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Thais Still Want To Live Life As If They Are In A Soap Opera

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Thais still want to live life as if they are in a soap opera

By Achara Deboonme

The Nation

Recently Channel 3 began a new soap opera called "Vanida". The period production reminds audiences of the lavish lifestyles of aristocratic families in the old days. It can also remind us of the beauty of "being rich" and the illusion of happiness.

The storyline follows the life of Vanida, the only daughter of Dao - a selfish merchant who has built up a business empire and become a millionaire. Concerned for his daughter's future when he is gone, he initiates a trick to get an army official to marry Vanida. Although part of a big family and despite already having a girlfriend, the official is forced to give in or risk seeing his family bankrupt due to huge debts owed to Dao.

The audience will no doubt enjoy the puffy dresses worn by girls, as well as the art deco buildings and the vintage cars in this soap opera. Yes, some will enjoy the catfights after Vanida goes to live in her new husband's residence. They will be pleased to know that although she is in a "good" family, its members are cruel to the lonely girl.

But after watching these soaps, how many can see through them?

Many people still imitate the attitudes seen in these dramas. When a rich family falls on hard times, its members feel obliged to maintain social status for fear of losing face. Instead of cutting down on expenses, they still go to boutiques for pricey items. Conversely, those from average families feel the need to show up with expensive accessories, just to socialise with the rich.

In the US, many people protect themselves against future debts by filing for bankruptcy; here in Thailand they wouldn't stoop to go near the Central Bankruptcy Court. It was thought that this attitude would change after the law was amended to allow bankrupts to resume their non-bankrupt status within three years. But it has not.

Indeed, the only man that I can remember who apparently embraced bankrupt status with ease was Sawasdi Horrungruang. Before the financial crisis, he was a billionaire with an empire comprising steel plants to industrial estates, to high-rise buildings and the Boxbuster franchise. The crisis ate away most of his wealth, but he still mingled with creditors. His suits are less fancy these days, but he doesn't look so sad.

Certainly, being rich is attractive. You go to a fancy restaurant and all the good-looking and well-mannered waiters bow low to welcome you. You can book yourself a trip to Europe or elsewhere. But are all rich men are happy? It seems so in the soap operas.


-- The Nation 2010-08-27


Glad to see they are using something other than a herd of beautiful girls fighting over one ugly dude.

My wife watches them and I think maybe I should stop trying to learn Thai. LOL

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That there is even a review and a so called critique of a soap opera by the newspaper brings a question or two to mind. I would have real doubt that the readers of a English language newspaper will be watching Thai soap operas.


I'm always kidding my Thai wife that most Thai soaps that have a background theme of really rich people, big houses, new cars, golden chandeliers ain't the real Thai world. Sure, I know there are some Thai's born with a silver spoon in their mouth but the Thai soaps seem to give the impression many, many Thai families live the rich life.

Now she knows this, but she still prefers to watch the "rich people" type of soap over the occasional soap with the theme of a poor family...and my wife comes from a poor family...guess she had enough of being poor as a kid...dont' want to watch shows about it...been there, done that type thinking.

And of course the "Thai Soap Super Star of the Hour/Day/Month" is always a big driver in what show gets watched. :lol:


That there is even a review and a so called critique of a soap opera by the newspaper brings a question or two to mind. I would have real doubt that the readers of a English language newspaper will be watching Thai soap operas.

Well, if person has a Thai wife the chances are super high that she'll be watching a soap opera will you are surfing the net or watching a farang movie in another room. Thai females l....o....v.....e their soap operas...it's almost like heroin for many.


Thailand isnt alone in this. Soap operas abound everywhere and then we could get into the reality shows that seem to brain wash their way through the west leaving everyone cathartic zombies obsessed with what happened on Big Brother or American Idol or........


That there is even a review and a so called critique of a soap opera by the newspaper brings a question or two to mind. I would have real doubt that the readers of a English language newspaper will be watching Thai soap operas.

Well, if person has a Thai wife the chances are super high that she'll be watching a soap opera will you are surfing the net or watching a farang movie in another room. Thai females l....o....v.....e their soap operas...it's almost like heroin for many.

Can I download "torrent" :o episodes of DALLAS, to I can relive watching the JR Ewing lifestyle :rolleyes:?


I'm always kidding my Thai wife that most Thai soaps that have a background theme of really rich people, big houses, new cars, golden chandeliers ain't the real Thai world. Sure, I know there are some Thai's born with a silver spoon in their mouth but the Thai soaps seem to give the impression many, many Thai families live the rich life.

Now she knows this, but she still prefers to watch the "rich people" type of soap over the occasional soap with the theme of a poor family...and my wife comes from a poor family...guess she had enough of being poor as a kid...dont' want to watch shows about it...been there, done that type thinking.

