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Frenchman Tried For Sexual Assault On 10 Thai Children


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even in the french prison, his life will be extremely difficult

Unfortunately not . I'm french and I can tell you they put all the wicked rapists together in the same jails.

So, he will not have anyone to give him hard times (to be polite !)

Which is quite understandable.

Another court session for getting the murderes or whatever condemned, all the police work for finding out the killer or whatever.

Very practical people, the French, to put them all together, saves a lot of money and hassle.

Like a lot of other posters, I wonder what will be done about the ehhhhh,.....providers?

The mothers, I mean?

Can I also ask why so much attention s given to a foreigner?

What about "local" perps?

But of course, stupid question, only farang do this.

I do not want to spend any words about the perp.

If he has done it, of course.

Edited by hansnl
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I wonder if the relevant local authorities waited long enough to let him rape the girl before they burst in.....better evidence that way. Also then a huge bail could be requested, which they knew was as good as theirs because he would run away. I'm sure it bought the right people here some nice luxury items.

Along with the cretin, I do hope the mother as well was incarcerated and any other children who she may have were put up for adoption to families who actually care for kids. Shame on him and shame on her!

At any rate, he is in the right court of law now, where he has little chance to buy his way out of his crimes. Providing he is found guilty, may he be locked up for a long long time, at least for the rest of this life.

Your question implies that you already know the answer to this one. Of course they would have waited until they thought they could burst in with the rape actually in progress or soon afterwards. It was a business transaction for them, not a law enforcement operation or a bid to save a kid from physical abuse and a life time of mental trauma. What would have been the use to them of preventing the rape? They have performance and revenue targets to make and this was a big fish.

What takes place in these cases today has parallels in the post Bowring Treaty era when the Western powers exercised extrajudicial powers over their nationals because they had no faith in the Siamese justice system, only they exercise the extrajudicial powers over their nationals from back home. The promotion to a very big job of a senior officer who has been indicted for the murder of a foreign national makes very clear that the government does not give a dam_n about international opinion regarding their corrupt and murderous police.

Edited by Arkady
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I am fascinated by how the various mechanisms of the neo-liberal regimes have provided you (all of you reading this topic) with a relentance fascination in these sorts of sexual crimes.

Although there was always a narrative within the working classes against such acts (and the middle classes condoning of the corrupt working class culture has gone on since Hogarth), among the middle classes, the literature until only the 1980s was essentially accepting of men with boys (but not girls).

Running through the genealogy of the criming of sex with children, we find the concern with it a very recent phenomenon. Indeed, having sex with a woman with her on top carried a 3 year sentence but a boy a mere 2 years in the post-Roman Empire Christian west europe in some jurisdictions (I read this last week but I cannot recall the exact dates or place, but you get the picture).

So I am left to wonder how the various institutions abnormalised this conduct and how it was demarcated out as the one taboo to give you all a jouissance feeling of disgust.

I came to this forum because I could not work out why there was no new posting in the ever-popular 'farang pub' forum for over an hour. Of course, you are all here. So this topic, that offers such a quick Lacanian moment of enjoyment by denial has give you all the appropriate wet dream for the moment.

it is as inevitable as the rising of the moon, that this taboo will at some point no longer be a taboo and something quite legtimiate now will take its place. I cannot imagine what or how.

But we can see the bizarre obsession with any sexual desire of violence that the Western world has in the last 2 years grabbed. The UK has just made it illegal to possess cartoons with depictions of violence that are disgusting (note the low level of obscenity) that could be reasonably be regarded as sexually gratifying. This is comedy. But it is tragic-comedy, and you are the panto dames playing along with it.

Rather than focusing in on this locus of the institutions of disgust of the neoliberal states you should be fighting for the state to leave you alone. Get off your backs and at least sign up to the CAAN fightback.

Please, you need to change your medication..

I'm familiar with the historical fact of the Roman practices you refer to. But the rest of your post, really :blink:

Ah, the irony. You now seek to kill off my criticism by abnormalising my position, with a familiar trope of claiming I need medicating. You need to ask: what are the juridico-medical practices in place that determine what is acceptable and what is not, and therefore what needs medical intervention.

Autism is only regarded as abnormal because it does not meet with the approval of the modern 'cubicle farm' office lifestyle.

I'm beginning to love this fellow and writing style. Bloody hel_l mate, you missed your calling. You should have been a screen writer for ABC or NBC doing sit coms for audiences that actually care about your mumble jumble. Bloody brilliant mate, brillaint.

No....less than brilliant..... If he could make it rhyme and put it to some head bobbin music like Eminem, it would be brilliant.

