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Uh, okay. Your rant is a bit difficult to understand but I'll try to reply to your points.

I was being sarcastic as the New York Times article was so absurd as to be comical.


I don't propose anything, and, within the context of my post am not interested in the attrocities attributed to him, except:

If the NYT article is accurate, he was unguarded and an elite team of SEALS should have easily taken him alive.

Yet, he was executed. Yes, we agree, he was executed. Without trial. On foreign soil.

Perhaps if he had been interrogated by a multi-national group with full accountability, we all would have found out that he had little or nothing to do with the Three (not Twin) --3-- Towers falling. Wouldn't that had just been the bomb? But that was not acceptable.

You also apparently missed my point entirely as we agree he was no longer "in the loop" contrary to what we are told by the government and this article, referring to him as a mastermind actively planning attacks--none of which apparently were good enough to be underataken.

I can not reply to some of your other points as I do not know what "bubbling" someone means.

Have a great week, Tonto.

Good week, I’ll try, thanks.

I totally missed your opening statement…..’Ooops’

Bubbled! Its slang for being informed on.

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So now we've found Osama, can the boys in Afghanistan go home now?

If not, what was the point in finding him? Just a sad old retired terrorist, like Gerry Adams or Ronald Reagan, not bothering anyone in his dotage.

Instead, we had to promote him to martyrdom. I hope he's happy with his 72 virgins. Personally, I think I would have wanted to stay alive to avoid that, but some people don't seem bothered by bloodshed.


The Yanks.....err, excuse me - The Coalition Forces were/are not there to chase bin Laden down or to "defeat" the Taleban. The sole purpose was to make secure the new oil pipeline that extends from the Caspian through Central Asia and Afghanistan onto the ports of their choosing. A plus {as they view} was the development of newer military reservations throughout the "friendly" Central Asian states. Neo-imperialism. Corporations and Militarism.


So now we've found Osama, can the boys in Afghanistan go home now?

If not, what was the point in finding him? Just a sad old retired terrorist, like Gerry Adams or Ronald Reagan, not bothering anyone in his dotage.

Instead, we had to promote him to martyrdom. I hope he's happy with his 72 virgins. Personally, I think I would have wanted to stay alive to avoid that, but some people don't seem bothered by bloodshed.


especially since the 72 virgins is a translation error and its likely 72 raisins.

The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

Tonto's childish use of "bin boy" to refer to him and his delight in an untried summary execution shows us the his (and likely many others) notion of "Justice for All" is merely a convenient myth they trot out in their television shows to make them feel warm and fuzzy.

Meanwhile they lose the respect of the world in increasing increments, their borders become more closed, for fear of reprisal over unjust, unneeded and unwanted foreign policies.

Blind Jingoism at its best and the rest of us get to watch as you loudly loudly justify yourself with childish name calling.


How quickly the world forgets.....soon OBL will be a forgotten thingy too...

Let's get back ON TOPIC!

If you are a barkeep and have some Seals drop by, make sure you serve them the celebratory cocktail, the OBL

Two shots of their choice... and a splash of water.


The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

That works for me. He did kill thousands of innocent people. :whistling:

Let those that have not killed innocents cast the first stone....otherwise what is the difference?


The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

That works for me. He did kill thousands of innocent people. :whistling:

Let those that have not killed innocents cast the first stone....otherwise what is the difference?

Mastermind, voter, tax-payer; no doubt we are all warriors in the jihad, whether we wish to be or not. Perhaps there are no innocents. Who am I to decide whether I am innocent? I am neither judge, jury nor executioner, unlike some on this forum, apparently



So now we've found Osama, can the boys in Afghanistan go home now?

If not, what was the point in finding him? Just a sad old retired terrorist, like Gerry Adams or Ronald Reagan, not bothering anyone in his dotage.

Instead, we had to promote him to martyrdom. I hope he's happy with his 72 virgins. Personally, I think I would have wanted to stay alive to avoid that, but some people don't seem bothered by bloodshed.


especially since the 72 virgins is a translation error and its likely 72 raisins.

The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

Tonto's childish use of "bin boy" to refer to him and his delight in an untried summary execution shows us the his (and likely many others) notion of "Justice for All" is merely a convenient myth they trot out in their television shows to make them feel warm and fuzzy.

