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A Positive Experience With The Police!


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A year or so back a large truck from a major construction site across the way demolished a large concrete pot with palm tree outside my house. It was quite new and we still had the receipt - about 600 at Kamteing (OK - probably the Farang price....) Fortunately, we caught them in the act with his mate trying to put the pot back together..... :whistling:

With lots of smiles we confronted him. He tried to deny it, even as my Thai staff are taking photos. He was about to drive off until we say we will call the dreaded (ROFL) "Tamruat" and his employer who's number is on the truck.

He immediately offered 300Bt and a sob story about being a poor truck driver. We accepted and he left with everyone waiing smiling and Kor thoting. When in Thailand....

I'd call that a result, even thought those lovely people at Kamtieng still reamed us for a new pot.

Moral: Jai Yen Yen

Given that it was an accident, and that 300Baht is close to 2 days wages to him and sweet FA to you, I hope you feel really bad about yourself for taking that money.

With him having made the offer, I'd expect any reasonable person to be a little more considerate.

Moral: Greng Jai

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A year or so back a large truck from a major construction site across the way demolished a large concrete pot with palm tree outside my house. It was quite new and we still had the receipt - about 600 at Kamteing (OK - probably the Farang price....) Fortunately, we caught them in the act with his mate trying to put the pot back together..... :whistling:

With lots of smiles we confronted him. He tried to deny it, even as my Thai staff are taking photos. He was about to drive off until we say we will call the dreaded (ROFL) "Tamruat" and his employer who's number is on the truck.

He immediately offered 300Bt and a sob story about being a poor truck driver. We accepted and he left with everyone waiing smiling and Kor thoting. When in Thailand....

I'd call that a result, even thought those lovely people at Kamtieng still reamed us for a new pot.

Moral: Jai Yen Yen

Given that it was an accident, and that 300Baht is close to 2 days wages to him and sweet FA to you, I hope you feel really bad about yourself for taking that money.

With him having made the offer, I'd expect any reasonable person to be a little more considerate.

Moral: Greng Jai

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Where you living? Thailand or fantasy land? :jerk:
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A year or so back a large truck from a major construction site across the way demolished a large concrete pot with palm tree outside my house. It was quite new and we still had the receipt - about 600 at Kamteing (OK - probably the Farang price....) Fortunately, we caught them in the act with his mate trying to put the pot back together..... :whistling:

With lots of smiles we confronted him. He tried to deny it, even as my Thai staff are taking photos. He was about to drive off until we say we will call the dreaded (ROFL) "Tamruat" and his employer who's number is on the truck.

He immediately offered 300Bt and a sob story about being a poor truck driver. We accepted and he left with everyone waiing smiling and Kor thoting. When in Thailand....

I'd call that a result, even thought those lovely people at Kamtieng still reamed us for a new pot.

Moral: Jai Yen Yen

Given that it was an accident, and that 300Baht is close to 2 days wages to him and sweet FA to you, I hope you feel really bad about yourself for taking that money.

With him having made the offer, I'd expect any reasonable person to be a little more considerate.

Moral: Greng Jai

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Where you living? Thailand or fantasy land? :jerk:

Agree 100% Paagai. My original post where I gave the opinion that the OP should have paid or replaced the pot got deleted because I inferred that he was probably a bit of a <deleted>. Thai or farang, you damage someone else's property, you should replace it or pay for it. Financial or racial status is no excuse.



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The most incredible part of this story is.... the OP actually carries his passport with him... (I assume, since he has an insurance agent, that he's not a tourist.)

You are right JimGant, I am not so smart but I consider myself not as an innocent tourist any longer.

I carry not only my passport with me, but also my two 5-year Thai driving licenses (car & motorbike) and copies of them all in my phone. Since I am here some time, I'm a bit eh, let's say, prepared.

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The most incredible part of this story is.... the OP actually carries his passport with him... (I assume, since he has an insurance agent, that he's not a tourist.)

