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Warning to all TV community:

I wanted to find out who Dan Waites is so I found his site with Google - www.danwaites.com found out he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts and a supporter of Thaksin.

That's one of the several downfalls of using a blogger entry as the basis for "news"


Has it ever occurred to the writer and others who are of the same opinion that perhaps the so called "sexpats" simply have a brain and dislike being taken for fools ?!

All the moronic statements, hypocritical behavior I would imagine might be the reason for the dislikes of the man.

I also find it interesting that the writer chose to criticize the "users" of the service.

Has it not occurred that there people as described because Thailand provides the environment for it?!

Who should be punished and stopped the dealer or the user? Dah! I think the answer is pretty clear!

Who is to blame that many other industries are very restricted and rather limited to locals ?

Who is to blame for the extra efforts made to make foreigner business dealings as difficult as possible ?

Perhaps it's time for Thailand to look at itself and address the issues rather then scapegoat or try to point fingers at users of the product they have created, developed and nurtured .

I havent commented on here for ages, probably since the red shirt debacle! But this is the single worst piece of journalism i have come across on these pages. Point 1 i gave up a highly paid (and successful) job in the U.K. to come here and teach for peanuts! I didn't come for the women. The beer isnt as cheap as it was 10 years ago, and i don't hire women out of bars! My career was legitimate in the U.K. and i have not since turned my hand to any criminal enterprise! Mmmmm....... well there goes all your stereotypes! I work hard and enjoy my life over here. I wouldnt want Thaksin back because he was the most corrupt politician ever to run this country, and he was very good at it. Yes, everyone in politics may have some dubious practices and in that i include those in the British Parliament (widely reported last year). However Thaksin was very clever and completely ruthless in his pursuit of power and money. He championed a voting group that had no champion, and told them what they wanted to here. He then made a token effort at help with a ridiculous healthcare package that didnt work. He blatantly bought every vote he could. He continued to make millions whilst mishandling international affairs as well as the so called 'drug war' ! Its true i am an ex-pat and i dont want him back. Not down to the bars thing, because lets face it, they will always be there they will just close early! But because i actually care what happens to this country (as a whole not just bkk). Also because i live and work here!!! Also point to note if anyone (including Thaksin) was to irradicate the bars of Thailand, what do you think happen to all those girls? They are poor and in general un-educated. Do you want an underground, unregulated sex trade? Or drive them to the streets (ever driven round Stoke Newington at night? I'd suggest the author do his home work before throwing around moronic insults, and waving the flag we love you Mr. T (see another nickname not TOXIC)

Rant over :)


Perhaps, dreaming of the license for debauchery issued only to artists, he becomes a "writer", imagining himself a Bukowski or Hunter S. Thompson.

or perhaps he's not good enough to become a writer and becomes a 'journalist' like Dan Waites?

Or Perhaps he has set his sights on the Throne of Andrew Drummond?

and could be using Thai Visa for some Dirty Debut Publicity!

But probably just another Hack Novice,trying to get his nose in the trough! of "Sensational Smear Tactics" and wouldn't have the Guts to name Sexpats if you paid him.


Warning to all TV community:

I wanted to find out who Dan Waites is so I found his site with Google - www.danwaites.com found out he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts and a supporter of Thaksin.

Thanks for the link.. He seems just another blogger with an opinion. Don't see anything that directly links him with the Red Shirt movement?

For the life of me I cannot imagine what's wrong with a political blog taking an opinion for or against Thaksin or any other issue; that's what blogs are for. It's what some do on the TV.com News forum all day long, mostly against Thaksin.

It also seems he writes on a whole range of issues, not all of them political.


But okay, I'll admit. I am a raging sexpat who can't get a job anywhere and am here for the cheap ladies.

There we go....doesnt that feel better ....a bit of honesty goes a long way....:lol:

Admitting to a problem is the first step in recovery.


Can anybody read? He was describing the stereotype farang and said it wasn't at all accurate for all of us. Actually, I think it's pretty accurate; about half of the farang here in Pattaya would fit that description!

the question is can YOU read ?? did you miss the part where he claims that 75% of the thaivisa members fit his farang stereotype and that is why 75% of thaivisa members are against Thaksin ??


I don't get what the fuss is all about.

Some people come here for sex and some come to retire and live like they would in their home country but with better weather and infinatly better eye candy.

I read the article twice and all I get from it was a statement of the obvious.

yeah..I dont get why some people must have been really offended, as if your THAIVISA account would name so much of your status or even your name for ***sake!!! Nobody here would even dare mentioning their twitter or facebook username in fear or exposed identity. Furthermore, I found the article quite amusing. Of course you see those people once in a while and there is no harm in it. It's disgusting at times, but I've seen worse in the States, Germany, France etc..

