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A Pattaya Taxi "Meter" Driver Speaks


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Had an interesting conversation with an English fluent taxi meter driver recently. No news really but interesting

Here's the skinny --

1. No they don't use the meters

2. Yes, they aren't allowed to use the meters.

3. Their role is not to be direct competition to the baht bus drivers

4. During low season, they drive a very small percentage of time, almost all waiting

5. High season busy enough

6. Agreed much of the town isn't covered by the baht buses so in those areas, they aren't really hurting baht buses

7. Clear that the big boss in this game is the baht bus collective

8. Agreed it would be a good thing if the system with taxis here was like Bangkok, that drivers would actually make more money that way, as they would be driving most of the time rather than sitting and waiting for overpriced fares

9. Seemed to indicate there was "fixed prices" for standard runs but that was kind of vague

10. Felt there was really no hope this situation would change, the big powers too strong, the little people including drivers mean nothing

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Never used them myself. Uses 10 bath bath busses and motorbike taxi when going down town for beers & home again.

It is really sad that the system is like that and not allowed to use the meter, I wonder what the reason is for that? Okay if they get 500% of normal fare, yes, but not many customers as almost everybody knows its a rip off, so what is the point?

Phuket is even worse than here.

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A meter fare would be more like a Bangkok fare, which I roughly guess is about 1/3 of the charter fares here. That assumes the meters are set at all, not clear on that at this point. The powers that be clearly don't want a competitive taxi service here that really serves the people, as in Bangkok. Keep in mind that the baht bus drivers also often work as charter taxi fares. If the taxis were 1/3 of their rates, that would be a huge hit to their cash cow.

Don't get me wrong. I like the baht buses and their 10 baht fares on their set routes. However, I also would like a REAL taxi meter service to complete the system. Not everyone wants to deal with moto taxi drivers either, for obvious safety reasons.

Back to the mafia reality in town. If city hall allowed a real taxi meter company to set up here (one not directly OWNED by the baht bus collective) and they charged Bangkok meter rates or even a bit higher (probably justified here) ... THERE WOULD BE BLOOD. Like I said, hopeless.

People get all upset about the corruption implicit in the jet ski scams in town. However, the transport mafia in town is a symptom of the same totally corrupt power structure here. If there was a real public transport service here with real balance (as in Bangkok) many fewer residents would feel the need to run their own private vehicles. It would be great for the general public, less traffic, and a real alternative to private vehicles. But, no. A small number of people get even richer and the general public including tourists suffer the poor system as a consequence. It is a disgusting situation indeed, but, OK, not nearly as bad as Phuket!

Edited by Jingthing
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If city hall allowed a real taxi meter company to set up here (one not directly OWNED by the baht bus collective) and they charged Bangkok meter rates or even a bit higher

That means tha a ride from The avenue to Central festival,a distance that is frequently used on a baht bus here,would cost at least 35 Baht and as you insist at even hignher rates probably 45 baht.

I think this forum would turn in an even bigger taxi whiner forum about how they are ripped of.

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A real taxi company in Patts would really boost the city's economic development.

Currently, there is no economic solution for pedestrians coming out of central festival laden with purchases and wanting to go to their home.

The Patts "Meter Taxis" are scammers, and the baht buses are quite expensive to charter.

Make the minimum fare 50 baht, I don't care.

But asking 200 - 300 baht for a 2 km ride is too much.

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A real taxi company in Patts would really boost the city's economic development.

Currently, there is no economic solution for pedestrians coming out of central festival laden with purchases and wanting to go to their home.

The Patts "Meter Taxis" are scammers, and the baht buses are quite expensive to charter.

Make the minimum fare 50 baht, I don't care.

But asking 200 - 300 baht for a 2 km ride is too much.

Agreed. The Chamber of Commerce should be outraged.

With the current system, it make it very difficult to go about and do business.

I would use a meter taxi 3 or 4 times a day if they existed.

For example, today I need to go to Jomtien and look at condos, I would like to stop at Cozy Beach for a coffee first, then to NongPlaLai to pick up some things, then over to Naklua for lunch, then to Tesco, then to TukCom, then to my place.

