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Thought For The Day


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When you can find joy where there is nothing, you can find joy in anything. Place no conditions on happiness, and it is always yours.

Embrace the uncertainty of the future, for within that uncertainty is limitless, fertile ground for creating beauty, joy and fulfillment. When you no longer need security, you will indeed have it.

Accept that you do not know, and there is no limit to what you can learn. Let go of the need to possess, and there is no end to what you can have.

There is a universe filled with beauty in each tiny grain of sand. There is a lifetime of experience in every small moment of the day.

Be true to your purpose and fulfillment will find you. With what you have to give, you can reach all you could ever imagine to seek.

See the joy where there is nothing, and everywhere else as well. Live the beauty that is now, and truly know the abundant richness that is life.

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If children live with CRITICISM

They learn to CONDEMN

If children live with HOSTILITY

They learn to FIGHT

If children live with RIDICULE

They learn to BE SHY

If children live with SHAME

They learn to FEEL GUILTY

If children live with TOLERANCE

They learn to BE PATIENT

If children live with ENCOURAGEMENT


If children live with PRAISE

They learn to APPRECIATE

If children live with FAIRNESS

They learn JUSTICE

If children live with SECURITY

They learn to HAVE FAITH

If children live with APPROVAL


If children live with ACCEPTANCE and FRIENDSHIP


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That blank space is intentional. Because fear is really empty. It

appears great, it appears powerful, it may appear impossible to face

or overcome. But fear is an illusion, a deception, that hurts and

hinders us in so many ways in our lives.

There's two kinds of fear. There's real, rational fear. The kind of

fear that says "don't play in traffic" or "don't annoy venomous

reptiles." It's a common sense kind of fear. It's recognizing a

potential danger and anticipating a specific negative outcome. Don't

play in traffic because you might get hit by a car. Don't annoy

venomous reptiles because they might bite or sting you.

The other kind of fear is much more vague and looming. It's the kind

of fear that says "something bad will happen to me, somewhere at

some time" or "if I tell the truth, I might lose my friend." It's an

irrational, paralyzing kind of fear. It prevents you from moving

forward in life, it hinders you from doing what's right. Sure,

something bad might happen to you, but something good could happen

to. Telling the truth might be difficult, but real friends will

respect that.

Fear says you're doomed to be lonely, poor, weak, powerless, empty,

rejected, unwanted, unloved, or something like that. Fear says

you're not good enough, fear says you can't handle it, fear says it

will never work out well.

Fear gets most of its power from the fact that it "might" be true.

And often, if someone believes in their fear too strongly, it just

might come true after all. Expectations and self-fulfilling

prophecies are powerful in influencing what does or doesn't happen

in our lives.

The problem is, often fear isn't based on truth at all. But for some

reason, we believe it as if it were true. Thus it gets its power

over us. And it prevents us from moving forward in our lives. It

paralyzes us, restricts us, limits us. In short, fear steals our

freedom from us.

The good news is, it doesn't have to. Fear gets all of its power

from us. It only lasts for as long as we choose to believe in its

deceptively false truth. It distorts our perception of reality,

causing us to anticipate something bad or negative to happen. But

once we choose to perceive another version of reality, where we

expect good things to happen, fear begins to weaken. Once we decide

to do what we need to do, even if the worst happens anyway, fear

begins to weaken.

Fear only really loses its power over us in one way. The moment we

face our fears, it has lost all power over us. The fear rapidly

dissolves away and we enter into a newfound freedom.

Facing fear empowers us. The thought of facing our fears may seem

incredibly frightening or difficult. That's only part of the

deception. Fear only keeps its power as long as you believe in it

and allow it to overpower you. Fear will hold its clutching grip

over you for as long as it can. But the very moment you decide to

face that fear--whatever it is--you have reclaimed that power as

your own. Instantly, fear becomes powerless, and you have freed

yourself from your own mental/emotional prison.

Anyone can face and overcome any fears they have. It may seem

difficult or even impossible at first. Remember, that's only the

illusion. Face the fear. Choose to move through it. And you will

overcome it.

For someone who's hid or ran from their fears most of their life,

it's recommended to start with the smaller fears. They appear easier

to face and overcome. Start with something small, simple, and

relatively easy. Choose to face the fear. Choose to deal with

whatever consequences or outcomes may come from it.

Remember, some fears are good and healthy. But they are specific and

clear. "If I do this...that will happen." Such as, "If I eat poison,

I will probably die." Listen to and respect those fears. They're

rational and trustworthy.

