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Hidden Agenda


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I have been accused three time in the last couple of weeks of having a “hidden agenda” when writing to Thaivisa.

Whilst being fully aware that these remarks are only tired debate techniques used by those with little argument, they have at least made me think about what is my principal motivation for reading and contributing to Thaivisa.

Surprisingly enough I have concluded my motivation has nothing to do with religious conviction, political opinion, a desire to belittle the less educated or to demonstrate sympathetic views on homosexuality (to name a few of my accusers’ insinuations) - my main motivation is jealousy.

I am deeply jealous that there are those able to spend considerable time in LOS whilst I have been forced back to the UK with my family in order to educate the youngest and earn enough readies for an extended stay in Thailand next year.

Every time I read a posting on life in LOS this jealousy increases; every time I send a posting I feel the jealousy receding slightly. Without the cut and thrust of argument and comment with those within or close to LOS, I feel I would be consumed to the point that would make even Othello turn white.

This has made me think, are there others who think like me?

Or perhaps there are others who do have a hidden agenda when writing to Thaivisa?

What is it that compels those who live in Thailand to use (loose?) their valuable time on Thaivisa?

Why do expats continue to bore each other long after they have left Thailand?

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Good post TM.

I am probably one of those that you might be jealous of... as I live and work full time in Thailand, and am now making it my home for the rest of my life. Not that I want to fuel your jealousy... far from it... but I for one am glad to see that you've done some self analysis and recognized (and publicized) your problem.

Please don't blame us LOS residents for your condition. :o

Why do I post on TV?

Several reasons... one, I have a boring job and TV provides a pleasant diversion... two, if I can help someone out with a problem, I will offer my own limited advice if I think it will help... three, entertainment... pure and simple.


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Why do I post here.

1) I live in the sticks and do not see another falang from one week to the next. I need a bit of English banter.

2) I have lived here for 11 years. I feel that I can help answer queries from both newbies and expats.

3) I enjoy the humour here

4) I need support to help keep this d@mn computer running

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Interesting, Thomas,

Your post sets the little gry cells in motion.

I am not yet an expat, it will still be a couple of years before I make the move to LOS.

My reason for being here (thaivisa) is mainly, that I want to prepare myself for the life as an expat. There is a lot to learn from others who have lived in Thailand for years, and there is no need to make all the mistakes yourself, if can avoid it by listening to others.

For most expats I would also think that Thaivisa helps them keep in touch with the world outside. No matter how well integrated in the thai society people become, I think almost anyone would need a dose of non-thai contact every now and then.

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Why  do I post here.

1)  I live in the sticks and do not see another falang from one week to the next.  I need a bit of English banter.

2) I have lived here for 11 years.  I feel that I can help answer queries from both newbies and expats.

3) I enjoy the humour here

4) I need support to help keep this d@mn computer running

Interesting, Thomas,

Your post sets the little gry cells in motion.

I am not yet an expat, it will still be a couple of years before I make the move to LOS.

My reason for being here (thaivisa) is mainly, that I want to prepare myself for the life as an expat. There is a lot to learn from others who have lived in Thailand for years, and there is no need to make all the mistakes yourself, if can avoid it by listening to others.

For most expats I would also think that Thaivisa helps them keep in touch with the world outside. No matter how well integrated in the thai society people become, I think almost anyone would need a dose of non-thai contact every now and then.

Thanks for the honest replies.

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I too am living and working full time in LOS, and yet each morning I open up Thaivisa (alongside the bbc website) to 'lose' my time!

For me my motivations are pretty much 2 fold;

First, to read George's news reports about whats going on in Thailand - I realise I could get this info from the newspaper, but thaivisa saves me the effort of filtering the interesting news from the nonsense!

Secondly and more importantly for me, as I live with my thai family, and work alongside thai's, my contact with farangs is limited. Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me! While I do communicate with friends back in the uk, they don't quite 'get' thailand, whereas the contributers to this forum do. It's purely to be part of a community - a cyber community.

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I too am living and working full time in LOS, and yet each morning I open up Thaivisa (alongside the bbc website) to 'lose' my time!

For me my motivations are pretty much 2 fold;

First, to read George's news reports about whats going on in Thailand - I realise I could get this info from the newspaper, but thaivisa saves me the effort of filtering the interesting news from the nonsense!

Secondly and more importantly for me, as I live with my thai family, and work alongside thai's, my contact with farangs is limited.  Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me!  While I do communicate with friends back in the uk, they don't quite 'get' thailand, whereas the contributers to this forum do.  It's purely to be part of a community - a cyber community.

Same with me really. Having worked in law in the UK, it's the nearest I can get to meeting the wide mixture of people found in the law courts which I left 5 years ago.(not that I'm saying you're all like a lot of criminals) Lots of interesting people with the odd "unbelievable"! Unlike work you can close the computer on thaivisa knowing if you don't like what somebody says, or they don't like what you say, who cares? :o

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What is it that compels those who live in Thailand to use (loose?) their valuable time on Thaivisa?


