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TOT without tricks here. Are other people experiencing MUCH slower dl's with thebox? Mine are from 10 to 40 times slower than other typical trackers, including another private one.

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Nope, it's not a lucky timing for me as actual downloads never happened here during the last 2 weeks. The minute Deluge got online it was getting some packets. It definitely did the trick.

Edit: btw I'm getting 100 kb/s now, almost back to normal (I used to get 150 kb/s max before). Thanks again Gollum!

Yep, that's the one I'm trying. I won't pursue it further as a couple of other members have already posted comments saying it makes no difference. I suspect those that it has worked for have just been lucky with their timing - TOT's torrent throttling does seem to vary at different times, day and night.


TOT without tricks here. Are other people experiencing MUCH slower dl's with thebox? Mine are from 10 to 40 times slower than other typical trackers, including another private one.

This is bizarre, I've been trying to download 2 torrents from TheBox and neither would connect using utorrent. Now I've just tried the same 2 with Vuze and not only did they both work, my download speed went back to it's normal 400K+

I'll just add that "Yes" I am using an approved version.....before someone jumps on me :lol:


CAT is still working. However, they blocked my torrent and Usenet downloads when I upgraded my service from 4Mbps to 6Mbps.

I then pointed out to CAT’s legal dept that ANY obstruction of Internet services is in direct violation of the Computer Crimes Act and ILLEGAL in Thailand. Naturally, I immediately noticed full functionality had been restored to my account!

Those who think torrenters are the boogieman are simply buying into the RIAA/MPAA “arrggh, pirates!” argument which, of course, makes more money for ISPs because they shell out less for adequate bandwidth.


CAT is still working. However, they blocked my torrent and Usenet downloads when I upgraded my service from 4Mbps to 6Mbps.

When you say "blocked" do you mean 100%. This sounds more like a service provisioning issue which occurred when your service was changed to 6 Mpbs, rather than some nefarious plot?

Back on TOT, my FTP (intra-Thailand) data rates, up and down, are wire speed currently but during the past 36 hours I did see quite low FTP rates down (to my network).

My uTorrent performance appears to be unhindered by TOT.

A few people (on Thai forums) are complaining about a sharp slow-down in torrent performance on TRUE in the past few days.


My uTorrent performance appears to be unhindered by TOT.

A few people (on Thai forums) are complaining about a sharp slow-down in torrent performance on TRUE in the past few days.

The reason why some people have issues and some don't is because the program that ISPs use to throttle can block by region, neighborhood, or even building. They basically track stats showing which area has the most downloading activity and then throttle it hard. If you happen to be lucky enough to live in an area with not many people having internet access and far from their prying eyes then chances are you will be unaffected for awhile.

Luckily there are a bunch of ways around what they are doing. It's not likely that an ISP will be able to prevent file sharing/downloading ever unless they start charging by the gigabyte instead of offering unlimited service plans. Kind of like the shoddy isp services offered in countries like Australia. I see this as a real future possibility since all the isps act like monopolies here and there's few consumer options.

If they ever do that you'll see a mass death of internet cafes and wireless piracy will boom.


Trying to install Deluge but every time it fails with this:

post-30543-078998900 1283009112_thumb.jp

Is this a UAC problem? - "User Account Control". I haven't used Win7 much, but I know UAC is a PITA.

Maybe you don't have the 'privileges' or 'rights' to install and need to be an Administrator. I believe there is more than one type of Administrator in Win7.

I've got it to install now, but it just briefly flashes on screen then disappears. I can't even run it in comparability mode for XP. Looks to me like it's just not compatible with Windows 7

Geoff, i'm running it on win7 too...... Maybe there's some other crap running in the background? other clients perhaps? do you have a pc where you can do a clean install of win7 to see if this is the case? So far every pc that i have changed to deluge worked perfectly....


I don't know about thebox, but I've been having some problems with another private tracker for a few days. today they posted this explanation:

utorrent bug 30-08-10 <BR sab="189">As you have all probably noticed, the tracker has been having a lot of issues in the past days. We believe that the problem is partially caused by uTorrent 2.0.4 and 2.03 announcing too often, thus hammering our tracker. Banning these clients would actually make the problem worse, so we're not doing that.<BR sab="190"><BR sab="191">uTorrent is aware of this bug and they released an updated version that fixes it. So if you're using uTorrent 2.03 or 2.04 please upgrade to the latest version which is <B sab="193">version 2.0.4 build 21586.<BR sab="194"><BR sab="195">Do not expect the tracker to be working properly for the next few hours, no matter what client you are using. Please be patient - hopefully it will be resolved soon.</B><BR sab="196"><BR sab="197">The uTorrent team has acknowledged the problem, and has pulled the release from their official website.

