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British kick-boxer to be extradited to Thailand over murder of US Marine

Lite Beer

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So Thailand are "busting a gut" to try and get a British Citizen extradited from the Uk to Thailand to face charges under " Thai Justice" . Interesting how a Thai and former PM (with lots of money),"'Convicted criminal" has never been extradited. Was that because the Thai Justice system could nt get the relevant governments/courts to agree or perhaps they "never really tried very hard"?

Edited by KKvampire
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'And being locked up for 23.5 hours a day ok?' Yes perfectly ok by me, ask the parents of the Soham victims, please read what wasnt reported in the press for fear of an outcry.

'Or do you not know anything about British prisons other then what you read in the Express!' Dont read the Express, read the Thai Rath, is that right wing or left wing enough for you?

I dont live in a euro socialist stalanist state run by left wing bleeding hearts liberals, perhaps you subsribe to the school of thought that prisons are a place of redemption, I dont.

I subscribe to the school of thought you go to a court to be sentanced, I appreciate Thailand may not be for everyone, but it suits me just fine, thankfully I dont pay taxes to keep these scum in conditions better than second world war veterans, your outlook is noted enjoy life in your stassi state where big brother knows best, I enjoy life here just fine.

String 'em up ! - thats the only laguage they understand :(

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So Thailand are "busting a gut" to try and get a British Citizen extradited from the Uk to Thailand to face charges under " Thai Justice" . Interesting how a Thai and former PM (with lots of money),"'Convicted criminal" has never been extradited. Was that because the Thai Justice system could nt get the relevant governments/courts to agree or perhaps they "never really tried very hard"?

Even when a country has an extradition treaty with another country, they almost always state the charges cannot be politically motivated. Regardless of if Thaksin broke laws, it would be impossible to not show that there was/is no political motivation to the charges ... especially now that we see a new political party in power that clearly is paving the way for Thaksin's return.

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Prisons in many countries are over crowded and in a Thai prison you are not kept in a cell 23 hours a day. However, both in Thailand and other countries it is not uncommon to be kept in a cell for 23 hours a day while in "jails" after arrested and while awaiting trial. Violence, gangs,rape, murders and corruption is a common problem in prisons all across the world. Food is also limited in prisons around the world unless you have money to buy more. None of these things will stop an extradition.

It is accepted that prisons are bad places as well as them being worse in less developed nations but you don't get away with murder because of this. Not extraditing him would set a precedent that it is okay to do anything you want in a less developed nation and get away with it as long as you head back to your western home before you are caught.

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There are many things some farang will complain about in Thailand, at the same time there are many things to admire.

One of the things I admire, and wish my country would adopt is the Thai prison system.

So I cant accept the, 'IT really is not hard to accept how inhumane Thai prisons are' statement.

I dont see taxpayers money being wasted on giving prisoners a better lifestyle than many citizens.

Thinking of the way the UK mollycoddles prisoners who are living a better life than many pensioners, I would have no problem if the Thai style were implemented.

When you were in a British prison did you find being locked up in a cell made for 1 by the Victorians with upto 3 others easy?

And being locked up for 23.5 hours a day ok?

Or do you not know anything about British prisons other then what you read in the Express!

Thai prisons maybe fine for murderous and pedos but the majority are in for minor crimes and presumably a great number are innocent and have been fitted up by the Thai police and cant afford decent legal advice.

PS Im sure i met this nutter on a BTS train 5-6 years ago he was kicking off at people for having suitcases on the train at about 3pm, he looked like a bit of a jack the lad in decent clothes etc.. hence it was strange to see someone like this get on one.

Answer yor questions one by one.


When you were in a British prison did you find being locked up in a cell made for 1 by the Victorians with upto 3 others easy?' never been in one, cant comment.

'And being locked up for 23.5 hours a day ok?' Yes perfectly ok by me, ask the parents of the Soham victims, please read what wasnt reported in the press for fear of an outcry.

'Or do you not know anything about British prisons other then what you read in the Express!' Dont read the Express, read the Thai Rath, is that right wing or left wing enough for you?

