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I had...

You appear to be a gourmet and if you stick with the Chinese culture that anything with legs is edible excluding tables and chairs... :unsure:

toodle pip :rolleyes:

edited for clarification:

I have just driven 5 hours to take my own dog to the vet. I dont trust the ones in our area.

I happen to like pet dogs. I passionately detest feral soi dogs and as many are rabid. These animals shuld be rounded up and euthenised. If some poor human in need of protein wants to eat them, well thats up to them.

Perhaps you shuold be hoping that the soi dogs are infertile thereby reducing the menace to the human population.

toodle pip again :ph34r:

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There are pet dogs taken care of, and there are Thai pet dogs not taken care of and there are abandoned/homeless/feral dogs. Three types.

The vast majority of dogs in Thailand fall in to the category of pets not taken proper care of. Thais simply do not know how or don't care to discipline their dogs. Barking is bothersome for others within earshot. In every neighborhood in Thailand, not exceptions, there are barking dogs. Just as you wouldn't like me to to dump my feces on your front door step (you would smell them, would you not?), please don't enable your dogs to disturb me by barking (I and others hear it). Small dogs are the worst.

When dogs multiply exponentially, then there ensues too many dogs. Even if a Thai family had just one dog, they couldn't properly take care of it, so how can we expect a family to take care of a half dozen or more dogs? The more dogs put together, the more barking and pack-like behavior. it's a proven fact.

I say get rid of 99% of dogs in Thailand by whatever means. If it entails trucking them somewhere else, so be it. It's ugly no matter how you slice the scenario, and irresponsible people enabled it to get to such a sad state of affairs. Thais are nothing if not irresponsible.

We are nothing more than animals ourselves.

Speak for yourself

I can make a list of 200 ways in which animals are better than people. For starters, they don't strap on bomb belts and blow up innocents. Another reason: animals don't psychologically torment others. Would you like me to list the other 198 reasons?


I don't understand why some of you are so uptight over dogs being served as food. It's only a piece of meat and nothing else. I wonder how many of those who condemn eating of dog meats is actually a meat eater themselves.


For Timberboy, post #150 in the closed tred.

Yes i do have dogs and have had dogs since a pup meself.

Personally I would not eat a dog.

I do not have cats and do not particularly like them and I would not eat a cat.

I do not have a snake now, but used to and I would eat snake.

I never had a rat and would not eat rat.

I never had an emu or ostrich but have eaten both.

I have had pet chickens and ducks and do eat duck and chicken.

You don't seem to understand the logic do you ??

(Pick your deity) help us if dogs or cats develop opposable thumbs...... if the chucks get there first, we are really screwed.

Yet, simians that have acquired this opposable thumb are dined upon regularly in many parts of the world.


In every neighborhood in Thailand, not exceptions, there are barking dogs

Not true.

I live in a small Muslim village in Krabi. The village is too small to have a mosque calling to prayer, but even if it did, it would not disturb me as much as barking soi dogs.

There are no dogs in our village, and our landlady forbade us to keep a dog in the house we rent from her.




You do not eat dogs and cats.They are domestic animals.That's it plain and simple.

You do know that cows and sheep are domestic animals also right ??


You do not eat dogs and cats.They are domestic animals.That's it plain and simple.

Be careful your karma doesn't run over your dogma.


In every neighborhood in Thailand, not exceptions, there are barking dogs

Not true.

I live in a small Muslim village in Krabi. The village is too small to have a mosque calling to prayer, but even if it did, it would not disturb me as much as barking soi dogs.

There are no dogs in our village, and our landlady forbade us to keep a dog in the house we rent from her.



I suddenly feel an urge to move to Krabi...


to all the negative posts,a dog is bred as a pet,who becomes part of your family,loyal,intelligent and a freind for life and would put his or her life on the line for you,so if you think its alright to steel someones pet and have them suffer a horrific death the next time your pissed out of what brain you have and laying in the gutter one comes up and pisses all over you.

I have seen few negative but many funny post. In fact this is the best thread for a long time.

