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Austrian Man Accused Of Conducting Lewd Acts With Minors In Pattaya


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I would guess that many of these kids go with foreigners fully aware of what they are doing, solely for the cash, perhaps with the knowledge of they’re families, if they have any. Not all these kids are as sweet and innocent as they may appear or as the media portrays them. Every which way the foreign pervert looses. If they become owned by the police, they will be required to pay compensation to the kid’s families and the police. If they cannot pay, the pervert is then left in a Thai stinkhole prison to rot or extradited abroad to live a life of hell in prison. These kids will probably still be selling their wares and awaiting the next gullible farang with sick desires.

They are jailbait, pure and simple.

Just travel around certain parts of Chiang Mai late at night and you will see lots of underagers standing somewhere in the shadows, in the dark corners of buildings and under trees openly approaching foreigners offering themselves for sex. I have witnessed foreigners taking off with these kids even when there has been a strong police presents in the area.

If these perverts find the temptations and they’re sick desires too strong to resist and willing to take the risk of spending a long time in jail, credibility gone and labelled a sick pervert forever just for the sake of having a short time perverted cheap thrill, then they deserve everything they get and should be dealt with accordingly the same as any other type of vermin.


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I would guess that many of these kids go with foreigners fully aware of what they are doing, solely for the cash, perhaps with the knowledge of they're families, if they have any. Not all these kids are as sweet and innocent as they may appear or as the media portrays them. Every which way the foreign pervert looses. If they become owned by the police, they will be required to pay compensation to the kid's families and the police. If they cannot pay, the pervert is then left in a Thai stinkhole prison to rot or extradited abroad to live a life of hell in prison. These kids will probably still be selling their wares and awaiting the next gullible farang with sick desires.

They are jailbait, pure and simple.

Just travel around certain parts of Chiang Mai late at night and you will see lots of underagers standing somewhere in the shadows, in the dark corners of buildings and under trees openly approaching foreigners offering themselves for sex. I have witnessed foreigners taking off with these kids even when there has been a strong police presents in the area.

If these perverts find the temptations and they're sick desires too strong to resist and willing to take the risk of spending a long time in jail, credibility gone and labelled a sick pervert forever just for the sake of having a short time perverted cheap thrill, then they deserve everything they get and should be dealt with accordingly the same as any other type of vermin.

You have done a perfect piece of writing--it really sums up the whole thing in a nutshell, The police always seem to be the root cause, stop the pervs, you will if you get these kids off the streets, but as I said earlier-its been going on all my 31 years here, its no different, the pervs come because MOSTLY they can get away with it--but most of all its because they are HERE-the boys==waiting. No boys-no pervs of this type.

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But there's never, ever been any misunderstanding regarding the total legality of personal lubricants. This article doesn't say he was arrested for possessing lubricants. They mention it in the context of evidence of what may have been happening at the scene of the crime. Now, if they said that the police seized some bottles of Elmer's Glue-all and a carpenters trestle, then the perp could claim he was simply giving the young boys some harmless home carpentry lessons.

Sorry you don't get my point. Lubricants are evidence of NOTHING criminal. They do suggest a person was either planning or has had sex or masturbation of some kind, but they are evidence of nothing more than that, any more than a box of tissues or condoms is. BTW, the police also often report they have confiscated CONDOMS as if that is a crime (and the silly local press reports that too).

I fully agree that lubricants, condoms and wank wipes sitting on a store shelf or in your handbag are not evidence of anything remotely criminal or even sexual. None of the news articles ever say that the possessing lubricants and condoms are illegal. The police mention it in the context of where it was found in a crime scene, the media repeats it to fill copy space. My butter stays (mostly) in the fridge. Get my drift yet?

I think you have been around the Pattaya block long enough to take anything translated from Thai and printed in English with a large handful of salt. The police, like any other in the world, may "seize evidence" at the crime scene but the more linguistically challenged 'reporter' here may find using "confiscate condoms" much easier no matter how totally misleading it may be. Only a Thai neophyte would deduce from our awe inspiring local crime reporting that condoms, lubricants and tissues are illegal.

