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Jakrapob Penkair Interview


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Red Shirts now coordinated from outside Thailand

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast: 30/07/2010

Reporter: Zoe Daniel

Senior Red Shirts figure Jakrapob Penkair says international donors are now funding the campaign for a change of Thai government.

LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: A senior leader of Thailand's Red Shirt protest movement has told Lateline that international donors are now funding its campaign for a change of government.

Jakropob Penkair also says the former prime minister and billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra is considering ending his involvement with the movement.

Mr Penkair spoke to the ABC from a secret location outside Thailand because he's on the run from arrest.

South-east Asia correspondent Zoe Daniel reports.

ZOE DANIEL, REPORTER: In Bangkok, authorities sift through evidence after yet another explosion. Twice this week, small devices have gone off in the city, one man is dead, at least nine hurt.

It's a reflection of simmering political unrest that's gone underground since anti-government Red Shirt protests were dispersed by the army in May.

Jakropob Penkair is one of those pulling the strings from afar. A former right-hand man to exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, he's been on the run himself since last year to avoid arrest for anti-Government political activity and alleged criticism of the revered monarchy.

Speaking to the ABC in a secret location outside Thailand he vows that he's not behind the violence, but he was playing a co-ordinating role during the civil unrest and remains involved.

JAKROPOB PENKAIR, RED SHIRTS LEADER: Yes, we have had a group that help with the advice, with the suggestions, to the leaders at the stage at the rally.

ZOE DANIEL: Do you think the suggestions you made were the right ones, now that we've seen how things unfolded?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: It was not about the right and wrong of the advice, it's about the disorganisation of the mass rally. I believe that it came to the point that the leaders on-stage had become less vigorous than the people who joined the rally.

ZOE DANIEL: They'd lost control of the group?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: I think so. The crackdowns on April and May this year was brutal, inhumane, but expected.

ZOE DANIEL: You say that the crackdown was brutal and inhumane, but the weapons weren't only on the government side, were they? You accept that?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: I accepted that, but I would not accept the Government's version that there was any organised uprising against them.

ZOE DANIEL: That may to be case, although - well we did see a number of grenade attacks, we do know that there was an element of the Red Shirt movement that was more heavily armed than the way that you suggest, and even since the protests, we've seen a number of bombings, one quite recent, in Bangkok. Who's co-ordinating that?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: We don't know.

ZOE DANIEL: Not you?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: And I could say it is not me, and it's not ...

ZOE DANIEL: You're not co-ordinating any sort of armed uprising?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: No. It's not anyone related to us at all.

ZOE DANIEL: Jakropob Penkair claims he'd be killed if he returned to Thailand. He's in exile and the other Red Shirt leaders are in jail or hiding as well. He also says that former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra may leave the movement altogether, so how can it achieve the change that it wants?

It's still a stalemate position.


ZOE DANIEL: You're not talking. There's no option for reconciliation. Where is Mr Thaksin in all of this in terms of being involved in the day-to-day strategy of the movement?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: Yes, I would say that he's still in the picture. He remains a strong symbol to our movement. But he's pondering the next steps and that would be for him more than for the movement.

ZOE DANIEL: What do you mean?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: I think that he is re-evaluating whether or not that it is a fight worth fighting.




JAKROPOB PENKAIR: I couldn't say for him. I haven't worked with him closely enough to say that, but I think that people in the movement, Kun Thaksin included, have the right to reposition themselves. That's all I can say.

ZOE DANIEL: You think he might decide to bow out, take a back seat?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: I wouldn't say that, but I think that he has the right to be pondering about it.

ZOE DANIEL: Where would that leave the movement if the rank and file of the movement lost their symbolic leader?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: The confronting issue is that how the movement would get its support. And in the past year it proves that its support could come from elsewhere. It doesn't have to come from Kun Thaksin and his family or his assigned people.

ZOE DANIEL: Are you talking money now?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: Talking money, talking about the safe place to stay, talking about the co-operation of respective government in the countries that we visit or stay - all those things.

We have been receiving, in a more natural way than before - in other words, we have had such a controlled system before, and then it's quite a relief to see that in the past year, there are a lot more universal support too of course, but we have the duty to make it clearer to the people out there, especially foreigners.

ZOE DANIEL: So, you're saying that others are donating financially to the cause to keep you going?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: Yes. Yes, they have.

ZOE DANIEL: Internationally as well as Thais?

JAKROPOB PENKAIR: Especially internationally.

ZOE DANIEL: Jakropob Penkair, thanks for your time.

LEIGH SALES: Zoe Daniel, out South Asia correspondent there.

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What a load of nonsense. This is more " Dan the Man" reporting, in depth from the lounge room . To create publicity he calls a Red friendly reporter and gets some mileage.

If Jakraprob was interested in peace the Reds could contest the election. As far as I know this guy is (a) not elected in any way other than being a spokeperson for Thaksin and ( B) sitting in a well known resort in Cambodia by choice. He could contest the charge.