Generalization is a treacherous thing..


The NATION is a disgrace for printing this article, that's all there is too it. It's not worth arguing. The writer is an insult to Thailand.

That's not the source of this "news". It's from a "guest poster" on a blog. The first link will take you there.


Dear Dan,

I had never even heard the term sexpat until reading your article. Perhaps you need to look in your own backyard before so haphazardly throwing stones at others.

HA that is so funny...the term has been around since the 80s at least. My son is in highschool and he knows what or who we're talking about when we drop that word. NO shame in being a sexpat I suppose, as long as you know how to dress up decently in public, that's all I'm asking for!!


Warning to all TV community:

I wanted to find out who Dan Waites is so I found his site with Google - www.danwaites.com found out he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts and a supporter of Thaksin.

That's one of the several downfalls of using a blogger entry as the basis for "news"

I have just spent five minutes looking at the site, never having heard of Dan Waites before.There is no evidence at all he is an activist writer for the Red Shirts. although I expect that's where his general sympathies lie.I could see no evidence he is a supporter of Thaksin.What is clear however he is well educated, well informed and someone of intelligence.I will keep an open mind but he does seem worth following.Frankly a lively intelligence is a refreshing change after the one note braying of the military cheerleaders.


Gotta agree. Too many western scum here paying for sex with young ladies and even children.

I hope Thaksin comes back and starts a war on sexpats...extrajudicial cutting off of manhoods would be a start.

Not surprising to hear of a Thaksin supporter with emasculating sadistic tendencies.


His argument is even weaker if we take him at his words and say "Many" rather than "most" which was what I took the subtext to be. By all means- we can include an addtionally fallacy if we ignore being charitable to him and say P1) Many of Tv membership are sexpats. He then does not even have the force of induction and is being entirely illogical.

He didn't say "many" either.

Yes, he did. =)


well the fact that he stole about 2billion US dollars kinda makes him a bit inadequate for the job I think

He didn't, you know. His company actually cleared out a five-year waiting list for a telephone in Bangkok. Granted, he probably made more than a little profit, but isn't that what all businessmen try to do? Do you hate Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein too? (Actually, I do, but I don't hate Thaksin).

The claim that he stole huge amounts of public money was a lie put out by the monarchist/elitist leaders of the PAD and as much as the courts were stacked against him they could never convict Thaksin of that. The "crime" he was convicted of was really pulled out of thin air, and required the Supreme Court to rule exactly the opposite way from an earlier case they decided.

In the taxi on the way to the bus station today, I was struck by the conversation between my wife and the cab driver. After he said he was going to vote for Pheua Thai, my wife said she was too, but, "They all cheat the people, of course." The cab driver replied, "Yes, they all cheat the people, but at least after Pheua Thai has fed themselves what's left over they leave for the ordinary people."


The NATION is a disgrace for printing this article, that's all there is too it. It's not worth arguing. The writer is an insult to Thailand.

That's not the source of this "news". It's from a "guest poster" on a blog. The first link will take you there.

Well I received this 'news' insult in the email NEWSletter as posted in the Thailand NEWS forum. But I'm mistaken of it as Nation NEWS. OK.


well the fact that he stole about 2billion US dollars kinda makes him a bit inadequate for the job I think

and where does this fact come from? from the media? just like WMD in Iraq?

I just cant imagine how people believe in everything they read.

Thailand was much better in the times of Thaksin than it is now. This if the fact. Don't believe me? Look at the economic outcomes.

Don't be ridiculous. Are you saying that if Thaksin was still PM that the global financial problems of the last 3 years would never have happened?


The whole piece sounds like an autobiography to me.

Actually the whole article is meaningless. Its written by a blogger, not a journalist per se. At least not a journalist people are queueing up to read. Writing for Asia Correspondent I'm afraid is an occuptation which is getting a bit like an expat in similar occupations to those the author describes. Asian Correspondent used to get quite good reviews, even the Guardian liked it. But they gave it a good review without really watching it for a while. Its now populated by a lot of wannabe journalists. expounding on their personal views I don'r know any ex foreign correspondent falling in line to write there. I do not believe Bangkok Pundit is the guru some people imagine.

The fact that here may be certain characters as the 'author' describes actually has nothing to do with whether foreigners like Thaksin or not. Generally foreigners take a western stance rather than an Asian one. Asians forgive corruption much more readily. And as we saw most Thais actually supported Thaksin's drugs war , in which most victims were innocent.

Foreigners who support and understand one side of the Thai perspective will support Thaksin. Foreigners who stick rigidly to their established code that a murderer is a murderer, a thief is a thief and must be treated as one etc will not. Its got nothing at all to do whether they go to girlie bars or not or Purachai establishing a curfew. Nobody in any city in the world wants a midnight curfew nowadays. It was inane and boring but he threw in a couple of things to get some hits.