Instead, I might get one or two of these things done, especially in this oppressive we are having.

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Pattaya isn't like Bangkok wherein the touristy bits are in defined pockets versus Pattaya's spread out and contiguous touristy bits. Look at the behaviour of most Bangkok taxi drivers in the touristy bits. They park up for hours, laze about like m'cycle taxi guys preying on the (in)frequent neophyte tourist happy to pay an inflated lump sum with no meter. Only a fraction of Bangkok taxi kilometers are on a tourist hire but overwhelmingly on a local Thai hire. In Pattaya, it's all based on the tourists who mostly live within the confines of the beach areas. There's not much debate that the combination of baht buses and m'cycle taxi's serve the tourist city best; buses would just make the traffic congestion worse. Buses need designated bus stops which bizarrely enough Pattaya has. However, it's unrealistic to expect the average visitor or the long time Thai resident would prefer to walk to these bus stops versus the extra convenient on-call pick-up and drop-off of baht buses and m'cycle taxis.

Personally, I don't know what the baht bus cooperative was thinking when they introduced the Pattaya 'taxi-meter' a few years back. Similarly, why on earth did City Hall approve it... if indeed they ever were asked? Money under the table I guess.

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If city hall allowed a real taxi meter company to set up here (one not directly OWNED by the baht bus collective) and they charged Bangkok meter rates or even a bit higher

That means tha a ride from The avenue to Central festival,a distance that is frequently used on a baht bus here,would cost at least 35 Baht and as you insist at even hignher rates probably 45 baht.

I think this forum would turn in an even bigger taxi whiner forum about how they are ripped of.

Then people who didn't want to pay the extra cost have a choice of using the baht bus instead.

But there are a lot of people who don't live on a baht bus route for who the metered taxi would be a viable means of transport and provide a good income to taxi drivers too.

But look what happened to the bus system that was introduced and was more expensive than the baht buses, it wasn't owned by the baht bus mafia and was operating in direct competition to them so they had it closed down.

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Another reason that they don't turn meters on is because a lot of people don't hesitate about paying high prices especially tourists here for a few days.

The taxi scam is just another piece of corruption that need regulations enforced and taxi licences cancelled for offenders.

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If city hall allowed a real taxi meter company to set up here (one not directly OWNED by the baht bus collective) and they charged Bangkok meter rates or even a bit higher

That means tha a ride from The avenue to Central festival,a distance that is frequently used on a baht bus here,would cost at least 35 Baht and as you insist at even hignher rates probably 45 baht.

I think this forum would turn in an even bigger taxi whiner forum about how they are ripped of.

You don't get it. Very few people would use a taxi for that route.

How many people would charter a baht bus for that? Only someone very ignorant of the geography here.

I agree 100 percent that real taxi meters would be a huge boon to the local economy. For example, a business located on Third Road well away from baht buses could advertise and include a taxi directions card (as so many businesses in Bangkok do). Then they could tap a huge market they didn't have before.

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Personally, I don't know what the baht bus cooperative was thinking when they introduced the Pattaya 'taxi-meter' a few years back. Similarly, why on earth did City Hall approve it... if indeed they ever were asked? Money under the table I guess.

From the OP, paraphrased from the taxi driver --

3. Their role is not to be direct competition to the baht bus drivers

OMG! Sounds like you didn't read the OP.

The reason is CLEAR.

The reason the baht bus cooperative owned taxi "meters" exist is for them to own the competition to the baht buses and baht bus charters. As in a dastardly MONOPOLY. Obviously, city hall has some interest in this too or they wouldn't have approved it. By owning this competition that is no competition (only Bangkok style taxi meters would be real competition) they have diffused any potential threat of ever having any REAL competition.

They can see Pattaya has rapidly turned into a big city, as the phrase Bangkok by the Sea becomes reality. They were very smart from their perspective to proactively destroy competition before they had any, and now may never have, unless the corruption is smashed.

Next ...

