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Accidental Marriage Visa

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OK.. little long story but here go's

I have a one year visa and it was a former business friend who helped me get it... His idea was that he would temporarly sign me in to his company limited... with this paperwork I went to the thai immigration in Kuala Lumpur and got a 3 month Non B visa.. now this was at a time where i knew nothing about Thailand and let him handle everything..

after i got the Non B visa and it almost expires I gave him my passport and he had a thai friend who would get me a 1 year visa... and i did.. i got a big stamp in my passport and says i have to leave the Kingdom 1 year later and a bunch of thai things.. he told me just go to the immigration every 90 days and report... A little worried that it was genuine i was nervous going to the Phuket immigration after 90 days but no problem there.. gave me a new white paper and a new date 90 days later when i have to report again..

now the amazing part... a thai friend happend to look at may passport and asked me : are you married ? because you have a marriage visa blink.gif as i am not married (at least not that i know of) I am a little amazed

does this mean that according to the thai immigration I'm married? because i never signed or attended anything.. now for me its not such a big problem but i just moved to Bangkok and my second 90 report day is coming up and im a little worried.. what's going to happen or what could happen... does this stamp mean that some women in thailand might signed something and that according to the law im married or I just have the visa.. What I was told is that e certain high person in the thai immigration was paid to get me the visa because I did pay a certain amount of money for it and they passed it....

but now Im worried that what happens when they ask me about a wife (name) or when my visa expires

anyone can advise me on what my next step should be..? just go report again on the 90 days date?

and also does it matter that my previous report was in Phuket and now in BKK? or is it better to go to phuket as the last time they just cleared me...

PS my friend is out off LOS now and will be back in a month and i only have his thai number so i can't contact him at the moment

any serious advice is appreciated

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You appear to be here on a falsely obtained extension of stay stamp and could be arrested at any time if your friends reading is correct. However believe such stamps are normally stamped in English as to the reason, Thai wife, at most locations so you might want to obtain another translation.

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If you have paid more for your extension than the regular 1,900 Baht then you probably have a "bought" extension of stay which has probably not been entered into the Immigration computer system. BIG PROBLEM for you if found out!!!

If this is the case I would leave Thailand a.s.a.p WITHOUT a re-entry permit (this will kill your current extension) and obtain any kind of new visa for which you may qualify in a country nearby.

Come back to Thailand and start again.

Lop: in the past I had many stamps where the "Thai wife" was written in Thai script, and this here in BKK (Suan Pluh), so up-country this may not be strange.


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If you have paid more for your extension than the regular 1,900 Baht then you probably have a "bought" extension of stay which has probably not been entered into the Immigration computer system. BIG PROBLEM for you if found out!!!

If this is the case I would leave Thailand a.s.a.p WITHOUT a re-entry permit (this will kill your current extension) and obtain any kind of new visa for which you may qualify in a country nearby.

Come back to Thailand and start again.

Lop: in the past I had many stamps where the "Thai wife" was written in Thai script, and this here in BKK (Suan Pluh), so up-country this may not be strange.


well yes this seems to be the case I ''bought'' my extension... but im probably not the first lets be honest..rolleyes.gif it was a possibility and i took it at the time.. i thought it was normal... and i have paid a descent amount off money for it and was told it will be registered in the system ( I semi trust the people i used for this)

Now i have been to the immigration already to report once.... he went to a computer and checked something out and cleared me....

so i know its not just a stamp...what i didn't know is that i had a marriage visa thats what worries me more..!!! can they ask me about my so called wife or something like that.. how is it possible i wound up with a marriage stamp and what does this mean down the line ?

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If you have paid more for your extension than the regular 1,900 Baht then you probably have a "bought" extension of stay which has probably not been entered into the Immigration computer system. BIG PROBLEM for you if found out!!!

If this is the case I would leave Thailand a.s.a.p WITHOUT a re-entry permit (this will kill your current extension) and obtain any kind of new visa for which you may qualify in a country nearby.

Come back to Thailand and start again.

Lop: in the past I had many stamps where the "Thai wife" was written in Thai script, and this here in BKK (Suan Pluh), so up-country this may not be strange.


well yes this seems to be the case I ''bought'' my extension... but im probably not the first lets be honest..rolleyes.gif it was a possibility and i took it at the time.. i thought it was normal... and i have paid a descent amount off money for it and was told it will be registered in the system ( I semi trust the people i used for this)

Now i have been to the immigration already to report once.... he went to a computer and checked something out and cleared me....

so i know its not just a stamp...what i didn't know is that i had a marriage visa thats what worries me more..!!! can they ask me about my so called wife or something like that.. how is it possible i wound up with a marriage stamp and what does this mean down the line ?