Hope this info helps some of you.

Yep, that's the one I'm trying. I won't pursue it further as a couple of other members have already posted comments saying it makes no difference. I suspect those that it has worked for have just been lucky with their timing - TOT's torrent throttling does seem to vary at different times, day and night.

I've just tried it. What a bare, bald piece of nothing software! I can't find information about the settings, e.g. "Test active port", the "Help" is pathetic, it seems to be written by a bunch of geeks for other geeks, with all of them knowing what they mean and what they are talking about except the average user - like me. And I reckon I'm a bit more savvy than the average user.

I'm back on Azureus now and downloading and uploading quicker than Deluge.

This is bizarre, I've been trying to download 2 torrents from TheBox and neither would connect using utorrent. Now I've just tried the same 2 with Vuze and not only did they both work, my download speed went back to it's normal 400K+

I'll just add that "Yes" I am using an approved version.....before someone jumps on me :lol:

Yes, watch out Servalan doesn't get you! She is very helpful at TheBox - a complete opposite to "smpjc08" who usually loses his rag at the slightest criticism (about 10th post down): http://www.thebox.bz/details.php?id=125671 :cheesy:

And you thought the mods here were tough!! :D


CAT is still working. However, they blocked my torrent and Usenet downloads when I upgraded my service from 4Mbps to 6Mbps.

When you say "blocked" do you mean 100%. This sounds more like a service provisioning issue which occurred when your service was changed to 6 Mpbs, rather than some nefarious plot?

Back on TOT, my FTP (intra-Thailand) data rates, up and down, are wire speed currently but during the past 36 hours I did see quite low FTP rates down (to my network).

My uTorrent performance appears to be unhindered by TOT.

A few people (on Thai forums) are complaining about a sharp slow-down in torrent performance on TRUE in the past few days.

last few weeks.


I live in Nonthaburi and I am lucky if I get a torrent to download at all for more than a second. I called TOT and was told it is TOT's policy to limit bit torrent bandwidth. I indicated I wanted to complain, but was told that there really was no procedure for complaints since it is TOT's policy to do this. I then tried calling the administrative office of TOT and was hung up on twice when I tried to speak to someone at the administrative level. The arrogance of this organization is offensive. If anyone knows of a decent provider in Nonthaburi kindly let me know.


I live in Nonthaburi and I am lucky if I get a torrent to download at all for more than a second. I called TOT and was told it is TOT's policy to limit bit torrent bandwidth. I indicated I wanted to complain, but was told that there really was no procedure for complaints since it is TOT's policy to do this. I then tried calling the administrative office of TOT and was hung up on twice when I tried to speak to someone at the administrative level. The arrogance of this organization is offensive. If anyone knows of a decent provider in Nonthaburi kindly let me know.

The fact that you tried to call them at the administrative level is what is hilarious. They don't care because isps are run like it's a quasi state monopoly in Thailand. There is hardly any government oversight to this sort of telecom/internet related business practices aside from censoring things. Even if you did complain they could just say they are mandated to do as they please to restrict "harmful" material from the public.

The only way to get past the restrictions is through technical methods. Any kind of petitioning etc.. will just be ignored.

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I usually use isohunt, but for the past week or so, every time I try to enter the name of a download, a whole load of other stuff comes up in the dropdown immediately after I key in the first letter of the name, albeit all beginning with just that first letter.:angry: Which means I'm going to have to trawl through the whole list and hope it downloads. Stupid bloody meddling, again.

This is bizarre, I've been trying to download 2 torrents from TheBox and neither would connect using utorrent. Now I've just tried the same 2 with Vuze and not only did they both work, my download speed went back to it's normal 400K+

I'll just add that "Yes" I am using an approved version.....before someone jumps on me :lol:

Yes, watch out Servalan doesn't get you! She is very helpful at TheBox - a complete opposite to "smpjc08" who usually loses his rag at the slightest criticism (about 10th post down): http://www.thebox.bz...s.php?id=125671 :cheesy:

And you thought the mods here were tough!! :D

Yep, have to tread careful with TheBox mods, they don't take any prisoners :lol:

I still haven't really got to bottom of what's going on at TOT, but here's my conclusions so far:

1) Torrents download faster after 10pm.....but still not what they were a few weeks ago.