Edited by NanLaew
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On the lubricants situation, anyone who follows the Pattaya press will have noticed that anytime a homosexual is arrested for anything in town, and they find "evidence of lubrication" (which they WILL almost always find in the home of all homosexuals) that is brought up by both the police and the press. Can't you see what is going on here? The police (as are police in most countries) are anti-gay and by highlighting a product that is associated with homosexuals when owned by males, they try to demonize suspects with suggestions of "deviant" anal sex. In a case like this, they don't need lubricants to make a case and as stated before charges of anal sex with minors is NOT involved with this case. There is more than enough damning evidence for what he IS charged with. Clearly the highlighting of lubricants is to add the gays are bad, gays are different boogie man to the case. I hope this man gets a fair trial though like most people reading the press, I think it is highly probable he is guilty. However, the crime is pederasty, not homosexuality. By highlighting the lubricants, they imply homosexuality in the charges.

Edited by Jingthing
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On the lubricants situation, anyone who follows the Pattaya press will have noticed that anytime a homosexual is arrested for anything in town, and they find "evidence of lubrication" (which they WILL almost always find in the home of all homosexuals) that is brought up by both the police and the press. Can't you see what is going on here? The police (as are police in most countries) are anti-gay and by highlighting a product that is associated with homosexuals when owned by males, they try to demonize suspects with suggestions of "deviant" anal sex. In a case like this, they don't need lubricants to make a case and as stated before charges of anal sex with minors is NOT involved with this case. There is more than enough damning evidence for what he IS charged with. Clearly the highlighting of lubricants is to add the gays are bad, gays are different boogie man to the case. I hope this man gets a fair trial though like most people reading the press, I think it is highly probable he is guilty. However, the crime is pederasty, not homosexuality. By highlighting the lubricants, they imply homosexuality in the charges.

I find it much much much more offensive that you are associating this story about a PEDOPHILE to gay people.

What do you think he was using the lubricant for given the other alleged evidence? Unless there is another news report of this guy being gay, I have only read he is accused of being a child molester. Why do you assume he is gay and enjoys sex with men?

I find it SMART of the police to include this as evidence and to alert them to further investigate to see if he had done more than oral sex with these kids. Wasn't there more than enough evidence too that they didn't need to mention or confiscate the kiddy porn too (which is not illegal to possess in Thailand)?

If he had sex toys they would have also confiscated those too and mentioned it as we have all read many times every time it happens in any sexually related crime story here.

You are being paranoid and reading way too much into their mentioning the lubricant 1-time near the end of each article as the listed evidence they found in the room. Even in the TV show in the US where they set up child predators they will always mention what these men brought to the house with them if it anyway shape or form could be associated with their intent to commit a sex crime and this includes condemns, alcohol or any sexually explicit material.

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Did they really need to victimize these kids again by hauling them out in front of the press and in front of all the child porn pictures/movies ???????????/

Why did they do it ????? because it made them look like they,ve done a good job. I am maybe speaking bad, but I think that the boys wouldn,t be harmed by it, IT WAS stated they had been involved before,---all this lubricants talk as well, my god. Fact. ===no kids (boys or girls)====no pervs, up to the law enforcers.

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But there's never, ever been any misunderstanding regarding the total legality of personal lubricants. This article doesn't say he was arrested for possessing lubricants. They mention it in the context of evidence of what may have been happening at the scene of the crime. Now, if they said that the police seized some bottles of Elmer's Glue-all and a carpenters trestle, then the perp could claim he was simply giving the young boys some harmless home carpentry lessons.

Sorry you don't get my point. Lubricants are evidence of NOTHING criminal. They do suggest a person was either planning or has had sex or masturbation of some kind, but they are evidence of nothing more than that, any more than a box of tissues or condoms is. BTW, the police also often report they have confiscated CONDOMS as if that is a crime (and the silly local press reports that too).

They don't mention these things because they are illegal etc, but because of the 'giggle factor' and for the 'causality factor'.

Example: Finding a bag of lubricants, condoms and rope in a burglar's backpack shows a possible intent - not that he carried something illegal.

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Where is the Austrian government at this time? Shouldn't they have sent an investigator?

According to ECPAT Austria, approximately 4,500 Austrians contribute to the global demand for child sex tourism. Austrian law provides extraterritorial jurisdiction over Austrian nationals who travel abroad to engage in child commercial sexual exploitation. Austria continued a campaign to encourage tourists and travel agencies to report cases of child sex tourism during the reporting period of 2008=2009. It did not report any investigations or prosecutions of such activity.