The fears you should face are less clear or specific. Such as, "If I

try to follow my dreams, I might fail. What if I don't have what it

takes?" Or something like "I might be rejected if I tell this person

how I feel about them."

The truth is, you might fail or you might succeed. You might be

rejected or the person might share mutual feelings with you.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of making choices that could impact

your future. Your choices might work in your favor, they might not.

If they don't, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow in life.

Perhaps you could share your mistake with others, so they could

learn and grow from it too!

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of following your heart. It might

lead to disappointment and failure. Then again, it might lead you to

a self-actualized, fulfilling life. Either way, you can learn and

grow from the experience.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of how others might think of you.

People are constantly sharing their thoughts and opinions of each

other. If people were as generous with their time and money as they

were with their opinions, this world would be a much better place.

But the truth of the matter is, it doesn't matter what their opinion

of you is. Your opinion of you matters. And most likely, those same

people will be too busy judging and critiquing others soon enough,

and forget all about their assessment of you.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.

Fear has no place or purpose in your life. The fear that paralyzes

and blinds you. It's trying to prevent you from having the most

complete, fulfilling, meaningful life possible.

Facing your fears won't always bring about positive outcomes. Know

this in advance. Sometimes bad stuff will happen. But that's okay.

You can learn and grow from everything, good or bad. The good new

is, sometimes good stuff will happen too. But you won't experience

any of it if you allow fear to keep you trapped in your own

mental/emotional prison, forever asking yourself "what if".

Be free. Face your fears.

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That blank space is intentional. Because fear is really empty. It

appears great, it appears powerful, it may appear impossible to face

or overcome. But fear is an illusion, a deception, that hurts and

hinders us in so many ways in our lives.

There's two kinds of fear. There's real, rational fear. The kind of

fear that says "don't play in traffic" or "don't annoy venomous

reptiles." It's a common sense kind of fear. It's recognizing a

potential danger and anticipating a specific negative outcome. Don't

play in traffic because you might get hit by a car. Don't annoy

venomous reptiles because they might bite or sting you.

The other kind of fear is much more vague and looming. It's the kind

of fear that says "something bad will happen to me, somewhere at

some time" or "if I tell the truth, I might lose my friend." It's an

irrational, paralyzing kind of fear. It prevents you from moving

forward in life, it hinders you from doing what's right. Sure,

something bad might happen to you, but something good could happen

to. Telling the truth might be difficult, but real friends will

respect that.

Fear says you're doomed to be lonely, poor, weak, powerless, empty,

rejected, unwanted, unloved, or something like that. Fear says

you're not good enough, fear says you can't handle it, fear says it

will never work out well.

Fear gets most of its power from the fact that it "might" be true.

And often, if someone believes in their fear too strongly, it just

might come true after all. Expectations and self-fulfilling

prophecies are powerful in influencing what does or doesn't happen

in our lives.

The problem is, often fear isn't based on truth at all. But for some

reason, we believe it as if it were true. Thus it gets its power

over us. And it prevents us from moving forward in our lives. It

paralyzes us, restricts us, limits us. In short, fear steals our

freedom from us.

The good news is, it doesn't have to. Fear gets all of its power

from us. It only lasts for as long as we choose to believe in its

deceptively false truth. It distorts our perception of reality,

causing us to anticipate something bad or negative to happen. But

once we choose to perceive another version of reality, where we

expect good things to happen, fear begins to weaken. Once we decide

to do what we need to do, even if the worst happens anyway, fear

begins to weaken.

Fear only really loses its power over us in one way. The moment we

face our fears, it has lost all power over us. The fear rapidly

dissolves away and we enter into a newfound freedom.

Facing fear empowers us. The thought of facing our fears may seem

incredibly frightening or difficult. That's only part of the

deception. Fear only keeps its power as long as you believe in it

and allow it to overpower you. Fear will hold its clutching grip

over you for as long as it can. But the very moment you decide to

face that fear--whatever it is--you have reclaimed that power as

your own. Instantly, fear becomes powerless, and you have freed

yourself from your own mental/emotional prison.

Anyone can face and overcome any fears they have. It may seem

difficult or even impossible at first. Remember, that's only the

illusion. Face the fear. Choose to move through it. And you will

overcome it.

For someone who's hid or ran from their fears most of their life,

it's recommended to start with the smaller fears. They appear easier

to face and overcome. Start with something small, simple, and

relatively easy. Choose to face the fear. Choose to deal with

whatever consequences or outcomes may come from it.

Remember, some fears are good and healthy. But they are specific and

clear. "If I do this...that will happen." Such as, "If I eat poison,

I will probably die." Listen to and respect those fears. They're

rational and trustworthy.

