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OLA Cheap Thai language course with ED visa

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I received my paperwork for my 1st extension the day the post re-started in this area Wednesday 2 days ago, my 90days ran out Thursday last week, [you MUST have a visa to continue with the ED visak,]......

Next month will go 30 days early to Immigration for the 90 day ED extension.

As you said yourself, you must extend the ED visa to keep it alive. If you didn't extend it you've lost it, so not sure why you think you can extend an expired visa next month? Unless I'm missing something here?

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I received my paperwork for my 1st extension the day the post re-started in this area Wednesday 2 days ago, my 90days ran out Thursday last week, [you MUST have a visa to continue with the ED visak,]......

Next month will go 30 days early to Immigration for the 90 day ED extension.

As you said yourself, you must extend the ED visa to keep it alive. If you didn't extend it you've lost it, so not sure why you think you can extend an expired visa next month? Unless I'm missing something here?

Is what Immigration said, If sure the paperwork would be within 7 days could have the 7 day extension at Immigration, or get a single Visa then continue with the ED Visa extensions, when the paperwork arrives... They said the 15 day or 30 day Visa on arrival would cancel the ED Visa.

Just doing what BKK Immigration told me to do.

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Is what Immigration said, If sure the paperwork would be within 7 days could have the 7 day extension at Immigration, or get a single Visa then continue with the ED Visa extensions, when the paperwork arrives... They said the 15 day or 30 day Visa on arrival would cancel the ED Visa.

Just doing what BKK Immigration told me to do.

I think perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Yes, in hindsight you could have maybe extended for 7 days and then extended the ED visa for 90 days (within those 7 days) with the correct paperwork but are you not saying you left the country and re-entered on a tourist visa? You just said above that this would cancel the ED visa - is that not what you have done? If you have, I would have thought you'll need a new ED visa before you start getting 90 days extensions again.

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Is what Immigration said, If sure the paperwork would be within 7 days could have the 7 day extension at Immigration, or get a single Visa then continue with the ED Visa extensions, when the paperwork arrives... They said the 15 day or 30 day Visa on arrival would cancel the ED Visa.

Just doing what BKK Immigration told me to do.

I think perhaps I'm misunderstanding. Yes, in hindsight you could have maybe extended for 7 days and then extended the ED visa for 90 days (within those 7 days) with the correct paperwork but are you not saying you left the country and re-entered on a tourist visa? You just said above that this would cancel the ED visa - is that not what you have done? If you have, I would have thought you'll need a new ED visa before you start getting 90 days extensions again.

NO........ Please read what I wrote..... They said the 15 day or 30 day Visa on arrival would cancel the ED Visa.

The 7 day extension or a single TR Visa would NOT cancel the ED visa BKK Immigration said, with the correct paperwork [which I now have since Wednesday afternoon] I could continue with the ED extensions...

If I had extended for 7 days the paperwork would still not have arrived in time, but would have been a 1 day overstay.. No idea what happens regards ED Visa and overstay, never overstayed in any Country in my life + this was my very 1st ED Visa and would have been the 1st Extension.

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NO........ Please read what I wrote..... They said the 15 day or 30 day Visa on arrival would cancel the ED Visa.

The 7 day extension or a single TR Visa would NOT cancel the ED visa BKK Immigration said, with the correct paperwork [which I now have since Wednesday afternoon] I could continue with the ED extensions...

I would see no difference in how you re-entered the country if your existing permission to stay had expired. I would have thought that any future extension would be based on your live visa. I think you're saying that the 90 days permission to stay from your single entry ED has expired but you've now re-entered on a tourist visa but are planning on extending the dead ED visa by 90 days?

If that's what BKK Immigration have agreed then it's good luck for you and a new one on me. Maybe you just have very understanding immigration officers who are showing some compassion in the circumstances, so well done.

Edited by TCA
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update for you all.

I got a non imm ED visa without any problems from Kuala Lumpur using the OLA school.

Cost at KL was 220 Ringgit.

Have just sent them an email asking about my first Thai lesson. Let's see if there is one smile.gif

Well..... 3 months have passed...... so you should go to Immigration now, can you share an update with us all? And did you have any lessons in between?

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I would see no difference in how you re-entered the country if your existing permission to stay had expired. I would have thought that any future extension would be based on your live visa. I think you're saying that the 90 days permission to stay from your single entry ED has expired but you've now re-entered on a tourist visa but are planning on extending the dead ED visa by 90 days?

Update Just got back from Immigration......

Very simple 1st she changes the TR Visa to a '0' = 2,000 baht for this stamp, then 2nd step checks all the paperwork from the OLA School and a 90 day ED Extension stamp + another 1,900 baht for the extension.