Well it seems to me that its about time the Austrian government got off its arse and dealt with the situation starting with this chubby fellow. I had a look at the applicable laws and found this;

According to section 64 (4a) of the Austrian Penal Code, aggravated sexual abuse of persons under age and pornographic presentations involving such persons, constitute a criminal offence, subject to prosecution irrespective of the criminal law in force in the country of the scene of crime, if the perpetrator is an Austrian national with primary place of residence in Austria. Some of the penalties are as follows;

  • Jeopardising the moral, ethical and health development of persons under 16 by subjecting them to sexual activities (section 208) carries a penalty of imprisonment of up to five years.
  • Homosexual activities with persons under 18 (section 209) carries a penalty of imprisonment from six months to five years, if the offender has reached twenty years of age and the victim is between fourteen and eighteen years of age.

Wanna bet, this fellow gets a free walk from Austria? There are only three countries that have a record of consistently charging these types of offenders; Australia, Canada and the USA. The EU talks alot but does SFA.

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Most probably a good catch (let the courts decide that) but again, what is with the police and lubricants? All kinds of lubricants are sold legally all over Thailand, at every 7-11, Boots, etc. In this case also the charges are related to oral sex. If you require lubricants for oral sex, you really should see a doctor ASAP. So again why do the police treat legal lubricants as illegal contraband, and more curiously why does the foreigner press entertain such odd notions by always reporting on the lubricants? If lubricants are a problem, why not bust every 7-11 in Thailand? If they are going to criminalize lubricants, what's next, hair pomade, dish soap, moisturizing lotion?

Mr. Haselsberger was arrested and a number of pornographic movies depicting sexual acts involving children were also seized along with a tube of lubricating jelly.

Well just maybe they looked at the lubricant in the context of the situation, added pedophile, young boy and lubricant and came up with 3. In this case the charge is of oral sex, but one might assume there is an ongoing investigation and further, more serious, charges may be laid.

Unless you can suggest another use of lubricant in the same situation?

Is he charged with having KY, therefore meaning that it's a chargebale offense under the laws of Thailand to actually have KY in your possession? I very much doubt so.

Are the police saying that it seems suspicious that he appears to be luring young boys to his room for sleepovers and there's KY handy? Probably yes to this one.

Is the reporter the person who's making the comment about the KY, rather then the police?

In any case, if he's quilty of sexual offenses against minors then he should be punished accordingly.

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Use common sense ..

It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

As for putting the child victim in the picture and parading them out in front of the press ... would you want this done if your kid was the victim of pedophile?

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Thai men are routinely abusing minors in the Thai - only bars every night. Where is the enforcement on that? I love the way the Thai police parade the pervs and criminals around on tv. Actually makes the people believe they are doing something besides "drinking tea" and letting the Thai elite get away with child molestation on a nightly basis!

Don't worry most locals don't think highly of Caucasian men when it comes to their sexual disposition.

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Use common sense ..

It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

As for putting the child victim in the picture and parading them out in front of the press ... would you want this done if your kid was the victim of pedophile?

No, I would not. But you are stating your feelings relating to your own morality with that of the lowest of the low and the scum of the Earth.

I once knew Thai parents that were fully aware their daughter was working as a bargirl in Chiang Mai. They reaped the benefits from the girl’s nightly activities by accepting a percentage of her income and turned a blind eye to it. They had no shame in mentioning that their daughter worked in a bar.

Now, if I discovered that any one of my daughters was a prostitute, my girlfriend and I would either suffer a heart attack or in my case would commit suicide, couldn’t cope with the stress and worry.

There are people out there that actively encourage their kids or kids in they’re charge to do these sort of things as if it`s an OK thing to do. The children are tragic victims but too young to realise this as yet and play a major role in the game and in many cases with the blessings of their guardians.

Perhaps the guardians of these kids pictured at the police station do not consider these children as victims but rather as being inconvenienced as part of an occupational hazard. Not forgetting that all these so called victims and the circle of people around them stand to gain financially at the expense of the farang who fell into the trap. I am not trying to twist this around to appear that the pervert is the victim; he has got his just desserts, but in a way all concerned are the victims of each other, a vicious circle. You have to completely eliminate one link to halt the chain of events. Personally, I would begin with clearing these kids off the streets and incarcerating the gangs or parents that neglect their children or that control them.

There is no way that homo sexuality can be compared with Paedophilia, not in the slightest way, although I do agree both are sexual deviants or not the norm. Then again this depends on whether we consider that all sexual deviation is corrupt and wrong. For example I prefer to have sex with the lights on, but this is another topic for another thread.