Also he drives a car; there's no real reason not to have your passport with you if you can just stick it in the glove box compartment is there?

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The most incredible part of this story is.... the OP actually carries his passport with him... (I assume, since he has an insurance agent, that he's not a tourist.)

You are right JimGant, I am not so smart but I consider myself not as an innocent tourist any longer.

I carry not only my passport with me, but also my two 5-year Thai driving licenses (car & motorbike) and copies of them all in my phone. Since I am here some time, I'm a bit eh, let's say, prepared.

If you are that prepared, why don't you carry a bit of cash on you?

If you break it.. you pay it! simple as that....

Think you are should consider your own behaviour, you drive away from a bar half pissed and you are going to make a scene....after you hit a pot....

You are lucky it happened here, in any civilised country, they would do an alcohol test...

Edited by kalbo123
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true blue.

re .. ive drove down that soi on average about once a week, for the last 3 years never seen any pots,anywere

no offence but the pots have been in exactly the same place for over a year and still are ( minus 1 ) .

the pot by the car park entrance / chair has been replaced by a small statue / figure

so that must be the one the op hit


ps ... i would have just paid up on the spot as well


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You know what was more amazing? The OP actually went back there to look for his beer. I mean, come on, u destroyed a pot, pretty much got hauled to the BIB station for a really stupid reason. And yet you return expecting your beer to still be there?

I wonder what ended up costing more, the insurance premium next year, or the actual cost of a flower pot.

Don't make sense really.

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there's no real reason not to have your passport with you if you can just stick it in the glove box compartment is there?

Interesting question -- and why I raised it as an aside. Yes, the law says carry your passport with you. But how many of us really do? I carry a copy of the pertinent pages, including those pages with stamps. But, I consider the passport itself too valuable -- based on time and effort to replace it and all the stamps -- to carry with me. Let alone, to leave in the glove box....

Wonder if I'm the only one wandering around town without "papers?"

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re .. ive drove down that soi on average about once a week, for the last 3 years never seen any pots,anywere

no offence but the pots have been in exactly the same place for over a year and still are ( minus 1 ) .

the pot by the car park entrance / chair has been replaced by a small statue / figure

Thanks Dave. The picture also shows very clearly why those pots are needed there. Without them, you get cars trying to pass a motorcycle and actually driving partly into the area with tables where customers are enjoying their food and beers.

I'm very grateful for some big heav pots there to serve as cheap obstacles to guide some of the idiots (not the OP) driving down that soi!

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re .. ive drove down that soi on average about once a week, for the last 3 years never seen any pots,anywere

no offence but the pots have been in exactly the same place for over a year and still are ( minus 1 ) .

the pot by the car park entrance / chair has been replaced by a small statue / figure

Thanks Dave. The picture also shows very clearly why those pots are needed there. Without them, you get cars trying to pass a motorcycle and actually driving partly into the area with tables where customers are enjoying their food and beers.

I'm very grateful for some big heav pots there to serve as cheap obstacles to guide some of the idiots (not the OP) driving down that soi!

I'm also grateful on behalf of my dog who enjoys drinking the cool water out of them when he gets taken there for a visit!



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I would agree with Beetlejuice offering to pay 500baht, it would more than cover the cost of some doggy old flower pot, (he didnock it over and smash it) So pay up. I would too make it clear I wouldnt payany more.

I would not however get in my car and drive off, as afarang youre always on a back foot and in the picture for a pay-day I feelby driving off you are setting yourself up for a bigger problem.

There seems to be people who are confused about the OPcalling his insurer, intimating, its only a flower pot……..1stclass, (fully comp) in Thailand carries one fantastic attribute that UKinsurance, (for example) does not, in Thailand if you have 1st classinsurance any, and I mean any ding, dent, scratch, bump, knock, basically any possibleclam to you while in your vehicle, you can get the insurance company involved,just phone them….and they turn up, within the hour.

