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The Type Of Tv Member That.........


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knows it all!

the ones that wont except the fact that they are wrong, have lost the argument and the turn to mud slinging whilst taking part in the mature sport of name calling.

the type of member who has something to say about everything! will they ever shut up?

then we have the rose colored spectacle types that will defend anything and everything about what goes on from day to day in the land of smiles. do yourself and us all a favor and take them off. wink.gif

on the flip side though it aint all bad so if you wish to whine and whinge, try talking to your ever faithful friend, the bottle in your hand. blink.gif

the midnight posters with an ever increasing post count. some life you must lead in the outside world. biggrin.gif

posters who think their shit dont smell, believe me i can smell a pile of crap a mile off. ph34r.gif

and then we have the type that always have something to say about members living in different parts of the country, fine by me if you wish to reside where you do, just dont come by my neighborhood slagging the place off. ever seen what my wife can do with a large meat clever? unsure.gif

there that feels a whole lot better now. laugh.gif

anyone wish to make further comment, be my guest, im sure Ive missed something out and will be reminded. coffee1.gifwelcomeani.gifpartytime2.gifjap.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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I've covered this once before, but here it goes again...

I find a lot of posts here to be knowledgeable, but quite a few completely wrong. Even worse, it appears that the inability to admit being wrong is an irreversible disease. Personally, I find this hilarious, and in many aspects, this is what makes this forum such a great place.

With regards to potshots, bickering and even being rude to other members, it is remarkable to experience that TV rules don't allow this; take potshots and being rude.

My experience shows that what people perceives as being signs of an incredibly rude and unsightly nature of personality is when someone points out that they are wrong.

Moreover, it becomes even nastier if the person in question is ready to explicate WHY someone is wrong, and in addition is prepared to show empiric facts that clearly exemplifies how crazy your argument might be. In the event of such case you are clearly dealing with an asocial madman who - in the event that you are totally unable to defend your complete and utter lack of knowledge or incorrect gibberish, for that matter - should be barred from this forum if not only to prevent the sinister character from revealing someone's lack of argument with proper statements supported by empiric facts - which is apparently perceived as being rude.

For that reason: the day it's decided that members cannot be rude against, or take potshots at each other; it is inevitable that this forum will lose - in my opinion - the last of whatever charms it initially had.

With that in mind, I will continue to be as rude as I possibly can, and take potshots.

By the way, did anyone tell you that Naam still claims that a bilingu....trilingu....multilingual gardener makes wonders for the price level of German cars?

Edited by Forethat
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and then those who think he it didn't happen to them it must be fictional. grrr and the ones who think if u didn't marry here you must hate the place. far be it for me to call anyone marrow minded. but, narrow... well maybe.

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I guess if your time is spent on the General Forum then the crossing of swords with some of the posters there is an accepted occurence. Your points are perhaps valid for a couple of forums, but that aspect changes if you get out into the more rural topics such as farming where you fare much better if you have a reasonable amount of up to date relevant information.

I'm often surprised at how many people have such in depth knowledge of how to handle individual Thai women when the topic arises......I fully expect due to the widely available information hidden deep in the honeycombs of Thaivisa that marital challenges in thailand will soon become a thing of the past.......:)

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and then those who think he it didn't happen to them it must be fictional. grrr and the ones who think if u didn't marry here you must hate the place. far be it for me to call anyone marrow minded. but, narrow... well maybe.

"Marrow-minded"; I love that.

Like a soft succulent vegetable...

As useful a word as "muttonous" - like a discontented sheep...

We should all do our best to improve the English language, I think.

Thank you


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I can deal with almost any kind of response but what bothers me are the troll finders and the thread closers.

You know the ones who can’t possibly fathom an argument or rejoinder and call the OP a troll and request the thread be closed.

Or “the thread has run it course ones”, when there is a post ever hour.

Or the ones who accuse someone of being a bad person simply because he or she has posted in a thread about bad people. You know the guilt by association thing.

Or the ones who act like they are in a position of authority but aren’t.

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A few spring to mind.

The posters for who Thailand is in 2 colours. Black and white. The sort of " If you're a westerner in Thailand and have a road accident you'll always be found to be the one at fault " type <deleted>.

The pedant. " Actually Udon Thani is 111 kilolmetres from Khon Kaen NOT 110 "

The " I'll read what I want to read and not what you actually wrote and then attempt to belittle you over something you didn't actually post"


Poster 1: " Can anybody tell me the best way to get from Chiang Mai to Rayong?"

Poster 2: " So you're implying that all Black people should be shot? Racist scum!"

The "I've never been there but I know how millions of people think" soundbite <deleted>

"Well of course all these red shirts are Isaan peasants being led by the nose by Thaksin and are only out for some free cheese and a cuddly toy.'

And you are where to know the mindset of all these "peasants"? Ah..... Sungai Kolok.

The poster who can't even take a mild pisstake without going off like a steam whistle in indignation.

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I know that one. It's where you've been for a night out on the booze and when you get home and go for a piss there's an 80% chance you'll miss the bowl and piss all over the floor, right?


Or in my case piss in the waste paper bin rolleyes.gif

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and then those who think he it didn't happen to them it must be fictional. grrr and the ones who think if u didn't marry here you must hate the place. far be it for me to call anyone marrow minded. but, narrow... well maybe.


"marrow-minded"...the same as bone-headed??:rolleyes:

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It's the ones who come home full of booze and then proceed to piss all over this forum that you've gotta watch out for.

Hahaha, Oi, Ballpoint ! Well said. If I hadn't been horizontal at the time, I might well have been inclined to say the same. :)

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