Thank you for clarifying the status of the origins of this "news" as well as reiterating the many shortcomings of the "article" itself by the blogger.



Ok, so a large portion of TV won't be voting for the red T shirt camp at the next election. They wont be voting for anyone, neither will the author of the article, so who cares about the political opinions?

And some men like to have sex with women.

Where is the news?


The NATION is a disgrace for printing this article, that's all there is too it. It's not worth arguing. The writer is an insult to Thailand.

That's not the source of this "news". It's from a "guest poster" on a blog. The first link will take you there.

Well I received this 'news' insult in the email NEWSletter as posted in the Thailand NEWS forum. But I'm mistaken of it as Nation NEWS. OK.

and now you know for when the next one arrives..... tomorrow?

and that it may very well be from a "source" other than a recognized news agency.



well the fact that he stole about 2billion US dollars kinda makes him a bit inadequate for the job I think

He didn't, you know. His company actually cleared out a five-year waiting list for a telephone in Bangkok. Granted, he probably made more than a little profit, but isn't that what all businessmen try to do? Do you hate Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein too? (Actually, I do, but I don't hate Thaksin).

The claim that he stole huge amounts of public money was a lie put out by the monarchist/elitist leaders of the PAD and as much as the courts were stacked against him they could never convict Thaksin of that. The "crime" he was convicted of was really pulled out of thin air, and required the Supreme Court to rule exactly the opposite way from an earlier case they decided.

In the taxi on the way to the bus station today, I was struck by the conversation between my wife and the cab driver. After he said he was going to vote for Pheua Thai, my wife said she was too, but, "They all cheat the people, of course." The cab driver replied, "Yes, they all cheat the people, but at least after Pheua Thai has fed themselves what's left over they leave for the ordinary people."

Yes. His business made a lot of money ... while he was PM ... after he changed laws and approved loans that benefited it.

Don't you think that is stealing from the people?


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

What a laugh---he gave them a couple of dollars to buy a bowl of rice---which after all the fiddling with the books,he could afford without missing it------- the old man probably pissed most of it up against the wall before Mum got to the shop to buy the rice anyway------now ask any of them what they did with their share and most of them are too shy to want to talk about it except to tell you that he was the only one who cared about them !!! CARED ABOUT THEM??? If only someone in high authority could educate these' LITTLE' Thai people and make them realise what is really going on. This man who you say''might have abused his position SOMEWHAT has got to be up there with the worlds top political power crazy maniacs.Your piece of soapy journalism is exactly the rubbishy propaganda thats still being shoved down their throats by the bucket load . I think you need to spend more time with your eyes and ears open,and get to know a few more facts about this fabulous hero and the poor unfortunate people he was swindling


Actually the whole article is meaningless. Its written by a blogger, not a journalist per se. At least not a journalist people are queueing up to read. Writing for Asia Correspondent I'm afraid is an occuptation which is getting a bit like an expat in similar occupations to those the author describes. Asian Correspondent used to get quite good reviews, even the Guardian liked it. But they gave it a good review without really watching it for a while. Its now populated by a lot of wannabe journalists. expounding on their personal views I don'r know any ex foreign correspondent falling in line to write there. I do not believe Bangkok Pundit is the guru some people imagine.

The fact that here may be certain characters as the 'author' describes actually has nothing to do with whether foreigners like Thaksin or not. Generally foreigners take a western stance rather than an Asian one. Asians forgive corruption much more readily. And as we saw most Thais actually supported Thaksin's drugs war , in which most victims were innocent.

Foreigners who support and understand one side of the Thai perspective will support Thaksin. Foreigners who stick rigidly to their established code that a murderer is a murderer, a thief is a thief and must be treated as one etc will not. Its got nothing at all to do whether they go to girlie bars or not or Purachai establishing a curfew. Nobody in any city in the world wants a midnight curfew nowadays. It was inane and boring but he threw in a couple of things to get some hits.

Do I feel jaleousy here ?

Not a journalist people are queueing up to read ? But they definitively queuing up to answer

How many thread in the "news" forum get so many answer in such a short time ? How many of your posts ?

Do you have a good retirement plan ?


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

he paid for them to vote for him


Great article, and spot on for truth. Thaksin is hated by the supremely corrupt old world yellow shirt establishment for his popular achievements during a short time in office. He did more for the lower classes than any previous government had. He established and finished many projects that helped the poorer people. Yes , like all politicians he is corrupt, but he is much more efficient at delivering real progress, infrastructure and reform for Thailand. What has Abbhisit actually done during his time in office? Nothing of any significance for the greater population . He merely manipulates laws and holds onto power desperately, denying the democratic process.He is trying to wind back the clock to when the poor did what they were told and made no fuss. He wants a return to an easy time for the moneyed families with royal and political connections, so they can grow more fat and rich-and deny any entrepreneurs who dare to come from "outside" the closed circle of the "Hi-so" class.