So, why would you get your insurance company involved….Firstly, it will more than level the playing field anda lot of the time, any ass-wipes trying to rip you off will melt away when theyknow your Thai insurance company is on its way. Once at your side, they willkick ass, and <deleted>*k anyone off who is not involved, they know the law betterthan the BIB. Fact is, you dont pay anything, and you can bet your insurancecompany doesnt want to pay either.

The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road! Youcould find getting your insurance company involved, could get YOU a payout fordamages to your vehicle. If you have ever seen these insurance guys work, youwould know what I mean.

Lastly, the comment about your next years insurance premiumsbeing high, sorry………wrong!

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The pic that dave2 posted is very telling. That is such a small soi why would you want to park your car in front of the place anyway? One would think there would be a bit more space somewhere nearby?

Then again i guess if you had some sort of personal interest in the business it would be a good way to attract some attention :whistling:

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There are quite a number of mentors/moralists here telling me that I should have paid cash.

Thinking over that fact, I came to the conclusion that maybe I gave you guys not all the information you need to make a fair judgement on this.

So lets go back in time. This is a part of what I wrote:

"... Anyway, the situation didn't really develop in a more positive direction. The next thing the man (now I know his name is Fred) said: "You live here?". Just like that. Not one more word. I got the feeling that the man (Fred) was sort of interrogating me. I told him that I was surprised by his unelegant even rude attitude which, I think, did not really help to solve the situation. I mean, normally an owner of a bar/restaurant/hotel/shop/etc. would invite you to sit down at a table, maybe even offer you some water and a problem like this is solved within 3 minutes.

But not this entrepreneur (Fred)! The man (Fred) told me that he just ordered one of his staff to call the police. While waiting for the police I called my insurance company to come over and asked myself if this very same man (Fred) had created the pay-off "the friendliest bar in Chiang Mai" himself..."

*** While I had left my car to talk with the man how to solve this minor problem, the man never told me a price and, after that the man told me that he had already called the police, I did not ask.

Another part of what I wrote:

"At the police station the tamruad briefed his -3 starred- boss, who looked at me, smiled a bit, asked me for my carkeys and dismissed the tamruat after taking my passport from him. Moments later the same girl working in the bar, my insurance man, 3 other tamruads and a volunteer farang tamruad walked in. I asked the girl working in the bar why she was here. She answered that she is the owner of the bar."

At this point I should have informed you that I also asked her about the cost of the pot.

She told me that the pots were special made for her and came from far. So I asked her to show me the bill and, depending of the amount on the bill, I still have the choice to pay cash or still leave it over to my insurance company.

*** She said "Oh no bill, long time ago" and she did not tell me the price nor did me a proposition and the fact that she said things like "special made" and "came from far" made me a bit, well, lets say, hesitating.

This morning I had contact with my insurance company. Now I know how much money the owners of the bar want for the pot and what the i. comp. thinks the value is of the pot. I am not going to give you numbers. All I want to say is that there is a big gap. So I am happy I left it over to my insurance company.

Besides this, I have a question for the mentors/moralists here: Any idea why I paid for a car insurance? And just to inform you: My claim does not affect my insurance premium next year.

And to kalbo123 who wrote:

"You are lucky it happened here, in any civilised country, they would do an alcohol test... "

I feel very happy living in this civilized (with a z) country. If I had the feeling that I am living in an uncivilized country, a feeling you obviously have, I would leave the same day.

An alcohol test had been fine: I came in around 9 pm. Sober.

Edited by cnxnicolas
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I frequent the number 1 bar fairly often and have never had any problems there but then again i have never had any "incidents" there either.

For the price of a cheap plant pot it might have been nice if the owner had let this one go no doubt recouping far more in drink profits from the OP in the future. Everyone is a winner right?

As told by the OP, if this had happened to me, it would certainly influence my decision when choosing a place to go in the future.

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The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road!

