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Naked Pattaya Brit Comes Back From Hell

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Please explain to the world where in my posts on this forum, do I appear "paranoid" ?

You have lost a great deal of respect from me with your personnel comments in your last post. Up to this point I quite enjoyed your reports.

I am waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No explanation needed Soihok I have confused you with another poster. My sincere apologies.

As for the name 'soihok'. Its unfortunate in this context as Beach Road Soi 6 is one of Pattaya's most notorious streets. Of course if i have got the wrong impression on this too, my apologies are unreserved.

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And I hope he repays Tracey in full and then some.

Im pretty sure that Tracey wouldnt expect anything in return. She sounds like a gem of a Good Samaritan who wanted to help another human being in need. Hats off to you Tracey. Many would never have done what you did.

You beat me to this!!! I fully concur with what you write as I'm sure that her pride in what she has done has made herself feel very good about herself, and deservedly so after the disgraceful handling of a potentially disastrous situation thanks to the abysmal handling of this case by the embassy staff in question. Take a bow Tracey and hang your heads in shame you pathetic embassy officials for not performing your jobs and doing your duty on this in a responsible manner!!! You are not worthy of your title.

This is not a job for 'Embassy' staff, who represent the British nation to the host nation, but the job of 'Consular' staff.

Consular staff attend to the needs of individuals, whether British citizens needing assistance or host-country citizens needing assistance (e.g. visas).

Pattaya has an honorary consul, who is the person of first instance in such a matter. The local police should have contacted him, or interested friends, if they knew what had happened. You can't expect the guy to be psychic and find out for himself, but he should have a well-greased network among the local Bill.


Whrther or not it is the British Embassy`s responsibility to provide support to riff raff like us,it is my opinion they do not give a rats ass obout our wellbeing/human rights etc.

I live my life here on the assumption that if the defication really hits the fan,little to no assistance will be forthcoming.I could well be wrong,but I would urge you to do the same.

The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

... and you have also insulted Mr. Hewitt with this little line...

Well, at least not yet.

And you are supposed to be a reporter, or an opinionated columnist?

Just wondering what takes the vast majority of Brits and other nationalities to Pattaya? :unsure:

When I decided to move here, Pattaya (or vicinity) was my first choice - Bangkok was not on the list.

However what draws many, is the cheap cost of living, excellent food, great snorkeling, boating and other recreation - excluding women and booze. I even hunted up a very comfortable room on Soi 13 for 3000 Baht a month. I should also mention massage, other than soapies, because many older folks have leg and back problems and cannot afford a good massage at home.

Where is there great snorkeling?

I've been lucky to see 3 feet and then it's usually a plastic bag.



I am very happy that our friend is now safe and well, saved by the gracious actions of one individiual, I wish him well.

I am also happy to have read your report of his well being.

I am aware that we are not able to fall back on our ( British ) government to look after us where ever we may end up in world and in what ever condition we may be in. we are on our own, if that's too big a task, well, best stay at home and lock the door.

It seems that you, Andrew, are willing to judge a book by its cover. How many soi 6's are in Thailand????

Up to now I did have some respect for you , but that now is down the drain..

I take your silly comparison as me to a brothel as huge insult.


Uh.....I'm calling BS on this.

Pattaya's Glitterman as an avatar combined with the fact that the only Soi Hok in Thailand that counts is the Soi Hok.

If you can't take the heat you should have chosen a different member name. :whistling:


And I hope he repays Tracey in full and then some.

Im pretty sure that Tracey wouldnt expect anything in return. She sounds like a gem of a Good Samaritan who wanted to help another human being in need. Hats off to you Tracey. Many would never have done what you did.

You beat me to this!!! I fully concur with what you write as I'm sure that her pride in what she has done has made herself feel very good about herself, and deservedly so after the disgraceful handling of a potentially disastrous situation thanks to the abysmal handling of this case by the embassy staff in question. Take a bow Tracey and hang your heads in shame you pathetic embassy officials for not performing your jobs and doing your duty on this in a responsible manner!!! You are not worthy of your title.

