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Lao Girl Cut In Half By Fleeing Stolen Porsche: Thai Police

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Very likely, unfortunately....

From what I've read so far, here is my prediction of what will happen:

1. The police will rule that it was an accident.

2. The boy's family (probably his mother) will attend the funeral.

3. They will offer the girl's family 30,000 - 50,000 baht.

4. The story will then vanish from the news.

5. His family will buy him a new car.


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Laos girl? Did she have a valid visa? If she has, is her visa the correct type? Is she working in Thailand? Did she have a work permit? These are some questions that Thai police needs to work out first.

Not having any formal investigative training of my own, I'd have rather thought some questions that Thai police needs to work out first would be who was driving the freaking car?


According to the thai news last night in Nation Channel, the driver was described as a 19 year old male student from a so called "prestigious" thai family but they are withholding the name at the moment. There was never an issue of the car being stolen.

Guess it another case of some so called Thai Hi-So family that made their money through corruption as usual and their so called younger generation bastards kids thinking they own the country.

The sad thing is that the probably do.


I don't know of how many here have ever driven a Porsche. I had a chance to drive one from my friend years ago. This kind of car is not for teenagers or -people with short fuses. One needs to be very attentive at all times while driving. It needs a whole different set of driving skills. If one uses it like any other car then accidents like this happens. Something like a tractor would be more suffcient for this kind of people here.

8-years-old boy killed by ‘Kwik-Fit’ workers who were taking a joyride in a Porsche

January 21st, 2011 - 10:31 pm ICT by Aishwarya Bhatt Essex, Jan 21 (THAINDIAN NEWS) An 8 years old boy was killed when Kwik-Fit garage workers were taking a joyride in a Porsche, struck him. The garage workers should have been working ...


The BIB are pretty adapt at finding charges for those who flee the scene , whether on foot or via vehicle, when they want to. RIP to the victim and condolences to families involved. cover up or attempts at same would result in a change of my wording somewhat.

Now the reported young, student driver, who reportedly, managed to continue on for 10 kilometers, with half a human body spurting blood, a broken windshield, pull it over, remain in vehicle for several minutes, exit and lock car, enter taxi and then go where? I am glad that the vehicle was found prior to the arrival of a tow truck.

Any policeman with their knowledge of law, rules, plus their unique interpretation of same should be able to come up with a bakers dozen of chargeable infractions.


Of course the lad may have taken his father's Porsche without his permission and went for a spin. Who knows but given the circumstances and the fact that we are in Thailand it is reasonable to conclude that the truth will not emerge and no prosecution will ensue since it is in everyone's interest for the police to conclude it was an accident. That he left the scene in the car which he later abandoned with the remains of the victim inside would of course leave him open to other charges but since this is a country with no meaningful rule of law I suspect they will not arise. Naturally, there will be no allegation or evidence to suggest that the driver was speeding and there is as much likelihood of the police carrying out an effective forensic examination of the scene as of the Chiang Mai police arresting the killer of Kirsty Jones.

Pretty normal day in the LoS, I'd say. This is a medieval country where wealth outweighs everything else.


poor girl, i know most on the forum would love justice for this girls family, and that the offender is justly punished, but we can only hope, probably in vain that this will happen.

talked about this today with the wife, her family is about see its fourth generation to start in the BIB, and firmer believer in her family's traditional meal ticket that you could ever meet, when i commented about most peoples lack of faith in a fair and transparent handling of this incident by the BIB, if a hi-so is the culprit, she gave me the "dont question me about this, you dont understand, your a farang look".


Any policeman with their knowledge of law, rules, plus their unique interpretation of same should be able to come up with a bakers dozen of chargeable infractions.

I bet they won't


Laos girl? Did she have a valid visa? If she has, is her visa the correct type? Is she working in Thailand? Did she have a work permit? These are some questions that Thai police needs to work out first.

Not having any formal investigative training of my own, I'd have rather thought some questions that Thai police needs to work out first would be who was driving the freaking car?

