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Thailand Rejects Foreign Election Monitors


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This kind of attitude is typical from a Banana republic minister frustrated to be so small on the international scene, what the west have to care about, it doesn't make any difference if Thailand do or say something.

It's really laughable when this moron talk about sending military support in Libya, ah yes send what!!?? No ground operation, so what!!?? their decommissioned rusty aircraft carrier maybe haha. Even troupes on the ground would be crushed easily by Qaddafi's army.

So small you are Thailand and you play arrogance!!

Woop pak dee kua Khun Suthep.

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I really hope this has been taken completely out of context. With an opinion like this, the future for Thailand is scary.

We all say we don't want Thailand to be like the west. That's very true to a certain extent. But what about those of us who are in loving marriages with mixed children? It's not about us anymore. It's about our families.

I don't care if this man is Asian and we all assume he's disrespecting 'white' people. Because in his mind's eye, he'll be picturing white people and not all the other races of people who make up our western countries. It's as racist as saying I don't respect black or middle eastern people.

This statement is completely wrong. I don't want my kids growing up thinking this is ever acceptable. This should not be coming from the mouth of a 'so-called' educated man in such power.

I still think this has been taken out of context. But just in case it hasn't, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it wasn't, these are my feelings.

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monitors don't have to be "the westerners", they might be from asean or from any other country in the world.

Excellent point.

Although Thailand has procrastinated over Asean observers in the border dispute.

Suthep is good at isolating himself, and he typifies the xenphobic indoctrination that prevents many Thais from believing in anything other than their own superiority.

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"I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them," he said, using the Thai word for "Westerners".<BR sab="619"><BR sab="620">

So where are the Thaier than Thai members now who always say that only paranoid farangs think the Thais don't want us here?

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It wasn't taken out of context. It was an intentional statement made for INTERNAL consumption. Xenophobia in Thailand, and many countries for that matter, is politically smart. We consumed it too. That part was unintentional.

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Although what Thaugsuban said was rude and jarring, I imagine he felt deep embarassment even having to make the rejection in public. Can you imagine Obama having to publically reject proposals for Thai election monitors? (Okay, crazy thought, but the same pinciple) Resonding to this stuff in public is humiliating to the Deputy PM. I've lived in Bangkok for five years now and I've seen how elections work; my wife's family live just outside Bangkok and all get paid to vote the right way (Abhisit). They rationalise that if they don't take the money (500/person last time) the local dude will keep it anyway - you gotta respect that logic.

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I find the statement disgusting, racist, and xenophobic. What if Vice President Biden publicly announced, I don't respect Asians! Don't make excuses for this kind of thing, that's so Thai-ier than Thou it isn't even funny.

I think Biden along with a number of other VPs in the US have said things just as strange and//or offence.

Biden talking about Obama when running against him, "You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

I remember another time he said, "“You cannot enter a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian Accent”"

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Well the Deputy Pm should not make a generalisation, Certainly there are many Thais I dont respect >MANY.

As far as rejecting any outside election monitors, Western or otherwise , what a sad indictment of Thailand political system. After the , court challenges , removal of MPs because of illegal voting he should be happy to see independent monitors, Perhaps though he just wants Thailand to continue on its path to anarchy.

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'International' monitors would be completely useless as none of them would speak Thai or have the slightest clue what is going on. You'd have the situation like during last years riots, where people are saying in English we are peaceful and democratic and in Thai to prepare to burn down the city. And if their violence and intimidation campaign is successful they would whitewash their crimes by pointing to the clueless, ineffectual foreigners who neither saw nor heard what happened.

The 'don't respect farang' comment is out of line if that was what was said

I can agree with this observation. The contradictory remarks from farang living upcountry only seems to emphasize this.

Still I wonder how k. Suthep's Thai speech goes like properly translated ?

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This kind of attitude is typical from a Banana republic minister frustrated to be so small on the international scene, what the west have to care about, it doesn't make any difference if Thailand do or say something.

It's really laughable when this moron talk about sending military support in Libya, ah yes send what!!?? No ground operation, so what!!?? their decommissioned rusty aircraft carrier maybe haha. Even troupes on the ground would be crushed easily by Qaddafi's army.

So small you are Thailand and you play arrogance!!

Woop pak dee kua Khun Suthep.

They were talking about sending military to Libya? Please tell me thats a joke, as a former Marine i would feel pretty confident invading Thailand with just a company of Marines.

Edited by eateer
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It is so nice to hear a member of Thai government finally admit to the press. "Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We

do not have to surrender to them"

So, then what is he going to do next, if we are still coming to his country as tourists, spending money here, etc.

When he travels abroad to a western country, I would love to see a westerner spit in his face and tell him," I don't respect Thai's, either now get back on your plane and go back to Thailand".

Edited by elshaheen
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Foolish Old Goat - does he not realise that with Election monitors there is less of a likelihood that the Reds will get away with large scale vote-buying which has (allegedly) happened in the past? This would give his party a much better chance of getting voted back in...

... unless of course, the Dems are planning on chucking around a few mill in vote buying ;)

You assume that the vote buying happens at or near the polls - you assume wrong. It happens days before, in other places, with hardly any chance to catch it. Doesn't matter anyway. Reds will lose - they lost a year ago, when they decided to torch the capital.

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'International' monitors would be completely useless as none of them would speak Thai or have the slightest clue what is going on. You'd have the situation like during last years riots, where people are saying in English we are peaceful and democratic and in Thai to prepare to burn down the city. And if their violence and intimidation campaign is successful they would whitewash their crimes by pointing to the clueless, ineffectual foreigners who neither saw nor heard what happened.

The 'don't respect farang' comment is out of line if that was what was said

Not only that but the elections are actually the smaller problem ... it is having a party actually get through a term once they've been elected.

I too think his comment was out of line and politically incorrect but also believe any country with an established government feels the same way about letting foreigners (especially more powerful ones) come into their country and judge and monitor them let alone tell them how to do things. It is not like many of these Western countries truly do things out of the goodness of their heart. Even with what is going on in Libya ... you have to be a bit naive to believe the reason for the current assault is actually based on protecting Libyan citizens.

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I think we can all agree on one thing, the honesty of this guy to say what he really think is admirable :D so if anyones had a doubt before, i don't think he could have been any more clear than this :Thaiflag:

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Of course Suthep has to feel ignited having Farangs supervise elections in Thailand. Thailand's sterling record of Democracy and respect for the rule of law warrants his contempt for Farangs.

Remember that song? "I don't want your love, all I want is your money."

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Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

Spot one,

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Suthep's comments might seem a bit harsh and inappropriate (they are!), but if you ask any Thai - who isn't an ardent red shirt - how they feel about foreign election monitors, you'll probably get a similar response!

NOT so

Many a ordinary Thai does desire THIRD PARTY INDEPENDENT observers during polling.

For any deputy to refuse a third party observer seems to send out the message that there might be something cooking illegally.

Deputy SuThep is clearly inappropriate and breaking with protocol in any non-communist country.

He has been speaking with fork-tongue like many whitemen in the past. :unsure:

The very fact that he has been personally blocking any and all efforts generated to decommission felon and former PM Tuxsin demonstrates clearly that he really is personally drumming up deals with Tuxsin and associates and also Camb HuSen behind democratic party banner and behind all loyal Thai citizen. :( imho.

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