The fears you should face are less clear or specific. Such as, "If I

try to follow my dreams, I might fail. What if I don't have what it

takes?" Or something like "I might be rejected if I tell this person

how I feel about them."

The truth is, you might fail or you might succeed. You might be

rejected or the person might share mutual feelings with you.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of making choices that could impact

your future. Your choices might work in your favor, they might not.

If they don't, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow in life.

Perhaps you could share your mistake with others, so they could

learn and grow from it too!

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of following your heart. It might

lead to disappointment and failure. Then again, it might lead you to

a self-actualized, fulfilling life. Either way, you can learn and

grow from the experience.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of how others might think of you.

People are constantly sharing their thoughts and opinions of each

other. If people were as generous with their time and money as they

were with their opinions, this world would be a much better place.

But the truth of the matter is, it doesn't matter what their opinion

of you is. Your opinion of you matters. And most likely, those same

people will be too busy judging and critiquing others soon enough,

and forget all about their assessment of you.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.

Fear has no place or purpose in your life. The fear that paralyzes

and blinds you. It's trying to prevent you from having the most

complete, fulfilling, meaningful life possible.

Facing your fears won't always bring about positive outcomes. Know

this in advance. Sometimes bad stuff will happen. But that's okay.

You can learn and grow from everything, good or bad. The good new

is, sometimes good stuff will happen too. But you won't experience

any of it if you allow fear to keep you trapped in your own

mental/emotional prison, forever asking yourself "what if".

Be free. Face your fears.

be thankful you woke up . many didnt start today the way you want to spend the rest of your life happy and content. your dreams can only be forfilled if you take your chances,so go for it :o

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I'm delighted that the future is unsure. That's the way it should be.

--William Sloane Coffin

Some of life's richest moments are the most unexpected: the old friend met by chance, or the new one discovered when neither of us were really looking; the toy at the bottom of the toy box, rediscovered and loved anew; the book, the flower, the shaft of light we were in the right place at the right time to notice and embrace.

It is important to dream and plan, to work toward goals, to mark the milestones we pass on life's journey. No less important, though, is to open ourselves to the unexpected joys awaiting us every day.

Am I ready, today, to expect the unexpected?

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name='khall64au' date='2005-09-21 23:15:32' post='485374']

[=tripperj,2005-09-21 23:10:27]This too shall pass

That's one of my all time faves Tripperj... and it is SO true!

Ps. Is your nick anything to do with Triple J???

be nice to people on the way up the social ladder cause on the way down you may need them :o

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Moderate effort over a long time is important,no matter what you are trying to do.One brings failure on oneself by working extremely hard at the beginning,attempting to do too much,and then giving up after a short time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

--Antoine de St. Exupery

A tuning fork is a small tool that is used to tune musical instruments. It is tapped softly and then set down. As it vibrates, it gives off a musical tone. When its vibrations perfectly match the vibrations of the note played on the instrument, the instrument is in tune. When the note matches the tuning fork, this can be both felt and heard.

Our hearts work like a tuning fork. When the heart feels completely in tune with a decision or thought or action in our lives, then we know it is the right one for us. We can actually feel the harmony inside our bodies.

Sometimes what we know deep in our hearts gets clouded over by doubts and questions and other people's opinions and judgments. We need to clear away such clouds and listen to our hearts, for our hearts carry the wisdom of God.

Am I in tune with my heart today?

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Men will find that they can prepare with mutual aid far more easily what they need and avoid far more easily the perils which beset them on all sides, by united forces.

--Baruch Spinoza

Three travelers stopped in a small town on their way to the city. They had tents to sleep in, but no food or money. They knocked on doors asking for a little food, but the people were poor, with little to eat and nothing to spare.

Cheerfully, they returned to their camp and built a fire. "What are you doing?" asked a bystander, "Building a fire with nothing to cook?"

"But we do have something to cook!" they said. "Our favorite dish, stone soup. We only need a pot."

"I think I can find one," said one of the bystanders, and she ran home to fetch it.

When she returned, the travelers filled the pot with water and placed two large stones in it. "This will be the finest soup we've ever made!" said the first traveler. "I agree," said the second, "but don't you think it would taste better with a cabbage in it?"

"I think I can find one," said another bystander. And so it went the whole afternoon until, by evening, the travelers had a hearty, fragrant feast, which they shared with the hungry townspeople.

What can I do with help today, that I couldn't do alone?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Men will find that they can prepare with mutual aid far more easily what they need and avoid far more easily the perils which beset them on all sides, by united forces.