2) Trying more than one client results in dramatically different speeds. Why that should be is anyone's guess.

3) Upgrading to a faster (TOT) service makes no difference - AT ALL

4) Complaining to 'front line' staff is pointless.

5) We're stuck with it until someone responsible at TOT decides to buy more bandwidth from CAT and gives us what we pay for.


CAT is still working. However, they blocked my torrent and Usenet downloads when I upgraded my service from 4Mbps to 6Mbps.

I then pointed out to CAT's legal dept that ANY obstruction of Internet services is in direct violation of the Computer Crimes Act and ILLEGAL in Thailand. Naturally, I immediately noticed full functionality had been restored to my account!

Those who think torrenters are the boogieman are simply buying into the RIAA/MPAA "arrggh, pirates!" argument which, of course, makes more money for ISPs because they shell out less for adequate bandwidth.

I doubt it was personal. The blocked/limited torrent traffic coincided with the introduction of the new 6Mbps service. I assume someone was trying to compensate for the extra bandwidth required without having to purchase more from CAT.

Yep, that's the one I'm trying. I won't pursue it further as a couple of other members have already posted comments saying it makes no difference. I suspect those that it has worked for have just been lucky with their timing - TOT's torrent throttling does seem to vary at different times, day and night.

I've just tried it. What a bare, bald piece of nothing software! I can't find information about the settings, e.g. "Test active port", the "Help" is pathetic, it seems to be written by a bunch of geeks for other geeks, with all of them knowing what they mean and what they are talking about except the average user - like me. And I reckon I'm a bit more savvy than the average user.

I'm back on Azureus now and downloading and uploading quicker than Deluge.

It was...... it's called Linux :lol:


To all those that are critical of the consumer downloading music and movies I will remind them for years how companies exploited buyers with hicked up prices - remember Cd's, cassettes and DVD's. Briefly the consumer has had the advantage through downloading and it seems that critics of this want to return the poor consumer to a position where he/she is exploited again.

Here in Thailand internet service has been average at best and usually chronically poor because the government aren't prepared to invest in better technology. Do you think that S Korea are putting torrent downloads restrictions at the top of their priorities - I think not. They are more concerned with better facilities for international business growth .

It is the small mindness again that exists here that will prevent Thailand escaping from third world status.


To all those that are critical of the consumer downloading music and movies I will remind them for years how companies exploited buyers ...

I hope you aren't implying that after slaving away for a few hours that the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Beyonce , Britney Spears don't deserve a bazillion dollars each !!!

They're struggling to make ends meet like the rest of us. Cocaine isn't getting any cheaper you know!


I use Deluge on Ubuntu (have done for two years) and have always had great download speeds on my 3mb, now 4mb, TOT line - until now. TOT are "shaping" the hel_l out of my torrent downloads - such that I am getting about 10% of my potential download speeds. The only good bit is that they don't "shape" uploads so my box.bz account has a great ratio. Thank you TOT, you are the best! :whistling:


I use Deluge on Ubuntu (have done for two years) and have always had great download speeds on my 3mb, now 4mb, TOT line - until now. TOT are "shaping" the hel_l out of my torrent downloads - such that I am getting about 10% of my potential download speeds. The only good bit is that they don't "shape" uploads so my box.bz account has a great ratio. Thank you TOT, you are the best! :whistling:

Isn't it strange, I also use Deluge and only have the 2M package from TOT, perfectly adequate for most of my non-torrent needs. For me, public tracker speeds are down to probably 10%-20% of historical values, Box.bz seems fine maybe 80%, but everyone has different taste in download material. It is luck of the draw and must depend on the quality of the peers you connect to? I'm coming to the conclusion that there is no definitive solution, too many variables. Just try the tips on these pages and one may work for you.


I use Deluge on Ubuntu (have done for two years) and have always had great download speeds on my 3mb, now 4mb, TOT line - until now. TOT are "shaping" the hel_l out of my torrent downloads - such that I am getting about 10% of my potential download speeds. The only good bit is that they don't "shape" uploads so my box.bz account has a great ratio. Thank you TOT, you are the best! :whistling:

Isn't it strange, I also use Deluge and only have the 2M package from TOT, perfectly adequate for most of my non-torrent needs. For me, public tracker speeds are down to probably 10%-20% of historical values, Box.bz seems fine maybe 80%, but everyone has different taste in download material. It is luck of the draw and must depend on the quality of the peers you connect to? I'm coming to the conclusion that there is no definitive solution, too many variables. Just try the tips on these pages and one may work for you.

