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Thai Catholic School Teacher Caught Caning Students


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Judging by the video, he seems to be a person with some severe mental dysfunctions - even seems to be exaggerating the process as though he is entertaining an audience. Sadism, exhibitionism, etc.

The background laughter could be nervous (as one poster suggested) or it could be the students' misplaced sense of humor - perhaps at the teacher's posturing?

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I am all for some caning at school. I was caned and it did not leave permanent damage just made me realise how bad I had been and I was petrified of my parents finding out or I would then have been in serious trouble. Nowadays children do as they like and dont realise when they are doing wrong, even my dogs know they are doing wrong if I show them a cane. England is in a terrible state now with children not being caned and I would hate to think that Thailand was going the same path, perhaps the caning should be done by the Headmaster to eliminate sadistic teachers.

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I thought it is common practice to cane children in Thailand?

It should only be a last resort.

Spare the rod and spoil the child, was the maxim in my day.

I find it disturbing that it's even considered a "last resort". This is purely abuse in any sense of the word, and maybe it's time for parents to get more involved. It should not be up to the school to raise the children. This "teacher" needs to be dealt with severely. :angry:

I also find it disturbing that a comment made about "the students know I won't hit them" and therefore they misbehave. If physical punishment is all they know, then these kids have been raised much like one would raise a animal. Beat the buffalo and it does what you want, beat the child and it develops into a decent respectable human being. <deleted>? :bah:

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Why are there multiple bruises when the video shows only one hit ?

Anyway, caning on the ass is for wimps. The teachers in my days could hit the fingertips....six strikes on each hand for the worst offenses. Stung like all hel_l and left no bruises though the fingertips swelled up. Usually we deserved it and necessary for discipline since it wasn't a Catholic school so private visits with the priests was not an option.

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I don't understand why caning or other corporal punishment is so bad.

At my school caning was used as was the use of a tennis shoe across the ass.

Neither I nor any of my ex school friends were affected by being caned or hit, at least not permanently and it definitely taught us to respect authority.

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even seems to be exaggerating the process as though he is entertaining an audience. Sadism, exhibitionism, etc.

The background laughter could be nervous (as one poster suggested) or it could be the students' misplaced sense of humor - perhaps at the teacher's posturing?

He's not exaggerating at all, my warden/teacher would ask us to bend down forward holding on to a chair, and they have this specific movement as seen in the video, it really scare the crap out of us, but i must say it's not as painful as you thought:whistling: .

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We got the belt (tongs) in schools in Scotland when I was young. We had one nutter (teacher) who made us roll a dice to determine the amount of strokes received... Never did us any harm but changed days now.

I presume Catholic schools have to be extra careful in the coverage they receive given the revelations over the last decade or so.

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I am all for some caning at school. I was caned and it did not leave permanent damage just made me realise how bad I had been and I was petrified of my parents finding out or I would then have been in serious trouble. Nowadays children do as they like and dont realise when they are doing wrong, even my dogs know they are doing wrong if I show them a cane. England is in a terrible state now with children not being caned and I would hate to think that Thailand was going the same path, perhaps the caning should be done by the Headmaster to eliminate sadistic teachers.

Well said TS.

If you knew the teacher was liable to use the cane you behaved yourself. There were two perverted sadistic teachers at my school, one of whom was referred to as the 'Swine' and we just he to live with that and walked as if on broken glass in their lessons. The rest of our teachers only used the cane when it was justified. All our teachers were ex servicemen who had served in WW1 and WW2 and understood the importance of discipline. The same went for all policemen, nowadays a copper's progress through the ranks depends upon how many degrees he has obtained in subjects such as 'social studies'. A teacher in the UK recently got sacked for verbally chastising an unruly child and the police have to get permission to use their truncheons.

Robbery with violence (mugging) earned miscreants the birch back in those days and no one ever went back for a second helping of that! No murderers ever went back for another dose of the rope either.