I had a pet chicken --- we fed it, raised it and ate it.

I had a pet pig --- we fed it, raised it and ate it.

I had a pet lamb --- we fed it, raised it and ate it.

I had a pet duck --- we fed it, raised it and ate it.

Never tried dog but now have some good recipes.

Why are you making personal attACKS on people who disagree with you?

We are carnivores, as well as omnivorous.

Dog eat dog?


As much as I despise the inhumane treatment of any animal, I also despise the pack of mongrels fighting fornicating and howling at nothing under my bedroom window every night (and day, but that doesn't bother me so much).

The most drastic action I've taken is to throw some water at them... that clears them for a few minutes...

The alternatives don't even bear thinking about.


If the dog 'farmers' were to come to my village, I would shed very few tears...


How about putting in that effort to confront the problem of kids on drugs or in gangs? Pickpockets, muggings and all the scams on the tourist trades. I do have dogs, breed them responsibly, but have also worked as a big game guide to hunt trophy animals. PETA is a joke, big mouths that do nothing but make noise! Hunters pay for almost all of the animal regulation programs and provide habitat as well as enforcement and protection, PETA does protests, they serve no animal in any way. Again you are on foreign soil telling natives how they should become civilized. While I do agree this was not a thing to watch, it has been a culture for some people and not your bussiness to get involved as far as opinions.


Several pointless troll posts removed. Other posts edited or deleted to remove personal attacks.

If you can't discuss this in a civil fashion then don't post at all. If you can't post without the clear intent of angering others then don't post. I, for one, am tired of the bickering and the nastiness among some of our members and am more than happy to suspend your posting rights for a while in order to give you some time to learn good manners.

Pickpockets, muggings and all the scams on the tourist trades.

Animals don't have much of a choice. I also indicated that this planet is in my opinion already too overpopulated by the human species.

Now, let's get back to your posting. How does that match? Erroneously barking up the wrong tree? :blink:

Granted, I do not like human scum taking advantage of others but I am not an activist for a better world or so. This is useless because it is not gonna change a thing. The essence of Buddhism, by the way.

Look, I take care of the fuc_k-ups of other humans in our area. Not more, not less. The Thai people living here know and appreciate that very much and hence accept me as part of the community. I do what is within my reach. My area is my little kingdom and that of some animals that live within. No, we don't have an abortion clinic here and not many tourists either. Same goes for other foreigners which I frankly appreciate. :rolleyes:


I don't mind if people eat dog-meat.

I do however mind if they capture dogs that belong to anyone or if the dogs (or other animals) are made to suffer.


You do not eat dogs and cats.They are domestic animals.That's it plain and simple.

Interesting logic ---- guinea pigs pets or livestock???

In the West generally pets.

In Peru they are a delicacy and they consume over two million per year.

One mans dog is another man's chicken -- simple.:(


I don't mind if people eat dog-meat.

I do however mind if they capture dogs that belong to anyone or if the dogs (or other animals) are made to suffer.

It may well be a godsend to get a lot off the streets, BUT it's the manner it's done, for greed and hardly 1 baht put to the care and transportation. This is supposed to be modern times of compassion -but afraid not it is the era for money and more and sod anything that gets in the way.

Totally unacceptable, but here what is that??? as one poster sajd good that these are killed to feed the poor Issan people===THICK


Slam me if you will, but as an American living in China and Thailand for the last 20 years, I see nothing wrong with the farming and selling of dogs for human consumption. I do however feel there is a need to reform the process in order for it to be more humane for the animals and that health issues are addressed. The stealing of personal pets has to be stopped and proper facilities built to ensure that the animals do not suffer and are treated as well as we do our cattle, chickens and pigs. Not saying that they are treated any better, but at least there are some laws on the books that are supposed to be followed. We will never get rid of the problem unless it is legalized and controlled by the state. All the dogs they have so called "rescued" in this Issan raid will most likely be killed and burned anyway and the whole operation will have done nothing except to take food from people mouths.Maybe next time they want to grab headlines by "rescuing" over a thousand dogs, they will have the foresight to make arrangements for their care before hand.

think you should first of all do a little research on the subject. This is nothing new - it is in fact going on for decades - a German TV crew did a documentary about this approx. 15 years ago.