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Use common sense ..

It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

As for putting the child victim in the picture and parading them out in front of the press ... would you want this done if your kid was the victim of pedophile?

No, I would not. But you are stating your feelings relating to your own morality with that of the lowest of the low and the scum of the Earth.

I once knew Thai parents that were fully aware their daughter was working as a bargirl in Chiang Mai. They reaped the benefits from the girl's nightly activities by accepting a percentage of her income and turned a blind eye to it. They had no shame in mentioning that their daughter worked in a bar.

Now, if I discovered that any one of my daughters was a prostitute, my girlfriend and I would either suffer a heart attack or in my case would commit suicide, couldn't cope with the stress and worry.

There are people out there that actively encourage their kids or kids in they're charge to do these sort of things as if it`s an OK thing to do. The children are tragic victims but too young to realise this as yet and play a major role in the game and in many cases with the blessings of their guardians.

Perhaps the guardians of these kids pictured at the police station do not consider these children as victims but rather as being inconvenienced as part of an occupational hazard. Not forgetting that all these so called victims and the circle of people around them stand to gain financially at the expense of the farang who fell into the trap. I am not trying to twist this around to appear that the pervert is the victim; he has got his just desserts, but in a way all concerned are the victims of each other, a vicious circle. You have to completely eliminate one link to halt the chain of events. Personally, I would begin with clearing these kids off the streets and incarcerating the gangs or parents that neglect their children or that control them.

There is no way that homo sexuality can be compared with Paedophilia, not in the slightest way, although I do agree both are sexual deviants or not the norm. Then again this depends on whether we consider that all sexual deviation is corrupt and wrong. For example I prefer to have sex with the lights on, but this is another topic for another thread.

It is not my own feeling. It is a fact that this is not a good thing to do to parade these kids out in front of the media with the man who just molested them. Nor is it a good thing to allow them to be photographed and put in the news regardless if they are wearing a baseball hat. It is just not a good idea to exploit these child victims more and am shocked that any person with common sense can rationalize doing this extremely unnecessary thing.

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Use common sense ..

It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

As for putting the child victim in the picture and parading them out in front of the press ... would you want this done if your kid was the victim of pedophile?

No, I would not. But you are stating your feelings relating to your own morality with that of the lowest of the low and the scum of the Earth.

I once knew Thai parents that were fully aware their daughter was working as a bargirl in Chiang Mai. They reaped the benefits from the girl's nightly activities by accepting a percentage of her income and turned a blind eye to it. They had no shame in mentioning that their daughter worked in a bar.

Now, if I discovered that any one of my daughters was a prostitute, my girlfriend and I would either suffer a heart attack or in my case would commit suicide, couldn't cope with the stress and worry.

There are people out there that actively encourage their kids or kids in they're charge to do these sort of things as if it`s an OK thing to do. The children are tragic victims but too young to realise this as yet and play a major role in the game and in many cases with the blessings of their guardians.

Perhaps the guardians of these kids pictured at the police station do not consider these children as victims but rather as being inconvenienced as part of an occupational hazard. Not forgetting that all these so called victims and the circle of people around them stand to gain financially at the expense of the farang who fell into the trap. I am not trying to twist this around to appear that the pervert is the victim; he has got his just desserts, but in a way all concerned are the victims of each other, a vicious circle. You have to completely eliminate one link to halt the chain of events. Personally, I would begin with clearing these kids off the streets and incarcerating the gangs or parents that neglect their children or that control them.

There is no way that homo sexuality can be compared with Paedophilia, not in the slightest way, although I do agree both are sexual deviants or not the norm. Then again this depends on whether we consider that all sexual deviation is corrupt and wrong. For example I prefer to have sex with the lights on, but this is another topic for another thread.

It is not my own feeling. It is a fact that this is not a good thing to do to parade these kids out in front of the media with the man who just molested them. Nor is it a good thing to allow them to be photographed and put in the news regardless if they are wearing a baseball hat. It is just not a good idea to exploit these child victims more and am shocked that any person with common sense can rationalize doing this extremely unnecessary thing.

You are completely misunderstanding my comments.

Of course I am not rationalizing the parading of these children with a guy that had raped them, because rape is what it is, and anyone with any sort of functioning brain cells would realise that this is a bad thing, I am saying that some people mainly the lowest of the low, share different views and have different moral standards to which we do, especially when there are financial incentives involved.