When I got my marriage visa, the immigration officer actually came to the house to check with the neighbours that we lived here. In fact three guys came!!!!!!!

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seems i took a big risk and still am at riskannoyed.gif

but the fact that i bought my extension doesn't mean its not registerd in their system right? its amazing what a resent amount off tea money can do in this countrywhistling.gif it was not a little and as i have been told it was paid to the right people.....maybe not legal but hey with no disrespect but This Is Thailand

doesn't the fact that i have reported before at immigration mean anything..? i mean they cleared me before..?

i just want to know what else the stamp means besides me having a 1 year visa and supposed to have a thai wife...

can i expect to to show marriage papers in the future or something

if i have to start over again i will... but at this point i dont want to just make that decision and flee if there is no problem..

maybe consult a lawyer?

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I have not done Thai wife recently but 5 years ago it was in English here in Bangkok for me. And retirement has also always been in English.

Even if visa is entered in computer at some point those who issue are found out and then the back track begins. It is not accepted policy to obtain extensions of stay in such a manner and you are taking the risk.

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Sounds Dodgy , i would leave then destroy your passport and apply for a new one , as i take it thats where they put the visa stamp right ? maybe im wrong ? is it a seperate document ? , if it is there then (lose your passport) go to the embassy and order a replacement , reapply for the visa properly ,

Good Luck

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Yeah that's right, if you do your Bangkok report, you'll likely have immi dudes come to your residence looking for wedding pics, your wife and such. Man you're in a bind man. I would do exactly what Opalhort said to do unless you are completely nuts

immigration people come to your house for a 90 day report blink.gif sorry this seems like scaremongering.. maybe they do that when you apply for a marriage visa to check it out but not for a 90 day report.! I understand that you guys trying to help and i know the situation is not so smart... but u still have to admit that the fact that they cleared me last time means something right? no questions NOTHING just a smile and see you in 90 days

maybe destroying my passport is an option and with my new passport apply properly but that means that only the stamp in my passport is the item that counts and it seems to be legit

it says: phra nakhon si ayutthaya immigration and above that something in thai wich i was told says thai wife

im trying to reach my contact at the moment and hope he will clear this for me.. sucks that i have to whait

has any one here on marriage visa ever had immigration check up on stuff after getting a marriage visa (so not when apply but with reporting)

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Yeah that's right, if you do your Bangkok report, you'll likely have immi dudes come to your residence looking for wedding pics, your wife and such. Man you're in a bind man. I would do exactly what Opalhort said to do unless you are completely nuts

immigration people come to your house for a 90 day report blink.gif sorry this seems like scaremongering.. maybe they do that when you apply for a marriage visa to check it out but not for a 90 day report.! I understand that you guys trying to help and i know the situation is not so smart... but u still have to admit that the fact that they cleared me last time means something right? no questions NOTHING just a smile and see you in 90 days

maybe destroying my passport is an option and with my new passport apply properly but that means that only the stamp in my passport is the item that counts and it seems to be legit

it says: phra nakhon si ayutthaya immigration and above that something in thai wich i was told says thai wife

im trying to reach my contact at the moment and hope he will clear this for me.. sucks that i have to whait

has any one here on marriage visa ever had immigration check up on stuff after getting a marriage visa (so not when apply but with reporting)

surely if you destroy passport and get replacement when you go embassy or immigration to sort out visa they will check computer and see you was on a marriage visa so they would re issue marriage visa and this is where they might ask for proof off marriage. yes or no

so better option would be to leave country and get completely new visa. just my thoughts

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surely if you destroy passport and get replacement when you go embassy or immigration to sort out visa they will check computer and see you was on a marriage visa so they would re issue marriage visa and this is where they might ask for proof off marriage. yes or no

so better option would be to leave country and get completely new visa. just my thoughts

I'm not sure if that's right, with respect. Say if a fella' gets divorced and then applies for a new visa. It would not matter that he had previous used a spouse-visa, and I don't think this particular case is necessarily different. I would think it best if the OP gets advice from a visa lawyer. There is one on Silom Road in ITF Tower, if Google'd for. A quick telephone call would be all that's needed.

