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People Demand Honesty From New Thai Premier: Poll

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Poll: People demand honesty in new premier

BANGKOK, 6 May 2011 (NNT) – A recent Suan Dusit Poll indicates that people are longing for a prime minister who is honest and works for the nation while continued political demonstrations after the election is the top concern.

The survey was conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University among 1,343 residents of Bangkok and its vicinities during 1-5 May. The majority of the respondents or 52.08 percent wished for unity and commitment to national administration and development with the new government. Another 29.84 percent preferred to see honesty, transparency, justice, morality and political ethics while 18.08 percent wanted personnel who are well-rounded, capable and widely accepted.

In terms of the new prime minister, 45.10 percent anticipated an honest person who is devoted to serving the nation and the people. 34.57 percent wanted someone with leadership, farsightedness and decisiveness, whereas 20.33 percent hoped for a premier who keeps his promises.

Asked what they were worried about the most during the formation of the government after the poll, 46.04 percent mentioned people’s denial of the result and reoccurrences of political protests and chaos. Another 30.12 percent cited the government’s handling of numerous problems within the country while 23.84 percent pointed out inappropriate behaviors and bickering among politicians.


-- NNT 2011-05-06 footer_n.gif

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I thought this, and many polls in Thailand are very strange. While it says one thing, it could mean something completely different. For example...

The survey was conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University among 1,343 residents of Bangkok and its vicinities during 1-5 May.

  • 52.08 percent wished for unity and commitment to national administration and development with the new government. While 47.92 percent do not care about this at all.
  • Another 29.84 percent preferred to see honesty, transparency, justice, morality and political ethics while 70.16 percent think honesty, transparency, justice, morality and political ethics are over rated and have no place in Thai society.
  • 18.08 percent wanted personnel who are well-rounded, capable and widely accepted while 81.92 percent feel whoever can get them the most money regardless of who is hurt by their means.

In terms of the new prime minister

  • 45.10 percent anticipated an honest person who is devoted to serving the nation and the people while 54.9 percent think a lying cheating person looking out for their own best interest is ok too.
  • 34.57 percent wanted someone with leadership, farsightedness and decisiveness, whereas 65.43 percent don't care about leadership, farsightedness and decisiveness are not important.
  • 20.33 percent hoped for a premier who keeps his promises.

Asked what they were worried about the most during the formation of the government after the poll

  • 46.04 percent mentioned people’s denial of the result and reoccurrences of political protests and chaos while 53.96 percent don't really understand the question.
  • 30.12 percent cited the government’s handling of numerous problems within the country while 69.88 percent wondered what this poll had to do with the formation of the government
  • 23.84 percent pointed out inappropriate behaviors and bickering among politicians while 76.16 percent were out acting inappropriately and bickering with the politicians.

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When the Thai's have had a honest PM, they are hindered/blocked/manipulated/etc, by those who have no regard for honesty.

What do you expect when many of these individuals would probably be in the monkey house if they carried on as they do here, in the more honest governments of the world.

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When the Thai's have had a honest PM, they are hindered/blocked/manipulated/etc, by those who have no regard for honesty.

What do you expect when many of these individuals would probably be in the monkey house if they carried on as they do here, in the more honest governments of the world.

Err why should Thailand have something that no other country in the World has ever had!

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The polls in Thailand have no accepted international standard.

1. minimum 2000 participants.

2. selected by random in selected parts of all the society (income, education, job, etc.)

Hard work to start a poll.

The polls in Thailand are at the level of coffee grounds future tellers.

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It's either a very bad poll or a very bad story. Perhaps it's a mix of both. The headline read, "People demand honesty in a new premier". Then it says that 29.84% of the people want this. 29.84% is hardly a majority. That could also mean 70.16% don't care about honesty. And chances are with what I see in my daily life in Thailand, this is not too far from the truth.

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I thought this, and many polls in Thailand are very strange. While it says one thing, it could mean something completely different. For example...

The survey was conducted by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University among 1,343 residents of Bangkok and its vicinities during 1-5 May.