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the parents should track the sadistic bastard down and kick his arse in. Their are many forms of punishment that can be administered to unruly students but this A holes obvious pleasure in belting the kids in this manner does not belong in the classroom or any here near kids.If he did that to my kid I would ensure he paid the price.Not against a kid getting punished (by the parent) if their action is so severe it warrants it.

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Caning in Thai schools was only banned fairly recently but most teachers believe that was a mistake and I understand that the practice is still commonplace in the majority of government and private schools. During the yellow shirt protests a female private school student received 8 strokes of the cane for missing 8 classes, allegedly for attending the protests, although the evidence presented by the school for this was flimsy at best. The Ministry of Education confirmed this was illegal and the media made a bit of a fuss for a few days but no action was taken against the teacher or the school. This was obviously intended as a message that the government had no intention of enforcing the law. There is another very similar video on Youtube of male students receiving one stroke each at Assumption College a few years ago. That one seems also very much a "sanook" affair with raucous laughing from the class as the strokes are delivered with gusto by the teacher. Those of us who are old enough to have been caned at school in the West would probably agree that a robust single stoke like that would certainly have caused some pain and bruising but it was the multiple strokes that really did the damage and it would also be worse while being made to bend over than standing up as the natural padding is stretched out that way. Since Thai class beatings are considered a good laugh, there is not so much humiliation involved. I imagine the girl's 8 strokes, as mentioned above, were a far more painful and humiliating affair.

Notwithstanding any of the above it is a disgrace that virtually the entire school system has opted to ignore the law with the tacit connivance of the Education Ministry. The government needs to decide whether it will enforce its own laws or change them, if they feel they are wrong. In the latter case, they will need a make a clear case to the electorate. Personally I think the ban should be enforced to help prevent much more serious abuse than that shown in the videos from taking place. For example, in primary school my wife was beaten by a teacher using a stick as thick as a broom handle that left her behind black and blue for two weeks. The little girls in the class were terrific waiting for their turn and I don't think there was any raucous laughter.

Incidentally what is the situation re uncertified teachers. Most certified teachers in Thai schools are pretty close to useless, so why should parents pay fees to a private school that uses uncertified ones?

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So what's the problem?

You have not been a 10 yr old watching your class mate being hit then running and sreaming from the room saying no more no more; you have not seen your class mate at 15 having the teacher miss and hit his scrotem and then cry (this yong man was a very tough sob, he continued with the next two lashings).

This type of punishment did nothing. It made you scared but smarter to avoid.

Many a time I had blue hands and swollen that I could not bend. I have had quite thick books droped on my head by very sadistic teachers. These things were common in a catholic education in OZ in the 60's and 70's. Many of my classmates were the same. No one missed out on this.

What I believe it does is creates control freaks that have a fear of puting in some work to find out the ways to achieve better behaviour without the strap or cane. I think in the end the teachers get off on this.

I am 50 and still cringed watching the video.

Corpral Punishment on childern doesn't work.

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Have people forgotten that until 30 odd years ago caning was common place in English schools and was completely acceptable. In my view caning , properly carried out, never did anyone any harm. I was caned myself on several occasions and believe it taught me the right lesson. The threat of the cane often acted as a deterrent without it being needed to be carried out. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem as teachers have few ways to punish pupils and even have to ask parents permission before giving a detention.

Some of the yobs in our societies today would have benefited from a good caning in their youth!!!

I too got the odd whack with a size 14 green flash. It did teach me a lesson because I had done something seriously wrong.

However, it was never ever handed out by the form teacher. It was an official matter handled by the headmaster. The opportunity for it to get completely out of hand if the form master is handing out is too large and too arbitrary.

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According to Selma Freiberg, "The Magic Years", corporal punishment is ineffective as it does not instruct. It acts as a sort of accounting system. Having been beaten the slate is clean, the price for misbehaviour has been paid and the errant child is left with a clean conscience. Those of you who consider caning beneficial must ask what sort of respect one can have for someone like the creature in the video. Fear is not respect. What value is there in educating children to fear authority?