I had never seen the lady before [1st time I have been to this new building] and did not go into any detail as to why, she just did the paperwork as if it was a thing done often.


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Hopefully, the Bangkok immigration office will now always change a tourist visa to a non-immigrant visa for applicants who have the necessary paperwork for an extension of stay for the reason of study. Actually, it is probably more of a question of how the Ministry of Education (MoE) handles it.

It used to be that the MoE addressed the letter that is part of the necessary paperwork to the consulate, which meant that application for the visa had to be made at that consulate. Ignis, if you made a copy of the MoE letter for yourself, please look at it and tell us to whom it was addressed.

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  • 1 month later...

May I know where are located the cheapest Thai language school at Pattaya ?


Look on Google.com with "pattaya ed visa school".

There is a good list on pattaya-funtown.com too : http://www.pattaya-funtown.com/visa_education.html

Thai school price go down month after month at Pattaya. :)

You will easily find places at 18,000 baht or less

but in your case I would look for one that not only aims at beginners.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It would be interesting to know if any of the early posters in this thread have received any extensions already based on the OLA school paperwork, like @johnboy for instance. No updates since September last year. No news = good news, they say, but in this case I am wondering...

More in general: does anybody here know if Immigration does give 1 year extensions of the ED visa, if you signed up for a 1-year course? Or do they always give 90 day extensions, regardless the lesson program you entered, meaning you have to get back every 90 days with school paperwork and 1,900 baht?

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It would be interesting to know if any of the early posters in this thread have received any extensions already based on the OLA school paperwork, like @johnboy for instance. No updates since September last year. No news = good news, they say, but in this case I am wondering...

More in general: does anybody here know if Immigration does give 1 year extensions of the ED visa, if you signed up for a 1-year course? Or do they always give 90 day extensions, regardless the lesson program you entered, meaning you have to get back every 90 days with school paperwork and 1,900 baht?

Lest I be labelled a heretic for this, but I'll admit to successfully applying for a 90 day extension based on the OLA school paperwork on Friday 5 March.

I'm not happy with the way things transpired that led to this being the case, and was quite concerned that it was not going to happen; but it happened, and happened quite easily now that all is said and done.

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James, assuming you are doing an online course, do you live in the same province as the school? i.e. did the paperwork for the extension make reference to an OLA school in the area where you live?

Interested to know whether your local immigration office have extended a visa for a school in another province.

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James, assuming you are doing an online course, do you live in the same province as the school? i.e. did the paperwork for the extension make reference to an OLA school in the area where you live?

Interested to know whether your local immigration office have extended a visa for a school in another province.

Your assumption is partially correct - I signed up for an online course, but, alas, no course was offered. Indeed, nothing further was offered after the initial paperwork was received last November. I live in the same province as the school that I thought I signed up with, but it turned out that that school was simply selling courses (or, more correctly, visa paperwork) from OLA - I only found this out upon receiving the paperwork. The realisation that there was not going be any online course came afterwards, and by that time my own learnings were progressing at a pace I was happy with, so I decided to write this off as a learning experience and deal with the repercussions, if any, when they occurred.

The only repercussions thus far, were me having to go to the main OLA school in Bangkok to collect my extension paperwork, and and apply for the extension in Bangkok, as the school has a Bangkok address on my paperwork (not that I have ever lived there).

So, yes, they're selling visas without offering any lessons whatsoever; yes, their paperwork is dodgy; yes, I and, I assume, others was duped by them, thinking we were actually going to learn Thai through them; yes, they are providing the paperwork for the 90 day extensions, and said paperwork is accepted (by Bangkok immigration, at least) no questions asked; and, yes I am aware that I may not be technically legal, but I am also aware that TiT.

Edited by jamesbrock
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick question for those who have applied for the ED-visa.

My finacee and I are due to arrive into BKK on Monday 2nd April. Our paperwork is ready to collect at Walen in BKK, and we want to head down to KL to process it as quickly as possible.

The plan is to head down to KL on Tuesday night and be at the door of the KL embassy when they open on Wednesday. With Fri 6th being a Thai holiday, my concern is that the visa isn't processed in time for collection on the Thursday. I have to travel to Korea the following week and may be away for some time, so want to get it processed as quickly as we can, so I know she is 'sorted'.

Can someone who has gone to the KL embassy to process their ED visa tell me how long the processing time is?

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I was looking infos on schools for having ed-visa .

On May 23rd I went to Time Square Walen School and ask informations regarding the processus to obtain one. The office girl give good advise and I had made the choice right away to go to this school. I tell her that I have to go out of Thailand June 8 as my visa expire on this date.. I ask her if the whole process of papers will be ok for this date. She tell me that it may take 2 to 4 weeks to have the papers back to the school. I ask her if she assure me to have the papers on time. She cannot assure me. But she tell me that if I want to speed up the process I have to pay 5,000 bahts more right away and she promise me that the papers will arrive in 10 days. Also I have to give in advance the 25,000 bahts for the course.