Actually he didn't. He said: "The pot, situated almost on the public road, unfortunately broke." So almost is almost, but not quite. Look at Dave2's picture to see the OP's definition of almost.

In any case, the pot is either on the public road, or it's in the bar/restaurant area; I think they are in a very reasonable place, and if anyone hits one then it's their car that's encroaching into the restaurant area, not the pots moving out!

The pic that dave2 posted is very telling. That is such a small soi why would you want to park your car in front of the place anyway? One would think there would be a bit more space somewhere nearby?

He was not trying to park a car there. You cannot park there. He hit a pot most likely while driving out of Number 1's own parking area right next to the place. You have to get that turn correct, it's pretty tight but no more tight than many other regular traffic situations you can get into downtown.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road!

Actually he didn't. He said: "The pot, situated almost on the public road, unfortunately broke." So almost is almost, but not quite. Look at Dave2's picture to see the OP's definition of almost.

In any case, the pot is either on the public road, or it's in the bar/restaurant area; I think they are in a very reasonable place, and if anyone hits one then it's their car that's encroaching into the restaurant area, not the pots moving out!

The pic that dave2 posted is very telling. That is such a small soi why would you want to park your car in front of the place anyway? One would think there would be a bit more space somewhere nearby?

He was not trying to park a car there. You cannot park there. He hit a pot most likely while driving out of Number 1's own parking area right next to the place. You have to get that turn correct, it's pretty tight but no more tight than many other regular traffic situations you can get into downtown.

Yes, your right…I stand corrected. But I feel the point I was trying to make is still valid, that of the insurance company fighting for your corner.

Having drunk a few times there myself, I would agree the Soi is very narrow, not a clever place to be driving up or down unless you need to, I also agree that pots out the front serve as safety barrier.

The main point of my post was to answer the 'why involve the insurance company' posts and the OP's topic was primarily about theattempted extortion of money and the police's fair handling of it all.

Edited by Tonto21
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I would agree with ‘Beetlejuice’ offering to pay 500baht, it would more than cover the cost of some doggy old flower pot, (he didnock it over and smash it) So pay up. I would too make it clear I wouldn’t payany more.

I would not however get in my car and drive off, as afarang you’re always on a back foot and in the picture for a ‘pay-day’ I feelby driving off you are setting yourself up for a bigger problem.

There seems to be people who are confused about the OPcalling his insurer, intimating, ‘it’s only a flower pot’……..1stclass, (fully comp) in Thailand carries one fantastic attribute that UKinsurance, (for example) does not, in Thailand if you have 1st classinsurance any, and I mean any ding, dent, scratch, bump, knock, basically any possibleclam to you while in your vehicle, you can get the insurance company involved,just phone them….and they turn up, within the hour.

So, why would you get your insurance company involved….Firstly, it will more than level the playing field anda lot of the time, any ass-wipes trying to rip you off will melt away when theyknow your Thai insurance company is on its way. Once at your side, they willkick ass, and <deleted>*k anyone off who is not involved, they know the law betterthan the BIB. Fact is, you don’t pay anything, and you can bet your insurancecompany doesn’t want to pay either.

The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road! Youcould find getting your insurance company involved, could get YOU a payout fordamages to your vehicle. If you have ever seen these insurance guys work, youwould know what I mean.

Lastly, the comment about your next year’s insurance premiumsbeing high, sorry………wrong!

I think you will however (check the small print in Thai) find that your class 1 insurance also usually comes with an "excess" - i.e. you will probably have to pay the first 20K, 30K or 50K when making a claim, so I doubt they are going to pay for a 500 Baht pot, which can be picked up in San Patong for under 200!

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The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road!

Actually he didn't. He said: "The pot, situated almost on the public road, unfortunately broke." So almost is almost, but not quite. Look at Dave2's picture to see the OP's definition of almost.

In any case, the pot is either on the public road, or it's in the bar/restaurant area; I think they are in a very reasonable place, and if anyone hits one then it's their car that's encroaching into the restaurant area, not the pots moving out!