And of course the "Thai Soap Super Star of the Hour/Day/Month" is always a big driver in what show gets watched. :lol:

No-one watches soaps because they think they are real life. Soaps in the UK and other countries don't bear any resemblance to real life either. Do you think Coronation Street and Eastenders is the real UK? Soaps are just escapism and fun to watch for some people.


Given that 99% of Thais don't/can't read books then they instinctively react to anything visual they can relate to. Thai people believe, they feel, that what they are watching is 'real'. The 'acting' in these soaps is dreadful - over-exaggerated and stylised. In fact to Western eyes it's so silly it's amusing. But Thais hang open-mouthed on it taking it all in as if it was actually happening.

And then, having studied and learned 'how to behave', they respond just like the hammed-up actors on TV, shrieking and wailing and throwing themselves to the ground in fake fainting fits. I've seen this happen 100 times over the years in family situations and domestic rows.

The tragedy is not that the vast majority of the Thai nation like to see cameos of rich families on TV, but that they learn their roles from watching it, like kids modelling themselves on their favourite comic-book characters. Well - it's a double tragedy as the quality of what they are watching is pure pantomime in the first place. Amazing Thailand.


But you just can't beat the special effects in Thai soaps, like:

- a gun battle where bullets create sparks when hitting trees

- bullets that can't penetrate a card board box

- a thousand bullets are fired and no one gets hit

- explosions that seem like cartoon explosions

- wounds with blood that don't run...looks more like smeared on red lipstick

- a wind & rain storm scene but you can easily see calm trees/brushes and no rain in the background just a few meters from the actors

- the night scenes appear like 10 full moons are shining

And I just love how most every car/truck has red license plates...but of course, it you are rich you are always going to be driving a new car. ;)

Thais still want to live life as if they are in a soap opera

To be honest I haven't seen an increase in "BOIIING!" noises round my way


Given that 99% of Thais don't/can't read books then they instinctively react to anything visual they can relate to. Thai people believe, they feel, that what they are watching is 'real'. The 'acting' in these soaps is dreadful - over-exaggerated and stylised. In fact to Western eyes it's so silly it's amusing. But Thais hang open-mouthed on it taking it all in as if it was actually happening.

And then, having studied and learned 'how to behave', they respond just like the hammed-up actors on TV, shrieking and wailing and throwing themselves to the ground in fake fainting fits. I've seen this happen 100 times over the years in family situations and domestic rows.

The tragedy is not that the vast majority of the Thai nation like to see cameos of rich families on TV, but that they learn their roles from watching it, like kids modelling themselves on their favourite comic-book characters. Well - it's a double tragedy as the quality of what they are watching is pure pantomime in the first place. Amazing Thailand.

Perhaps it is the other way around. Maybe Thais have always been histrionic bad actors given to cat fights and screaming fits and the soap operas are imitating them.

Art imitating life imitating art imitating life...

Thais still want to live life as if they are in a soap opera

To be honest I haven't seen an increase in "BOIIING!" noises round my way

But their heads do make that hollow coconut sound when you hit them with a rubber mallet.

I do think it would be a great idea if everyone was equipped with a slide whistle, the 'boing!' device and a snare drum so people know when others are running away, surprised or have just cracked a very funny joke. So far, all we get are security guards with pea whistles so we can spot the self-important a-holes.



The tragedy is not that the vast majority of the Thai nation like to see cameos of rich families on TV, but that they learn their roles from watching it, like kids modelling themselves on their favourite comic-book characters. Well - it's a double tragedy as the quality of what they are watching is pure pantomime in the first place. Amazing Thailand.

I hope you are using pantomime in the meaning of unreal.

Good pantomime is an excellent (uniquely British) comedy genre that can be enjoyed by all ages. Thai soaps have overacting, poor or no plots etc. etc. and far too much violence. The background noises of an extraordinary ludicrous nature are maybe, the only similarity that is even close, but not in keeping with the rest of the Thai production.


Daily life is boring. Who wants to watch that?

People want to see something different with lots of action plots and turns. Soap Operas in other countries are exactly the same.

Thailand isn't the only place with silly special effects and low production values.

Some of your comments make Thai people sound stupid, where in fact, it seems like it might be you who is just plain ignorant if you believe what you say.

  • Like 2

Daily life is boring.  Who wants to watch that?

People want to see something different with lots of action plots and turns.  Soap Operas in other countries are exactly the same.

Thailand isn't the only place with silly special effects and low production values.  

Some of your comments make Thai people sound stupid, where in fact, it seems like it might be you who is just plain ignorant if you believe what you say.



