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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage


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Either the story is true and serious and Animatic's question is very wise, severe and scary: How influential are these people, that thais can not find someone much more powerful

Or its a message to discredit the police.

Or its a message to show that Thailand had never been so corrupted.

Or it is someone showing how powerful they believe they are....

There are no doubt types that wouldn't look for this stuff,

but might buy something because it is in their face,

and they are curious. But warped enough to have that curiosity.

There must be a Catholic church in the neighbourhood.......annoyed.gif

Do you mean to suggest that the kiddy porn is about young boys only ? You checked this out personally I guess ;)

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Either the story is true and serious and Animatic's question is very wise, severe and scary: How influential are these people, that thais can not find someone much more powerful

Or its a message to discredit the police.

Or its a message to show that Thailand had never been so corrupted.

Or it is someone showing how powerful they believe they are....

There are no doubt types that wouldn't look for this stuff,

but might buy something because it is in their face,

and they are curious. But warped enough to have that curiosity.

There must be a Catholic church in the neighbourhood.......annoyed.gif

Do you mean to suggest that the kiddy porn is about young boys only ? You checked this out personally I guess ;)

All of the kiddie porn I noticed on Pattaya beach road openly displayed for the passing public was adult men and girl children, certainly not gay stuff. I can't say if they also had gay kiddie porn or not, I didn't engage them or browse. There have in the past been aggressive individual vendors of Thai gay kiddie porn working Dongtan beach in Jomtien though. I can't say if they are operating now, or not. Of course, both types of product are horrific, but I have never seen the gay kiddie porn OPENLY displayed to the general public like the man-girl child stuff. Edited by Jingthing
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Somebody -i will not mention his/her name for fear of getting banned -just mentioned being approached by Pataya porn vendors.

That nerer happened to me.

But then again, i do not live in Sodoma or Gomorra.

I used to live in Sodoma. It's a lovely suburb of San Francisco. Everyone was extremely friendly!

OK _ i believe you

Now; how about saying sorry for calling ladyboys "clowns"?

Or have you become too thai for being able to say sorry?

OK, some look like clowns, some are foxy, how's that?

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So, I have not been on Sukhumvit road in three months and while I was disgusted that adult porn was, in the last two years, being openly displayed in view of children, this is an entirely different matter.

However, so far I see no evidence that this is happening except this one article at the beginning of this forum from the Bangkok Post. Just a lot of bantering in the thread. Can anyone independently verify that it is indeed taking place, where they have personally seen it and lastly, if they are sure these are children in the photos and not young adults dressed like kids? Both Sukhumvit and Pattaya?

I find it hard to believe that something as internationally vile as this can be openly displayed. I understand someone offering it on the sly, but openly displayed?

I can verify it has happened in Pattaya on multiple DVD tables, openly displayed. There was no doubt at all that there were very young children in the porns. I am amazed that people are doubting this. Why would we make this stuff up?

I did not insinuate that your were making it up. Newspapers are not always accurate and definitions can often involve semantics. So you are saying that very young children were unclothed and involved in obvious acts of sexual conduct, including bestiality? I know someone, I will not venture an identity, that if he were to come across this, he would take a certain specific action to insure it stopped. And he is exceptionally qualified to do so. Hard to believe someone hasn't beat him to it if this has been going on awhile.

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There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them. It is the nastier side of the human condition. I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.
I don't feel it is fair to imply that because 172 people are viewing this topic they are potential clients who wish to purchase child pornography, maybe the interest in the subject is because people are rather outraged by the story. I feel that these vendors should be arrested and charged with Child Pornography charges, paraded in front of the news cameras with there wares and shamed I am sure it would discourage openly selling of these discs. Of course they would be just put under the counter then. Or even better set up surveillance and nab all the purchasers of these discs Dk
Dont feel its fair to imply that 172 people are viewing this topic are potential…….and so on! Who the hel_l is BWpattaya one thing youve forgotten "BWpattaya" in your 172 figure mate…………Your one of them!! You pompous fool. Maybe you protest too much!...................How does that feel? Edited by Tonto21
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So, I have not been on Sukhumvit road in three months and while I was disgusted that adult porn was, in the last two years, being openly displayed in view of children, this is an entirely different matter.