The pic that dave2 posted is very telling. That is such a small soi why would you want to park your car in front of the place anyway? One would think there would be a bit more space somewhere nearby?

He was not trying to park a car there. You cannot park there. He hit a pot most likely while driving out of Number 1's own parking area right next to the place. You have to get that turn correct, it's pretty tight but no more tight than many other regular traffic situations you can get into downtown.

50% Change you guessed right, Winnie TheKhwai but it was just the other 50%: I arrived at the bar from the "non Loi kroh side" and went out of my car, expecting the guard to park my car as usual.

As I mensioned before, unfortunately the guard was not there that night. So I went in my car again to park the car myself. To make the turn backwards into the parking area, I had to go a bit more forward first. Then unfortunately I hit the pot because I did not see it and in the meantime had forgotten it was there..

I think all is said by now so I suggest that we end this melodrama on this forum.

This is my first post. I am amazed how many (different) reactions this thread generated.

Thanks everyone!

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As I mensioned before, unfortunately the guard was not there that night. So I went in my car again to park the car myself. To make the turn backwards into the parking area, I had to go a bit more forward first. Then unfortunately I hit the pot because I did not see it and in the meantime had forgotten it was there..

Ah I see. Ok. I normally don't reverse into there, I just drive in and then do a couple 3 point turns to turn around facing back to the exit. But I suppose it's perfectly okay to reverse into it, the guards may do it that way too, not sure.

I think all is said by now so I suggest that we end this melodrama on this forum.

This is my first post. I am amazed how many (different) reactions this thread generated.

That's nothing. And if you think this is contentious, next time try saying something (anything) about their hamburgers! Then you will REALLY experience debate! :)

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I would agree with 'Beetlejuice' offering to pay 500baht, it would more than cover the cost of some doggy old flower pot, (he didnock it over and smash it) So pay up. I would too make it clear I wouldn't payany more.

I would not however get in my car and drive off, as afarang you're always on a back foot and in the picture for a 'pay-day' I feelby driving off you are setting yourself up for a bigger problem.

There seems to be people who are confused about the OPcalling his insurer, intimating, 'it's only a flower pot'……..1stclass, (fully comp) in Thailand carries one fantastic attribute that UKinsurance, (for example) does not, in Thailand if you have 1st classinsurance any, and I mean any ding, dent, scratch, bump, knock, basically any possibleclam to you while in your vehicle, you can get the insurance company involved,just phone them….and they turn up, within the hour.

So, why would you get your insurance company involved….Firstly, it will more than level the playing field anda lot of the time, any ass-wipes trying to rip you off will melt away when theyknow your Thai insurance company is on its way. Once at your side, they willkick ass, and <deleted>*k anyone off who is not involved, they know the law betterthan the BIB. Fact is, you don't pay anything, and you can bet your insurancecompany doesn't want to pay either.

The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road! Youcould find getting your insurance company involved, could get YOU a payout fordamages to your vehicle. If you have ever seen these insurance guys work, youwould know what I mean.

Lastly, the comment about your next year's insurance premiumsbeing high, sorry………wrong!

I think you will however (check the small print in Thai) find that your class 1 insurance also usually comes with an "excess" - i.e. you will probably have to pay the first 20K, 30K or 50K when making a claim, so I doubt they are going to pay for a 500 Baht pot, which can be picked up in San Patong for under 200!

You have missed the point completely! If you have first class insurance, and you involved with a claim against you…………They will sent someone out, and regardless they, (your insurance company) will fight your corner……….Where did I say the insurance co would pay 500? The 500 Baht was mentioned in my fist post as a way to end the whole thing and avoid calling the insurance company! But, if they want to push their hand, and go for 'pay-dirt'…..Then it's nice to be able to push back!