You are a highly educated man. When I see people use the word loose instead of lose, it winds me up.

When I see you doing it, I despair.

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Where I live is where I was born, and it is not home to me, I have no connection to my blood relatives either. I want to live somewhere else, that might someday feel like home. My wife (Thai) wants to go home. She has told me all about Thailand with the words of someone deeply in love with the topic on which they speak. She cries after every phone call to her family. So, I think, if it is a good for our children to live there I will do whatever I can to help my wife return home. So, I post here to learn about Thailand (TV is just one source of info) and people I might encounter. I never really posted before, just listened in, but I like a lot of the people here, so, I post to learn and talk.

Edited by thaibebop
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For me it's both entertaining and informative. Reading and posting on Thai Visa made it easier for me to get here and it makes it easier to get things done now that I am here.

Plus, it's an outlet. Life is frustrating no matter where you live it; full of disappointments and failures. This is a place where we can talk about these things with people with whom we presumably have something in common.

Before I retired I hung out with some friends at a coffee shop before work and with some other friends at a bar after work. I don't have those conversational events any more and I find TV to be a pretty good, and often pretty amusing substitute.

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Where I live is where I was born, and it is not home to me, I have no connection to my blood relatives either. I want to live somewhere else, that might someday feel like home. My wife (Thai) wants to go home. She has told me all about Thailand with the words of someone deeply in love with the topic on which they speak. She cries after every phone call to her family. So, I think, if it is a good for our children to live there I will do whatever I can to help my wife return home. So, I post here to learn about Thailand (TV is just one source of info) and people I might encounter. I never really posted before, just listened in, but I like a lot of the people here, so, I post to learn and talk.

My wife missed Thailand for the first few months and now calls Australia home, thank <deleted>. She is still very interested in the happenings in Thailand of course, but still, she understands that life is better for her and baby here. It would certainly be better for our little one when school comes around. Judging from what she tells me about schools in the LOS, there is no way in H E L L that I would even consider moving there as I don't think a poorer than usual education and violent and cruel teachers is the way to go. I came here for help and information about the visa process and was helped considerably. I return regularly as this forum has more info than just visas. It's entertaining and educational. It helps me understand the Thai mindset more and in turn understand my wife better. :o

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Where I live is where I was born, and it is not home to me, I have no connection to my blood relatives either. I want to live somewhere else, that might someday feel like home. My wife (Thai) wants to go home. She has told me all about Thailand with the words of someone deeply in love with the topic on which they speak. She cries after every phone call to her family. So, I think, if it is a good for our children to live there I will do whatever I can to help my wife return home. So, I post here to learn about Thailand (TV is just one source of info) and people I might encounter. I never really posted before, just listened in, but I like a lot of the people here, so, I post to learn and talk.

My wife missed Thailand for the first few months and now calls Australia home, thank <deleted>. She is still very interested in the happenings in Thailand of course, but still, she understands that life is better for her and baby here. It would certainly be better for our little one when school comes around. Judging from what she tells me about schools in the LOS, there is no way in H E L L that I would even consider moving there as I don't think a poorer than usual education and violent and cruel teachers is the way to go. I came here for help and information about the visa process and was helped considerably. I return regularly as this forum has more info than just visas. It's entertaining and educational. It helps me understand the Thai mindset more and in turn understand my wife better. :o

Well, my wife is blessed enough to come from a very well off family amd she has been in America for 6yrs now. So, it's a little different her. All her friends here you came from poorer families won't go back, but all the ones that came from richer famiies can't wait to go back. Except her cousin Jac-pon, who thinks being gay in America is much better than being gay in Thailand, so he's staying.

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What is it that compels those who live in Thailand to use (loose?) their valuable time on Thaivisa?


You are a highly educated man. When I see people use the word loose instead of lose, it winds me up.

When I see you doing it, I despair.

Blame fat fingers, illogical spell checkers or that missing grey cell, but please do not despair.

There are, unfortunately - and I am sure you agree - much more important events upon which to use that emotion.

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She cries after every phone call to her family. So, I think, if it is a good for our children to live there I will do whatever I can to help my wife return home.

It might be good for your wife, but I doubt it would be good for your children. Most Thai schools produce kids with zero critical thinking ability or initiative, and international schools are very expensive.

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She cries after every phone call to her family. So, I think, if it is a good for our children to live there I will do whatever I can to help my wife return home.

It might be good for your wife, but I doubt it would be good for your children. Most Thai schools produce kids with zero critical thinking ability or initiative, and international schools are very expensive.

I think about that a lot. I have thought that if Thailand isn't a good option for the kids than maybe I could move us closer to a Thai community here in the states. I know her parents have friends on the west coast so for them to come and live here when they are older wouldn't be so bad. I think she misses her family more than Thailand.

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<snip>Or perhaps there are others who do have a hidden agenda when writing to Thaivisa?<snip>

Yes, and I am not telling. :o:D

Ask Mr Lampshade, Something to do with the global domination of the Parramatta Rugby League Football Club, Manchester United going to Glory, and the #2 Breakfast. :D

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... I think she misses her family more than Thailand.