This is not a job for 'Embassy' staff, who represent the British nation to the host nation, but the job of 'Consular' staff.

Consular staff attend to the needs of individuals, whether British citizens needing assistance or host-country citizens needing assistance (e.g. visas).

Pattaya has an honorary consul, who is the person of first instance in such a matter. The local police should have contacted him, or interested friends, if they knew what had happened. You can't expect the guy to be psychic and find out for himself, but he should have a well-greased network among the local Bill.

Wasn't he actually part of them before he took up his new job ;)


Read what is said in the British Passport.

Her Majesty will protect her citizens........ Correct?

Yes. There's a few hundred anxious Brits in Cairo getting on the charter flight laid on by HM Government.

As someone else pointed out, they won't protect you from yourself. Even your mum had to draw a line somewhere when you were growing up, did't she?


Yes. There's a few hundred anxious Brits in Cairo getting on the charter flight laid on by HM Government.

.For which I expect they will be charged a King`s ransom upon returning home.


I suppose the British Embassy are fed up of trying to help people suffering self-inflicted problems via drugs and alcohol. I don't really blame them. They wouldn't have time to do anything else if they helped every down and out Brit in Thailand. It's time that people learnt to take responsibility for their own actions and not expect the Embassy and taxpayer to help them out.

It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries.

Where were family and friends? Shouldn't they be the first line of help? It's easy for people to criticise the British Embassy, but I don't see many stepping forward to offer to help these people. If you think this is so tragic, then why not volunteer your services to help out? Many on here have plenty of time on their hands. Maybe that time would be better spent offering some actual help to people instead of sitting in front of your PCs criticising everyone else.

And I'm sure Brits are fed up paying their taxes that pay for the embassy/consular staff's western wages, private schooling for their children, accomodation, air fair, expenses, parties/events/social engagements, etc - when they lift barely a finger to help their citizens when we are in desperate need. Why shouild anyone volunteer when they already pay for it? If I pay someone to paint my house, should I then paint it myself when they decide to paint thier own houses instead with my paint?

To suggest the embassy/etc did not know about him is just plain self-denial! Are people really suggesting that no one in the British Embassy or Pattay consular services ever reads this site? No one gets the TV news letter? No one thought to let them know? Poppycock - it took a private citizen to "find out" (must have been psychic too!) - if a private citizen can get for him wast he needed to be able to save himself, then dam_ned sure the British government (and reps) could have too!


I suppose the British Embassy are fed up of trying to help people suffering self-inflicted problems via drugs and alcohol. I don't really blame them. They wouldn't have time to do anything else if they helped every down and out Brit in Thailand. It's time that people learnt to take responsibility for their own actions and not expect the Embassy and taxpayer to help them out.

It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries.

Where were family and friends? Shouldn't they be the first line of help? It's easy for people to criticise the British Embassy, but I don't see many stepping forward to offer to help these people. If you think this is so tragic, then why not volunteer your services to help out? Many on here have plenty of time on their hands. Maybe that time would be better spent offering some actual help to people instead of sitting in front of your PCs criticising everyone else.

And I'm sure Brits are fed up paying their taxes that pay for the embassy staff's western wages, private schooling for their children, accomodation, air fair, expenses, parties/events/social engagements, etc - when they lift barely a finger to help their citizens when we are in desperate need. Why shouild anyone volunteer when they already pay for it? If I pay someone to paint my house, should I then paint it myself when they decide to paint thier own houses instead with my paint?


What you are neatly leaving out is that you hired a mentally disturbed painter who may just as well have run all over the neighborhood naked sprinkling your paint up and down the block thinking that it was akin to playing in the rain. But, it's still all his fault, right? In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate.


In my UK passport I cannot find any statement that all UK nationals will be assisted or protected by UK authorities when overseas. It does infer strongly that there is an entitlement for at least some and you should register to avoid delay in getting it.