However, so far I see no evidence that this is happening except this one article at the beginning of this forum from the Bangkok Post. Just a lot of bantering in the thread. Can anyone independently verify that it is indeed taking place, where they have personally seen it and lastly, if they are sure these are children in the photos and not young adults dressed like kids? Both Sukhumvit and Pattaya?

I find it hard to believe that something as internationally vile as this can be openly displayed. I understand someone offering it on the sly, but openly displayed?

I can verify it has happened in Pattaya on multiple DVD tables, openly displayed. There was no doubt at all that there were very young children in the porns. I am amazed that people are doubting this. Why would we make this stuff up?

I did not insinuate that your were making it up. Newspapers are not always accurate and definitions can often involve semantics. So you are saying that very young children were unclothed and involved in obvious acts of sexual conduct, including bestiality? I know someone, I will not venture an identity, that if he were to come across this, he would take a certain specific action to insure it stopped. And he is exceptionally qualified to do so. Hard to believe someone hasn't beat him to it if this has been going on awhile.

I know what I saw. Sex acts. Adult men. Girl children looking age 10 or under. No ambiguity in the least. I didn't see any bestiality on the top pile, but like I said, I didn't browse. You couldn't help but see this walking by if you eyed the tables. More than one pile of it, again, openly displayed to the public. This was on more than one night on multiple tables. Edited by Jingthing
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While the sex addicts in Pattaya(not the kiddly-fiddlers) self-rightseoulsy hurl abuse at child pornagraphy, I can self-righteously hurl abuse at them to make myself feel better. Likewise, there is someone reading this who can self-righteously condemn me.

Many many come here for what many many believe disgusting.

Live and live let.

So you don't think that children should have the right to not be sexually exploited? Seek help mate.

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So, I have not been on Sukhumvit road in three months and while I was disgusted that adult porn was, in the last two years, being openly displayed in view of children, this is an entirely different matter.

However, so far I see no evidence that this is happening except this one article at the beginning of this forum from the Bangkok Post. Just a lot of bantering in the thread. Can anyone independently verify that it is indeed taking place, where they have personally seen it and lastly, if they are sure these are children in the photos and not young adults dressed like kids? Both Sukhumvit and Pattaya?

I find it hard to believe that something as internationally vile as this can be openly displayed. I understand someone offering it on the sly, but openly displayed?

I can verify it has happened in Pattaya on multiple DVD tables, openly displayed. There was no doubt at all that there were very young children in the porns. I am amazed that people are doubting this. Why would we make this stuff up?

I did not insinuate that your were making it up. Newspapers are not always accurate and definitions can often involve semantics. So you are saying that very young children were unclothed and involved in obvious acts of sexual conduct, including bestiality? I know someone, I will not venture an identity, that if he were to come across this, he would take a certain specific action to insure it stopped. And he is exceptionally qualified to do so. Hard to believe someone hasn't beat him to it if this has been going on awhile.

I know what I saw. Sex acts. Adult men. Girl children looking age 10 or under. No ambiguity in the least. I didn't see any bestiality on the top pile, but like I said, I didn't browse. You couldn't help but see this walking by. More than one pile of it, again, openly displayed to the public. This was on more than one night on multiple tables.

Thank you for responding.

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OK, I've just walked past the 'offending' vendor, who is open for business in what appears to be a normal state. No I didn't ask if he had a stash of under-age sexual material, not the least since I walk through there often and have more than a nodding acquaintance with number of vendors [and their bosses], but as in the BP photo the displayed XXX wares where primarily Asian sourced, and in my view would legal at point of origin. The stall was not entirely dedicated to porn, the usual Hollywood and Bollywood options clearly there as well.