I dont live in a euro socialist stalanist state run by left wing bleeding hearts liberals, perhaps you subsribe to the school of thought that prisons are a place of redemption, I dont.

I subscribe to the school of thought you go to a court to be sentanced, I appreciate Thailand may not be for everyone, but it suits me just fine, thankfully I dont pay taxes to keep these scum in conditions better than second world war veterans, your outlook is noted enjoy life in your stassi state where big brother knows best, I enjoy life here just fine.

Im not is Stassi Europe, i would vote UKIP hardly bleeding heart, huge govt, liberals, and you seem to completely miss the point about most people being in jail for minor/non crimes, but you use the Soham murder case to emphasise your point, i like your debating skills.

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the " good" news if there is any ( truly the only good news is if we could somehow bring the serviceman back to life) is that this whole thread will be used by the brit's defense team to stop him being brought back to Thailand.

If it was in my country I do not think any judge would allow for it after reading this thread and I cannot see the brit's sending one of their own to such a barbaric pre-decided count where fair play is almost an afterthought.

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Nice attempt to strawman Nisa, but there's no excuse for the disgusting treatment of that British man at the hands of Thai authorities. Absolutely none whatsoever.

I am of the firm belief that no British citizen should be sent to Thailand for any crime. They should be tried, sentenced and punished in the UK similar to what France does with its citizens who have committed crimes abroad.

Sending British subjects to face inhumane conditions and corrupt judicial systems is not acceptable. It just makes us as bad as them and makes us complicit in their inhumanity and corruption.

Like how the French dealt with it's citizens that bombed and sunk the Rainbow Warrior in NZ?

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So Thailand are "busting a gut" to try and get a British Citizen extradited from the Uk to Thailand to face charges under " Thai Justice" . Interesting how a Thai and former PM (with lots of money),"'Convicted criminal" has never been extradited. Was that because the Thai Justice system could nt get the relevant governments/courts to agree or perhaps they "never really tried very hard"?

Even when a country has an extradition treaty with another country, they almost always state the charges cannot be politically motivated. Regardless of if Thaksin broke laws, it would be impossible to not show that there was/is no political motivation to the charges ... especially now that we see a new political party in power that clearly is paving the way for Thaksin's return.

The Conviction against Thaksin was for Financial criminality, If you are saying any request for a politican is 'Politically motivated" you are wrong because that would mean immunity for any politician and a false excuse in any defence. when attempting to avoid extradition

Edited by KKvampire
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So Thailand are "busting a gut" to try and get a British Citizen extradited from the Uk to Thailand to face charges under " Thai Justice" . Interesting how a Thai and former PM (with lots of money),"'Convicted criminal" has never been extradited. Was that because the Thai Justice system could nt get the relevant governments/courts to agree or perhaps they "never really tried very hard"?

Even when a country has an extradition treaty with another country, they almost always state the charges cannot be politically motivated. Regardless of if Thaksin broke laws, it would be impossible to not show that there was/is no political motivation to the charges ... especially now that we see a new political party in power that clearly is paving the way for Thaksin's return.

The Conviction against Thaksin was for Financial criminality, If you are saying any request for a politican is 'Politically motivated" you are wrong because that would mean immunity for any politician and a false excuse in any defence. when attempting to avoid extradition

I didn't say politicians are not able to be extradited. However, as I stated, most extraditions treaties exclude extraditing those where the charges are politically motivated ... the treaty with the UK and Thailand includes this clause too.

Edited by Nisa
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Some of you guys crack me up. Just come out and say "I hope this coward gets away with it".

Ever see the movie "Man on Fire"? The scene where Denzel Washington has the guy backward spread-eagled over the trunk?

That's what Aldhouse deserves. A bit of extrajudicial punishment.

And was the film based upon fact or fiction?

Do you know?

Do we now turn to fantasy non hero's for our guidance? And what happened to the "hero" in that film?

They pretty much ended up the same way did they not.