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Yeah that's right, if you do your Bangkok report, you'll likely have immi dudes come to your residence looking for wedding pics, your wife and such. Man you're in a bind man. I would do exactly what Opalhort said to do unless you are completely nuts

immigration people come to your house for a 90 day report blink.gif sorry this seems like scaremongering.. maybe they do that when you apply for a marriage visa to check it out but not for a 90 day report.! I understand that you guys trying to help and i know the situation is not so smart... but u still have to admit that the fact that they cleared me last time means something right? no questions NOTHING just a smile and see you in 90 days

maybe destroying my passport is an option and with my new passport apply properly but that means that only the stamp in my passport is the item that counts and it seems to be legit

it says: phra nakhon si ayutthaya immigration and above that something in thai wich i was told says thai wife

im trying to reach my contact at the moment and hope he will clear this for me.. sucks that i have to whait

has any one here on marriage visa ever had immigration check up on stuff after getting a marriage visa (so not when apply but with reporting)

If you stayed in Phuket to do your 90 day report I would be suprised it anyone at Immigration did any further investigation. Unless the issuing officer has been caught handing out fake Visas of course.

Reporting at another office, particularly one which considered itself above the issuing office, MAY be a different matter. Officers at the Bangkok office may be more dilligent in an effort to impress or have differing office politics where the issuing officer has no seniority power.

Has anyone been in a similar situation where a problem has occurred, which had not happened before, due to a change of reporting venue?

If in doubt get fresh documents and Visa.

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Look I take it you can't read Thai. How do you know it states 'for reasons of married to a Thai' on it? Just beause a Thai reader assumed that to be the case from reading your visa stamp? Why not post a scan of it here - with the number smudged out - and we an read it for you. There are plenty of reasons for and 'O' visa, so may not be the reason you have been told it is.

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This is an extension of stay and there are not many reasons for that to be issued. Plus you are are not allowed to obtain an extension of stay unless you live in the area served for the last two years; so this is obviously fake/illegally obtained. That one 90 day report was made without an issue does not mean that the next will be. Total computerization is a mater of weeks and expect such activity will be actively investigated. Poster has engaged in totally illegal activity and is in possession of illegal immigration stamps in his passport and has been overstay since his original visa entry expired. Am not sure what he expects to learn by talking with those who took him down this path but he can be sure it will be about as legally binding as the stamps in his passport.

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DON'T confuse the 90 day reporting you do with the type of visa extension you have.

The people in the 90 day reporting area out at Changwattana have NOTHING to do with the issuance or canceling of ANY visa extension. They simply note down that you have stayed in country longer than 90 days.

Now, it doesnt appear that you bought your VISA illegally, as you used paperwork to secure it at a thai embassy out of the country. What does seem apparent though, is that you acquired your yearly extension of stay through less than 'official channels'. It would seem from your post, that it is NOT the extension you need to be on, (especially NOT being married to a thai national).

The Immigrations computers are STILL in the process of being all linked together, but theyve been saying its gonna happen in a few weeks for MANY YEARS now. I wouldn't sweat the 'small stuff'. By you simply checking in for 90 days, it is highly unlikely to raise any warning flags.

However, I also concur with other posters sage advice, and think you should exit the country, thereby canceling this visa extension (unless you've got a multi-entry) and secure another type of visa to stay here. With tourist visas being free at the moment a double entry one from Vientiane Lao would give you nearly 6 months here (factoring in, in-country extensions and a border run to activate the second entry).

As an aside; the fall back excuse you use of; "I'm probably not the first one", holds very little water here indeed. Especially when faced with an immigrations officer scrutinizing your visa, seeing you're here on the wrong type, and taking what ever actions they deem necessary. I'd go get another visa type ASAP.

I still believe, simply doing your 90 day reporting is highly unlikely to ruffle any feathers out at immigrations or call undo attention to yourself; (BUT your mileage may vary). If you're really paranoid, mail in your 90 day reporting application and the relevant copies of your passport and see what you get back. I'd wager it'll fly whether you go in person or mail it in, but again, it's your life which would be impacted if things don't work out, so 'buyer beware'. ..

Just about ANY S/E Asian country is a pretty sure deal for tourist visa, and Australia is still a viable source for a Multi Entry Non-Immigrant Type O visa for the reason of visiting friends.

You are between a rock and a very hard place, and I wouldnt go down the extreme path of passport destruction or anything else illegal just because of your particular situation; Id just go get another type of visa.

Edited by tod-daniels
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Do you have a "Under consideration stamp"?

The process when applying for extension based on marriage is that you first get a "Under consideration stamp" for 30 days.

During the 30 days your paperwork is sent to a committee in BKK.

After that you get the extension 1 year stamp.

If you don't have it someone will notice.