They filmed not only in Thailand but China, Philippines and Korea as well. The animals are caught and killed for their meat and their fur which is used on hoods and collars of winter jackets often disguised as being "artificial" fur when in fact it is dog or cat.

The team followed a transport with a hidden cam. At the end one of the animal lovers who was with them approached the drivers when they made a stop and managed to buy 3 young dogs from the thieves in Thailand she felt so sorry for the puppies.

Most of the dogs where stolen offering them a treat as bait and then catching them. Some had even collars with names and phone No of the owners. One of the dogs she bought had a phone number on the collar and was re-united with the owner - who told them the dog had gone missing a week ago.

The transports were very similar to the pics emerging now and many died on the way.

This people torture these animals purely for a profit!

The absolute highlight though was the part of the docu in China - where they filmed a bunch of German shepherds absolutely terrified whenever a human being approached – they were not on a leash but had wire around the neck to keep them from escaping.

The proud owner then showed the team how he would be able to sell the meat and also harvest the skin without damaging it by hitting a dog on the head – and then started to skin it while it was still alive and moving – with the other dogs watching and howling in absolute terror.

I only hope that Karma will one day strike back at these people. It is one thing to raise animals for food and kill them in a way to minimise their suffering as much as possible – but it is a totally different thing to torture a living creature to death for pure greed!


I'm embarassed to say that when I was new to Thailand, I was enamored with the Thai people because of their gentle ways and their respect for all living things etc. That fantasy wore off after about 6 months however, when I realized it's just part of the image they sell to the tourists.


What seems to be overlooked is the horrendous way the dog meat is transformed into a "delicacy". While serving in Viet Nam I heard a dog howling in agony all day. When I asked about it I was told that the dogs were slowly beaten to death over the course of a day, and somtimes longer, to bruise the poor hapless creature "all over" to tenderise the meat. That is why this horrific trade should be stopped And nomatter how well an article is written it must be factual.

I heard some stories about Vietnam and those who 'served' there. Horrific stories.

I don't mind if people eat dog. Why not?


Several pointless troll posts removed. Other posts edited or deleted to remove personal attacks.

If you can't discuss this in a civil fashion then don't post at all. If you can't post without the clear intent of angering others then don't post. I, for one, am tired of the bickering and the nastiness among some of our members and am more than happy to suspend your posting rights for a while in order to give you some time to learn good manners.

i apologies if i have let my emotions get the better of me,its not as if i disagree with all the negative posts but its the way that these dogs are killed,after spending close on 30years in thailand i have seen the problem first hand.it is now 2.50am and i have got up as our dog cant settle theres a bitch close by in season,so i will sit with him till sunrise.a.d. og luvr.


I don't understand why some of you are so uptight over dogs being served as food. It's only a piece of meat and nothing else. I wonder how many of those who condemn eating of dog meats is actually a meat eater themselves.

For me it's not the eating but the horrendous treatment that's the problem and the fact they seem to have stolen some of them.

You're right about them only being meat. We humans are only meat as well but I wonder how many people who are OK with eating dogs would eat their family if they died.

One thing I don't understand is why they need to get them from Thailand surely there are enough in Vietnam.


Funny how we get emotional about some creatures and not others. A pig can be just as loyal and intelligent as a dog, in fact we are so close to them we can use their body parts (esp heart valves) in humans. But we eat loads of them.

You can eat a cow, but not a whale. A rabbit but not a dog.

How many of the rabid protesters here will sit down to a steak or tom yam kai tonight?

We are carnivores (ok strictly speaking omnivores) it's what we do. I'm all for the humane treatment of all animals, including those grown for food.

But unless you're vegan (no, you can't be a vege and still eat those poor sea creatures) the outcries are simply hypocritical.

We are nothing more than animals ourselves.