I see only condescending arrogance, with loosely (at best) linked ideas, no rhyme, no form, no beat, no rhythm and all put together with the sole intent of insulting some people "presumably" lower on the intelligence scale, who have done absolutely nothing to deserve this intellectual's (????) wrath. At least Eminem had a purpose,reason and clearly identified the recipients of his wrath....down to the person.

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Since people in this Country will consider money more important than other values, this and other misdeeds always happens more and more.


Throw all your money in the next dumpster you see and we'll see what value becomes most important in your life.....

some people in this country value money above all else, just like in any other country; usually it's the rich though, not the poor.

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What I don't get is how did he got bail in Thailand to run away in the first place. ph34r.gif

It's quite simple.

The mother sold the daughter and then changed her mind. So - possible complicated court case betwen Thai and farang.

I know - lets set a high bail, let him go and then he does a runner, we keep the money and the problem goes away! :annoyed:

Yes - especially in Pattaya!

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Unfortunately this exploitation of Thai women by foreigners is not uncommon. I am a foreigner living in the country and I, and at least 4 other foreigners, know that someone here (call him "X") has been drugging and raping young Thai women for years. Can we stop it? No. Will any of the girls report this to the police? No.

What is stopping you from reporting this insider information that you have on the foreigner to the police?

Agreed. If you don't report it, your simply allowing it to happen and thus are an accessory to it.

I also agree. If you know of someone committing crimes, you should report it, or you become like an accomplice.

It's like you're sitting in a room where a child is being raped. Are you going to just sit there and read the newspaper. Even if you don't hear the screams for aid, there is a dire need for rescue nevertheless. Each new victim has your fingerprints on her, as long as you keep that dirty secret to yourselves.

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I wonder whether the Ahbishit government know that thai children are being raped in their own country...

The government would have no idea it doesn't happen to the rich yellow shirt elite children so would not even want to know about it.

Where do the poor yellow shirt children and the rich red shirt elite children fall in your limited pigeon-holing?

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Rich yellow kids seldom get rape, or sold to the sex trade. Most of them are poor red kids. This is a good generalization.

Please define what you mean by red and yellow kid. I have never heard of this before.

OOps, never mind I just saw the earlier posts.:rolleyes:

Edited by bitterbatter
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In England having sex with any female between 1 day & 15years and 364 days is Rape as they are unable legally to consent, therefore in England it is totally irrelevant that an accused did not have to persuade and 8 year old girl to have sex.

Perhaps in France the law is different considering the French Government has been supporting Roman Polanski in avoiding appearing in Court as requested by the U.S. government for allegedly Raping a 13 year old American citizen, with the use of alcohol and sleeping tablets in Hollywood.

Vive le France !

Edited by spacebass
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What I don't get is how did he got bail in Thailand to run away in the first place. ph34r.gif

My friend, your forgot this is Thailand. Offer a large bail and hope he will go away. What happen to the the large bail money after that is anyone's guess.

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I wonder whether the Ahbishit government know that thai children are being raped in their own country...

The government would have no idea it doesn't happen to the rich yellow shirt elite children so would not even want to know about it.

The Government is only interested in catching political fugitives. All other issues not interested.

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I would really like to see the mother punished for this since she should be providing for her child, not the other way around in a method I would be hard-pressed to believe was not coerced.

At 1st, this guy is really sick. What kinda man to have a sex with "two French girls aged three and four"?? I reall do not understand this....mmmmm.......kind of monsters :(
What you quoted is actually 'charges'. As in, he's only been accused, not convicted, of this. So it doesn't make sense to judge him based on that until he's actually convicted, which I'm presuming he has of the bust in Thailand with the sex slaving mother.
In England having sex with any female between 1 day & 15years and 364 days is Rape as they are unable legally to consent, therefore in England it is totally irrelevant that an accused did not have to persuade and 8 year old girl to have sex.

Perhaps in France the law is different considering the French Government has been supporting Roman Polanski in avoiding appearing in Court as requested by the U.S. government for allegedly Raping a 13 year old American citizen, with the use of alcohol and sleeping tablets in Hollywood. Vive le France !

I was under the impression that he did a plea bargain where those charges were dropped by him pleading guilty to the lesser charge of "illegal sex with minor" and that the French government was taking Roman's position that he had served the full sentence because his sentence was to receive psychiatric counseling and both therapists assigned to him concluded that he shouldn't be on the sex offender registry, did not have pedophilia, and was not a risk to others.The dispute seems to surround that the judge said 90 days of counseling, yet Roman was unable to get that much due to the early release, so the judge wanted him to serve the remaining 48 days in prison. Apparently Roman freaked out though because he said he heard the judge telling reporters he would get put away for 50 years, and figured they were out to get him, so he skipped.Switzerland on the other hand (or was it Sweden?) released him from confinement because the California legal department did not supply the proper legal documents for extradition. Edited by tyciol
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"... he sexually assaulted two French girls aged three and four.