The Reds have always been funded from outside, look at Thaksins own words for proof, he stated the Reds have up to 1.0 million members so work the cash flow out.

Dear Red friendly reporter, why do you forget about getting a view from the majority in Thailand. As another reported commented today, the Reds were allowed to hold their biased exhibition without interference. What freedoms is it that "the Red's are lacking. Try that approach with Hugo Chavez and see who comes to visit the exhibition.

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Jakrapob is as red as it comes.

He is happy to see something resembling a Long March to a red society

whether Thaksin is boss or not. He and Weng are the same side of a red coin

their outdated post Maoist doctrines are anathema for most of the world.

Sure he can't take credit for Thaksin's maneuverings, because he is more

worker bee of convenience for Thaksin. and being 'on the run' limits his effectiveness.

So this is more an effort to raise his profile again.

When we take the pronouncements, from safe haven, of ideological zealots as if

they are worth the news print they are repeated on, we let them get a touch more

glow to their lackluster image as real leaders, and more often than not give them

a toe hold in controlling the already converted.

But let them talk, notice his words are not banned or prevented from dissemination.

This shows that one of their corners stone reasons of fighting the government as

being censorship, is a moot point. Well guess what ? We read his words and note

he can get them out to us. Mostly because he does NOT incite further violence with

those words. He tries to distance himself from it, noting it's general bad image, with

some small success. He can blather on, in hopes of a high position later, if his

pet revolution ever takes hold. But his past over reaches in words and deeds have

made him marginalized, and he should stay there.

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So what international powers are giving money to the reds? That would be VERY interesting. If they are indeed Maoists, that may give a clue.

Possibly not a government, but powerful individuals, and it would be equally interesting to understand what they are being promised in return should they succeed.

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There were rumours before I remember of Russians lemdin mr t monies and it's been theorised that in return after his return to power that consessions on the oil and natural gas resourses off Thailand cost would be forthcoming.

Perhaps also Arabs looking for change of land ownership laws so they can buy up farmland so as to gain a degree of food security.

In this article jakrapob has basically just admitted that the reds are mercenries fighting their own country for the economic interests of foriegners; traitors; keep talking please, the more your real reasons are exoposed the more people will turn against you

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Jakrapod Penkair is a wealthy individual, and hardly a socialist in his personal actions,

I remember well his complaints concerning the school (of which I was head of the English programme) which was some 100 metres from his home on Phattanakarn road and the noise its students generated at the morning flag ceremony and sports activities etc. which sadly it seemed disturbed his and his guests peace at all hours as well as their sleep and breakfast times too.

PenkaIr sent a nice blond male German friend to a meeting at the school to complain about the noise, the local authority had actually backed the school up and dismissed Penkairs claims.

I actually met the fellow Penkair on one occasion and he was probably the most odious person I have ever met, the room just wasn't big enough for Penkair and his ego.

He is a carbon copy of Goebbels with regards to his pomposity and beliefs a typical short person with a big chip on his shoulders and an overblown ego.

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Jakrapod Penkair is a wealthy individual, and hardly a socialist in his personal actions,

I remember well his complaints concerning the school (of which I was head of the English programme) which was some 100 metres from his home on Phattanakarn road and the noise its students generated at the morning flag ceremony and sports activities etc. which sadly it seemed disturbed his and his guests peace at all hours as well as their sleep and breakfast times too.

PenkaIr sent a nice blond male German friend to a meeting at the school to complain about the noise, the local authority had actually backed the school up and dismissed Penkairs claims.

I actually met the fellow Penkair on one occasion and he was probably the most odious person I have ever met, the room just wasn't big enough for Penkair and his ego.

He is a carbon copy of Goebbels with regards to his pomposity and beliefs a typical short person with a big chip on his shoulders and an overblown ego.

I wonder how JJ, as he is known to his many detractors,( เจ๊ (Jae) is Chinese for older sister)is enjoying his stay in Cambodia. His preferences are certainly at odds with the hard reds of Chiang Mai who would run him out of town.

The interview doesn't give much away but I can't recall seeing a live picture, ie phone-in, of Thaksin for a long time. Perhaps he's pondering giving up as JJ says, because of cancer.

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Jakrapod Penkair is a wealthy individual, and hardly a socialist in his personal actions,

I remember well his complaints concerning the school (of which I was head of the English programme) which was some 100 metres from his home on Phattanakarn road and the noise its students generated at the morning flag ceremony and sports activities etc. which sadly it seemed disturbed his and his guests peace at all hours as well as their sleep and breakfast times too.

PenkaIr sent a nice blond male German friend to a meeting at the school to complain about the noise, the local authority had actually backed the school up and dismissed Penkairs claims.

I actually met the fellow Penkair on one occasion and he was probably the most odious person I have ever met, the room just wasn't big enough for Penkair and his ego.

He is a carbon copy of Goebbels with regards to his pomposity and beliefs a typical short person with a big chip on his shoulders and an overblown ego.

Yes fits all the descriptions of those I know who have personally encountered him.