Speak for yourself

???? So, if not animals, what are we then?

Just because our brain is more developed does not mean that the apparatus that carries it around is anything more than an animal.

Frankly, after seeing the London riots, I have to ask if we have actually evolved much anyway.


There was an extensive coverage of the dogs in the animal shelter on Thai tv this morning. The thing that struck me was how friendly all the dogs were. Not at all like savage soi dogs. One has to wonder if they were stolen family pets.

The other thing was that the stench must be incredible, with hundreds of dogs crammed in together.

I do not see any happy ending for those dogs, as after a few days the "public support" will vanish, no food will come in from charitable folk, and what then?


[Most of the dogs where stolen offering them a treat as bait and then catching them.

I wish they'd do that in the neighborhoods I live and work at. Each of the four neighborhoods has at least one pack of dogs which (surprise) bark on and on. I've mentioned it to others. Both Thais and farang admit it does no good to try and reason with 'owners' (who don't know anything about disciplining their dogs). Both farang and Thais suggest killing them with rat poison in meat sandwich. I'm too nice to do that, but I know there are hundreds of thousands of folks in Thailand who do that. What's better: rat poisoning the problem dogs, or seeing the dogs carted off somewhere? I don't know. But I do know there are millions of problem dogs in Thailand - it's more problematic for farang that Thai, because farang think about how to make life better, whereas Thais are adept at telling themselves to accept all sorts of assaults to their senses.

......have also worked as a big game guide to hunt trophy animals.
Why is it that most big game trophy hunters have to wait until they're old and gray to realize the folly of their earlier days (?) - killing large vegetarian beasts with high-powered guns. I wish they'd have had the wisdom, in their younger years, to understand the harm they're doing to innocent animals - some of which are endangered. Causing pain and suffering to animals is sick, and those types pay (and their hosts take big money) to do so.

Funny how we get emotional about some creatures and not others. A pig can be just as loyal and intelligent as a dog, in fact we are so close to them we can use their body parts (esp heart valves) in humans. But we eat loads of them.

You can eat a cow, but not a whale. A rabbit but not a dog.

How many of the rabid protesters here will sit down to a steak or tom yam kai tonight?

We are carnivores (ok strictly speaking omnivores) it's what we do. I'm all for the humane treatment of all animals, including those grown for food.

But unless you're vegan (no, you can't be a vege and still eat those poor sea creatures) the outcries are simply hypocritical.

You can only speak for yourself about this. I get emotional about any animal getting mistreated and I know lots of other people who do as well. And, it isn't just animals. Any time I see a weaker person getting mistreated, or children, it's the same thing. Domestic animals and children etc. are completely dependant on our mercy and we have a responsibility to take good care of them. It boggles my mind that I would even need to explain that to anyone.


Funny how we get emotional about some creatures and not others. A pig can be just as loyal and intelligent as a dog, in fact we are so close to them we can use their body parts (esp heart valves) in humans. But we eat loads of them.

You can eat a cow, but not a whale. A rabbit but not a dog.

How many of the rabid protesters here will sit down to a steak or tom yam kai tonight?

We are carnivores (ok strictly speaking omnivores) it's what we do. I'm all for the humane treatment of all animals, including those grown for food.

But unless you're vegan (no, you can't be a vege and still eat those poor sea creatures) the outcries are simply hypocritical.

You can only speak for yourself about this. I get emotional about any animal getting mistreated and I know lots of other people who do as well. And, it isn't just animals. Any time I see a weaker person getting mistreated, or children, it's the same thing. Domestic animals and children etc. are completely dependant on our mercy and we have a responsibility to take good care of them. It boggles my mind that I would even need to explain that to anyone.

Respectfully CMD you missed my point. I made it clear that I believe in the ethical treatment off all animals regardless of whether we eat them or not. People get emotional about which ones we eat, which as I said, unless you're vegan, makes no sense.


Where is the protests about the skinned and still alive frogs in the markets ??

They have feelings too.....big froggy eyes.....cute little ribbits

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