  • 52.08 percent wished for unity and commitment to national administration and development with the new government. While 47.92 percent do not care about this at all.
  • Another 29.84 percent preferred to see honesty, transparency, justice, morality and political ethics while 70.16 percent think honesty, transparency, justice, morality and political ethics are over rated and have no place in Thai society.
  • 18.08 percent wanted personnel who are well-rounded, capable and widely accepted while 81.92 percent feel whoever can get them the most money regardless of who is hurt by their means.

In terms of the new prime minister

  • 45.10 percent anticipated an honest person who is devoted to serving the nation and the people while 54.9 percent think a lying cheating person looking out for their own best interest is ok too.
  • 34.57 percent wanted someone with leadership, farsightedness and decisiveness, whereas 65.43 percent don't care about leadership, farsightedness and decisiveness are not important.
  • 20.33 percent hoped for a premier who keeps his promises.

Asked what they were worried about the most during the formation of the government after the poll

  • 46.04 percent mentioned people's denial of the result and reoccurrences of political protests and chaos while 53.96 percent don't really understand the question.
  • 30.12 percent cited the government's handling of numerous problems within the country while 69.88 percent wondered what this poll had to do with the formation of the government
  • 23.84 percent pointed out inappropriate behaviors and bickering among politicians while 76.16 percent were out acting inappropriately and bickering with the politicians.

As I do no not know how or where to access the methodologies used, the stratified sample so on and so forth.

So perhaps someone here would be able to point me to the direction to the accessibility of the polling and the results.

Are they in Thai or English?

If there are in Thai, then perhaps, there could be some different in the translation depending on the bias and inclination.

Just where and how are these polls being administered?

Anyone? Much thanks.

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A straw poll amongst family and friends in Issaan reveals they would rather have a dishonest Prime Minister who works with the good of the people at heart - i.e. Thaksin. 'Why do you want a corrupt PM' I ask? 'All politicians are corrupt but we want that works for the people' seems to be the gist of the answer.

Don't shoot the messenger.

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A straw poll amongst family and friends in Issaan reveals they would rather have a dishonest Prime Minister who works with the good of the people at heart - i.e. Thaksin. 'Why do you want a corrupt PM' I ask? 'All politicians are corrupt but we want that works for the people' seems to be the gist of the answer.

Don't shoot the messenger.


Dear SantiSuk (Mr. Peace and Happiness in Thai):

Did you seize the opportunity to help them understand the importance of having someone HONEST and TRANSPARENT

to represent them, not any crook would do?

I hope you did for the sake of Thailand and Thai people.

If you did not, perhaps the next opportunity, you would;

the presence of farang in Thailand would be worthwhile then....

Many times, I would be red in my face trying to explain and present to the villagers that they

need to elect someone who is honest and who is trustworthy and transparent....

Their most frequent responses would be.... so what? what good is it, if they won't GIVE US anything?

I admit it is a very steep hill to climb for all of us who care to help Thai people and Thailand to elect only the best for their country. :jap: :jap: :jap:

The standard of the best in Thailand, mostly and most frequently, can be found in our Jail House Rock, with all due respects.

Many of these people's rep in both houses in Thailand ought to be brought to trial to set an example for others not to follow. B)

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Poll: People demand honesty in new premier

That just about excludes every thai politician...don't see how we can have an election if that is to be the criteria for a PM

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A straw poll amongst family and friends in Issaan reveals they would rather have a dishonest Prime Minister who works with the good of the people at heart - i.e. Thaksin. 'Why do you want a corrupt PM' I ask? 'All politicians are corrupt but we want that works for the people' seems to be the gist of the answer.

Don't shoot the messenger.

So what you are saying is that family and friends in Issan isn't clever enough to understand that a honest and non-corrupt is better for them in the long run, even if they cannot see the cellphone being dangled infront of them?

And we are supposed to care when they want a debt-moratorium after taking on too much debt that they put themselves in and have no plans on re-paying?

If they aren't interested in helping themselves, why should we?

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As with all Statistics and Polls, there are lies, dam_n lies, Politicians and Lawyers who want to get in on the act for what they can gain financially from it. That unfortunately seems to be the case wherever one comes from. Maybe the reason this poll doesn't cover other regions (especially the poorer ones.) is because there is a lot more corruption evident there, and far more promises have been broken in these regions?

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When the Thai's have had a honest PM, they are hindered/blocked/manipulated/etc, by those who have no regard for honesty.