Step into the real world, study the facts for yourself and discover how the other half lives.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I find it much much much more offensive that you are associating this story about a PEDOPHILE to gay people.

Many people think of them both as deviants.

Here's an article I found.


Some people believe in the boogie man too. Did you happen to check the source of this supposed findings? Not only the website itself but the anti-gay conservative born again whose supposed study they are quoting?

Another tip off to to know this article is bogus is they are claiming gays are responsible for most molestations by saying most victims are boys. Being gay and a child molester are two very different things.

I am neither gay nor a gay advocate or discriminator but to relate being gay and being a child molester just makes no sense. Even if there was a slight increase (not sure there is) in homosexuals also being pedophiles, it still doesn't make the two the same thing.

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I find it much much much more offensive that you are associating this story about a PEDOPHILE to gay people.

Many people think of them both as deviants.

Here's an article I found.


Some people believe in the boogie man too. Did you happen to check the source of this supposed findings? Not only the website itself but the anti-gay conservative born again whose supposed study they are quoting?

Another tip off to to know this article is bogus is they are claiming gays are responsible for most molestations by saying most victims are boys. Being gay and a child molester are two very different things.

I am neither gay nor a gay advocate or discriminator but to relate being gay and being a child molester just makes no sense. Even if there was a slight increase (not sure there is) in homosexuals also being pedophiles, it still doesn't make the two the same thing.

Having sex in any way other then the frontal position could be defined as a sexual deviation. It depends on how prudish a person is.

The facts are that homo sexuality does not involve the rape of innocents. It`s just purely an act of sexual intercourse between persons or partners of the same sex.

Child rapists or some prefer to call them, pedos is totally at the other end of the spectrum. It`s like comparing someone who receives a parking fine with a murderer.

Anyone that considers otherwise must be ignorant beyond belief.

I noticed that the newspaper which published the article appears to be extremely right wing, that doesn`t surprise me.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I find it much much much more offensive that you are associating this story about a PEDOPHILE to gay people.

Many people think of them both as deviants.

Here's an article I found.


Some people believe in the boogie man too. Did you happen to check the source of this supposed findings? Not only the website itself but the anti-gay conservative born again whose supposed study they are quoting?

Another tip off to to know this article is bogus is they are claiming gays are responsible for most molestations by saying most victims are boys. Being gay and a child molester are two very different things.

I am neither gay nor a gay advocate or discriminator but to relate being gay and being a child molester just makes no sense. Even if there was a slight increase (not sure there is) in homosexuals also being pedophiles, it still doesn't make the two the same thing.

Having sex in any way other then the frontal position could be defined as a sexual deviation. It depends on how prudish a person is.

The facts are that homo sexuality does not involve the rape of innocents. It`s just purely an act of sexual intercourse between persons or partners of the same sex.

Child rapists or some prefer to call them, pedos is totally at the other end of the spectrum. It`s like comparing someone who receives a parking fine with a murderer.

Anyone that considers otherwise must be ignorant beyond belief.

I noticed that the newspaper which published the article appears to be extremely right wing, that doesn`t surprise me.

Pattaya from its fishing village days, has grown into a sex paradise, the pedo,s were here then, but in the more recent times, they have been in the limelight, for good reasons, underage sex is against the law, to protect the young. Talking and linking homo+straight people, it has been said majority of pedo,s are straight, are family members or friends of. The glitters of this world,etc. This case were not sure yet, but believed to be gay related, but not necessarily. concentrate please on the case-nearly preventable if the young are cleared of the streets and more strict upbringing taught. (police/parents/schools), the sexual bit will not go away, as its the way of life here. BUT at least the PERVS are stopped ===HOPEFULLY. love your kids and watch them and guide them.

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Where is the Austrian government at this time? Shouldn't they have sent an investigator?

According to ECPAT Austria, approximately 4,500 Austrians contribute to the global demand for child sex tourism. Austrian law provides extraterritorial jurisdiction over Austrian nationals who travel abroad to engage in child commercial sexual exploitation. Austria continued a campaign to encourage tourists and travel agencies to report cases of child sex tourism during the reporting period of 2008=2009. It did not report any investigations or prosecutions of such activity.