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I obviously wasn't the only one who was caned at school?

1st visit to the head a verbal warning

2nd visit a written one. And after that;

1st offence 6 of the best with the pump on your palm

2nd " 12 " " " " " " " " "

3rd offence 6, blah, blah delivered across your 'rear', should we say for the PC brigade?

4th offence 12 etc, etc.

Never did understand that? Hurt FAR more across your palm!

5th-8th offences were dealt with in the same manner substituting pump for cane. Caning was always performed by the Head Master in his office, with Deputy Head as a witness. Never in front of the class as this was considered demeaning. Although one or two of the other teachers had their own special weapons. A maths teacher who shall remain nameless was a dead shot with a black-board eraser. You saw stars after that wood & felt lump came crashing into your temple! :lol:

I went through the whole range of punishments there and can say from first-hand experience corporal punishment doesn't work :whistling::lol: We were in fact very proud indeed that corporal punishment was still a part of our Grammar School's policies! The wisdom of youth eh? :huh::rolleyes: This was hardly in the dark ages either, 30years ago?

And yes, the swing in the video was about average.

Caning doesn't work because it elevates the one(s) being punished, they're stars all of a sudden.

However, a very good deterrent indeed for any who've never experienced it. I believe it should still be kept at the Head's discretion, with the family of the offending child's consent of course.

After the 8th offence in our case the 9th was suspension, 10th expulsion. IMHO after all the teacher's warnings, HOD's warnings, Deputy Head's & Head's warnings, quite a fair system and you've probably deserved it!

Teachers should never be allowed to take punishments such as that into their own hands. Due process must be adhered to, and the facts uncovered in the fullness of time before a decision is reached regarding the penalty. No excuse for his actions.

Edited by toptuan
Deleted post quoted; post violated the forum rule: "8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais."
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What's the problem? They each got just one stroke of the cane.

Actually, what you saw was 54 seconds of an ordeal that likely was much lengthier in time:

Art teacher Somchai Limthanmaporn was fired after he was exposed hitting at least 40 students

Nine News article


Additionally, the other photo posted would indicate that the cycle of students was repeated. Either that of perhaps the multiple bruising was a result of:

a cane wrapped with electrical wire

same article link as above


btw, a different 25-second snippet of the ordeal showing different students than the OP video is available on the link provided above.

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So what's the problem?

1) Your knowledge of the law in the country you live

2) Your ability to feel empathy

Anyone else want to add more?

3) If you can endorse this sort of thing on the basis that "it didn't do me any harm" maybe it it did you more harm than you think.

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the parents should track the sadistic bastard down and kick his arse in. Their are many forms of punishment that can be administered to unruly students but this A holes obvious pleasure in belting the kids in this manner does not belong in the classroom or any here near kids.If he did that to my kid I would ensure he paid the price.Not against a kid getting punished (by the parent) if their action is so severe it warrants it.

This won't happen because most of the parents agree with the teachers that caning is a good thing and many also beat their children at home.

Maybe the kids need to rebel themselves, since help from parents and the government is unlikely to be forthcoming. I remember at my boarding school that the prefects in one house decided on a ritual house beating for three boys for an offence I can no longer remember (perhaps smoking or talking after lights out or something equally heinous). The boys were made to lean out of a window (in freezing weather) which was pulled down tight on their backs ostensibly to prevent movement. Each prefect was entitled to deliver one stroke with a run up like a cricket bowler. There were 15 prefects in the house but three refused to participate, either because they disagreed with the verdict or sentence or because they disagreed with corporal punishment in general. So the boys' sentence was effectively reduced to 12 strokes each. The first two boys took their 12 strokes stoically and shook hands with all the beaters in the prescribed manner. The third boy took his first two strokes and waited until the prefect he hated the most started his run up. He then freed himself from the window frame and turned round with a cut throat razor opened in his hand to face his attacker who stopped in his tracks in utter terror. It took all 12 of the prefects to subdue the boy who tried to lash out wildly at them with the razor. The boy, who hated the school and had been asking his parents to take him away, was quietly expelled but the prefects were utterly humiliated and that was the last house beating ever attempted at the school. Later on some prefects in another house were caught smoking and drinking in a study on their last night at the school by their house master. He returned a few minutes later with his cane and ordered the first offender to bend over. The boy, who was a burly rugby forward burst out laughing, grabbed the cane, snapped it in two and handed it back to the startled house master who retreated in disarray back to his rooms without another word. Of course the whole school got to know about this story and had a good laugh.