As for paying the first 20, 30…50K of a claim, sorry I don't know what policy you got, the farang special? If you paying this sort of dosh, I suggest you find a better insurance company, I don't pay this………as a matter of fact, I pay 20K this first year for near new pick-up.

Edited by Tonto21
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I would agree with 'Beetlejuice' offering to pay 500baht, it would more than cover the cost of some doggy old flower pot, (he didnock it over and smash it) So pay up. I would too make it clear I wouldn't payany more.

I would not however get in my car and drive off, as afarang you're always on a back foot and in the picture for a 'pay-day' I feelby driving off you are setting yourself up for a bigger problem.

There seems to be people who are confused about the OPcalling his insurer, intimating, 'it's only a flower pot'……..1stclass, (fully comp) in Thailand carries one fantastic attribute that UKinsurance, (for example) does not, in Thailand if you have 1st classinsurance any, and I mean any ding, dent, scratch, bump, knock, basically any possibleclam to you while in your vehicle, you can get the insurance company involved,just phone them….and they turn up, within the hour.

So, why would you get your insurance company involved….Firstly, it will more than level the playing field anda lot of the time, any ass-wipes trying to rip you off will melt away when theyknow your Thai insurance company is on its way. Once at your side, they willkick ass, and <deleted>*k anyone off who is not involved, they know the law betterthan the BIB. Fact is, you don't pay anything, and you can bet your insurancecompany doesn't want to pay either.

The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road! Youcould find getting your insurance company involved, could get YOU a payout fordamages to your vehicle. If you have ever seen these insurance guys work, youwould know what I mean.

Lastly, the comment about your next year's insurance premiumsbeing high, sorry………wrong!

I think you will however (check the small print in Thai) find that your class 1 insurance also usually comes with an "excess" - i.e. you will probably have to pay the first 20K, 30K or 50K when making a claim, so I doubt they are going to pay for a 500 Baht pot, which can be picked up in San Patong for under 200!

You have missed the point completely! If you have first class insurance, and you involved with a claim against you…………They will sent someone out, and regardless they, (your insurance company) will fight your corner……….Where did I say the insurance co would pay 500? The 500 Baht was mentioned in my fist post as a way to end the whole thing and avoid calling the insurance company! But, if they want to push their hand, and go for 'pay-dirt'…..Then it's nice to be able to push back!

As for paying the first 20, 30…50K of a claim, sorry I don't know what policy you got, the farang special? If you paying this sort of dosh, I suggest you find a better insurance company, I don't pay this………as a matter of fact, I pay 20K this first year for near new pick-up.

Correct regarding insurance, an excess of 20k, 30k is extortionate.....my previous policy had no excess and my new one has a 5000 baht excess.

Also, do premiums go up.....hell yeah....on our previous policy me and the GF must have claimed 6 times or so in ONE year (don't blame me!).....you name it and it's been repaired/sprayed/fixed...almost every panel on the car, went to renew and they wanted 25k rather than the previous years 15k....fair enough I thought. But the GF looks at insurance a bit like a lending agreement, we have paid 'x' so we should at least get 'x' back, so any mark gets fixed! Told her it would go up due to our 'impeccable' claims history.

No worries went to another insurance company and got 1st class insurance with a 5k excess for 15k! At least now she thinks twice about claiming with the 5k excess....hallelujaha!

Also, always call the insurance company if there is any dispute or considerable expense involved, they do it all the time and is the norm, they come out and look at the incident, especially if there is another party involved!

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I would agree with 'Beetlejuice' offering to pay 500baht, it would more than cover the cost of some doggy old flower pot, (he didnock it over and smash it) So pay up. I would too make it clear I wouldn't payany more.

I would not however get in my car and drive off, as afarang you're always on a back foot and in the picture for a 'pay-day' I feelby driving off you are setting yourself up for a bigger problem.