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If city hall allowed a real taxi meter company to set up here (one not directly OWNED by the baht bus collective) and they charged Bangkok meter rates or even a bit higher

That means tha a ride from The avenue to Central festival,a distance that is frequently used on a baht bus here,would cost at least 35 Baht and as you insist at even hignher rates probably 45 baht.

I think this forum would turn in an even bigger taxi whiner forum about how they are ripped of.

You don't get it. Very few people would use a taxi for that route.

How many people would charter a baht bus for that? Only someone very ignorant of the geography here.

I agree 100 percent that real taxi meters would be a huge boon to the local economy. For example, a business located on Third Road well away from baht buses could advertise and include a taxi directions card (as so many businesses in Bangkok do). Then they could tap a huge market they didn't have before.

Yes come on janverbeem pull yourself together man, there's enough trolls on here without you.

By the way Mr Thing, love the title, are you a Private Eye reader then?

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By the way Mr Thing, love the title, are you a Private Eye reader then?

You're welcome. No not a PE reader but I guess I am now.

I do find it very funny that some foreigners for some inexplicable reason take the side of the corrupt power structure here, which is clearly against the best interest of the entire general public, including Thai and foreign locals, and tourists. Not sure if that is yet another manifestation of "Thai-ier than thou" or some other as yet unidentified syndrome.

Note again that the driver I spoke to also feels the current system is not the best for the public OR even the taxi drivers like himself who could be making more money in a real competitive system (albeit actually working more, God forbid).

In some ways these arguments against a real taxi meter service are just totally absurd. Can you imagine many Bangkokians now protesting their taxi meter system and demanding a return to the dark days when Bangkok taxis didn't use meters?

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If city hall allowed a real taxi meter company to set up here (one not directly OWNED by the baht bus collective) and they charged Bangkok meter rates or even a bit higher

That means tha a ride from The avenue to Central festival,a distance that is frequently used on a baht bus here,would cost at least 35 Baht and as you insist at even hignher rates probably 45 baht.

I think this forum would turn in an even bigger taxi whiner forum about how they are ripped of.

You don't get it. Very few people would use a taxi for that route.

How many people would charter a baht bus for that? Only someone very ignorant of the geography here.

I agree 100 percent that real taxi meters would be a huge boon to the local economy. For example, a business located on Third Road well away from baht buses could advertise and include a taxi directions card (as so many businesses in Bangkok do). Then they could tap a huge market they didn't have before.

Yes come on janverbeem pull yourself together man, there's enough trolls on here without you.

By the way Mr Thing, love the title, are you a Private Eye reader then?

So you consider a valid comment as a troll post?

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OK, please behave. I for one didn't consider it a troll post but I do consider it a very irrelevant point.

Of course, we can dream that any future taxi meters here would set their meters at the same rate as Bangkok, but realistically that is even more unlikely than getting any kind of reasonable taxi meter service here, even with the meters set higher. You can imagine the arguments they would use here to justify that, so I am just accepting reality.

Anyway, to repeat, very few people have any need to charter a vehicle on the route you mentioned. There are high priced charters for that now (at about 100 baht I would guess) and I doubt many takers! But the city is much more than that, eh?

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As JT says please be nice guys, I have already edited out one flame, so as my edit button is stuck the next flame will just have to have to be deleted instead.

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I think a lot of people here (locals and expats) have an interest in NOT wanting things to work even if it meant a better Pattaya for all. If laws are clearer, rules are enforced and dishonest people prosecuted, there are less opportunities for scams and other get-rich-quick schemes perpetrated by people who otherwise would have no real occupation for lack of skills and qualifications. Hint: how many "real estate agents" or "developers" here were something else before they decided the environment here is most suitable to pretend/cheat/provide substandard service without being held to account?

Thailand Inc and say Dodgy Brothers from the UK, who had it good fo so long, cheating and scamming, would need to pull their socks up if things were normalised here. Worse still, a more stable and orderly system would attract REALLY skilled and qualified people here...such a situation would of course mean the shysters would need to go to some other shithole to conduct their monkey business.