What this assistance is remains a mystery. In this case the most important thing was pushing the Thai authorities to hospitalise the guy. All embassies have to be cash limited and someone has to guarantee the bill. Hospital bills can escalate at a phenomenal rate.

If he had not become independent, we would reluctantly accept Tracy Cosgrave ducking out; if the UK in similar circumstances said ‘no more’ would we accept that? I guess that thought, is what holds the Thai Police and the embassy back from starting a commitment so difficult to end.

The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

... and you have also insulted Mr. Hewitt with this little line...

Well, at least not yet.

And you are supposed to be a reporter, or an opinionated columnist?

Just wondering what takes the vast majority of Brits and other nationalities to Pattaya? :unsure:

When I decided to move here, Pattaya (or vicinity) was my first choice - Bangkok was not on the list.

However what draws many, is the cheap cost of living, excellent food, great snorkeling, boating and other recreation - excluding women and booze. I even hunted up a very comfortable room on Soi 13 for 3000 Baht a month. I should also mention massage, other than soapies, because many older folks have leg and back problems and cannot afford a good massage a young prostitute at home.

Dude, you are either deluded or in denial.


In my UK passport I cannot find any statement that all UK nationals will be assisted or protected by UK authorities when overseas. It does infer strongly that there is an entitlement for at least some and you should register to avoid delay in getting it.

What this assistance is remains a mystery. In this case the most important thing was pushing the Thai authorities to hospitalise the guy. All embassies have to be cash limited and someone has to guarantee the bill. Hospital bills can escalate at a phenomenal rate.

If he had not become independent, we would reluctantly accept Tracy Cosgrave ducking out; if the UK in similar circumstances said ‘no more’ would we accept that? I guess that thought, is what holds the Thai Police and the embassy back from starting a commitment so difficult to end.

hmmm, very intresting, but I want to know how much money the English taxpayer spend every year for foreigners in England. Fact is, in Thailand one will rotten handcuffed in jail before anybody helps him. I doubt thats the same in western European countries.


I suppose the British Embassy are fed up of trying to help people suffering self-inflicted problems via drugs and alcohol. I don't really blame them. They wouldn't have time to do anything else if they helped every down and out Brit in Thailand. It's time that people learnt to take responsibility for their own actions and not expect the Embassy and taxpayer to help them out.

It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries.

Where were family and friends? Shouldn't they be the first line of help? It's easy for people to criticise the British Embassy, but I don't see many stepping forward to offer to help these people. If you think this is so tragic, then why not volunteer your services to help out? Many on here have plenty of time on their hands. Maybe that time would be better spent offering some actual help to people instead of sitting in front of your PCs criticising everyone else.

And I'm sure Brits are fed up paying their taxes that pay for the embassy staff's western wages, private schooling for their children, accomodation, air fair, expenses, parties/events/social engagements, etc - when they lift barely a finger to help their citizens when we are in desperate need. Why shouild anyone volunteer when they already pay for it? If I pay someone to paint my house, should I then paint it myself when they decide to paint thier own houses instead with my paint?


What you are neatly leaving out is that you hired a mentally disturbed painter who may just as well have run all over the neighborhood naked sprinkling your paint up and down the block thinking that it was akin to playing in the rain. But, it's still all his fault, right? In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate.

Erm not sure you undertood the analogy. The "painter" was the government employees who are paid and tasked with protecting and looking after the interests of the UK and it's citizens here. Not sure why you think the consular staff would be running around naked playing in the rain - maybe you know them better than I???

The point I was making is that if I pay someone to do something, then why should I have to "volunteer" to do it myself? He paid his taxes, his fellow countrym men pay their taxes (in general), and the people that are paid to protect them and their interest abroad from these collected taxes- indeed are even brought here and housed etc for that very task - shirked their responsibility in a most shameful way. Why does it matter that one of the people that paid into the system is having a hard time mentally?

"But, it's still all his fault, right?" erm , No - I did, in fact, not even mention him at all in my post at all.