Though it may be the time a few of the other XXX purveyors where not at their pitches.


PS Yes I do enjoy sexually explicit material, provided it is legal at the point of origin, but like many these days the web is a better and easier source.

Edited by A_Traveller
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Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you?

Again coming from a pure logic point of view, I have to ask .... What would be the point of this? What would they have to gain by selling so openly vs.what they have to lose?

Pattaya may be full of sex hungry men and women willing to trade sex for money but many of these people have kids are are STRONGLY against child porn. Maybe you can pay off 1 or 2 cops but what of all the others with kids who also STRONGLY are against child porn and would beat the hel_l out of anybody involved in it? What about the tourist police who would certainly drop a dime to a child protection group? What of the hundreds of thousands of tourists who are STRONGLY against child porn ... do they all just look the other way? There are too many people in society who would not hesitate to beat the hel_l out of somebody selling this stuff .. especially openly. Some of these people who would do the most violence to such a seller are criminals themselves ... just like in the rest of the world, you don't want to be in a Thai prison for child sex related crimes. You say they show this stuff to passing families but none have ever complained to a human rights or child group let alone the police?

There are many petite 18, 19 and 20 year old girls with no breasts to speak of who make a living in the porn industry by looking young. If your outside Thailand just do a search on the internet. These movies they are in are produced by large companies who keep all the actors info on file by law to prove their age.

If a guy is into child porn and in Pattaya then he likely has access to underage working girls and is going to be a bit careful about not being caught or being seen as a predator. The last thing this person is going to do is buy his illegal porn out in the open in front of families and police even if it was sold openly... they would know the rules are not the same for them as a farang and police would be keeping an eye on him.

The only thing that would make sense for a vendor to sell child porn openly is if he was working with the police to nab stupid and sick Farangs. Why would a vendor want to turn off 90% of his customers by standard porn stuff??? Who would buy a standard porn title from him when he is holding up child porn to everyone walking by??? OK, maybe he limits himself to only selling child porn to the very few people who buy it and the even fewer who buy it out in the open for the police and everyone to see ... again makes absolutely no sense ... especially when I've heard many of these people selling standard porn titles also sell child porn but you have to ask and they don't keep it right there at their stand. In fact this is often how they sell fake copies of Windows and other software now so they don't get busted with the stuff in their possession.

Sorry, I just don't buy this ... there is not one motivating reason a vendor would openly display this stuff to passing families as you state.

There was a case brought against a couple in the UK for having sex with a baby. Really, some people do this. In fact there's a famous lawyer/author in the US who's mission in life is to bring these people to jail.

When asked why they did it (engaged a BABY in their sex acts) they simply replied "Well, we'd tried everything else". And this is the problem with pornography. Some might content and limit themselves to 'The Pizza Delivery Boy', but for others, it gets a bit old. 'Animal Farm' anyone?

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Just to add a few points.

1. Since this post was flagged by email making correlations about readership numbers is foolish.

2. The interest in the exotic, does work both ways, some here might be surprised to know that some Asians find 'Falang Porn' more interesting.

3. The reality is, despite a great deal of effort to obscure this [anything to do with a cushy NGO posting I wonder] that the 'sex business' in Thailand is predominately a Thai matter, and despite the somewhat hysterical reporting, foreigners [not just falang] really do not feature in the big picture.

4. Dildos are prohibited here, though the 'can' style male masturbation aids are not. In short, penetrative aids are, for obvious reasons the issue. Maybe one could say the Thai's are the real Victorians [What! A woman having pleasure! OMG!]


Edited by A_Traveller
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The Bangkok Post has done a number of investigative exposes on criminal activities in the Sukhumvit area, previously highlighting the open drug dealing by African gangs, illegal bar and vendor activities, etc.

Often they have someone working undercover gethering evidence and photos, a very dangerous project for all involved.