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This is an extension of stay and there are not many reasons for that to be issued. Plus you are are not allowed to obtain an extension of stay unless you live in the area served for the last two years; so this is obviously fake/illegally obtained. That one 90 day report was made without an issue does not mean that the next will be. Total computerization is a mater of weeks and expect such activity will be actively investigated. Poster has engaged in totally illegal activity and is in possession of illegal immigration stamps in his passport and has been overstay since his original visa entry expired. Am not sure what he expects to learn by talking with those who took him down this path but he can be sure it will be about as legally binding as the stamps in his passport.

I agree with you totally about the illegal part and the next time i would think twice about going down this path... but the fact in this country is that money can make illegal things legal and i hope this is the case

now yesterday i have spoken with my friend briefly and he assured me that I didn't have to worry because this money was paid to a high person and also registered me in the computer system... This doesn't mean that i feel totally satisfied and safe.. I was angry with him and told him that I wasn't happy and that he put me at risk.... Now I asked him what

to do just walk in immigration again.. and he told me not to worry huh.gif

I am now considering either flying to phuket Immi or just grab my balls and walk into the BKK immigration.... Lets for arguing sake say that the extension is ''legit'' (in the system and all) like he says

what kind off questions could i expect when reporting or other snags can i run into ?

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immigration people come to your house for a 90 day report blink.gif sorry this seems like scaremongering.. maybe they do that when you apply for a marriage visa to check it out but not for a 90 day report.! I understand that you guys trying to help and i know the situation is not so smart... but u still have to admit that the fact that they cleared me last time means something right? no questions NOTHING just a smile and see you in 90 days

I think what people are trying to tell you is they will not come to visit for the 90 days but its not scaremongering. Those on a marriage visa/ extension are subject to checkups, vists, speak with neighbours etc, to ensure it wasnt a marriage of convenience. AND THEY DO VISIT...Any split up or divorce/death etc makes the visa invalid so you can see the reasons in the checks and the importance of having the correct stamp in your passport...The advice you have been given is pretty sound..if caught it will mean arrest and a stopover in the Imm Detention Centre (not a recommended stop)

Leave, get a 12mths Non O prefer in a new passport and come back legally...I wouldnt put too much faith in the 'bribe system' no matter how high up the person might be. If caught you will most certainly 'be on your own' No one will check anything when you leave.

If you walk in to check as you say they will probably want to speak to your wife, and see the marriage certs..those on marriage visa/ext will tell you its part of the requirements. There are too many anomilies for someone not to notice..be safe that way you dont have anything to worry about!!

Edited by Tafia
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I hate to disagree with the illustrious poser <sic> ;) err, poster known as "Tafia". ..


There is NO frickin' way a simple 90 reporting is gonna garner ANY undo attention AT ALL. In fact, 90 day reporting doesn't even require the ‘reportee’ to show up in person :blink: . People show up every day at Changwattana with multiple passports to submit the documentation for the 90 day dealy.

Last time I was at Changwattana, I had FIVE different passports from FIVE different people who were due to check in for their 90 days and none of those passports were mine. It is routinely a service carried out by 'runners' for various companies, missionary workers, etc, and I do believe there nothing but scaremonger going on about the 90 day reporting issue, which to me is really a 'non-issue' :bah: .

They just aren’t gonna wanna talk to either you or your wife over a simple 90 day report, that is NOT their job, they do 90 day reporting, not visa enforcement, different office, different officials altogether. As an aside; in filing perhaps well over a HUNDRED 90 day reports for various foreigners; I’ve never ever been asked a single question by the officials at Changwattana, even on the days I had a fistful of passports in my hand when I showed up out there. :lol:

Sadly the same cannot be said for the yearly extension of stay the O/P received :( . Also, no matter how high up the proverbial 'food chain' your 'friend' went to secure this extension, if it comes down to a problem, it's gonna be on you and you alone. You'll find your 'friend' and his 'high placed contact' evaporating into thin air and will be left to your own devices.

I also disagree that those on yearly extensions of stay based on marriage to a thai national are subject to any more scrutiny as in visits, conversations with relatives or the village head-man than anyone else ONCE the yearly extension of stay is granted (which would seem to be the case in the O/P's situation).

It is also up to the immigrations official if they give you the 30 day 'under-consideration' stamp or the yearly extension out of the gate. Some posters are correct, yes, usually during that 'under-consideration' period someone does show up to scope out the veracity of the marriage. BUT again the O/P already has a YEARLY extension of stay, so any visits, are a non-issue, especially if I read his post correctly, he's moved from the province where he secured the initial extension.

Given the wide disparity with which the new 'zone specific' immigrations offices operate, it comes down to how they (the officers at the office in your zone) interpret the rules.