As to the rest of you comment "In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate." I am at a complete loss as to what it is supposed to mean. Money? What money did "I" put in? Where did I put it? What did I get? What is up to me? Mating?

Have we been drinking perchance?


Whats pathetic in my view is the British Embassy...irrespective and mutually exclusive of everything else..letting him rot in a cell let alone being handcuffed to the cell. They could have

helped; yet refused and wrote him off.

Of course we realize everyone is repsonible for their own actions...but to let someone rot in a Thai jail irrespective of the cause, is rather disheartening to say the least.


Uh.....I'm calling BS on this.

Pattaya's Glitterman as an avatar combined with the fact that the only Soi Hok in Thailand that counts is the Soi Hok.

If you can't take the heat you should have chosen a different member name. :whistling:


Whatever Sherlock :jerk:


In my view, the British Embassy took the wrong action in writing him off. They certainly would not have written off any monies owed in taxes. They would have hounded and hunted him down like a dog to collect all monies he may have owed, then patted themselves on the back for a job well done.


It would be great if the embassy staff were subjected to a thorough investigation of their actions or lack of them and those responsible were disciplined or sacked.


Professional British journalism at its best. The Nation is looking pretty good by comparison.

" made an incredibly recovery "

"for on and off for 12 years "

"Hewitt was first taken to by police to "

" run by former 'Chelsea Headhuner' "

Many thanks for pointing those literals out. I am sure it will happen again and again. You could of course stick to 'The Nation'.

Andrew your arguing with guys who either live in Pootaya or love the place. Think about it. Save your energy for pursuits more worthwhile. Keep up the good work.


They certainly would not have written off any monies owed in taxes. They would have hounded and hunted him down like a dog to collect all monies he may have owed, then patted themselves on the back for a job well done.

While I agree with the bit about greedy government, he seems to have gotten himself into the mess by binge drinking. Not taking personal responsibility plays a big part in his sordid tale.


The vast majority of PATTAYA BRITS do not squander all of their cash on booze, women an drugs....

They don't? Maybe the language was a bit strong for what is supposed to be objective reporting, but let's be honest: Pretty much 99.9% of middle aged Brit men who come to Thailand drink fermented sugar beverages. Can we agree to that? Some drink to excess, some drink moderately, but where's the almighty yardstick to assess which is which?

I'll tell you: Is it harming anyone? The answer in the 'Naked Pattaya Brit' story is a big YES. His prior drinking problem (and other problems) harmed the man himself. It also caused problems and expenses for others: his landlord, the turnkeys, the British consulate, the woman who assisted him, and others we haven't yet heard about.

What's the moral to this story? If you got problems, don't exacerbate it with drinking fermented sugar drinks. People all over the world do it, so maybe that's excuse enough for Brits to do it also. Brits who drink themselves in to a stupor and cause problems for themselves and others are on a par with the types of American Indians who sit around on their reservations doing a whole lot of nothing every day, except ambling off to the Post Office to see if their federal hand-out checks have arrived yet.

Here's a message to you guys that you don't want to hear: GROW UP! Quit making problems for yourselves and others! Quit driving up social costs, taking up hospital space, and ramping insurance rates up for the rest of us who take responsibility for ourselves. Indeed, some of us actually make efforts to help others improve their lives. Drunk Brits (and other drunkards) only stew in their own vinegar, always feeling sorry for themselves, and causing problems for others.


I suppose the British Embassy are fed up of trying to help people suffering self-inflicted problems via drugs and alcohol. I don't really blame them. They wouldn't have time to do anything else if they helped every down and out Brit in Thailand. It's time that people learnt to take responsibility for their own actions and not expect the Embassy and taxpayer to help them out.

It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries.

Where were family and friends? Shouldn't they be the first line of help? It's easy for people to criticise the British Embassy, but I don't see many stepping forward to offer to help these people. If you think this is so tragic, then why not volunteer your services to help out? Many on here have plenty of time on their hands. Maybe that time would be better spent offering some actual help to people instead of sitting in front of your PCs criticising everyone else.