Well firstly a crime scene would be established and that means nobody repeat nobody apart from authorised personel can enter. The vehicle would immeadiately be impounded securely for thougher forensic testing (ie prove or disprove theft theory) The vehicles owner and family would be fingerprinted and DNA samples taken, possible warrants on thier home for clothing (blood and glass shards from veh) Taxi driver located and interviewed so many standard proceedures would immeadiately be activated.


poor girl, i know most on the forum would love justice for this girls family, and that the offender is justly punished, but we can only hope, probably in vain that this will happen.

talked about this today with the wife, her family is about see its fourth generation to start in the BIB, and firmer believer in her family's traditional meal ticket that you could ever meet, when i commented about most peoples lack of faith in a fair and transparent handling of this incident by the BIB, if a hi-so is the culprit, she gave me the "dont question me about this, you dont understand, your a farang look".

Rest In Peace

I get much the same answers as you would. I remember when a little brat in a fortuner pulled out after seeing my friend approach on a bike. T Bone time. Brat on phone gets out declaring " Do you know who I am' and trys to verbally beat down on my friend with his wealth." After getting fed up of apologising for something that wasnt his fault, he just nutted the little brat. This farang was 60 yrs old and a doctor in a previous life, not a thug. If their parents dont teach them responsibility, manners and other social niceties then it is good to know there are farangs out there who will do the job for them.


<b>This is only an Australian interpretation...........

Culpable Driving
: This offence covers homicides caused by the culpable driving of a motor vehicle. This offence is committed where a person drives a motor vehicle negligently, recklessly or whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Culpable driving causing death</b>

318. Culpable driving causing death

(1) Any person who by the culpable driving of a motor vehicle causes the death

of another person shall be guilty of an indictable offence and shall be liable

to level 3 imprisonment (20 years maximum) or a level 3 fine or both.

Culpable driving in Thailand - (taken from Whybother's post):-

1. The police will rule that it was an accident.

2. The boy's family (probably his mother) will attend the funeral.

3. They will offer the girl's family 30,000 - 50,000 baht.

4. The story will then vanish from the news.

5. His family will buy him a new car.




Just watched the video. It was a Cayman hardtop. Clearly the bumper cut her in 1/2.

I just don't get the point of locking a car with a 2 foot hole in the windshield.

We now know the driver had the key with him.


Any policeman with their knowledge of law, rules, plus their unique interpretation of same should be able to come up with a bakers dozen of chargeable infractions.

I bet they won't

I can think of at least 14 of the top of my head. Two that the family and police involved in this matter could very well be if they aren't careful is Pervert the course of justice or (Attempt) conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Used both in a similar tragic event in Melbourne, Aust a few years back. Guess this is Thailand and not Australia tho.


My sincerest condolences to the family of the Laotian girl. There will be no justice for them, just as there would not be for any of us in these circumstances. The lack of consequences for the uber rich is probably the single biggest flaw in Thai society, and the Thais are wrong to try and justify it in any sense. This is one case where the Western culture truly is better, and the Thais should try and emulate it. It's a sad narrative on the country as a whole that they will not.

I do notice though, that not a single person is trying to justify the criminal actions of this 19 year old boy driving an expensive car and killing 1 person, where it seemed people were coming out of the woodwork to support the criminal actions of the 16 year old girl driving an expensive car and killing 10 people a few months back.

I just find it fascinating that with such similar events, the reactions of some of the Thai Visa readership is so different. Are we applying different standards because in the previous event it was a girl, or because we prefer Mercedes to Porsche? In both cases, the wealthy teenagers were likely speeding and driving dangerously leading to death. So what is different? Where is the TV cheering section for this poor rich boy?

My own personal disgust is equal in both incidents. I think a simple death sentence is too kind for either of them. Put 'em both on stage and have a contest to see who can survive slow, brutal torture the longest. Give the money raised from the media rights to the event to the victim's families.


Police, rescue volunteers and reporters inspect a luxury Porsche that was abandoned on the Pathum Thani-Bang Bua Thong Road Friday.

The front passenger seat had the upper body of a 17-year-old Laotian girl on it.

The girl lower body was found at a spot 10 kilometres away.

Police believe the car hit her and cut her body in half.

The driver was seen jumping into a taxi after parking his luxury vehicle.



-- The Nation 2011-03-26


Put 2 and 2 together.

The car was NOT stolen.

Anyone wealthy enough to own a Porsche...

... is wealthy enough to make the ...

... problem go away...

(My guess)

This is the last you have heard of this story in the news.

Nobody goes around stealing a Porsche in Thailand.