I tried one of the solutions from some tips i found on these pages and maxing out my connection with each download. Try filesharing.


[i tried one of the solutions from some tips i found on these pages and maxing out my connection with each download. Try filesharing.

Already there. Multi-barrel approach!


I've found the best solution is to get a seedbox. The one I use costs 11 euro a month. Typically it will download an hour long video from TheBox in a few minutes at a max speed of about 6MB/s. I can then FTP the file to me at about 400 KB/s. As it's FTP it won't be flagged as a torrent and will therefore not be throttled.

I could never maintain my upload ratios with either TheBox or UK Nova when downloading locally. The advantage with a seedbox is that it will seed extremely well. I usually set mine to seed to a DL/UL ratio of 1:3 so I'll never get kicked out for being a selfish leacher.

Most seedboxes run the remote version of Utorrent

And yes, ISP's are now throttling torrent traffic in LOS in case you have any doubts.


I've found the best solution is to get a seedbox. The one I use costs 11 euro a month. Typically it will download an hour long video from TheBox in a few minutes at a max speed of about 6MB/s. I can then FTP the file to me at about 400 KB/s. As it's FTP it won't be flagged as a torrent and will therefore not be throttled.

I could never maintain my upload ratios with either TheBox or UK Nova when downloading locally. The advantage with a seedbox is that it will seed extremely well. I usually set mine to seed to a DL/UL ratio of 1:3 so I'll never get kicked out for being a selfish leacher.

Most seedboxes run the remote version of Utorrent

And yes, ISP's are now throttling torrent traffic in LOS in case you have any doubts.

Where do you find the time to watch (or listen) all you're downloading. Even on slow download speeds I've collected more than I'll ever have time to watch. Without a seedbox I can still download a movie in a few hours. How many movies can you watch in a day?

BTW, I don't see any evidence of torrent throttling on my service (TT&T Permier and CAT Hinet). Some torrents can be very slow, others lightening fast - nothing has changed.

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just try it.. the deluge interface is very similar to the uTorrent interface

I've downloaded it and am cleaning up my Vuze torrent folders so the changeover will be less traumatic.

Yes, the screenshots I've seen do resemble uTorrent's.

I'll try to changeover at a time when my torrents are steady - 1.e. none close to completion - so I can record the traffic graphs and compare the results.

Fingers crossed.

It looks similar, but it lacks a lot of useful features found in uTorrent. They've got a few bugs to iron out too, but it's giving me better download speed so I'm happy. Thanks for the tip. I've run them head to head and it's a clear winner over utorrent for speed.,


Where do you find the time to watch (or listen) all you're downloading. Even on slow download speeds I've collected more than I'll ever have time to watch. Without a seedbox I can still download a movie in a few hours. How many movies can you watch in a day?

BTW, I don't see any evidence of torrent throttling on my service (TT&T Permier and CAT Hinet). Some torrents can be very slow, others lightening fast - nothing has changed.

It's not that I want to watch movies all day heaven forbid. Even though I have a correctly forwarded port I can never seem to seed enough. That doesn't matter for movies but with private trackers like TheBox or UKNova you must maintain your ratios or you get banned. The seedbox solves that problem.

And torrents are being throttled but somewhat intermittently. I met a farang engineer from Datacraft (big global IT company) sometime ago. They supplied a lot of the original ADSL equipment to ISP's here and he told me that they were asked to supply software to specifically throttle torrent traffic. You will see the results of this over time.


Well Deluge didn't work for long, it is being capped now.

I went into the TOT office last Friday and asked why they were capping my torrents.

No-one in the office knew what a torrent was.

Does anyone know if TOT do packages that don't limit torrents.

I don't mind paying more as long as I get some decent service.


TOT has definitely changed. However, there seems to some trackers that are not throttled, but most are. To my experience, I have no doubt this is happening. It started when they blocked private trackers. Now the private trackers are going again, but throttled, as are others.


I had occasion to call TOT yesterday due to intermittent cutouts of my adsl connection & also queried about torrents. The operator confirmed TOT were deliberately traffic shaping/throttling torrent downloads because it was not fair to other users. I suggested to him the actual reason was simply that TOT does not have enough bandwidth & he agreed. He also said the free upgrade to the 6MB package that it would only apply for Thai sites, international would still be 4MB (maximum I have ever had on speed tests is 3.6). There signage now actually states up to 4MB/sec.

BTW a download I received said it came from demonoid.com & so I do not understand the confusion about needing to be invited as stated in another thread.

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