Remember, it was the old military dictatorships and 'yellow shirt' connections who set up Thailand as the major brothel of the east, and allowed a culture of graft, corruption and cronyism to flourish over the last 60 years.

And in the end,and on a different note,hopefully all those dodgy English teachers who give a bad name to the profession will be booted out on their arse, along with the predators, pimps and pervs of Pattaya and Phuket!

Not to mention the Jews,the Russians, and the homosexuals!

Hey, maybe I am a Russian Homosexual Jew.

# not a good idea to judge people based on who they sleep with; some of those thai prostirutes sleep with some really mangy nasty fat smelly men yet would be unfair to chastise the girls for doing or none the less a call to get rid of them based on that.

# many people in this world make positive contributions to society professionally, academically, artistically and are homosexual.

# some Russians are actually decent people

# without Jews you or a loved one may have already died from a curable/preventable disease as theres no lack of Nobel Laureates, scientists, lawyers, doctors, etc etc with that family background.

# many people of all races and sexual orientations contribute to society.

Pattaya is a city built on prostitution, alcohol, vice, thus naturally and by definition attracts predators, pimps and pervs. domestic and international.criminals.


An incompetent article by an incompetent writer.

His premise is laughable. This fellow just wants to bash ThaiVisa.com <snip>

No, this article was paid for by thaivisa.com


If you really think about it, all the OP really did is make up a bunch of dishonest, convoluted excuses why so many foreigners do not want his hero Thaksin in power again and gave anyone who does not agree with his political views a good bashing while he was at it. :crazy:

That pretty much somes it up. The question is, how much did "The Dear Leader" pay him?

I realize Khun Thaksin has more time on his hands in his current job, but do you think he actually spends any of his waking hours thinking about farang expats/sexpats and how to denigrate them in the media?


Thaksin might have abused his position somewhat and "lined his own nest" ...


The hard-working Thai people in the villages LOVE him !!

he paid for them to vote for him

Likely that, in many cases, he still got their votes even though the other side was offering as much or more baht.


one thing they forget of course is that Mr Abhisit's government have had 4 1/2 years to roll back Thaksin's legislation on booze bans, early closing of bars and nightclubs and the restrictions on karaoke bars and 'entertanment venues' ' but have chosen not to do so. Maybe Thasin was speaking for wider Thai society after all?!?!

4 1/2 years? A red apologist being liberal with the facts again, how unusual.

OMG.. Was that personal attack to Millwall really warranted? Surely you understood what he was saying? Why do you make this your debating tactic?

The point he made, without getting overly exact-science about it, was: The stricter controls on night-life that started under Thaksin/Purachai are still very much in effect. Under the military government, the PPP government in between, and now the Democrat led government there has been no significant change. Closing hours are still enforced, entertainment areas go dark at set times, and we still have the somewhat humorous liquor selling laws whereby people have to plan their 2pm-5pm binge a little in advance, because you can't actually buy alcohol during those hours, unless of course you buy really a lot. In addition, we see an extension of the liquor crackdown by the banning of advertising and showing beer and alcohol signage at bars, to the point that restaurants are taping up ash trays and other bar items that had a logo of some beer company on it.

He is saying that this trend towards nannying over people, whether you agree with it or not, was not a sole trademark of the Thaksin administration, but that it very much continues to this day, and has continued under pretty much any conceivable government be it TRT, PPP, MIlitary or Democrat.

PLEASE be civil!! Don't hate, debate!

OK, hands up, Abhisit hasn't been in power for 4 1/2 years. What is it? 3 1/2 years? Still quite long enough to have repealed all Thaksin's 'anti-fun' legislation had he chosen to, but he didn't. So why the sexpats are getting so worked up about Thaksin? Abhisit has proved himself just as puritanical!

As for me being a 'Red Shirt apologist' I make no apology for supporting democracy. I don't think elected governments should be overthrown at the end of the barrel of a gun. Or dismissed by judges on behalf of the ruling elite. all I hope is that the elections are free and fair, that the result is the will of the Thai people and that all sides respect the outcome. The election is already flawed in that it will be fought under the 2007 constitution imposed by the miltary and it is a shame that transparency couldn't have been added by the presence of foreign election monitors because Mr Suthep 'doesn't like Farangs' and how it can be fair with many opposition leaders detained without trial? but as long as all parties get fair access to TV coverage and no attempts are made to sabotage party campaigns, then some sort of democratic outcome should be possible. If that makes me a Red Shirt apologist then so be it!

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