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Overstay Of 25 Years

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Good day to you all,

I hope somebody here can answer my questions I have overstayed my Visa in Thailand for about 25 years I originally came here for work a long time ago from the UK, I have always kept my passport current and valid but after a few years stopped renewing the the visa, I really have nothing in the UK to go back for mum and dad passed on and no living family. I am here and have Thai Kids and wife whom I have been with for many years now a Girl who is now 22yrs and a son of 19 yrs. I seem to have been accepted in the community where I live, I have had no legal problem here in Thailand, accept for a car accident a few years back and was cleared up with the person involved with the help of the local police. I would now at my late age like to get legal for peace of mind. some info below.

1. Time in Thailand 6 years with visa and work permit

2. Time without visa 25 yrs

In the last 25 years nobody has ever asked to see my passport or visa, but as I said I want to get legal. What would happen to me if I showed up at immigration/or Airport with the 20 K fine and a plane ticket to a nearby country would I be able to come back ? will I got jail ?

Thank you all in advance

Edited by pinball
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hey ! Far f....g out ! As for your question, where are you heading ? do you really wish to travel anywhere else ? I would keep going LOW PROFILE , go on as you maintained all the time 25 years to now, don t get into conflicts with no one, finally to achive a BBQ at your local Wat. Who the h..l will then ask you for your permits or visa ?

Regarding your question . . . . no idea, but as confronting 'immigration with a 25 year overstay, it could result into a fine plus blacklisted . . have no idea but being you I'd say, congrats, and stay low profile ! I am aware that there are many more likes you in LOS . . . my best wishes to em all !

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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

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I think you should win some kind of prize. You have clearly not caused any trouble for Thailand. I am wondering whether the UK embassy didn't question your passport renewals which clearly would have indicated you were here illegally. Did they even comment on that? As far as getting legal, with such a long overstay I would think there is a good chance they wouldn't let you off by paying the maximum fine at the airport on departure. If I were you, I would see a good lawyer, perhaps someone here can suggest a firm.

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Think it might be better just to keep quiet and go on as you are - or loose your passport and go to immigration and admit to being a 2 year overstay.

Out of interest JT, in the UK and USA (I believe) there is a legal oblogation on lawyers to report illegal immigrants - probaly other countries also - what about Thailand? Will going to a lawyer end up with him in custody?

Edited by wolf5370
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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

You are insulted?, Why should he feel shamed ? From the brief details that has been given ,he has a family which he has been with for 20+ years, So he didn't have a visa ,maybe he could not afford the expense . Given what he has said ,he only has his family here . If I was in his position I would of probably done the same , So what he has not got a visa ,that don't make him a bad person just a guy that has put roots down & probably contributed to his new (30yr +) homeland .

Has to what he should do now , well I would say unless he is really planning on going places just do more of the same . However if he goes the other way I would advice him to just turn up with a ticket pay the fine . If they mark your passport then get a new one.

Good luck to him & I hope it all works out fine for him & his.

As to you feeling insulted , maybe you should consider getting a new life if something like this cuts you so much. I don't feel insulted in any way so there is 1 of all the others that keep their visa's up to day that you are not speaking for .

You have no right to speak for all the others as you put it.

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I don't think there is such a law in the US. Lawyer-client confidentiality. There have been threads before suggesting tactics to deal with very long overstays. Not sure 5 years would be different than 25 years, technically speaking.

Ah well UK there definitely is - goes around client confidentiality as its in statute. I thouight the USA too - but only from some cop show I saw where it was part of the plot. I once had a freind who was illegal in the UK (Filipino) I phoned a specialised solicitor for her and was told not to give names as they are legally bound to inform of any illegal immigrants.

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Ah well UK there definitely is... but only from some cop show I saw where it was part of the plot.

Aha... a classic case of, "It must be true, I saw it on television.'

The OP does need to seek qualified legal counsel on this matter. It would be a bugger for a law-abiding citizen to be detained, deported or black-listed because someone at the Immigration desk is having a bad hair day... and lose the 20k as well.