Despite often excellent reporting and solid evidence, Thai police and politicians do NOTHING. I am not so naive as to not understand why this is, with the embedded corruption. But I would also understand if the Post and other media would just give up, considering the risk their staff is taking.

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A friend of mine who sometimes buys videos from this strip told me that the images on the outside cover of these vidos depicts the models in ways to make them look younger, retouched, baby expressions etc, this sells more. But the videos themselves reveal the models are for sure all over 18. Aparently the venders dont mind the lie because who is the customer going to complain to?

Coul be the post is trying to get better sales of its rag as sales dropped off after the Red episode. gutter press always sells.

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I am amazed that people are doubting this. Why would we make this stuff up?

It is denial. People don't want to believe this exists where they live.

Not too long ago Thailand was one of the top destinations in the world for child prostitution. Regardless of what the media may say these days, one look through the Pattaya news will show that pedophiles are STILL alive and kicking there, getting arrested weekly. So considering this, it should not be a surprise of any kind to find out child porn is being openly sold here. It is a simple measure of supply and demand.

Those who have lived in Bangkok for a while should remember the poor beggars who would have parts of their body cut off and tossed out on the streets in front of tourists to collect money. Their pimps would put them out every morning and pick them up every night. Poor buggers were jacked up on drugs and would have body parts amputated so the wounds were always fresh for the tourists to see. Remember those poor wretched people? Of course you do. If the locals can do that to another human being, they won't blink an eye at selling a porno with kids in it.

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Either the story is true and serious and Animatic's question is very wise, severe and scary: How influential are these people, that thais can not find someone much more powerful

Or its a message to discredit the police.

Or its a message to show that Thailand had never been so corrupted.

Or it is someone showing how powerful they believe they are....

There are no doubt types that wouldn't look for this stuff,

but might buy something because it is in their face,

and they are curious. But warped enough to have that curiosity.

There must be a Catholic church in the neighbourhood.......annoyed.gif

Hey! Let's be fair with this childish remark. So, you also mean a synagogue, a Wat, or a mosque, or a rectory, or whatever else. OR, how about leaving a little respect for all of the decent folk, who choose to follow the better parts of each religion, and yet get collared by the few deviants, who happen to to subscribe or take leadership in that religion? That comment really is unnecessary and unfair to a lot of people's faith.

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Im sorry I take offence to that remark. I live in Pattaya because it is the nearest town to my hubby's work. There are loads of respectable people live here.Not everyone is a Western whore -mongering pervert. Yes we have the ladies looking for a pot of gold, if they choose to take drugs thats there stupidity. Nobody elses.If they weren't in Pattaya they would be somewhere else. Yes we have the silly beggers thinking these girls love them for themselves not there money but there are lots of men here who are happily married as well.

Child pornography is on a different level . These girls know what they are doing.They are not stupid. Little kids haven't a clue.They must be scared for life.

Its available everywhere to these scumbags in the know not just here in Thailand and people who are invoved in that business should be castrated sent to prison and the key thrown away.

Sellers here who sell these DVDs on open market here should be run out of town. I cannot believe the Police and the government can allow this to go on. I am ashamed. Something needs to be done about this asap.

Isn't castration for men only, because there is something to remove? How do you castrate a woman; or perhaps you forgot to mention all the women who front these kids to the buyers? I am certain you meant that but forgot to say it in the heat of the moment.

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As to your scenario of abuse against one of my family members; nice try to bait and hook, but not my cup of tea to waste time on such an adolescent remark.

So basically you haven't got an answer to that then. :)

You touched a nerve there. The answer is a lot more complex than simply calling for mutilation and killing. Sorry to disappoint your visceral sense of being.

Whether I have the answer or not is for me to decide, and not something I feel I should cast out like a pearl for the pigs, to gain acceptance and approval from strangers who do not give a hoot about me, and the same to them. That is something that each man and woman must deal with on a personal level, and does not let out until that moment comes, because once the answer is realized, there is no turning back, and then you have to live with both consequences forever; the victim you love, and the life you mutilated or snuffed out. Can you accept that? Have you ever taken a life or mutilated someone? It is easy to be brave on a forum and talk about it. It wins a lot of votes and gets you a spot in the back of the rusty old pickup truck, and a shot of moonshine.