FWIW: Changwattana runs pretty close to the actual rules considering foreigners, the extensions of stay and/or the visas they are trying to secure here in Bangkok. The same cannot be said for the various and sundry other immigrations offices scattered around the country.

Definitely keep a low profile, as in DON'T run amuck until you get the visa dealy sorted out.

BUT, by all means go do your 90 day reporting as you don't need an extra 2000baht fine for failing to do so.

I think the reason they took some time with the first 90 days you did at Changwattana was that you got your yearly extension in another 'zone', and are usually required to report to that 'zone' (unless you've moved).

Give it a try, and let us know, but despite what your 'friend' said; definitely come up with some game plan to get the visa problem sorted out. It's far more of a volatile situation that a simple 90 day reporting.

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I hate to disagree with the illustrious poser <sic> ;) err, poster known as "Tafia". ..


There is NO frickin' way a simple 90 reporting is gonna garner ANY undo attention AT ALL. In fact, 90 day reporting doesn't even require the 'reportee' to show up in person :blink: . People show up every day at Changwattana with multiple passports to submit the documentation for the 90 day dealy.

If you read my reply you would see that is exactly what I've said re the 90days...as for turning up with 5 diff passports that is permissable as is posting the 90days in...As for speaking to his wife it is another step in the marriage extension not the 90 day report...READ my Post before assuming what Ive written....and misquoting and misunderstanding me.

However those on marriage extension DO get more scrutiny than others I am one of them and it really is upto the individual if the OP wants to take the chance that is a matter for him, all Im saying is be safe, its allright giving advice of 'not to worry' but its his liberty your playing with not yours. As for taking the advice given it really is up to him!!...after all he asked for it!!

If he is happy to take that chance good luck to him but for me well I like it here and want to stay!!

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seems i took a big risk and still am at riskannoyed.gif

but the fact that i bought my extension doesn't mean its not registerd in their system right? its amazing what a resent amount off tea money can do in this countrywhistling.gif it was not a little and as i have been told it was paid to the right people.....maybe not legal but hey with no disrespect but This Is Thailand

doesn't the fact that i have reported before at immigration mean anything..? i mean they cleared me before..?

i just want to know what else the stamp means besides me having a 1 year visa and supposed to have a thai wife...

can i expect to to show marriage papers in the future or something

if i have to start over again i will... but at this point i dont want to just make that decision and flee if there is no problem..

maybe consult a lawyer?

I am surprised that you were not asked to show $400,000 bhat in a Thai bank account which is the rule for marriage visa and renewals.

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you are walking around with a 100% illegal ext. of stay. Why on earth have you not left the country? Are you waiting to get thrown in the immi slammer or what? I suppose you paid 25K and want to get your money's worth? You never neen to worry though cause you can just call your "friend". Maybe you can hang out together in the immi slammer cell. It aint rocket science, leave the country and get a legal visa. My god

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BUT, by all means go do your 90 day reporting as you don't need an extra 2000baht fine for failing to do so.

I think the reason they took some time with the first 90 days you did at Changwattana was that you got your yearly extension in another 'zone', and are usually required to report to that 'zone' (unless you've moved).

Give it a try, and let us know, but despite what your 'friend' said; definitely come up with some game plan to get the visa problem sorted out. It's far more of a volatile situation that a simple 90 day reporting.

the first time i did my 90 days reporting was in Phuket not in BKK... now i have moved to BKK and planning to do the next report here.. so i still have the first 90 reportcard from Phuket in my passport..

If i go to the BKK office now will i have to show them something that i moved to BKK like a rental agreement or something what is the procedure with a moving? or do i have to go to the phuket immigration

I agree with you that if there would have been check ups they do it with the issueing of the visa and not now.. not saying im not at risk anymore and i will definitly not extend my current visa... but i still have 6 month left on this one and not believe i will be in trouble just from a 90 days report.. I def learned a lesson not to just trust people with visa stuff.. but i really believed that it was ''legal'' because i signed temporarely into a company and then got a non-b visa in KL........and that my extension was legal.. i had no idea about this marriage visa

I am however considering flying to phuket to do the report there or is the change of province no issue??

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OP, if you want to gamble with your freedom then go ahead and stay in Thailand on an illegal extension.

It is not a question of IF but WHEN it will be found out!

If you make your 90-days report in BKK they may well check in the database in order to update your new address and an eagle eyed officer may see that something is not right.

In order to feel safe leave the country and come back with a new visa, if possible in a new passport.


Edited by opalhort
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