steven Kagoda on the continued misuse of diplomatic passports.

Mr Nandala Mafabi, the PAC chairman, told reporters that a whistleblower, whom he refused to name because of the sensitivity of the matter, told the committee: “The government issued a diplomatic passport to Mr Shinawatra as a way of enticing him to invest here.”

Mr Shinawatra owns Go-lotto, a lottery firm.

“The former Thai premier is not even a citizen of this country,” Mr Mafabi said, adding,” This is a confirmation on how officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are abusing these passports.”

In what appears to be a simmering diplomatic row, the committee heard that the Thai vice foreign Minister, Panich Vikitsreth in November protested the move by the government to issue a diplomatic passport to Mr Shinawatra who is wanted on corruption charges.

In his response, Dr Kagoda denied knowledge of Mr Shinawatra but said his ministry would investigate the matter.

“We don’t want any diplomatic row with Thailand; this is a matter I am going to investigate.”



Uganda gave ousted Thai PM illegal passport: MP

KAMPALA, July 9, 2010 (AFP) - A Ugandan lawmaker conducting an inquiry into fraudulent migration documents told AFP Friday he has evidence Uganda illegally issued a diplomatic passport to former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

In a written reply obtained by the lawmaker Friday, Uganda's internal affairs minister refused to comment on the allegation.

"We have asked about the former Thai prime minister. This person is a (wanted) person in his country," Nathan Nandala-Mafabi, the opposition lawmaker chairing the inquiry told AFP.

"We had a tip. Someone gave us information that this man (Thaksin) had a passport. And now we have got a letter. The minister is saying he cannot give (information) concerning that passport. I think that is wrong."

During questioning on Wednesday, lawmakers asked Stephen Kagoda, Permanent Secretary at Internal Affairs, about the Thaksin allegations.

Kagoda said he had no information about the issue and promised to reply.

Kagoda's boss, Internal Affairs Minister Kirunda Kivejinja, subsequently responded in writing.

"The permanent secretary drew my attention to the instructions your committee gave requiring the permanent secretary to hand over certain documents relating to operational details in the ministry, most especially some people's application for passports," Kivejinja wrote.

"We are of the view that operational issues ... can best be handled by the sessional committee that oversees our day to day operations. In view of this, I propose that you review the matter," the letter further said.

Mafabi termed the reply unsatisfactory and suspicious, but said he had no notion as to why Uganda would issue Thaksin a diplomatic passport.

Thaksin, a self-made tycoon turned prime minister, was deposed by the army in 2006. He lives in self-imposed exile to avoid prison on corruption charges he contends are politically motivated.

In an interview to the Times of London in 2009, Thaksin said he has 10 goldmines as well as lottery licences in Uganda.

Bangkok has accused Thaksin of bankrolling protests and inciting unrest in the capital, while a Thai court has approved a warrant for his arrest on terrorism charges.


  • 1 month later...

Thaksin has said he plans to invest in Montenegro but it remains unclear how he obtained citizenship and a passport for the small Balkan country.

Montenegro: Citizenship for businessmen who invest more than €500,000 in tiny Adriatic country

Candian Press

August 11, 2010

Montenegro will offer its citizenship to wealthy businessmen who invest more than €500,000 in the tiny Adriatic country, the government said Tuesday.

The so-called "economic citizenship program" is designed to attract leading world businessmen into moving their companies to Montenegro, small Balkan country of just over 600,000 people, said a government statement posted on the official website.

As Montenegrin citizens, international businessmen would enjoy benefits such as lower taxes and costs for their companies.

Montenegro is the first country in the region to introduce such a program, and thus hopes to lure more investors than other Balkan nations, the statement said. The move underscores Montenegro's openness to foreign investment, it added.

Tiny Montenegro became independent in 2006 after splitting from Serbia, and is now seeking membership in the European Union. Montenegro saw a major surge in foreign investment — mostly from Russia — immediately after the independence, but this has recently slowed down due to global economic crisis.

Montenegro already has granted citizenship to former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who fled corruption charges at home and who has promised to invest in Montenegrin tourism. The government has argued that there has been no international arrest warrant for Thaksin.

Apparently seeking to avert fears of possible abuse, the government said that only businessmen with "indisputable and credible biography and financial means" can apply.

It said that "all applicants will be checked according to most strict international standards" and in consultation with international advisers.



The so-called "economic citizenship program" is designed to attract leading world businessmen into moving their companies to Montenegro, small Balkan country of just over 600,000 people, said a government statement posted on the official website.

As Montenegrin citizens, international businessmen would enjoy benefits such as lower taxes and costs for their companies.

"economic citizenship program" = The Montenegro Elite Card, Deluxe Version


Any guesses who instigated this program with a nice cash stipend to someone?

Elite businessmen... well that certainly fits Thaksin's preferred lifestyle,

but won't his acolytes be annoyed he is called elite now?

  • 3 weeks later...

Kasit expected to talk about Thaksin with Montenegro

By Marisa Chimprabha

Podgorica, Montenegro

Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya will meet on Monday Montenegro's high ranking officials including president and prime minister in a bid to boost the bilateral cooperation and relations.

One of the topics expected to be raised when they meet in the capital of Podgorica is about runaway ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra who is holding Montenegrin citizenship.

Thaksin was given the citizenship reportedly because he was investing in construction of hotel in seaside Budva city of Montenegro.



-- The Nation 2010-08-30


Kasit expected to talk about Thaksin with Montenegro

By Marisa Chimprabha

Podgorica, Montenegro

Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya will meet on Monday Montenegro's high ranking officials including president and prime minister in a bid to boost the bilateral cooperation and relations.

One of the topics expected to be raised when they meet in the capital of Podgorica is about runaway ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra who is holding Montenegrin citizenship.

Thaksin was given the citizenship reportedly because he was investing in construction of hotel in seaside Budva city of Montenegro.




-- The Nation 2010-08-30

"On Monday Kasit will meet in separate meetings Montenegro's President Filip Vujanovice, Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic and Economic Minister Branko Vujovic."


I recall some members calling the top of the Montenegro Government gangsters and mafioso. Guess who's paying them a visit now, trying to improve trade between the 2 countries and speak about some other "topics" :whistling:

What a world.



Scorecard, this is a little dated, however,

Police issued the summonses to leading members of the People's Alliance for Democracy, including the Foreign Minister, Kasit Piromya, who is also a former member of the alliance, police Lieutenant-General Wuthi Puavej said on Saturday.

The summonses were "against people who were involved with the closure of Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports for the charges of illegal assembly, invasion, breaches of aviation law and terrorism," General Wuthi said.

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