The real question is if these self-appointed vigilantes really would do the things they say they would do were the moment presented to them.

You never know until you are faced with it, because again, you have to live with it for the rest of your life. A soldier who shoots another human and kills, and does not have some sort of scarring is not human. People here are outright talking about mutilating people whom they do not know, or snuffing their lives out like it's some sort of video game. These are people we have created in our minds, or who have been created and put there by the media. These are people, whose personal life stories we know nothing about. Are you all really ready to mutilate and take the lives of these people if they are all lined up in front of you? Many of these people, more than likely, were at one time or another molested themselves, and got promoted up the ladder of succession. I am describing the humans in the industry, as well as the humans for sale. It is easy to worship human life, but the reality is that life is cheap, and no one really cares, and the collateral damage continues to increase.

I am certainly aware enough to know that something I have never faced cannot produce an answer until it happens. Killing and mutilating is a very serious thing that one can not erase from their memory. Whatever you think of me for saying that is none of my business. How you demonstrate that to me makes it my business. I have never mutilated or taken another life, and I can honestly say I do not have an answer. Taking the adolescent jibe in consideration, I feel that something like this would definitely test my limitations, but that is a personal issue I do not care to broadcast on a forum where it only serves to exacerbate logical and rational discussion.

How many of these children today are you intent on saving, whereas tomorrow, when they are all grown up and doing the things you hate, you will be ready to mutilate and end their lives?

It is almost ironic, but I think about the comments of people who buy the other DVDs; the ones that promote violence, racism, hatred, murder, rape, war, corruption, adultery, promiscuity, and the lot of the worst kind of human behavior. It seems to me that these movies are getting through to human beings, and most of what I read reflects the gospels these mindless pap movies promote. So where is the real damage, and is this some magician's slight of hand; i.e. focus on the child porn movies (a futile endeavor), and buy a stack of trash to pump into your mind and your children's minds.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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<br />
<br />There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.<br /><br />It is the nastier side of the human condition.<br /><br />I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.<br />
<br /><br />Right on;<br />This has been going on since as long as i can remmember and that goes back to the early 80's, so this is nothing new.<br />A thai has little, if any morality, when it comes to making a $<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I have no idea about the Thai people you know or associate with but, IMO you statement is a total slur on 60+ million people. The locals I know are normal, hardworking family orientated citizens.

What absolute nonsense.The Chinese Thais are the biggest abusers of children, To sleep with an underage child enhances their sexual powers. They pay BIG money to bed an underage virgin,and I mean BIG money!!!!.

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Thai are 95% Buddhist ??? give me a break. It's all an act

That's well known. The normal accurate description of most Thais' religion is 'animism with a veneer of Buddhism'.

Richard W ,you have hit the nail on the head. Most Thais ARE NOT "BUDDHISTS". they are indeed Animists, who because The powers to be decree that Buddhism is the state religion, they declare themselves to be Buddhist. The reality is that most of their belief systems are ANIMIST

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Is this sort of filth also available in non-tourist areas?

no way....only the nasty farang does this stuff....

just came accross this Forum, and i can say without a Doubt Yes, this goes on outside Tourist areas. i have worked in "Yarawat" (China Town) for many years. and the back street markets there you see openly selling these kiddy flix (for at least 6 yrs i have seen this going on there)... Great place to get Blockbuster movies for 30bht, but just makes you wanna smack these C*NTS for selling this... i dont care what turn your life has taken.... Selling, or anything to do with Child Pornography shoudl be a Death Sentence..

Ok so you see "Farang" always getting done for this stuff... for every 1 Farang caught, there are 20 thais Caught.....(Thais are more open to it, like its normal... Well, the sick one's are anyway..!)