I suddenly back off and tell her I want to think about it.

I went to another school . Same good advise for the girl for the infos. I explain my situation & tell her that I have to go out of Thailand June 8. No problems she tell me. The papers will arrive within 10 days. Are you sure I ask. Yes absolutely sure.

So I paid a deposit of 15,000 b ,the rest payable when she received the papers.

8 days later May 31 she call me and said she have received the papers. I was very happy. I went therre paid the rest of the course, went to Laos and come back with my ed-visa

The question is WHY Walen school charge 5,000 b for having a visa in 10 days if other school can have the same visa in 8 days FREE of charge


Regarding the 5,000 extra, I think she was just cheating you and that she would have pocketed the money. This is because they always say it takes 2-4 weeks. They say this because that is what the MOE says. But, the reality is that it only takes 7-10 days. You would have paid her but it was only to make you feel better, it would not have changed the time you finally get the letter. I say she was trying to scam you.

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Jawnie, I do not think it was the case and it really takes about 4 weeks to process applications in Bangkok. Please refrain from writing things you do not know about regarding Walen school. If someone is not happy with our service and wishes to go somewhere else we understand it and that is ok. We have a lot of happy students and they are willing to pay for our service. In Bangkok we also provide service at the immigration so all your extensions are processed faster, also our staff will help you to fill in all applications forms etc. Walen is indeed first class service. We can also see it by numbers of students moving to our school from other recently opened "Thai" schools. Some are empty or have very few students so they cannot open classed on time or paperwork is not well organized etc. Other schools can be a little cheaper though, if a small price difference is such an issue ok, we accept that and if you follow our school we do not lower our price as it is a fair market price.

Walen School - we deliver!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jawnie, I do not think it was the case and it really takes about 4 weeks to process applications in Bangkok. Please refrain from writing things you do not know about regarding Walen school. If someone is not happy with our service and wishes to go somewhere else we understand it and that is ok. We have a lot of happy students and they are willing to pay for our service. In Bangkok we also provide service at the immigration so all your extensions are processed faster, also our staff will help you to fill in all applications forms etc. Walen is indeed first class service. We can also see it by numbers of students moving to our school from other recently opened "Thai" schools. Some are empty or have very few students so they cannot open classed on time or paperwork is not well organized etc. Other schools can be a little cheaper though, if a small price difference is such an issue ok, we accept that and if you follow our school we do not lower our price as it is a fair market price.

Walen School - we deliver!

In response to the above from MacWalen, my fiancee has just used their servcie to obtain an Education Visa and enroll for the Thai Language class.

Good points : Visa paperwork processed within the timescales issued and very knowledgable on the processing formalities.

Bad Points : The actual teaching. My fiancee is a trained language teacher (Originally Russian, taught English language) and has just returned from her first class. She walked out after 45 mins.

If a school is going to teach newcomers to Thailand anything, you surely have to start with the basics, and work up? Not today. Thrown into a class halfway through the book, having already explained to the staff that she has no knowledge of Thai language or alphabet. Do you really expect people to practice their spelling on the first day, Walen????

I have persuaded her to give the class another go, but now see Walen as a visa farm, fronting as a school.

I would love to know just how many of your happy students actually show up for class, or are their simply for the visa....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will look into it as we do have basic classes and this is not normally the case for new students to go to a higher level, obviously something must have gone terribly wrong here. May I ask what branch are you referring to? I do not see it in your post.

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I will look into it as we do have basic classes and this is not normally the case for new students to go to a higher level, obviously something must have gone terribly wrong here. May I ask what branch are you referring to? I do not see it in your post.

Branch is Times Square building, Sukhumwit.

The thing I was most disappointed about, and my fiancee, was that she was never questioned about her current knowledge of Thai. Just thrown in... Surely, to ensure the student is placed in the course most suitable, there should be some form of 'test' to determine their current knowledge.

If you require more information, please send me a message and I will give you any perosnal details you need to fix this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sent you PM already. This is not the normal practice at Walen, students go to the alphabet class first. Students from book 1 are really good and if a new student sits with them in the same lessons it maybe quite a shock for them. I will make sure it does not happen again. This is Thailand and Thais are most lovely people however do not excel in following instructions. I am not going to charge for those lessons.

Edited by MacWalen
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question to Mac walen.If i would go to your school and when my first year is finished I want to move to a different city(anywere)Will you give the paper work to release me and what ever papers I need for my new school? There is some papers that you can do so I dont have to leave thailand and do the whole visa thing again.Will you assist your student whit this?

Edited by crille30
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