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This teacher needs to be caned, publicly.

Would something like this happen to my son, I'd pay somebody to let him know what real pain is. He wouldn't be back at school. How can you call him a teacher?

Okay, let's face it. some teachers at elementary schools are using bamboo sticks to hit the little kids. But it's over at high school level.

I hope the students in this movie will find him in the middle of the night.

Good to have cell phones in the classroom.........

Except I wouldn't pay anyone, I would rather inflict the damage myself. It would be swift and severe and people in Comas always have difficulty in pressing charges. :D

Ease up there son! Get him sacked, investigate to find out if the kids have been permanently damaged but your suggested violence and putting him in a coma seems a tad over reacting.

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Gotta love that affirming, nurturing, religious-based teaching. That said I got the slipper once whilst at school and the headmaster informed my parents prior. They supported him in his actions. I learnt from it and behaved better as a result.

Thai kids are usually pretty well behaved so this IS shocking. UK kids on the other hand... put 'em in the stocks I say.

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What's the problem? They each got just one stroke of the cane.

Actually, what you saw was 54 seconds of an ordeal that likely was much lengthier in time:

Art teacher Somchai Limthanmaporn was fired after he was exposed hitting at least 40 students

Nine News article


Additionally, the other photo posted would indicate that the cycle of students was repeated. Either that of perhaps the multiple bruising was a result of:

a cane wrapped with electrical wire

same article link as above


btw, a different 25-second snippet of the ordeal showing different students than the OP video is available on the link provided above.

The cane will often bounce off & whip back in experienced hands, causing 2-3 bruises per stroke. They look worse than they are, trust me ;) The main deterrent is when the offender returns to school and shows classmates. The day after being caned is bad, 3days later a minor irritation and pretty much gone after a week, except for the technicolour welts!

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Whilst I was working as a teacher at a catholic school near Bangkok I witnessed a female teacher caning 3 boys in the staff room. There were lots of other teachers in the staff room and no one batted an eye lid - except for me.
For Pleasure? Caning as pleasure probably began when canings were given as punishments. Mrs. Berkely in Georgian England invented an apparatus for caning and whipping at her "berkely horse" (actually a tilted frame). She made a fortune from it's use. Prostitutes in England (male and female) still use the cane regularly.
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Have people forgotten that until 30 odd years ago caning was common place in English schools and was completely acceptable. In my view caning , properly carried out, never did anyone any harm. I was caned myself on several occasions and believe it taught me the right lesson. The threat of the cane often acted as a deterrent without it being needed to be carried out. Since corporal punishment was banned in English schools discipline has become a major problem as teachers have few ways to punish pupils and even have to ask parents permission before giving a detention.

Some of the yobs in our societies today would have benefited from a good caning in their youth!!!

Well said. I agree wholeheartedly.

Of course, some people will go over the top and become abusive, but to say that the teacher (or even the parents, as in Western countries) must never spank the children is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. The old saying spare the rod and spoil the child has a lot of truth to it. As with anything, extremes are not good, but judicious use of corporal punishment can be very beneficial.

What's really sick and abusive is the trend in western countries over the last few decades to drug the "troublesome children" with dangerous drugs like ritalin.

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