Police, rescue volunteers and reporters inspect a luxury Porsche that was abandoned on the Pathum Thani-Bang Bua Thong Road Friday.

The front passenger seat had the upper body of a 17-year-old Laotian girl on it.

The girl lower body was found at a spot 10 kilometres away.

Police believe the car hit her and cut her body in half.

The driver was seen jumping into a taxi after parking his luxury vehicle.



-- The Nation 2011-03-26

This proves that thai police have absolutely no investigative skills what so ever. This location is a secondary crime scene and should have been immeadiately isolated from everyone except investigators. Just one of these people to touch it mildly could destroy any prosecution. Isolate and contain a scene is basically day one / week one on any police course.


RIP to the poor girl.

My guess is it was somebody on a drunken jolly. When the body hit the windscreen they could well of gone into shock - There's not really much other excuse for the ensuing 10km drive afterwards. :(


Sad story RIP young lady .

Another case of lawless thailand nothing will change until these type of incidents are dealt with correctly , from petty crimes to serious crimes like this they all need full prosecution then maybe a few of these boofheads will start taking notice.


I heard it was a red 911 :blink: ? I guess someone got that terribly wrong :ermm: .

And before you say it I know it had red plates I'm not confused..


Perhaps a change to the thread title as the police are now putting forward a different version of events.

On a separate matter, do you think that the taxi was called and the taxi driver known to the hi-so lad who killed the girl.


Did the owner of the vehicle leave it unlocked, unattended with the keys in the ignition? Since when are car thieves so considerate and lock/secure the vehicle for the owner so as it doesn't get stolen again. Would,t a police officer with 1/8 of a brain be saying hang something is not quite right here?


Police, rescue volunteers and reporters inspect a luxury Porsche that was abandoned on the Pathum Thani-Bang Bua Thong Road Friday.

The front passenger seat had the upper body of a 17-year-old Laotian girl on it.

The girl lower body was found at a spot 10 kilometres away.

Police believe the car hit her and cut her body in half.

The driver was seen jumping into a taxi after parking his luxury vehicle.



-- The Nation 2011-03-26

This proves that thai police have absolutely no investigative skills what so ever. This location is a secondary crime scene and should have been immeadiately isolated from everyone except investigators. Just one of these people to touch it mildly could destroy any prosecution. Isolate and contain a scene is basically day one / week one on any police course.

This sort of thing happens at all major incidents in Thailand. Every baker butcher and candle stick maker will turn up for a gander and police don't really seem to care. I think they sell tickets.


Laos girl? Did she have a valid visa? If she has, is her visa the correct type? Is she working in Thailand? Did she have a work permit? These are some questions that Thai police needs to work out first.

OK I will bite. What are you investigating ?


Did the owner of the vehicle leave it unlocked, unattended with the keys in the ignition? Since when are car thieves so considerate and lock/secure the vehicle for the owner so as it doesn't get stolen again. Would,t a police officer with 1/8 of a brain be saying hang something is not quite right here?

The BiB wil be thinking about how can we make money out of this, nothing much else. :huh:



I cannot believe the kid drove for another 4 to 5 minutes, then sat in the car 5-10 minutes after parking (according to witnesses via one of the news links above) and then got out and left.

There is a very good possibility the girl was still alive, albeit in a serious state of shock and probably for only a few minutes as she bled out, but depending on how she landed inside and where exactly she was cut, she could have still been able to move a little, look at him, and possibly even speak a word or two. Even if none of this happened, this kid's life is ruined as well (and rightly so). He will be haunted by her in his head forever, and he will always see her in his mind.


Did the owner of the vehicle leave it unlocked, unattended with the keys in the ignition? Since when are car thieves so considerate and lock/secure the vehicle for the owner so as it doesn't get stolen again. Would,t a police officer with 1/8 of a brain be saying hang something is not quite right here?

The BiB wil be thinking about how can we make money out of this, nothing much else. :huh:

Not sure that thinking is a strong suit of the BIB, but I suspect in general they spend very little time trying to make money from rich elites. Much safer to squeeze money from the little people. If they do make money from this event, it would be in the form of hush money to make everything quietly go away, rather than the more standard extortion technique. This whole incident makes me want to puke, as the sun will rise tomorrow, and nothing will happen to this idiot in the form of punishment. He can thank his lucky stars he did not run over one of my relatives........ :realangry:

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