Thai television really is amazingly stupid though. I defend Thailand and Thais on a lot of stuff but the TV is something that is pretty much indefensible. The shows produced are probably some of the worst in the world. One of the reasons seems to be that most of the soap "stars" are in fact all models and children of rich parents who have connections in media. These people couldn't act their way out of a children's play anywhere else.

Thais are capable of producing brilliant and entertaining movies but when it comes to mainstream tv they fail badly.


Thai television really is amazingly stupid though. I defend Thailand and Thais on a lot of stuff but the TV is something that is pretty much indefensible. The shows produced are probably some of the worst in the world. One of the reasons seems to be that most of the soap "stars" are in fact all models and children of rich parents who have connections in media. These people couldn't act their way out of a children's play anywhere else.  

Thais are capable of producing brilliant and entertaining movies but when it comes to mainstream tv they fail badly.

TV is trash, everywhere.


Between convicted billionaire prime ministers, people marching in coloured shirts, army coups, riots, airport occupations and major shopping malls on fire, one would probably conclude that Thailand itself is very cheap made for TV movie all of its own.

Of course the censors have a problem to make it acceptable to the public, but this mess is broadcast often live into every TV in the country.

Maybe they need to add a few boings as Pojaman gasps at being convicted and few whistles as the army shoots the odd flipflopped red protester to make it more realistic.

Reality TV in Thailand, should come with a government warning.

Who shot JR? Who cares.

Who did Thaksin <deleted>?


Thai television really is amazingly stupid though. I defend Thailand and Thais on a lot of stuff but the TV is something that is pretty much indefensible. The shows produced are probably some of the worst in the world. One of the reasons seems to be that most of the soap "stars" are in fact all models and children of rich parents who have connections in media. These people couldn't act their way out of a children's play anywhere else.

Thais are capable of producing brilliant and entertaining movies but when it comes to mainstream tv they fail badly.

TV is trash, everywhere.

Generally speaking yes, but not always. There are great documentaries that come from the BBC and PBS in the U.S. is top notch. Not to mention there are some shows that are still pretty good..made by HBO ie. The Wire that's leagues beyond anything that Thai television could ever do.


Thai television really is amazingly stupid though. I defend Thailand and Thais on a lot of stuff but the TV is something that is pretty much indefensible. The shows produced are probably some of the worst in the world. One of the reasons seems to be that most of the soap "stars" are in fact all models and children of rich parents who have connections in media. These people couldn't act their way out of a children's play anywhere else.  

Thais are capable of producing brilliant and entertaining movies but when it comes to mainstream tv they fail badly.

TV is trash, everywhere.

Generally speaking yes, but not always. There are great documentaries that come from the BBC and PBS in the U.S. is top notch. Not to mention there are some shows that are still pretty good..made by HBO ie. The Wire that's leagues beyond anything that Thai television could ever do.

There are also foreign documentary or series broadcasted on Thai TV, or some locally produced programmes like travel shows or cooking shows that are not that bad at all but average and have indeed some entertainment quality. Maybe there is a language barrier for  the foreign critics who understand in the end only that  boing in the boing sound shows. Just don't look at the worst in Thai TV and pick up the highlights of BBC and compare them. The BBC has also a different financial back up than Thai TV stations.

There isn't much money to be made in Thai TV and not much of the super stars end up rich or earn sh*tload of money.


There are also foreign documentary or series broadcasted on Thai TV, or some locally produced programmes like travel shows or cooking shows that are not that bad at all but average and have indeed some entertainment quality. Maybe there is a language barrier for the foreign critics who understand in the end only that boing in the boing sound shows. Just don't look at the worst in Thai TV and pick up the highlights of BBC and compare them. The BBC has also a different financial back up than Thai TV stations.

There isn't much money to be made in Thai TV and not much of the super stars end up rich or earn sh*tload of money.

There is no language barrier there it's just the regular tv shows are terribly done. The acting is as transparent and thin as a wet paper sack.

The variety shows have little to no appeal to a foreign audience but that's really not what's being criticized. I have seen a few Thai travel documentaries and they are alright but they seem to do the same things..ie, go to some upmarket dining establishment and visit various touristy areas. Plus the travel hostess almost always has a grating hi-so personality.

Thai TV soap programmes: Poor writing, wooden acting, lame plots, sub standard

recording, lighting and sets. Nuff said.

The cameras they use are the sub-studio quality hd cameras you see on sale at those sony outlets. You could literally make your own show with the equipment they use. The lighting is so amateurish i've seen more professional jobs done by 1st year film students in the U.S.

I might add there are very talented technical film production people in Thailand but it seems none of them work on the tv shows.

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