What do you expect when many of these individuals would probably be in the monkey house if they carried on as they do here, in the more honest governments of the world.

Err why should Thailand have something that no other country in the World has ever had!

I second that motion

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A straw poll amongst family and friends in Issaan reveals they would rather have a dishonest Prime Minister who works with the good of the people at heart - i.e. Thaksin. 'Why do you want a corrupt PM' I ask? 'All politicians are corrupt but we want that works for the people' seems to be the gist of the answer.

Don't shoot the messenger.

Polls should be limited to people who aren't delusional.

Thaksin...having the good of the people at heart...that would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic. A disaster is heading this way, and the Thai people are bringing it on themselves. One can only hope saner heads who can see this tragedy coming will act to protect us from where we are headed. I put my faith in them, because there is clearly no hope for the Thai electorate. They have completely lost the plot.

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It's either a very bad poll or a very bad story. Perhaps it's a mix of both. The headline read, "People demand honesty in a new premier". Then it says that 29.84% of the people want this. 29.84% is hardly a majority. That could also mean 70.16% don't care about honesty. And chances are with what I see in my daily life in Thailand, this is not too far from the truth.

Either that or you're didn't understand. You should notice that in each of the three questions, all the results add up to 100%. These are multiple choice poll questions where the responder chooses one of the three answers. It doesn't mean that if 30% chose option A that the other 70% are opposed to it. They just chose option B or C. It's not a yes/no poll.

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Honesty as a trait among most politicians is indeed a rare trait if not actually an actually extinct trait..

Having lived her for some twenty years one does tend to find that , '' the truth,'' as understood and projected by the Thai people from all walks of life, government departments and business in general is indeed rather creative in its application to any situation.

However we should not lose hope. if only the education system was based on , ''education,'' rather than'' indoctrination,'' the truth,'' would indeed be more a more common virtue.

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Forget it. There is no honesty in Thailand. Most of the people that play golf here are police and military. The reason they play sixmomes instead of breaking up into two threesomes to play faster is that they cannot trust each other on their bets.

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I think a better question to ask would be " What is honesty Thai style ? "

I have never met a Thai who could be considered honest by Western standards.

Bribery and corruption is a way of life here , Most Thais consider this normal.

They only get upset if someone ( or a government ) gets greedy or forgets to include someone when it is pay day.

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I think a better question to ask would be " What is honesty Thai style ? "

I have never met a Thai who could be considered honest by Western standards.

Bribery and corruption is a way of life here , Most Thais consider this normal.

They only get upset if someone ( or a government ) gets greedy or forgets to include someone when it is pay day.


....I have never met a Thai who could be considered honest by Western standards....

That is too bad for you my friend.

Perhaps you are hanging around the different kinds of crowd. Just too bad.

There are load of Thai who are earthly honest. Perhaps, even more honest that most westerners; even by western standards.

There are at least five Thai, both ladies and gents, in my immediate MooBarn, whom I consider downright honest, even by western standards.

Their honesty are like the kind of honesty one would encounter if one were in Thailand some four decades ago.

They would share what they have with even strangers, they would not take more than their shares of benefit, they would even return my Rolex left behind.

More importantly, these Thai would speak the truth even if it hurts.

Johncat1, wish you would move around more Thai in different regions, perhaps you too would run into more honest and more sincere Thai who exceeds even measured by western standards. :) Cheers.

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Funny the survey was only conducted in Bkk.

Yes, people outside Bangkok clearly cares little about honesty...that explains Thaksin.

:lol: Most Thai's care about money in their pocket today. Tomorrow, mai bpen rai.

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Funny the survey was only conducted in Bkk.

You are right and the polls should ask many populations in several provinces in order to gather more information and details. If I live in Thailand I will want to elect the honest citizens to serve my people. Unfortunately, I am in a dream land. Politician whom I know, half of them buy their own elections and use their positions to corrupt instead of serving the poor and disadvantage. Sad and I guarantee that not only happens in Thailand but, almost every corner of the World. People forget where he or she comes from. I am surprised that the more Politicians cheat and corrupt, the better they be and they are even more famous as such the super stars. Money talks and it can buy anything in life...My take and an opinion.

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