I am generalising of course, but nobody seems to mind that on TV judging from the many "all Thais/Indians/Russinas/Chinese are yada yada yada" threads we get here.

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janverbeem for a journey such as that, it would be sensible to use a baht bus not a metered taxi. Is that simple enough for you.

jingthing was not suggesting replacing baht buses with metered taxis.

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hope it wold be electric or hybrid cars. but thailand is that modern that they replace brakepads with green pads, ie asbestos free! what can one accept then of a new public transport system. first thing should be to kick out the big tourbusses, nasty polluters and permanent traffic blockers.

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Personally, I don't know what the baht bus cooperative was thinking when they introduced the Pattaya 'taxi-meter' a few years back. Similarly, why on earth did City Hall approve it... if indeed they ever were asked? Money under the table I guess.

From the OP, paraphrased from the taxi driver --

3. Their role is not to be direct competition to the baht bus drivers

OMG! Sounds like you didn't read the OP.

The reason is CLEAR.

The reason the baht bus cooperative owned taxi "meters" exist is for them to own the competition to the baht buses and baht bus charters. As in a dastardly MONOPOLY. Obviously, city hall has some interest in this too or they wouldn't have approved it. By owning this competition that is no competition (only Bangkok style taxi meters would be real competition) they have diffused any potential threat of ever having any REAL competition.

They can see Pattaya has rapidly turned into a big city, as the phrase Bangkok by the Sea becomes reality. They were very smart from their perspective to proactively destroy competition before they had any, and now may never have, unless the corruption is smashed.

Next ...

Glad you worked it all out by yourself.


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janverbeem for a journey such as that, it would be sensible to use a baht bus not a metered taxi. Is that simple enough for you.

jingthing was not suggesting replacing baht buses with metered taxis.

Yes, indeed the OP used to campaign for the eradication of the song taew.

Now he's simply flogging the (next) dead horse.

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janverbeem for a journey such as that, it would be sensible to use a baht bus not a metered taxi. Is that simple enough for you.

jingthing was not suggesting replacing baht buses with metered taxis.

Yes, indeed the OP used to campaign for the eradication of the song taew.

That is a big lie. What's your agenda?

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janverbeem for a journey such as that, it would be sensible to use a baht bus not a metered taxi. Is that simple enough for you.

jingthing was not suggesting replacing baht buses with metered taxis.

Yes, indeed the OP used to campaign for the eradication of the song taew.

That is a big lie. What's your agenda?

Sorry jing' I stopped using a personal organiser years ago. Around the same time I stopped stalking you so no longer have the links to your anti- baht bus tirades. I assume they are still somewhere on the TV server though.

PS. I really do like your restaurant reviews and general views on Pattaya dining though. You have that sussed very well.

Edited by NanLaew
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janverbeem for a journey such as that, it would be sensible to use a baht bus not a metered taxi. Is that simple enough for you.

jingthing was not suggesting replacing baht buses with metered taxis.

Yes, indeed the OP used to campaign for the eradication of the song taew.

That is a big lie. What's your agenda?

Sorry jing' I stopped using a personal organiser years ago. Around the same time I stopped stalking you so no longer have the links to your anti- baht bus tirades. I assume they are still somewhere on the TV server though.

PS. I really do like your restaurant reviews and general views on Pattaya dining though. You have that sussed very well.

You can't find any tirade, not even one, where I suggest baht bus service should be discontinued.

Let's be clear about this -- I never wrote that, I never posted that, I never wanted that, the desire never even entered my mind.

If you are backing off from your charge now based on the truth coming out, trying to suggest that CRITICISM of some experiences and aspects of the service are the SAME THING as promoting abolishing them, sorry, that's a very weaselly tactic and certainly not true at all. Be honest now. OK?

I ask for an unreserved retraction of your false accusation. Cheers.

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I have always refused to drive a vehicle myself in this country for obvious safety reasons, however, those criminals driving the bahtbuses in Pattaya and the unshamed support they get from the BiB & volounteers have succeded in let me buy my own means of transportation, no more bahtbuses for me, ever !

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