I think a court appearance shouldn't be a surprise but with a good lawyer and maybe someone local person of good social standing putting in a good word for your bona fides, maybe you will just get stern looks and the verbal knuckle-rap... and lose the 20k as well.

Good luck indeed sir!

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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

get a life

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I think you should win some kind of prize. You have clearly not caused any trouble for Thailand. I am wondering whether the UK embassy didn't question your passport renewals which clearly would have indicated you were here illegally. Did they even comment on that? As far as getting legal, with such a long overstay I would think there is a good chance they wouldn't let you off by paying the maximum fine at the airport on departure. If I were you, I would see a good lawyer, perhaps someone here can suggest a firm.

i second that! :clap2:

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Just buy a ticket out of the country and pay the 20K Baht. You could probably return the next day with an appropriate visa issued from Panang, Hong Kong, Sydney, or where ever you want to go.

I know of guys who have done this after extended overstays, no worries.

Or as stated, "Let sleeping dogs lie."

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Pinball, I think that it is brave of you to come onto a public forum like this to tell of your situation. Even though your identity is confidential, it is a step in the right direction to make yourself legal; admittance.

I had a friend who was eight years over stay in Thailand. He was in a similiar situation to you, although he was without a passport as well. He was scared to take the plunge to get legal for a long time, not aware of the consequences of showing up at emigration or his embassy. This is what he did.

1) He reported to his embassy and was given an emergency passport that would last for 2 weeks. He then bought a ticket to his home country.

2) The Embassy instructed him to go to Chaeng Wattana to see if immigration had his entry stamp on their system. Immigration informed him that they only keep records for up to four years. He was instructed to go to report to Immigration Detention Centre at Suan Plu.

3) He informed his embassy that he had to go to IDC. They informed him not to go there until the day his flight was leaving as he would be kept in the Detention Centre until his date of departure.

4) The Embassy informed the IDC officials (contacts that they had) about my friends situation. This helped to make sure that he would be passed through the system quickly and that he would be able to board the plane that he had a ticket for.

5) On the day that he was due to leave (flight departing suvarnabhumi at 5pm) he was taken to IDC accompanied by an Embassy official at 9am. He was questioned by an Immigration official about why he was in Thailand and when he arrived at 10am. His finger prints were taken. He had to stay in the Immigration office until 1pm, then he was taken to court along with other over stayers in a similiar situation. The Immigration policeman let him sit up front in the pick up, the other overstayers had to sit in the back of the pick-up. I guess they treated the farang better. At 3pm he arrived back at IDC and was instructed to wait until an Immigration policeman called him to go. He had to wait in the yard of The IDC compound where the other Over stayers were detained. At 5pm he was called to go. On arriving at the airport he asked if he was blacklisted. He was told by the copper that he wasn't.

6) The immigration copper stayed with him until he entered the departures area for his flight. He boarded the flight, and was astonished when he asked for a cold beer with his meal to be informed "You cannot drink alcohol on this flight sir". Obviously Immigration informed them about this for some reason.

7) He arrived home.

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Unless you still have (a copy of) the old passport with the details of your entry into Thailand, this might be a bit of a problem. Immigration might want to check if you entered the country legally, they also migth want to question you about your stay in Thailand and check if you were not working illegally.

I would go to Cheang Wattana and before you go contact your embassy so they might assist you. This one might require some extra time. If all is cleared, you should pay the fine if 20,000 baht and be on your way. It is wise to turn up at immigration with a ticket already in hand, so immigration is assured that you will now leave the country.

Buy a ticket on which you can easily change the departure date.

Normally you will not be blacklisted, and can get a new visa and enter Thailand again, either based on retirement or marriage (if you are legally married at the amphur).

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Just a quick note on the issue of a lawyer being obligated to report criminal activity/immigration violations. I am not an immigration lawyer, but I am a lawyer in California (retired) and if a client came to me with this kind of problem, I would NEVER report him. As I remember from law school (some 30 years ago), a lawyer may have an obligation to report if the client tells him/her he is ABOUT to commit a crime, but not if the event has already occurred. But please don';t sue me for malpractice if things have changed.