Meanwhile they lose the respect of the world in increasing increments, their borders become more closed, for fear of reprisal over unjust, unneeded and unwanted foreign policies.

Blind Jingoism at its best and the rest of us get to watch as you loudly loudly justify yourself with childish name calling.

My reference to MR Bin Laden as 'Bin boy' ……………So what? I've no doubt he's has been called worse than that, don't you think. As for your stating that I took delight in an untried summary execution of this man, really? Where did I say this, or intimateit, I merely said why I believe it was carried out.

I would agree that the point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

Just for the record; I don't agree with or swallow the crap the governments of the coalitiontry to sell us. Terrorism has handed the so called free worlds with a license to do anything they want to their own people, under the Vail of protecting them. Our governments have always used fear as a tool for control,but seem to have now really got the hang of it.


How quickly the world forgets.....soon OBL will be a forgotten thingy too...

Let's get back ON TOPIC!

If you are a barkeep and have some Seals drop by, make sure you serve them the celebratory cocktail, the OBL

Two shots of their choice... and a splash of water.

Yes! They had absolutely nothing to do with it, but what the hey.... buy them a drink anyway.

I have to admit that I'm always willing to listen to conspiracy theories as I don't trust ANY government as far as I can throw them - but whilst initially I thought those that were saying the 'powers that be' knew about what the terrorists were planning and ignored it (9/11) to give them an excuse to raise the population to a hate-filled frenzy, I'm beginning to wonder....

Read about Steve R. Pieczenik, an ex highly placed guy who has v forthright opinions!


As a midshipman in 1977, I went to the BUD/S Indoc Course, but I went Marines upon graduation, not Navy. Does that count? :)

(Vice Admiral Bob Harward was one of our small group of 5 midhsipmen to attend the course, and he is now in charge of the joint task force from which the SEALS who killed bin Laden probably came.)

Sorry buddy you still are Navy :P

Department of the Navy, please, not Navy! I haven't been a swabbie since I got commissioned! :)


The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

That works for me. He did kill thousands of innocent people.

Let those that have not killed innocents cast the first stone....otherwise what is the difference?

Purposely targeting thousands of innocents is the difference. ;)


The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

That works for me. He did kill thousands of innocent people.

Let those that have not killed innocents cast the first stone....otherwise what is the difference?

Purposely targeting thousands of innocents is the difference. ;)

100% correct, there is a difference but some here are blind to see. PURPOSELY.


The point of finding him was vengeance, nothing more nothing less.

That works for me. He did kill thousands of innocent people.

Let those that have not killed innocents cast the first stone....otherwise what is the difference?

Purposely targeting thousands of innocents is the difference. ;)

Isn't that what war is all about, G? Sanctioned genocide/mass murder sanctioned by the state?

Alright for us, but not for them.....<_<


Ok zzaa09, I can understand that governments can apply pressure around to world to cause great suffering to a perceived hostile nation, or one that will not play the game, Palestine, a point in case. But are you really trying to compare the actions carried out by coalition armed forces and the 9/11 attacks as a like for like action? Got to say, all your quotes are starting to sound like your reading from a 'ladybird' hand book for young radicals.


Purposely targeting thousands of innocents is the difference. ;)

100% correct, there is a difference but some here are blind to see. PURPOSELY.

Yes agreed some here are blind to many things...lack knowledge of history too. ;)


I am not much for keeping threads exactly on the initial topic, but there are several threads going on right now where the political ramifications of all of this are being discussed, so let's try and keep this one more on SEALs getting free drinks, SEALs in general, SEALs and bin Laden, and so on. Please take the general political posts to the other threads.



I'm retired U.S. army and never did anything really dangerous in 20 years. I was a boring technician but I highly respect the men and women who do put their lives on the line for God and country. I raise my glass to these men who got Bin Laden.

America knows the war is not over but if Al-Qaeda is paying attention they will have noticed America's tactics have changed. America will invade air space of a sovereign nation, shoot first, and destroy their enemies. The only hornets nest that has been awakened is the one cloaked in the red, white and blue of the stars and stripes. Al-Qaeda should think about changing their ways before they are nothing but a bad memory.