And I'm sure Brits are fed up paying their taxes that pay for the embassy staff's western wages, private schooling for their children, accomodation, air fair, expenses, parties/events/social engagements, etc - when they lift barely a finger to help their citizens when we are in desperate need. Why shouild anyone volunteer when they already pay for it? If I pay someone to paint my house, should I then paint it myself when they decide to paint thier own houses instead with my paint?


What you are neatly leaving out is that you hired a mentally disturbed painter who may just as well have run all over the neighborhood naked sprinkling your paint up and down the block thinking that it was akin to playing in the rain. But, it's still all his fault, right? In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate.

Erm not sure you undertood the analogy. The "painter" was the government employees who are paid and tasked with protecting and looking after the interests of the UK and it's citizens here. Not sure why you think the consular staff would be running around naked playing in the rain - maybe you know them better than I???

The point I was making is that if I pay someone to do something, then why should I have to "volunteer" to do it myself? He paid his taxes, his fellow countrym men pay their taxes (in general), and the people that are paid to protect them and their interest abroad from these collected taxes- indeed are even brought here and housed etc for that very task - shirked their responsibility in a most shameful way. Why does it matter that one of the people that paid into the system is having a hard time mentally?

"But, it's still all his fault, right?" erm , No - I did, in fact, not even mention him at all in my post at all.

As to the rest of you comment "In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate." I am at a complete loss as to what it is supposed to mean. Money? What money did "I" put in? Where did I put it? What did I get? What is up to me? Mating?

Have we been drinking perchance?

Ha Ha :lol: ............couldn't help but laugh sorry....wolf- I have an idea DUM didn't understand your meaning.


Professional British journalism at its best. The Nation is looking pretty good by comparison.

" made an incredibly recovery "

"for on and off for 12 years "

"Hewitt was first taken to by police to "

" run by former 'Chelsea Headhuner' "

Many thanks for pointing those literals out. I am sure it will happen again and again. You could of course stick to 'The Nation'.

Andrew your arguing with guys who either live in Pootaya or love the place. Think about it. Save your energy for pursuits more worthwhile. Keep up the good work.

Point taken :jap:


Are you aware that much of the routine work such as passport renewals and visas have now be taken away from the poor overworked staff in Bangkok, it is now sent to Hong Kong? That must be worth a few extra rounds of golf each week

For the sake of accuracy, passports are indeed issued at the Regional Processing Centre in Hong Kong though visas for applicants from Thailand, Laos and Vietnam are processed in Bangkok. In fact Hong Kong doesn't process visas at all, they send them to Manila.



Professional British journalism at its best. The Nation is looking pretty good by comparison.

" made an incredibly recovery "

"for on and off for 12 years "

"Hewitt was first taken to by police to "

" run by former 'Chelsea Headhuner' "

Many thanks for pointing those literals out. I am sure it will happen again and again. You could of course stick to 'The Nation'.

Andrew your arguing with guys who either live in Pootaya or love the place. Think about it. Save your energy for pursuits more worthwhile. Keep up the good work.

Point taken :jap:

Although there is some community of very decent people, it is not precisely the place you'd go in search of Nobel nominees.


it is obvious to me that this guy fell victim to drink and drugs, the fact that the latter was obviously readily available to him would lead me to believe he also got mixing with the wrong crowd, personally as a resident of Thailand for some 6 years if I come across either drugs or thugs in any establishment I frequent I stay well clear, there are numerous around pattaya, if an individual doesn't have the sense to do the same then blame can only lay in one place, the unfortunate side of this story is what happens to someone falling victim to this, we can debate all day about who should be responsible, in my opinion it is either family or friends, the unfortunate guy was certaintly not in a position to fly home by any means until he got dryed out and drug free, no airline would ever accept him as an unsupervised passenger, sad but unfortunately thailand on it's own did not have the answer to get him help a kind charitable individual did.


I have huge spaces in post #1 but no actual photo's or links to click on......something wrong at this end?

It shows a picture of the poor guy in his darkest hours.


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