Jack off a rabbit bob; man among equals, but clearly, preferring to be the Uber Equal among men,

and/or rearily, the over lord of boyish men. Hypocracy of Red philosopher coupled to decadent, narcissistic capitalist.

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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Edited by jayboy
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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Not at all homophobic. So don't bother trying that line.

I have friends of all persuasions EXCEPT those who are abusive to

others in life and their sex lives. His general rep also includes not so

nice references to his abusive preferences with much younger men.

So I did make one edit to boyish men to lessen misunderstanding by others,

you will always misunderstand as fits your pattern.

To each his own, if hypocrisy and abuse is not a component.

Goebbels: man you really try to push the buttons.

But not biting on your provocation; som nom na.

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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Not at all homophobic. So don't bother trying that line.

I have friends of all persuasions EXCEPT those who are abusive to

others in life and their sex lives. His general rep also includes not so

nice references to his abusive preferences with much younger men.

Whether your disgraceful post is homophobic for others to judge, not you.And don't try that some of my best friends are gay tired old line.

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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Not at all homophobic. So don't bother trying that line.

I have friends of all persuasions EXCEPT those who are abusive to

others in life and their sex lives. His general rep also includes not so

nice references to his abusive preferences with much younger men.

Whether your disgraceful post is homophobic for others to judge, not you.And don't try that some of my best friends are gay tired old line.

Tyrants are as tyrants do. He fits the description on many levels.

Just glad he doesn't have power here.

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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Not at all homophobic. So don't bother trying that line.

I have friends of all persuasions EXCEPT those who are abusive to

others in life and their sex lives. His general rep also includes not so

nice references to his abusive preferences with much younger men.

Whether your disgraceful post is homophobic for others to judge, not you.And don't try that some of my best friends are gay tired old line.

Is it just my view on this forum or is Jayboy confusing post authors here?

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samran' post='3788280' the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Not at all homophobic. So don't bother trying that line.

I have friends of all persuasions EXCEPT those who are abusive to

others in life and their sex lives. His general rep also includes not so

nice references to his abusive preferences with much younger men.

Whether your disgraceful post is homophobic for others to judge, not you.And don't try that some of my best friends are gay tired old line.

Is it just my view on this forum or is Jayboy confusing post authors here?

Maybe just confused and wenging on?

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This thread is being moderated and I would suggest that you stick to the content of the post and not comments on the poster. Unless, of course, you want a posting holiday. Please review the rules.

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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

You post

"The vicious homophobia is quite typical. "

Quite typical of what. It was simply statements of facts I see no fear there.

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One finds it difficult to comprehend the comments being made by some posters regarding Penkair, I have seen no homophobic rants with reference to Penkair.

References to his double standards which has already been said, '' is at variance with the Red Shirt brigade ideology in Chang Mai,'' indeed that was mentioned.

Possibly this is a course of action being taken to divert the spotlight away from the devious methods that Thaksin and his allies are instigating in order to try yet again to turn Thailand into their own personal vassal state their own thiefdom, or should that read fiefdom one wonders ?

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I would be quite intetested in knowing what funded by international donors means. If it means foreign individuals or powers are funding an oprganization that burnt, intimidated, bombed and killed with scant regard for the human rights of ordinary people that would be quite interesting to say the least.

Pretty poor puff piece journalistically but that is all you can expect of journos these days. Im sure there are many more questions even we could have thought of asking - particularly related to the usual failure to accept responsibility for violence - than these inane ones that just allowed a rather bland Jakrapob speech to go to print.

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If indeed as J P says the reds are being funded by overseas interests, other than Mr T, then they would have to be looking at that funding as an investment.

Wonder what they have been promised as a return on that investment and by who?

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If indeed as J P says the reds are being funded by overseas interests, other than Mr T, then they would have to be looking at that funding as an investment.

Wonder what they have been promised as a return on that investment and by who?

And the government could be looking at it as an act of war

from a foreign power or multi-national company registered on one.

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TS has shown us three things about himself:

he (and his family members) have incredible wealth

he is enormously clever, and

he is a morally bankrupt sociopath

Love him or hate him, there is nothing is is not capable of.

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the guy is slime. The Goebbels comparison is spot on.

Yes, thanks for making that thoughtful and well argued point.For those who actually have read deeply about Nazi Germany the post immediately above from Animatic is actually spot on for the style of Goebbels, unnervingly so actually.The vicious homophobia is quite typical.

Not at all homophobic. So don't bother trying that line.

I have friends of all persuasions EXCEPT those who are abusive to

others in life and their sex lives. His general rep also includes not so

nice references to his abusive preferences with much younger men.

Whether your disgraceful post is homophobic for others to judge, not you.And don't try that some of my best friends are gay tired old line.

Your friends the Reds make an unwritten policy of homophobia, don't they? Trying to stop gay pride activities in Chiang Mai, constantly denouncing Abhisit at a toot (fag). Most Reds are so homophobic they don't even realise JJ belongs to an orientatiin they despise and abuse.

BTW I don't see anything homophobic in animatic's remarks. Your imagination/prejudice is working overtime, I believe.

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