Bagged and sent home.

The perp(s) or some of them, still out and about. Not a very good way to carry on .

Idolizing vigilantly non hero who end up dead while the" guilty" or more accuratly the accused roam free.Great example and great progressive thinking which I am sure will help bring an end to these sorts of matter's.

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Some of you guys crack me up. Just come out and say "I hope this coward gets away with it".

Ever see the movie "Man on Fire"? The scene where Denzel Washington has the guy backward spread-eagled over the trunk?

That's what Aldhouse deserves. A bit of extrajudicial punishment.

I am a Brit and i sincerely hope that this guy does have to pay for his heinous crime and what better place to do this than in a Thai prison. Now whether the British/European judicial system will agree with me, that's possibly a different story. I think a lot of the Brits on this thread are just telling it as it is and it is pretty much in the hands of the courts on the day.

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It's quite common for western murderers in Thailand, that murder other westerners here to be sentenced to 3 years and under for their murder.

So he'll probably spend more time in UK prisons waiting for the impossible extradition to be completely denied than he would serving time here if by some miracle he was to ever stand in front of a Thai sentencing judge. :rolleyes:

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A post that was discussing the topic that went off topic has been removed as well as reply to it. This topic is not about the US involvement with Iraq.

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Posts have been removed as a poster had deleted quoted post headers as he had reached the maximum number of nested quotes allowed leading to misunderstanding of who posted what. When replying to certain parts of a post, learn how to use the Insert quotation feature.


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If he is guilty, then a thai jail cell for life is a decent compensation for his behavior. When a man who is a trained fighter attacks another man, and beats him to death, then he is simply a goon, a goomba, and a wannabe gangster. Of course, there are few Brits that fit that category.

He stabbed him to death, according to the news topic.

So he is not so tough after all.

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Prisons in many countries are over crowded and in a Thai prison you are not kept in a cell 23 hours a day. However, both in Thailand and other countries it is not uncommon to be kept in a cell for 23 hours a day while in "jails" after arrested and while awaiting trial. Violence, gangs,rape, murders and corruption is a common problem in prisons all across the world. Food is also limited in prisons around the world unless you have money to buy more. None of these things will stop an extradition.

It is accepted that prisons are bad places as well as them being worse in less developed nations but you don't get away with murder because of this. Not extraditing him would set a precedent that it is okay to do anything you want in a less developed nation and get away with it as long as you head back to your western home before you are caught.

However in a 1st world country like the UK they insist that prisoners are fed watered & kept in humane conditions . Also Human rights Laws insist on this. It may be hard for someone from a third world country to accept this but thats the way it is .

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Some of you guys crack me up. Just come out and say "I hope this coward gets away with it".

Ever see the movie "Man on Fire"? The scene where Denzel Washington has the guy backward spread-eagled over the trunk?

That's what Aldhouse deserves. A bit of extrajudicial punishment.

Gung ho Gung ho , I suppose you are the man willing to do it ?

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Some of you guys crack me up. Just come out and say "I hope this coward gets away with it".

Ever see the movie "Man on Fire"? The scene where Denzel Washington has the guy backward spread-eagled over the trunk?

That's what Aldhouse deserves. A bit of extrajudicial punishment.

Gung ho Gung ho , I suppose you are the man willing to do it ?

Yes Gung ho. I have never seen the film, it is a film not real life. Those who quote films are usually the last to take up reality. Sorry judgejohn for nicking your post

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Some of you guys crack me up. Just come out and say "I hope this coward gets away with it".

Ever see the movie "Man on Fire"? The scene where Denzel Washington has the guy backward spread-eagled over the trunk?

That's what Aldhouse deserves. A bit of extrajudicial punishment.

Gung ho Gung ho , I suppose you are the man willing to do it ?

Yes Gung ho. I have never seen the film, it is a film not real life. Those who quote films are usually the last to take up reality. Sorry judgejohn for nicking your post

Thats ok but expect to be extridited for theft to Thailand to do some time in those beautiful prisons.

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