But, when you see this kind of out-right "Who care's" selling of Child Abuse...and the Local & national athorties dont do anything about it (Simply shrug it off), You cant ask the Question, "why are so many Paedo's rushing to thailand.."

also, remember these guys on these Suhumvit stalls are just Employee's.. and do what they are told... (still wrong).. they get given a bag, "Sell these" and thats it... and most these stalls are "run" by the Local "Authority"...

If they dont do anything about it, then somone else should step in....and if they dont because they dont want to step on any shoes.... then Random people should stand in front of these stalls, and when somone come and buys this crap, take pics of them.. make a Big deal about it.. soon there will be no customers to buy and they will stop selling this crap..... (how pathetic is it i would even have to say this...only Thailand!)

Imagine this back in the UK... within 1 min of the seller displaying kiddy porn, the police would be on there way, and any local bystanders would start kicking the shit out of him....

i am ranting now...... but DAM.... where else in the world could you openly sell CHILD ABUSE MOVIE.. (and thats what they are... ABUSE) and thousand a bystanders say nothing, do nothing, just walk past....Police ignore it..... whats this Country coming to....

i have been here since i was 9 yrs old... Shit i am Ashamed! Thailand Pull your socks up... you wonder why the world looks at you with discust..... you wonder why Paedo's rush here, you wonder why if u say "Thailand" to someone back home, they Automaticly think "Whores"...

This country will never Progress at this rate.... 2 Steps Forward-5 Steps back.....

Anyway, sorry for my long rant... i F'ing hate Paedo's!

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Is this sort of filth also available in non-tourist areas?

no way....only the nasty farang does this stuff....

porno is sold everywhere in thailand. even ban nok.

all kinds.

you're naive to think otherwise

Ever been to Chinese Thai markets in Chinatown?That is where the biggest market for porn is on sale.To the Chinese Thais.There is a whole soi that sells porn and sex"toys". Most of the porn emanates from Japan. Does that not tell you something?

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Just like if Pattaya weren't full of Western old whore-mongering perverts, the young ladies of Issan wouldn't be breaking the law, ending up on drugs and disgracing their families.

The nastier side and people of Thailand - Pattaya - we all know what sort of tourist go there, or worse live there.

Yeah... Aussies that eventually get married f*cked over and relocate their bitter n twisted &lt;deleted&gt; somewhere north of Bangkok.

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There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

Just like if Pattaya weren't full of Western old whore-mongering perverts, the young ladies of Issan wouldn't be breaking the law, ending up on drugs and disgracing their families.

The nastier side and people of Thailand - Pattaya - we all know what sort of tourist go there, or worse live there.

I need to address your statement. I have lived in Thailand for over 5 years and a lot of the time in Pattaya. I think you are being ridiculous to generalise about everyone who is there, and your remark about tourists who come here also include my parents who have visited me here - please feel free to PM me and we can meet up to discuss this.

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From the comments of some posters here, one would think that Thailand was the only country in the world whose inhabitants want money by means fair or foul, and where deviant social behaviour is an affront to their personal dignity. Why do you bitter posters not face reality and recognize that such behaviour is common all over the world, especially in Western countries, and is an activity, deplorable as it is, that has been going on since we lived in caves? (That in no way is to suggest that I support this behaviour; were I to tell you what should be done to child molesters and rapists, this post would be wiped in a flash but at least men could show that they do everything they can to protect their women and children.) Why do you never let slip an opportunity no matter under what slimy rock you find it to badmouth the country you live in, but are deafingly silent when it comes to changing this dreadful state of affairs, or offering a positive suggestion or even looking at your own country? Are you ready to cast the first stone? Ask yourself: am I being a hypocrite? The answer is probably yes, we all are hypocrites at one point or another. But please, keep all these gratuitous insults to the kingdom and its people to yourself or move to Ho Chi Minh where you will find so many things to bitch about, you will think you have died and gone to heaven. Give us a break..

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