There seems to be people who are confused about the OPcalling his insurer, intimating, 'it's only a flower pot'……..1stclass, (fully comp) in Thailand carries one fantastic attribute that UKinsurance, (for example) does not, in Thailand if you have 1st classinsurance any, and I mean any ding, dent, scratch, bump, knock, basically any possibleclam to you while in your vehicle, you can get the insurance company involved,just phone them….and they turn up, within the hour.

So, why would you get your insurance company involved….Firstly, it will more than level the playing field anda lot of the time, any ass-wipes trying to rip you off will melt away when theyknow your Thai insurance company is on its way. Once at your side, they willkick ass, and <deleted>*k anyone off who is not involved, they know the law betterthan the BIB. Fact is, you don't pay anything, and you can bet your insurancecompany doesn't want to pay either.

The OP did say the pot was encroaching on the road! Youcould find getting your insurance company involved, could get YOU a payout fordamages to your vehicle. If you have ever seen these insurance guys work, youwould know what I mean.

Lastly, the comment about your next year's insurance premiumsbeing high, sorry………wrong!

I think you will however (check the small print in Thai) find that your class 1 insurance also usually comes with an "excess" - i.e. you will probably have to pay the first 20K, 30K or 50K when making a claim, so I doubt they are going to pay for a 500 Baht pot, which can be picked up in San Patong for under 200!

You have missed the point completely! If you have first class insurance, and you involved with a claim against you…………They will sent someone out, and regardless they, (your insurance company) will fight your corner……….Where did I say the insurance co would pay 500? The 500 Baht was mentioned in my fist post as a way to end the whole thing and avoid calling the insurance company! But, if they want to push their hand, and go for 'pay-dirt'…..Then it's nice to be able to push back!

As for paying the first 20, 30…50K of a claim, sorry I don't know what policy you got, the farang special? If you paying this sort of dosh, I suggest you find a better insurance company, I don't pay this………as a matter of fact, I pay 20K this first year for near new pick-up.

Correct regarding insurance, an excess of 20k, 30k is extortionate.....my previous policy had no excess and my new one has a 5000 baht excess.

Also, do premiums go up.....hell yeah....on our previous policy me and the GF must have claimed 6 times or so in ONE year (don't blame me!).....you name it and it's been repaired/sprayed/fixed...almost every panel on the car, went to renew and they wanted 25k rather than the previous years 15k....fair enough I thought. But the GF looks at insurance a bit like a lending agreement, we have paid 'x' so we should at least get 'x' back, so any mark gets fixed! Told her it would go up due to our 'impeccable' claims history.

No worries went to another insurance company and got 1st class insurance with a 5k excess for 15k! At least now she thinks twice about claiming with the 5k excess....hallelujaha!

Also, always call the insurance company if there is any dispute or considerable expense involved, they do it all the time and is the norm, they come out and look at the incident, especially if there is another party involved!

It has also been my experience that if you claim, the premiums are not as good as if you do not claim.


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It has also been my experience that if you claim, the premiums are not as good as if you do not claim.

Depends. Depends on the cost of the claim. And depends on what you negotiate; like with everything else in Thailand, insurance premiums are negotiable year by year. You should expect a discount every year, so when making a claim then that's a good time to bring up the topic. In the end the local insurance agent doesn't want to lose your business, usually.

Everything is negotiable, that would be a good thing to keep in mind. Including when dealing with very big global companies, government fees (police fines), hospital bills, school fees, telephone bills that you already received, and EVERYTHING ELSE that is a number.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It has also been my experience that if you claim, the premiums are not as good as if you do not claim.

Depends. Depends on the cost of the claim. And depends on what you negotiate; like with everything else in Thailand, insurance premiums are negotiable year by year. You should expect a discount every year, so when making a claim then that's a good time to bring up the topic. In the end the local insurance agent doesn't want to lose your business, usually.

Everything is negotiable, that would be a good thing to keep in mind. Including when dealing with very big global companies, government fees (police fines), hospital bills, school fees and EVERYTHING ELSE that is a number.

As I posted, that was my experience. It seems you had a different experience.


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