... he had never had the impression he was forcing the girls to comply with his wishes, the charge sheet alleges."

How this is possible ? Of course, we all know that all these little girls were willing !!!

How can he be innocent after such words !

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In England having sex with any female between 1 day & 15years and 364 days is Rape as they are unable legally to consent, therefore in England it is totally irrelevant that an accused did not have to persuade and 8 year old girl to have sex.

Perhaps in France the law is different considering the French Government has been supporting Roman Polanski in avoiding appearing in Court as requested by the U.S. government for allegedly Raping a 13 year old American citizen, with the use of alcohol and sleeping tablets in Hollywood.

Vive le France !

No, the law in France is the same.

The support given to Polanski by one member of the French government (Frédéric MITTERAND, the nephew of the former French President) is not approved by the rest of the French people, even if nobody in the government officially disagreed MITTERAND.

The support given to Polanski is unacceptable and he must be punished as CHAMOUX will be !

We just hope, that after he purges his sentence in France, he will be sent to Thailand for his crimes there...

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Sadly this problem is trivialised by pigeon holing it into poor kid, rich kid, red or yellow. The point is also lessened by trying to determine whether the perpetrator is Farang or Thai. The fact is that this crime knows no boundries of any type. It is committed against children of both sexes from all backgrounds by people from all nations and ethnicities and in fact by strangers and mostly by family members or family friends. So please no red or yellow crap on such an important subject.

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General warning - Please read before you post

We have decided to let this topic stay open for serious and civil discussion.

We will not tolerate:

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Be aware the person mentioned in this article is innocent until proven guilty by the French court of law.

If posters cannot follow these restrictions then the topic will be closed immediately and all members in violation of these restrictions will earn an immediate suspension.

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Thaivisa Admin

"The accused has admitted to carrying out some of the acts of which he is accused, but told investigators he had never had the impression he was forcing the girls to comply with his wishes, the charge sheet alleges." It says 10 kids between ages 3 and 8 and never had the imprssions he was forcing them????? what kind of cop out is that?

Next time his lawyer is maybe saying that he was seduced by all those little children.

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I wonder how long you could go hungry for before your morals change? It's easy to say morals should always exist, but morals are fine when your feed, clothed and sheltered.

They wouldn't for me no matter how desperate. I would top myself before using my son. You can be sure that this lowlife of a mother is not doing it as a last resort, she's doing it as an easy way to get baht. Absolutely disgusting and a pathetic excuse for a human being.

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sorry i must be mistaken. I read that he gave the mother some money. Now the mother wants to take cival action. how does that work ? sell your kid. the have the person arrested after the kid has been assaulted.

i am not sure what sickens me more. the mother or the rapist. or both ???

"... but he is also being tried for the alleged offences in Thailand after relatives of the Thai girls decided to take a civil case against him here."

The report did not say that the particular mother who accepted 20 euros is involved with the Civil Case.

But of course when you read his reactions on the charges.

"... he had never had the impression he was forcing the girls to comply with his wishes"

One could assume he made similar arrangements with other Parents(?). And these same parents are looking for another Pay Day! But maybe I am wrong, I only hope so.

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Anyway this man is a criminal and he should be punished severely.

And the mother? To sell one's children is not a crime?

What a mad world...


A golden key can open any door.

the only thing that might have happened is that he was arrested and tried to buy his way out o the thai jail by paying the mother to drop the charges but i think if that was true she would have asked for more than 26 euros. bas subject because all we know is what we are told but if it is 100 per cent true then that mother should be standing net too him in the dock,

for all we know maybe he tricked the simple mother and gave her money and told her he was going to take her kid out on a trip. suppose i will never know because it was an exchange of words so unless she confessed or it was recorded then it is all hear say.


Would you actually read the original article before posting?

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Thanks to b... for his note to me. I'll be talking to my friends about what to do about this abuser, X. Yes, one of us thought of vigilante justice, but most of us would like to stay strictly within the law. Anyway, all options are under discussion...

I'm glad that there are some farangs here who think that women have some rights.

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PARIS, September 6, 2010 (AFP) -- A 61-year-old Frenchman appeared in a Paris court Monday charged with raping or sexually assaulting ten Thai girls aged between six and 11.

A verdict was expected Friday.

Today is Friday in Paris.

At the time of your post, the time in Paris was 01:38 on Saturday Sept. 11.

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