I tend to agree with prior posts - let sleeping dongs lie.

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I have got to take my hat off to you....... thats one hell of an overstay :jap:. So after work finished i am curious to know you got by in thailand for 25 years with no "proper income"?

I assume you are very fluent in thai now :whistling:

Any way as others have said...... let sleeping dogs lie....... you have saved a fortune in visas/visa runs :lol:

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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

So rizia, I guess you are saying that you are totally perfect, and you have everything in your life in perfect order from very possible perspective. Well, if you are saying that, I don't believe you.

If you in fact don't have absolutely everything in dorder, they why are you making such comments? And, by the way, don't speak on my behalf!

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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

So rizia, I guess you are saying that you are totally perfect, and you have everything in your life in perfect order from very possible perspective. Well, if you are saying that, I don't believe you.

If you in fact don't have absolutely everything in dorder, they why are you making such comments? And, by the way, don't speak on my behalf!

I too fail to see how this guy not having a visa in any way impacts you or how you can in the least bit feel he has insulted you ? :o

I have a visa and work permit and do not feel at all insulted. This man has for his own reasons failed to keep his visa up to date. That is his problem. The last time I was talking to an immigration officer he said that Farang overstaying was good for Thailand as it meant more money for Thailand.

Your comments are like me saying I am insulted by the amount of Farang who ride a motorcycle without a helmet as I always do and I had to import a very expensive helmet as well.

Get real and live and let live. :D

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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

You are insulted?, Why should he feel shamed ? From the brief details that has been given ,he has a family which he has been with for 20+ years, So he didn't have a visa ,maybe he could not afford the expense . Given what he has said ,he only has his family here . If I was in his position I would of probably done the same , So what he has not got a visa ,that don't make him a bad person just a guy that has put roots down & probably contributed to his new (30yr +) homeland .

Has to what he should do now , well I would say unless he is really planning on going places just do more of the same . However if he goes the other way I would advice him to just turn up with a ticket pay the fine . If they mark your passport then get a new one.

Good luck to him & I hope it all works out fine for him & his.

As to you feeling insulted , maybe you should consider getting a new life if something like this cuts you so much. I don't feel insulted in any way so there is 1 of all the others that keep their visa's up to day that you are not speaking for .

You have no right to speak for all the others as you put it.

+1 and you certainly don't speak for me.

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but i take that as an absolute insult to me AND all the others in thailand that keep their visa`s up to date and often loss intrest on money we have to bring in and show in our thai bank accounts for visa`s.......SHAME ON YOU SIR

You are insulted?, Why should he feel shamed ? From the brief details that has been given ,he has a family which he has been with for 20+ years, So he didn't have a visa ,maybe he could not afford the expense . Given what he has said ,he only has his family here . If I was in his position I would of probably done the same , So what he has not got a visa ,that don't make him a bad person just a guy that has put roots down & probably contributed to his new (30yr +) homeland .

Has to what he should do now , well I would say unless he is really planning on going places just do more of the same . However if he goes the other way I would advice him to just turn up with a ticket pay the fine . If they mark your passport then get a new one.

Good luck to him & I hope it all works out fine for him & his.

As to you feeling insulted , maybe you should consider getting a new life if something like this cuts you so much. I don't feel insulted in any way so there is 1 of all the others that keep their visa's up to day that you are not speaking for .

You have no right to speak for all the others as you put it.

+1 and you certainly don't speak for me.

Thai people may have a right to feel upset, however many wouldn't but I can see no reason for a foreigner to be. Unless of course he feels superior to everyone.

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OP, you may as well apply for citizenship. And blimey yes WOW!!!

I'm amazed your passport has never been checked. The traffic police stopped an American friend just yesterday and asked to see his passport. They got confused by all the visa stamps so asked to see his drivers license (i.e., get wallet out) . . . went on merry way.

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If the story is true as stated....

1) How did he keep managing to get passports in Thailand that were totally empty? No entrance/exit stamps of any kind or permission to stay? You would think the people issuing at least 2 new passports would have red-flagged him for at least a chat.

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