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Laptop Keeps Switching Off


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Hi All

Just wonder if someone can throw some light on a problem with my laptop starting.

1 Switch on.

2 Black screen with white text comes up with option….(Below)

Safe mode

Safe Mode Networking

Safe mode with command prompt

Last known Configuration

Start windows normally.

3 So I select Start windows normally.

4 It then starts loading windows with the (Loading bar) (10 seconds)

5 Blue screen then appears with some white text (5 Seconds)

6 Then it start’s the whole process again (2 3 4 & 5 Above)

I have plugged the hard drive in to another computer and I seem to be able to access the files so would one think that it is a windows problem?

I’m not sure if it is a legit windows as i was given the some time ago from a friend as surplus to requirements.

If it is a windows problem then what would one suggest the easiest way to reload windows and how would i do this if the Laptop keeps switching on and off)

Thanks in advance


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Yep, definitely a Windows problem. Hardware malfunction can also cause "blue screens", so I wouldn't rule this out either. Select "Safe mode", see if you can get into Windows. Whilst in safe-mode, run System Restore to return Windows to a previous working state.

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Have you tried Safe Mode? If it starts in Safe Mode shut it down and try Last Known Good Configuration.

Thanks for the prompt reply i was just going out the door, did not expect any thing so quick.

I have tried every mode many times but it just keeps reverting thru the steps i mention

Yep, definitely a Windows problem. Hardware malfunction can also cause "blue screens", so I wouldn't rule this out either. Select "Safe mode", see if you can get into Windows. Whilst in safe-mode, run System Restore to return Windows to a previous working state.

Thanks for the prompt reply i was just going out the door, did not expect any thing so quick.

Windows will not load so i am unable to do a system restore.

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It sounds to me that Windows is detecting some hard disk problems and so is trying to do a chkdsk (check disk) to repair the disk or flag any bad sectors. My laptop did exactly this for while. Maybe it's finding a lot of disk errors and so restarting to try again.

If you can connect the disk to another machine, you can check it for errors using the Windows error checking option, delete any old files and defrag it. Put it back in your laptop and try again.

You also want to get it professionally cleaned inside as heat is a big problem for laptops in Thailand and if it's full of dust this makes the heat a big problem.

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If you have your Windows installation disk, boot from it and choose the option to repair your system.

I did think of this on looking for the disc that i don't ever remember having, found the cupboard bear

where if i may ask would i get one from?

Which operating system? Machine make and model?

It is an Acer travelmate 2303 running XP

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Acer machines (at least new ones) have a recovery partition that allows you to return to factory defaults. Do be aware that you will lose any and all files and applications installed on the machine, so if you can copy the files off your drive onto another machine you should do so.

Have a look in the BIOS settings for something like 'enable recovery partition' and turn it on, you should then get the option to press a function key to start recovery.

That would be the preferred option, if you have a genuine Windows serial number (sticker on the bottom of the machine) you could try using one of the 'Pantip' XP disks and that serial, no guarantees there mind.

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You can run a System Restore via Safe mode with a Command prompt

Also you could select Disable the Automatic Restart on System Failure if within the Safe Mode screen. That would give you the option of viewing the error codes on the BSOD.

The ACER XP disc is in your inbox. With that you can initiate Recovery Console, a Repair Install or a clean install in conjunction with the Drivers from the ACER website. Take a note of the Drivers to be installed beforehand if you choose this route.

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Not meaning to scare you but my Lenovo T43p started shutting down for no apparent reason. The shutdowns became more and more frequent before I started getting the strange messages and recommendations that didn't work. Trips to three computer shops yielded the same diagnosis. The mainboard was dead.

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Not meaning to scare you but my Lenovo T43p started shutting down for no apparent reason. The shutdowns became more and more frequent before I started getting the strange messages and recommendations that didn't work. Trips to three computer shops yielded the same diagnosis. The mainboard was dead.

Had similar symptoms on my Acer 4720Z...replaced mother board.

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Not meaning to scare you but my Lenovo T43p started shutting down for no apparent reason. The shutdowns became more and more frequent before I started getting the strange messages and recommendations that didn't work. Trips to three computer shops yielded the same diagnosis. The mainboard was dead.

Had similar symptoms on my Acer 4720Z...replaced mother board.

Repair quotes for mine were from 7,000 to 10,000 baht. Since that was the second main board failure in five years, I decided to scrap the laptop and bought my wife a new faster more up to date Acer for 13,000 baht. It came with Linux so her learning English programs would not work. I put Windows 7 on it and she is quite happy.

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My money is on the processor fan..

All this blue screen and safe mode stuff may just be a result of the computer not getting an opportunity to start up properly and getting a little corrupted, if you can keep it on long enough it may just fix itself.

I have had an Acer that was giving me similar problems, the machine itself (not the windows) was detecting a rapid rise in temperature and shutting off to prevent damage.

I thought of the worst.. motherboard etc.. but was very surprised and also very sceptical when the repairman quoted 200 Baht to change the fan. That was 3 months ago and no problems since.

There is an exhaust on the laptop, can you feel rush of air, can you hear the fan?

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My money is on the processor fan..

All this blue screen and safe mode stuff may just be a result of the computer not getting an opportunity to start up properly and getting a little corrupted, if you can keep it on long enough it may just fix itself.

I have had an Acer that was giving me similar problems, the machine itself (not the windows) was detecting a rapid rise in temperature and shutting off to prevent damage.

I thought of the worst.. motherboard etc.. but was very surprised and also very sceptical when the repairman quoted 200 Baht to change the fan. That was 3 months ago and no problems since.

There is an exhaust on the laptop, can you feel rush of air, can you hear the fan?

I'm having similar problems with one of my laptops, an Acer. Without taking it in for diagnosis yet, I'm pretty sure the problem is happening because the fan does not seem to be working. No rush of air and cannot hear it working. I had the fan cleaned up about six months ago when it was making grinding noises. I wanted to replace but the shop said they could not find one for 4 year old Acer.

So failure to start or restart when hot but no problem when cold. The strange thing is that when it starts cold it stays on, does not shut itself off and works fine. But the palm rest is really hot. Not using it because of this , but I would like to just replace the fan if possible to find.

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