My wife thought she missed Thailand while we were in the US, but upon returning it is clear she really just missed a few food items and her family. Now I get to hear how all sorts of Thai things drive her nuts! :o

By the way, Los Angeles is said to have the biggest Thai population in the US. I can definitely attest to there being more trappings of Thailand there, such as temples, Thai grocers, and nearly authentic Thai food (just with US produce) than I have seen anywhere else in the US.

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What is it that compels those who live in Thailand to use (loose?) their valuable time on Thaivisa?


You are a highly educated man. When I see people use the word loose instead of lose, it winds me up.

When I see you doing it, I despair.

could also be read as to set loose? :o:D

if I have a hidden agenda thomas - I can't remember where I stashed it.

I originally came across this forum when searching for information about the arran - poipet border crossing , and then continued to peruse it for its valuable information.

then after reading the social side of it with some of the very witty and funny posters have now found myself to be wanting to be part of it.

I have met a few of the members over the years at different functions and found most to be very agreeable people.

my first destination when pointing my browser at thaivia.com is the news clippings section

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1) The grass is not greener in Thailand in my opinion.


Every time I read a posting on life in LOS this jealousy increases

If I felt like that, I think I would avoid looking at the website.

Trying to think of an example that would apply to me.......perhaps, say, reading about guys my age back in civilization who, whilst they are basically bloated mediocrities like myself, are phenomenally wealthy.

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...Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me!...

I second that!

Interesting post TM - but are you sure "jealousy" is the motivation? Isn't it just a case of yearning to be here? So talking to those who ARE here brings you just a little bit closer... as if you are here too? :o

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...Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me!...

I second that!

Interesting post TM - but are you sure "jealousy" is the motivation? Isn't it just a case of yearning to be here? So talking to those who ARE here brings you just a little bit closer... as if you are here too? :o

Your observation is most likely correct.

However, I do know there is some emotion just a cruel as jealousy that drives me to be impatient with those lucky enough be living in LOS, but who spend all their time whining and whinging on Thaivisa.

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...Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me!...

I second that!

Interesting post TM - but are you sure "jealousy" is the motivation? Isn't it just a case of yearning to be here? So talking to those who ARE here brings you just a little bit closer... as if you are here too? :o

Your observation is most likely correct.

However, I do know there is some emotion just a cruel as jealousy that drives me to be impatient with those lucky enough be living in LOS, but who spend all their time whining and whinging on Thaivisa.

And bleating? :D

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...Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me!...

I second that!

Interesting post TM - but are you sure "jealousy" is the motivation? Isn't it just a case of yearning to be here? So talking to those who ARE here brings you just a little bit closer... as if you are here too? :o

Your observation is most likely correct.

However, I do know there is some emotion just a cruel as jealousy that drives me to be impatient with those lucky enough be living in LOS, but who spend all their time whining and whinging on Thaivisa.

And bleating? :D

Hidden Agenda, I would have to say yes, I have met to great gujys from Austra;ia from TV that I would never had met otherwise.

I benefit from mind much sharper then mine in specific areas and have learned from them.

I research possible business activities and trips here, not from the tourist info. I can communicate with the guys who live in an area and get thier views befoer I go and plan around what I'm told. That is great and can't be replaced.

Sometimes it excercises the grey matter which is not something I have to do here.

Allow me to communicate in my language.

There are many reasons for an expat to enjoy this board

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...Thaivisa helps keep me sane - looking at (and laughing at) others with similar experiences, and as a release of my western mindset - the thai's just don't understand me!...

I second that!

Interesting post TM - but are you sure "jealousy" is the motivation? Isn't it just a case of yearning to be here? So talking to those who ARE here brings you just a little bit closer... as if you are here too? :o

Your observation is most likely correct.

However, I do know there is some emotion just a cruel as jealousy that drives me to be impatient with those lucky enough be living in LOS, but who spend all their time whining and whinging on Thaivisa.

And bleating? :D

And political posturing. :D

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... I think she misses her family more than Thailand.

By the way, Los Angeles is said to have the biggest Thai population in the US. I can definitely attest to there being more trappings of Thailand there, such as temples, Thai grocers, and nearly authentic Thai food (just with US produce) than I have seen anywhere else in the US.

The big island of hawaii is a close second to LA

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Why do I post here.

1) I live in the sticks and do not see another falang from one week to the next. I need a bit of English banter.

2) I have lived here for 11 years. I feel that I can help answer queries from both newbies and expats.

3) I enjoy the humour here

4) I need support to help keep this d@mn computer running


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Why do I post here.

1) I live in the sticks and do not see another falang from one week to the next. I need a bit of English banter.

2) I have lived here for 11 years. I feel that I can help answer queries from both newbies and expats.

3) I enjoy the humour here

4) I need support to help keep this d@mn computer running


me too....well apart from the 11 years thing... oh and the computer thing :o

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