--Baruch Spinoza

Three travelers stopped in a small town on their way to the city. They had tents to sleep in, but no food or money. They knocked on doors asking for a little food, but the people were poor, with little to eat and nothing to spare.

Cheerfully, they returned to their camp and built a fire. "What are you doing?" asked a bystander, "Building a fire with nothing to cook?"

"But we do have something to cook!" they said. "Our favorite dish, stone soup. We only need a pot."

"I think I can find one," said one of the bystanders, and she ran home to fetch it.

When she returned, the travelers filled the pot with water and placed two large stones in it. "This will be the finest soup we've ever made!" said the first traveler. "I agree," said the second, "but don't you think it would taste better with a cabbage in it?"

"I think I can find one," said another bystander. And so it went the whole afternoon until, by evening, the travelers had a hearty, fragrant feast, which they shared with the hungry townspeople.

What can I do with help today, that I couldn't do alone?

no matter how bad your day was ,someones was worse :o

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Men will find that they can prepare with mutual aid far more easily what they need and avoid far more easily the perils which beset them on all sides, by united forces.

--Baruch Spinoza

Three travelers stopped in a small town on their way to the city. They had tents to sleep in, but no food or money. They knocked on doors asking for a little food, but the people were poor, with little to eat and nothing to spare.

Cheerfully, they returned to their camp and built a fire. "What are you doing?" asked a bystander, "Building a fire with nothing to cook?"

"But we do have something to cook!" they said. "Our favorite dish, stone soup. We only need a pot."

"I think I can find one," said one of the bystanders, and she ran home to fetch it.

When she returned, the travelers filled the pot with water and placed two large stones in it. "This will be the finest soup we've ever made!" said the first traveler. "I agree," said the second, "but don't you think it would taste better with a cabbage in it?"

"I think I can find one," said another bystander. And so it went the whole afternoon until, by evening, the travelers had a hearty, fragrant feast, which they shared with the hungry townspeople.

What can I do with help today, that I couldn't do alone?

no matter how bad your day was ,someones was worse :o

the day is young something wonderful could still happen :D

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Bad moments, like good ones, tend to be grouped together.

--Edna O'Brien

Once in a while, we have days when we think the whole world is against us. A parent has reprimanded us, a brother broke our new game, or the teacher at school disciplined the whole class. We sometimes let our thoughts center on a cluster of bad moments and forget the good moments of the day.

We shouldn't forget about the two ducks we fed part of our sandwich to, the friend who made us laugh, or the gym teacher who praised the whole class. Deciding to think about these good moments can allow our spirits to rise and make the bad moments fade away.

After all, if life were all good moments, we would take them for granted. Let us accept the bad ones gratefully, then, as opportunities to appreciate the good.

What good moments can I remember right now?

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You will jump to it someday. Then you'll fly. You'll really fly. After that you'll quite simply, quite calmly make your own stones, your own floor plan, your own sound.

--Anne Sexton

A young man sat beside a whispering creek all day for years, never moving. The townsfolk who watched him wondered whether he heard the gurgling creek sounds, or felt the sting of insects, or saw the raccoons when they came at night to sip from the cool, dark waters.

One day the young man rose and dashed up the hill above the creek. There, using all the healing strength of the stream, which he had quietly absorbed over the years, he gathered stones. He arranged them layer-by-layer to fit the plan he had thought out by the creek, and feverishly he built his home. When done, he let out a brassy, booming holler of joy. Imagine the townsfolk's surprise when they turned their eyes to that lonely spot by the creek and saw a huge castle of stone above the place where the young man once rested.

What plans can I make during my idle hours today?

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  • 1 month later...

Large streams from little fountains flow.

--David Everett

Somewhere nearby, no matter where we are, runs a creek. We've seen plenty of them, narrow and rocky. In summer it's hardly a creek at all, but in the spring, it feeds a mighty river.

Each of us is like that creek, a trickle contributing to some greater plan. Sometimes we feel dried up, contributing nothing. Often we feel small, rocky, not up to the task - when we can understand what the task is.

Sometimes the task seems too simple - get up each morning, love and work and live the day as honestly as we can. What kind of contribution is that? Sometimes it seems too complicated. How much more we could contribute if we could see the whole river - where it begins and ends - if we knew what would happen tomorrow.

So we ebb and flow. And in our moments of contentment, we know we are doing the best we can each day.

What contribution, however small, can I offer the world today?

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  • 3 weeks later...

All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.

T. E. Lawrence, "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom"

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