Well it seems to me that its about time the Austrian government got off its arse and dealt with the situation starting with this chubby fellow. I had a look at the applicable laws and found this;

According to section 64 (4a) of the Austrian Penal Code, aggravated sexual abuse of persons under age and pornographic presentations involving such persons, constitute a criminal offence, subject to prosecution irrespective of the criminal law in force in the country of the scene of crime, if the perpetrator is an Austrian national with primary place of residence in Austria. Some of the penalties are as follows;

  • Jeopardising the moral, ethical and health development of persons under 16 by subjecting them to sexual activities (section 208) carries a penalty of imprisonment of up to five years.
  • Homosexual activities with persons under 18 (section 209) carries a penalty of imprisonment from six months to five years, if the offender has reached twenty years of age and the victim is between fourteen and eighteen years of age.

Wanna bet, this fellow gets a free walk from Austria? There are only three countries that have a record of consistently charging these types of offenders; Australia, Canada and the USA. The EU talks alot but does SFA.

[/quote This guy has been taken into custody a few days ago by police and you complain because the Austrian government has not sent an investigator yet. Are you real? It is the job of the Thai police to investigate and do their job. What would you think if a similar case happened in NY and "Mr. Somchai" from pattaya police station would show up and tell the American detectives what they have to do? Austrian courts and police are aware of child prostitution in developing countries and we had several cases where sexual offenders who had bribred local police in Vietnam, Marocco, Phil. etc. were sentenced to years in prison. It is simply stupid to talk about a "free way" for this guy.Even victims were flown to Austria in order to be witnesses. "Ecpat Austria"? Never heard about this, if you mean Expat Austria , this is just a forum like Thaivisa.etc, sometimes interesting but I would not take everything for serious one can read there.. You had a look at the "Austrian Penal Code"? Really? The §§ about "homosexual activities" etc. have been changed more than a decade ago. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing....

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This guy has been taken into custody a few days ago by police and you complain because the Austrian government has not sent an investigator yet. Are you real? It is the job of the Thai police to investigate and do their job. What would you think if a similar case happened in NY and "Mr. Somchai" from pattaya police station would show up and tell the American detectives what they have to do? Austrian courts and police are aware of child prostitution in developing countries and we had several cases where sexual offenders who had bribred local police in Vietnam, Marocco, Phil. etc. were sentenced to years in prison. It is simply stupid to talk about a "free way" for this guy.Even victims were flown to Austria in order to be witnesses. "Ecpat Austria"? Never heard about this, if you mean Expat Austria , this is just a forum like Thaivisa.etc, sometimes interesting but I would not take everything for serious one can read there.. You had a look at the "Austrian Penal Code"? Really? The §§ about "homosexual activities" etc. have been changed more than a decade ago. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing....

If you want to try and make a point, google first, ok. Austria has not made any significant enforcement effort in foreign locations to reign its sex tourist perverts. Name one case in the past year where it did so. There was a case in India several years ago where an Austrian was caught by aid workers molesting kids. It was the UK government that brought the charges, not Austria.

1. ECPAT International is a global network of organisations and individuals working together for the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes. It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their fundamental rights free and secure from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation. It just had its international congress in Bangkok last October. Ecpat Austria is a member of Ecpat International.

2, Last line of the UN Refugee Agency report published in December states specifically that Austria has not prosecuted one sex crime tourist.


3.Yes, a police agency must go and gather the necessary information. This is to ensure that defense counsel cannot say the information and evidence presented was not tainted or obtained in a manner not compliant with the prosecuting state's requirements. Australia does that. Canada does that and the USA does that. That is why these 3 countries have the best records in attacking the problem. Austria has not made an effort. The penalty section I cited was pulled from a comparative law site, the url I cannot locate at this time. It was copied from it, which is what I attributed. My mistake for not citing the source.

Perhaps if you loosen your lederhosen, it will facilitate your thought process.


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Use common sense ..

It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

Well said, all the posters on here nit-picking about KY Jelly need to sort their heads out, of course its not illegal to own it but take into account the rest of the story and it is not rocket science what the scumbag was using it for is it????

Edited by InTransit
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How is KY evidence of a crime? All this other stuff here has been said 1000 times every time there is a pedo case discussed here. We might as well just have one thread to include them all, the discussions are so predictable. Yes, everyone wants such people arrested and convicted. Some people want them hanged, drawn and quartered, burned at the stake, tarred and feathered, dropped in acid, and/or genitally mutiliated. When there is gay sex involved, there is always a homophobe or two here telling lies that pedo crimes are mostly gay, or that all gays are pedos. And so it goes. Nothing new, and the next arrest, we will hear the same, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. What's the point of going over the SAME territory 1000 times?