Cheers to Seal party at Soi Cowboy!


I'm retired U.S. army and never did anything really dangerous in 20 years. I was a boring technician but I highly respect the men and women who do put their lives on the line for God and country. I raise my glass to these men who got Bin Laden.

America knows the war is not over but if Al-Qaeda is paying attention they will have noticed America's tactics have changed. America will invade air space of a sovereign nation, shoot first, and destroy their enemies. The only hornets nest that has been awakened is the one cloaked in the red, white and blue of the stars and stripes. Al-Qaeda should think about changing their ways before they are nothing but a bad memory.

Cheers to Seal party at Soi Cowboy!

Agreed...When you bring war to the land of the Red, White and Blue, be prepared to accept it back wherever you are.


I raise my glass to these men who got Bin Laden.

Yes, good for them. Bin Laden's time was up and few, non-rad Muslims, will cry over his death

America's tactics have changed. America will invade air space of a sovereign nation, shoot first, and destroy their enemies.

:blink: Changed? How so? That's what the US has fairly well done for the last 100+ years, just sometimes this 'destroying their enemy' doesn't quite work out. Umm - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. Sometimes it does like when the mighty US invades a powerful enemy - like Grenada.

The only hornets nest that has been awakened is the one cloaked in the red, white and blue of the stars and stripes. Al-Qaeda should think about changing their ways before they are nothing but a bad memory.

Oh hang on. Hang on. Hang on: blubbbbb.gif

Yes, quite right. Their leadership will be quivering in the knowledge that they can only hide out in a villa for ten years, if they let their bodyguards go out for a night on the town. I wonder what would have happened if his five bodyguards had been there. Perhaps the sight of a woman in pajamas and an unarmed old guy would have been equal to a bunch of Kalashnikov-wielding zealots

Ten years of hunting an old man who needs dialysis, spending trillions and invading two countries kind of doesn't amount to a huge success story, irrespective of how you slice and dice it

Sometimes a flag-waving, chest-thumping xenophobe is all one needs to have a moment of blubbbbb.gif



With roughly 4 out of 5 people in Thai bars being current or former special forces, you could be broke by morning. But I appreciate the sentiment. :jap:

Yeah should be interesting... could be over a thousand seals in attendance...


Purposely targeting thousands of innocents is the difference. ;)

100% correct, there is a difference but some here are blind to see. PURPOSELY.

Yes agreed some here are blind to many things...lack knowledge of history too. ;)

Yes, the vacancy is quite obvious. What is most astounding is the overwhelming percentage. :jap:

I raise my glass to these men who got Bin Laden.

Yes, good for them. Bin Laden's time was up and few, non-rad Muslims, will cry over his death

America's tactics have changed. America will invade air space of a sovereign nation, shoot first, and destroy their enemies.

:blink: Changed? How so? That's what the US has fairly well done for the last 100+ years, just sometimes this 'destroying their enemy' doesn't quite work out. Umm - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. Sometimes it does like when the mighty US invades a powerful enemy - like Grenada.

The only hornets nest that has been awakened is the one cloaked in the red, white and blue of the stars and stripes. Al-Qaeda should think about changing their ways before they are nothing but a bad memory.

Oh hang on. Hang on. Hang on: blubbbbb.gif

Yes, quite right. Their leadership will be quivering in the knowledge that they can only hide out in a villa for ten years, if they let their bodyguards go out for a night on the town. I wonder what would have happened if his five bodyguards had been there. Perhaps the sight of a woman in pajamas and an unarmed old guy would have been equal to a bunch of Kalashnikov-wielding zealots

Ten years of hunting an old man who needs dialysis, spending trillions and invading two countries kind of doesn't amount to a huge success story, irrespective of how you slice and dice it

Sometimes a flag-waving, chest-thumping xenophobe is all one needs to have a moment of blubbbbb.gif


that about sums it up.


Agreed...When you bring war to the land of the Red, White and Blue, be prepared to accept it back wherever you are.


America still has a number of bad kharma cards to cash in......the future might not be so rosy.


Agreed...When you bring war to the land of the Red, White and Blue, be prepared to accept it back wherever you are.


America still has a number of bad kharma cards to cash in......the future might not be so rosy.


mario299 :blink:

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