However, this pattern which I have indeed observed over the years of the police confiscating and the press reporting of "evidence of lubrication" has not been adequately discussed here on this board EVER, in my view. I am NOT talking about this one case. I am talking about a clear pattern that has been going on for many years.

In the west, you simply don't read such reports on these arrests. Underage porn confiscations, yes of course, but here apparently legal age porn is criminalized as well. Evidence of lubrication and possession of "lube", no you don't hear that reported.

It's worth noting that when the police here find sex toys and that is reported, that is a different thing because sex toys are illegal in Thailand, and much as most expats find that an absurd law, it is the law, so confiscation and reporting about that is logical.

I continue to contend there is something insidiously and institutionally homophobic in this pattern of police action and press reporting in Thailand, specifically about "evidence of lubrication" and the way it's used to throw "gay dirt" on crime suspects.

Actually, I can see how this may better be discussed as a separate general issue (institutional police homophobia in Thailand and the cooperation of the press), but it came up here in this thread, another pedo arrest, and another report of lubrication confiscation, it seemed like an opportunity to bring this up as an issue (and a way to introduce something new into a predictable and dreary subject area).

As an expat matter, the Thai police are the Thai police. This is Thailand. We are foreigners. However, I think the expat press should consider not participating in the homophobia here and strongly consider NOT reporting on incidents of possession of lubrication.

Edited by Jingthing
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Several years ago I had a brief encounter with an Italian who said he and his Austrian friend were seriously looking to purchase young virgin girls from north Thailand and Burma. I just told him, "Hey dude, what if I went to Milan or wherever you're from, and told you I wanted to purchase prebubescent Italian virgins?" Needless to say, the big guy didn't get any satisfaction from talking to me.

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This guy has been taken into custody a few days ago by police and you complain because the Austrian government has not sent an investigator yet. Are you real? It is the job of the Thai police to investigate and do their job. What would you think if a similar case happened in NY and "Mr. Somchai" from pattaya police station would show up and tell the American detectives what they have to do? Austrian courts and police are aware of child prostitution in developing countries and we had several cases where sexual offenders who had bribred local police in Vietnam, Marocco, Phil. etc. were sentenced to years in prison. It is simply stupid to talk about a "free way" for this guy.Even victims were flown to Austria in order to be witnesses. "Ecpat Austria"? Never heard about this, if you mean Expat Austria , this is just a forum like Thaivisa.etc, sometimes interesting but I would not take everything for serious one can read there.. You had a look at the "Austrian Penal Code"? Really? The §§ about "homosexual activities" etc. have been changed more than a decade ago. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing....

If you want to try and make a point, google first, ok. Austria has not made any significant enforcement effort in foreign locations to reign its sex tourist perverts. Name one case in the past year where it did so. There was a case in India several years ago where an Austrian was caught by aid workers molesting kids. It was the UK government that brought the charges, not Austria.

1. ECPAT International is a global network of organisations and individuals working together for the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children for sexual purposes. It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their fundamental rights free and secure from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation. It just had its international congress in Bangkok last October. Ecpat Austria is a member of Ecpat International.

2, Last line of the UN Refugee Agency report published in December states specifically that Austria has not prosecuted one sex crime tourist.


3.Yes, a police agency must go and gather the necessary information. This is to ensure that defense counsel cannot say the information and evidence presented was not tainted or obtained in a manner not compliant with the prosecuting state's requirements. Australia does that. Canada does that and the USA does that. That is why these 3 countries have the best records in attacking the problem. Austria has not made an effort. The penalty section I cited was pulled from a comparative law site, the url I cannot locate at this time. It was copied from it, which is what I attributed. My mistake for not citing the source.

Perhaps if you loosen your lederhosen, it will facilitate your thought process.


.......maybe the officials who write "reports" about Austria and have their UN offices in Vienna should learn some German in order to be able to read local newspapers. As I stated bef. there have been several trials against child offenders when they came back...or had been deported. I doubt that the USA do the same, paying flights for witnesses and their parents or employes of NGOs. BTW I have been a lawyer for 25 years and I am happy that our jurisdiction is different to the jurisdiction in the USA. At least we don t have a place like Guantanamo and waterboarding is not known in my country....and in other civilized EU countries,too.
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